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Making == symmetric?


9/30/2003 11:18:00 PM

It has always bothered me that == is not symmetric in ruby:
a == b is shorthand for a.==(b), while b == a is shorthand for
b.==(a), and a and b might not agree on whether they are equal.

I have an idea as to how to fix this, and was thinking of posting an
RCR on rubygarden, but I thought I'd post here first and see if I've
missed any major problems.

First of all: yes, this issue does come up in real code.
Here's a quick example I ran into today:

require "delegate"

class Foo

class D < SimpleDelegator
def initialize(obj)

f = Foo.new
d = D.new(f)

d == f #evaluates to true
f == d #evaluates to false

I ran into a similar problem trying to implement perl6-style
junctions: you end up with any(1,2,3) == 1 being true, but 1 ==
any(1,2,3) being false.

My proposed solution is this:
Instead of a == b being shorthand for a.==(b), it should be shorthand
for Kernel::compare(a, b).

def compare(a,b)
if a.can_compare_to?(b)
return a.compare_to(b)
elsif b.can_compare_to?(a)
return b.compare_to(a)
return false

This way, a class is only responsible for comparing itself to other
classes it knows about. This allows a lot more flexibility, because
you can define new classes that introduce their own semantics for
equality w.r.t existing classes (i.e., you can make a new class that
is equal to some strings, without having to change String to know
about the new class).

Compare this to the current situation, where an object is responsible
for comparing itself to any kind of object. In this situation, the
only sensible response for a class that you know nothing about is
"false", which limits flexibility, and can lead to == being

Of course, this solution isn't perfect -- if a and b both know about
each other, but have diffening ideas of equality, then a == b and b ==
a will still return different results. But that's a lot easier to
avoid than the problems which arise under the current handling of ==.

This solution might be extended to other operators that should be
symmetric, as well (such as +), but == is the most widely used and I
think the most important to fix.
8 Answers

Ben Giddings

10/1/2003 3:49:00 AM


Nathan Weston wrote:
> def compare(a,b)
> if a.can_compare_to?(b)
> return a.compare_to(b)
> elsif b.can_compare_to?(a)
> return b.compare_to(a)
> else
> return false
> end
> end

How about

def compare(a, b)
retval = false
if a.can_compare_to(b)
retval = a.compare_to(b)
if retval and b.can_compare_to(a)
retval = b.compare_to(a)

return retval

This way if both of them know how to compare themselves to the other one,
the comparison returns true only if both agree they''re equal.

Aside from the code though, I''m not sure if I like the idea. While in
principle I agree that equality tests should be symmetrical, I also think
that it is more natural to have an equality operator which you can
overload. I think you''d still need "can_compare_to?" to know if ''a'' knows
how to compare itself to an instance of ''b''...

Maybe instead:

def compare(a, b)
retval = false
if a.can_compare_to?(b)
retval = a.==(b)
if retval and b.can_compare_to?(a)
retval = b.==(a)

return retval

Interesting food for thought though.


Robert Klemme

10/1/2003 7:11:00 AM


"Ben Giddings" <bg-rubytalk@infofiend.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Nathan Weston wrote:
> > def compare(a,b)
> > if a.can_compare_to?(b)
> > return a.compare_to(b)
> > elsif b.can_compare_to?(a)
> > return b.compare_to(a)
> > else
> > return false
> > end
> > end
> How about
> def compare(a, b)
> retval = false
> if a.can_compare_to(b)
> retval = a.compare_to(b)
> end
> if retval and b.can_compare_to(a)
> retval = b.compare_to(a)
> end
> return retval
> end
> This way if both of them know how to compare themselves to the other
> the comparison returns true only if both agree they''re equal.

But that''s inefficient to a degree that can cause problems for
applications. You end up always doing two comparisons. Even making the
compare() method more complex (i.e do only one comparison if the
instances'' classes match) doesn''t really solve this issue since for the
standard case you still get the overhead.

> Aside from the code though, I''m not sure if I like the idea. While in
> principle I agree that equality tests should be symmetrical, I also
> that it is more natural to have an equality operator which you can
> overload. I think you''d still need "can_compare_to?" to know if ''a''
> how to compare itself to an instance of ''b''...
> Maybe instead:
> def compare(a, b)
> retval = false
> if a.can_compare_to?(b)
> retval = a.==(b)
> end
> if retval and b.can_compare_to?(a)
> retval = b.==(a)
> end
> return retval
> end

Doesn''t solve the overhead problem.

What one would really need is multiple dispatch:

module Kernel
def self.register_compare(classA, classB, &comp)
( @comparisons ||= {})[ [classA, classB] ] = comp
@comparisons[ [classB, classA] ] = proc { |b,a| comp.call(a, b) }

def self.compare(a, b)
c = @comparisons[ [a.class, b.class] ]
c.nil? ? a == b : c.call( a, b )

class Foo
Kernel.register_compare( self, self ) do |a,b|
puts "Foo == Foo"

def ==(b)
Kernel.compare( self, b )

class Bar < Foo
Kernel.register_compare( self, self ) do |a,b|
puts "Bar == Bar"

Kernel.register_compare( self, Foo ) do |a,b|
puts "Bar == Foo"

f1 = Foo.new
f2 = Foo.new

f1 == f2

b1 = Bar.new
b2 = Bar.new

b1 == b2

b1 == f1
f1 == b1

But this has several disadvantages, too: You keep creating all those
temporary arrays and you have the need for O(n**2) comparison operators.




10/1/2003 5:13:00 PM


"Robert Klemme" <bob.news@gmx.net> wrote in message news:<ble00n$b7qp2$2@ID-52924.news.uni-berlin.de>...
> "Ben Giddings" <bg-rubytalk@infofiend.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:3F7A4EBC.20007@infofiend.com...
> > Nathan Weston wrote:


> >
> > Maybe instead:
> >
> > def compare(a, b)
> > retval = false
> > if a.can_compare_to?(b)
> > retval = a.==(b)
> > end
> > if retval and b.can_compare_to?(a)
> > retval = b.==(a)
> > end
> >
> > return retval
> > end
> Doesn't solve the overhead problem.
> What one would really need is multiple dispatch:
> module Kernel
> def self.register_compare(classA, classB, &comp)
> ( @comparisons ||= {})[ [classA, classB] ] = comp
> @comparisons[ [classB, classA] ] = proc { |b,a| comp.call(a, b) }
> end
> def self.compare(a, b)
> c = @comparisons[ [a.class, b.class] ]
> c.nil? ? a == b : c.call( a, b )
> end
> end
> class Foo
> Kernel.register_compare( self, self ) do |a,b|
> puts "Foo == Foo"
> false
> end
> def ==(b)
> Kernel.compare( self, b )
> end
> end
> class Bar < Foo
> Kernel.register_compare( self, self ) do |a,b|
> puts "Bar == Bar"
> false
> end
> Kernel.register_compare( self, Foo ) do |a,b|
> puts "Bar == Foo"
> false
> end
> end
> f1 = Foo.new
> f2 = Foo.new
> f1 == f2
> b1 = Bar.new
> b2 = Bar.new
> b1 == b2
> b1 == f1
> f1 == b1
> But this has several disadvantages, too: You keep creating all those
> temporary arrays and you have the need for O(n**2) comparison operators.
> Regards
> robert

That seems a bit too messy to me. Just overriding == is cleaner and
more intuitive.
How about:

def compare(a, b)
if a.can_compare_to?(b)
return a.==(b)
elsif b.can_compare_to?(a)
return b.==(a)
return false

I think the problem Ben's proposal is trying to avoid is something
like this:

class Foo
def can_compare_to?(obj)
if obj.is_a?(Bar)
return true

#Foo thinks that it is not equal to any Bar object
def ==(obj)
if obj.is_a?(Bar)
return false

class Bar
def can_compare_to?(obj)
if obj.is_a?(Foo)
return true

#Bar thinks that it is equal to any Foo object
def ==(obj)
if obj.is_a?(Foo)
return true

Under Ben's solution:
Foo.new == Bar.new #false
Bar.new == Foo.new #false

So, the writer of Foo is happy, because he always gets the answer he
wanted. But the writer of Bar is unhappy, because he wanted true in
both cases.

Under my proposal
Foo.new == Bar.new #false
Bar.new == Foo.new #true

The writers of Foo and Bar are both unhappy, because they get the
wrong result in one case.

However, I would argue that, under both Ben's proposal and my
proposal, you get broken behavior -- it's just broken in different
ways. Either way, to get non-broken behavior, you need the writers of
Foo and Bar to come to some agreement about how their classes are
compared (which I don't think is unreasonable). And my way only does
one comparison, instead of 2.

Also, I suggest this default implentation of can_compare_to?

class Object
def can_compare_to?(obj)
return obj.kind_of?(self.class)

This way, in the common case where objects of class A are only equal
to other objects of class A, there is no need to override

The main problem I still see is the need to override can_compare_to?
at all. If this change is implemented, I expect many people will
override #== and be confused when this has no effect.

Maybe there is a way for #== to return an "I don't know" result, which
could remove the need for can_compare_to? at all. Newbies could still
break things by writing == methods that return false as a default
(instead of "I don't know"), but this would really only be a problem
if they were writing class libraries for someone else's consumption
(which hopefully they wouldn't be doing).



10/1/2003 5:17:00 PM


Ben Giddings <bg-rubytalk@infofiend.com> wrote in message news:<3F7A4EBC.20007@infofiend.com>...
> Maybe instead:
> def compare(a, b)
> retval = false
> if a.can_compare_to?(b)
> retval = a.==(b)
> end
> if retval and b.can_compare_to?(a)
> retval = b.==(a)
> end
> return retval
> end

I agree that the use of == instead of compare_to is more intuitive if
people want to override equality. In general, I'm not attached to the
specific names I've thrown out in this example -- Kernel#compare could
just as easily be Kernel#==, if that makes more sense.


Sean O'Dell

10/1/2003 5:31:00 PM


Nathan Weston wrote:
> It has always bothered me that == is not symmetric in ruby:
> a == b is shorthand for a.==(b), while b == a is shorthand for
> b.==(a), and a and b might not agree on whether they are equal.

My own opinion on this is: == is like asking one object if it's equal to
another. I know that particular operator is supposed to provide a
balanced equality test, but I only thought of == that way early in my
programming career; that notion has long since been replaced with the
notion that one side is asking if the other side is equal, and switching
things around will yield different results. Because of this, the way
Ruby handles == always made perfect sense to me.

But it would be nice to have a way to perform a perfectly symmetrical
balanced test.

Perhaps a solution would be to create a module that overrides == and
adds ==? to some or all classes. The ==? operator can return true,
false or nil. Nil would mean the method isn't really an authority. The
overridden == method can try the ==? method for both objects. If one or
both ==? methods return true or false, that's the answer. If both
return different, non-nil answers, an exception can be thrown. If both
return nil, then the super == method can be called to alert you that
both objects consider themselves an authority, but they are not
returning the same result.


class Object

def ==?(comparator)
return nil

def ==(comparate)
left = ==?(comparate)
right = comparate.==?(self)
if (left == nil and right == nil) then
return super
elsif (left == right)
return left and right ? true : false
elseif (left == nil)
return right
elseif (right == nil)
return left
raise "both comparates return unbalanced equality tests"


class String

def ==?(comparate)
return self.to_s == comparate.to_s if (comparate.class == Number)
return super


class Number

def ==?(comparate)
return self.to_s == comparate if (comparate.class == String)
return super


Clearly this is something that ought to be written in C, not Ruby, for
speed purposes, but the idea seems right to me. Everything can even be
kept in one module, expressly for the purpose of include'ing when
needed, so this sort of implementation wouldn't break existing code.

Sean O'Dell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

10/1/2003 6:16:00 PM


W li?cie z ?ro, 01-10-2003, godz. 19:31, Sean O'Dell pisze:

> My own opinion on this is: == is like asking one object if it's equal to
> another. I know that particular operator is supposed to provide a
> balanced equality test, but I only thought of == that way early in my
> programming career; that notion has long since been replaced with the
> notion that one side is asking if the other side is equal, and switching
> things around will yield different results. Because of this, the way
> Ruby handles == always made perfect sense to me.

This is like saying "my programming model is unable to describe the
reality accurately, so let's change the reality to make it fit the

For me this is simply a shortcoming in the traditional single-dispatched
OO way of thinking, that it can't make the meaning of == depend on the
types of both arguments.

I don't say that the language should enforce == to be symmetric. I say
that the language should allow to define a symmetric == with the desired

So I'm a fan of generic functions. Unfortunately they don't quite fit
Ruby (or Ruby doesn't quite fit my programming model) - I don't know if
emulating them in Ruby is worth the effort.

__("< Marcin Kowalczyk
\__/ qrczak@knm.org.pl
^^ http://qrnik.knm.org.p...

Sean O'Dell

10/1/2003 7:43:00 PM


Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk wrote:
> W li?cie z ?ro, 01-10-2003, godz. 19:31, Sean O'Dell pisze:
>>My own opinion on this is: == is like asking one object if it's equal to
>>another. I know that particular operator is supposed to provide a
>>balanced equality test, but I only thought of == that way early in my
>>programming career; that notion has long since been replaced with the
>>notion that one side is asking if the other side is equal, and switching
>>things around will yield different results. Because of this, the way
>>Ruby handles == always made perfect sense to me.
> This is like saying "my programming model is unable to describe the
> reality accurately, so let's change the reality to make it fit the
> model".

The notion of a symmetrical equality test is an abstract concept. In
reality, whether it's Ruby or anything else, testing is NOT symmetrical.

If you compare two objects in real life, you have to compare one to the
other by first observing one, then the second object. You can decide to
either observe in one pass (object A first, then object B) or can
observe a second time (object B first, then object A) and decide if they
are equal.

You can make as many passes as you want, or you can just make one pass.

If you say:

if (a == b) then

... then you are accepting one pass. If you say:

if (a == b and b == a) then

... then you are demanding a second pass and trying to get a better idea
if they are equal or not.

Although I want to know if A and B are equal, I accept that the equality
test is one object comparing itself to another. This is acceptable to
me, and if I want more, I can override the == method or perform more
tests to get the result I want.

> For me this is simply a shortcoming in the traditional single-dispatched
> OO way of thinking, that it can't make the meaning of == depend on the
> types of both arguments.
> I don't say that the language should enforce == to be symmetric. I say
> that the language should allow to define a symmetric == with the desired
> meaning.

But it does. You can very easily override == just as I described in my
example code. You can make == anything you want it to be, for any
class, existing or not.

> So I'm a fan of generic functions. Unfortunately they don't quite fit
> Ruby (or Ruby doesn't quite fit my programming model) - I don't know if
> emulating them in Ruby is worth the effort.

I'm just glad Ruby *lets* us override and emulate ... to our heart's
content, it lets us. =)

Sean O'Dell

Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk

10/1/2003 8:20:00 PM


W li?cie z ?ro, 01-10-2003, godz. 21:42, Sean O'Dell pisze:

> The notion of a symmetrical equality test is an abstract concept. In
> reality, whether it's Ruby or anything else, testing is NOT symmetrical.

The method used to determine the outcome is not symmetrical internally,
but the outcome is (or rather: should be).

> If you say:
> if (a == b) then
> ... then you are accepting one pass. If you say:
> if (a == b and b == a) then
> ... then you are demanding a second pass and trying to get a better idea
> if they are equal or not.

My concept of == requires that they give the same result, i.e. if they
differ then some definition of == must be insane (probably a programmer-
-supplied interpretation of == for a particular type).

I mean that if an algorithm relies on == being symmetrical but doesn't
explicitly check both directions and fails because of this, then the
fault is at the definition of ==, not in the algorithm which uses ==.

It wouldn't know what to do with conflicting answers anyway, except to
signal error. Why do you use "and" and not "or" for example?

Well, another, equally valid requirement is x==x, which is usually not
satisied by NaN. I say: it is indeed against the rules; sometimes it's
useful to make an exception. You shouldn't rely much on equality of
floats anyway.

> > I don't say that the language should enforce == to be symmetric. I say
> > that the language should allow to define a symmetric == with the desired
> > meaning.
> But it does. You can very easily override == just as I described in my
> example code. You can make == anything you want it to be, for any
> class, existing or not.

How to make a new numeric type (say, long integer objects from another
language or library wrapped as Ruby objects) and make == between this
type and other numeric types compute the equality of numbers being
represented? You don't know all other numeric types.

__("< Marcin Kowalczyk
\__/ qrczak@knm.org.pl
^^ http://qrnik.knm.org.p...