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12/28/2013 10:54:00 PM

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4 Answers

William Vaughn

12/18/2007 4:40:00 PM


Not really. Consider that the VS tools are generating a strongly typed
DataSet at design time--not at runtime. There is no mechanism to generate
the code at runtime.

William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker???s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
"Igor" <Igor@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>I changed the SelectCommand and VS picked the changes but not the final
> version of the Select command.
> Now I'm using SqlUpdateCommand4.CommandText ="update query; a very long
> select query..." in the Load Sub.
> Can I somehow force VS to pick new select query?
> I liked more VS2003 way to do this. There I could edit select query after
> the update or insert.
> --
> Igor
> "William Vaughn" wrote:
>> Ah, simply change the SelectCommand on the DataAdapter. The question is,
>> will the CommandBuilder pick up that change (if it's being used) or will
>> the
>> bound controls or other VS-generated code pick up the change.
>> --
>> __________________________________________________________________________
>> William R. Vaughn
>> President and Founder Beta V Corporation
>> Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
>> Microsoft MVP
>> (425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
>> Hitchhiker???s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
>> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
>> "Igor" <Igor@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>> news:6ED79FFD-17FD-4A85-89F8-A070ED52A6C3@microsoft.com...
>> > How can I modify the Select statement after the Update statement in
>> > sqldataadapter ADO 2.0? (add columns)
>> > --
>> > Igor

Cor Ligthert [MVP]

12/19/2007 4:36:00 AM



> Ah, simply change the SelectCommand on the DataAdapter. The question is,
> will the CommandBuilder pick up that change (if it's being used) or will
> the bound controls or other VS-generated code pick up the change.

The magic commandbuilder will only pick up those items which are accoording
to the fill part of the DBDataAdapter.


Cor Ligthert [MVP]

12/19/2007 4:40:00 AM



I never tried, however you can maybe try the FillSchema in between with a
new Select




12/19/2007 6:44:00 AM


I modified the Select command at design time (with Query Builder) and
generated strong typed dataset by righ clicking on the DataAdapter and
"generate Dataset" command.
New columns are added to the Dataset and after DataAdapter.Fill they are
filled with data but after adding new row to the database new columns are not
updated by the Select command after the Update command.
If I put in code "Debug.Writeline(SqlUpdateCommand4.CommandText)" in select
are missing two last added columns (I added them in Design mode and generated
strong typed dataset).


"William Vaughn" wrote:

> Not really. Consider that the VS tools are generating a strongly typed
> DataSet at design time--not at runtime. There is no mechanism to generate
> the code at runtime.
> --
> __________________________________________________________________________
> William R. Vaughn
> President and Founder Beta V Corporation
> Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
> Microsoft MVP
> (425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
> Hitchhiker???s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
> "Igor" <Igor@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> news:25481039-9649-4094-B247-152A4195F5FA@microsoft.com...
> >I changed the SelectCommand and VS picked the changes but not the final
> > version of the Select command.
> > Now I'm using SqlUpdateCommand4.CommandText ="update query; a very long
> > select query..." in the Load Sub.
> > Can I somehow force VS to pick new select query?
> > I liked more VS2003 way to do this. There I could edit select query after
> > the update or insert.
> >
> > --
> > Igor
> >
> >
> > "William Vaughn" wrote:
> >
> >> Ah, simply change the SelectCommand on the DataAdapter. The question is,
> >> will the CommandBuilder pick up that change (if it's being used) or will
> >> the
> >> bound controls or other VS-generated code pick up the change.
> >>
> >> --
> >> __________________________________________________________________________
> >> William R. Vaughn
> >> President and Founder Beta V Corporation
> >> Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
> >> Microsoft MVP
> >> (425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
> >> Hitchhiker???s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
> >> ____________________________________________________________________________________________
> >> "Igor" <Igor@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> >> news:6ED79FFD-17FD-4A85-89F8-A070ED52A6C3@microsoft.com...
> >> > How can I modify the Select statement after the Update statement in
> >> > sqldataadapter ADO 2.0? (add columns)
> >> > --
> >> > Igor
> >>