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Re: Dot versus double-colon

Nathaniel Talbott

9/15/2003 12:04:00 AM

Hal Fulton [mailto:hal9000@hypermetrics.com] wrote:

> OK, I've been thinking (always dangerous after 11 pm).
> Class-level entities can be accessed via a double-colon.
> No big mystery:
> File::open(...)
> Happily, a class method can also be accessed via a dot:
> File.open(...)
> But a constant can't:
> File.SEPARATOR # syntax error
> First, why is it this way?

I think because scoping must necessarily have its own notation - consider
the following:

class T; end

class C
class T; end

def T; end

def m

If you were to use a '.' in place of the '::' here, you'd end up with an
ambiguous expression, as the following is perfectly legal:


There's also the fact that if you eliminated double-colon in favor of dot
you'd basically have to force all methods to start with a lowercase letter:

class C
class T; end
def T; end

Should the method T in this case completely replace the class T? What about
all of the constants nested within T? Of course, since methods starting with
uppercase letters are generally frowned upon, that might not affect that
much code, but it would still be a pretty drastic change.

Now, as for using '::' for calling singleton methods... well, as far as I
can tell, you can use it for calling _any_ method, singleton or not:

irb(main):001:0> Object::new::to_s
=> "#<Object:0x2ba4098>"
irb(main):002:0> Object::new::inspect
=> "#<Object:0x2ba1770>"
irb(main):003:0> String::new::strip
=> ""

So, if one uses both double-colon and dot in one's code for method access,
it is necessarily in an arbitrary fashion. For some reason that I do not
fully understand, I find using '::' for class method access aesthetically


I tell myself that I like it because it makes the same code tell me more
about itself at a glance, but I'm not sure about that. I think it might have
more to do with the fact that it's more consistent looking (to me) when I'm
chaining constants together to access a class method:


Anyhow, that's my current take on the matter, subject to vacillation at any
point in the future. I actually just switched over to doing things this way
a few months back after seeing it in someone else's code.

> Personally, I don't like the :: anyway, as it reminds me
> of C++.

Well, I didn't use to like underscores in method names and local variables,
but now I find them quite appealing. After that experience I've determined
to not judge the notation of one language just because it's like (or not
like) the notation of another language, unless the notation in question has
serious practical downsides. It wouldn't do to have a language like C++ or
Java spoiling my Ruby bliss :-)

> By the way, for those who are wondering, this *is* possible:
> class File
> def self.SEPARATOR
> end
> end
> File.SEPARATOR # "/"
> Even though it looks almost like recursion. Hmm, that raises the question
> why/how this works.

From a bit of irb exploration it would appear that this works because '::'
will always bind to a constant in preference of a method, while '.' is
guaranteed to bind to a method.

> And another issue is: One *could* write a little module that, when
included in a
> class, exposed all the class's constants in this way. Within five minutes
I had it
> "almost" working. I'll bet someone in another timezone or with more
caffeine could
> have it working in three. Anyone?

I guess it reminds me of writing a module to allow one to access all
under_score methods as camelCase: you can do it (love that Ruby!), but would
it just confuse folks who read your code? I think I would be confused.

It's been fun thinking about this... thanks for the brain food, Hal!



1 Answer

Hal E. Fulton

9/15/2003 12:38:00 AM


Nathaniel Talbott wrote:

> I think because scoping must necessarily have its own notation - consider
> the following:


These are the most compelling reasons I''ve seen yet. Thanks, Nathaniel.

It just goes to show that Matz was smarter 11 years ago than I am

> It''s been fun thinking about this... thanks for the brain food, Hal!

Not very nourishing, I''m afraid. :)
