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Re: [ANN] Euruko 2003 Videos available at ruby-doc.org

Robert McGovern

9/16/2003 2:31:00 PM

>>> chad@chad..... 09/16/03 03:17pm >>>
How many RubyConf attendees have webcams that we could use for
like this? We could then edit together the "low-budget" rubyconf
<<< chad@chad..... 09/16/03 03:17pm <<<

Well I have one from work that I am not using that I would be happy to
send over for use by someone



2 Answers

Jerry Okamura

1/24/2008 7:13:00 PM


and in a far more excellent and delightful manner; and was
filled with a more exceeding sweetness. She likewise gave me such an
account of the sense she once had, from day to day, of the glory of
Christ, and of God, in His various attributes, that it seemed to me she
dwelt for days together in a kind of beatific vision of God; and seemed
to have, as I thought, as immediate an intercourse with Him, as a child
with a father. At the same time, she appeared most remote from any high
thought of herself, and of her own sufficiency; but was like a little
child, and expressed a great desire to be instructed, telling me that
she longed very often to come to me for instruction, and wanted to live
at my house, that I might tell her what was her duty.

She often expressed a sense of the glory of God appearing in the trees,
the growth of the fields, and other works of God's hands. She told her
sister who lived near the heart of the town, that she once thought it a
pleasant thing to live in the middle of the town, but now, says she, I
think it much more pleasant to sit and see the wind blowing the trees,
and to behold in the country what God has made. She had sometimes the
powerful breathings of the Spirit of God on her soul, while reading the
Scripture; and would express her sense of the certain truth and divinity
thereof. She sometimes would appear with a pleasant smile on her


1/24/2008 8:12:00 PM


lay it waste, and
destroy it; the earth shall only bring forth thorns, and I will forbid the
clouds from raining upon it. The vineyard of the Lord is the house of
Israel, and the men of Judah His pleasant plant. I looked that they should
do justice, and they bring forth only iniquities."

Is. 8: "Sanctify the Lord with fear and trembling; let Him be your only
dread, and He shall be to you for a sanctuary, but for a stone of stumbling
and a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a
snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and many among them shall stumble
against that stone, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and perish. Hide
my words, and cover my law for my disciples.

"I will then wait in patience upon the Lord that hideth and concealeth
Himself from the house of Jacob."

Is. 29: "Be amazed and wonder, people of Israel; stagger and stumble, and be
drunken, but not with wine; stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord
hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. He will close your eyes;
He will cover your princes and your prophets that have visions." (Daniel
xii: "The wicked shall not understand, but the wise shall understand."
Hosea, the last chapter, the last verse, after many temporal blessings,
says: "Who is wise, and he shall understand these things?" etc.) "And the
visions of all the prophets are become unto you as a sealed book, which men
deliver to one that is learned, and who can read; and he saith, I cannot