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C# to SQL recursive CTE translation help


3/19/2007 4:47:00 AM

I wrote an algorithm to get all the relatives of a person in a family tree.
I'm basically getting all the users from the DB and am doing the recursive
logic in code, so that there is only 1 call made to the DB. However, I am
trying to do the same thing within a stored procedure in SQL using recursive
CTEs (I think the performance might be better) but I'm finding it really
tough to craft the CTE. I would really appreciate if someone could translate
the following code to a recursive CTE in SQL. I tried to write the SP myself
but I am not getting the right results. Here's the (incorrect) SP, and just
below that is the C# code that works correctly and an explanation of my

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spGetFamilyMembersForUser]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@UserName varchar(50)

declare @familyid int
set @familyid = (select AsChildFamilyID from Users where UserName =

WITH Ancestors (UserName, Gender, AsChildFamilyID, AsSpouseFamilyID,
AsParentFamilyID) AS
-- Base case (get father of user)
SELECT u.UserName, u.Gender, u.AsChildFamilyID, u.AsSpouseFamilyID,
FROM Users u
WHERE u.AsParentFamilyID = @familyid AND u.Gender = 'Male'


-- Base case (get mother of user)
SELECT u.UserName, u.Gender, u.AsChildFamilyID, u.AsSpouseFamilyID,
FROM Users u
WHERE u.AsParentFamilyID = @familyid AND u.Gender = 'Female'


-- Recursive step
SELECT u.UserName, u.Gender, u.AsChildFamilyID, u.AsSpouseFamilyID,
FROM Users u
INNER JOIN Ancestors a ON a.AsChildFamilyID = u.AsParentFamilyID
WHERE u.AsChildFamilyID <> -1

SELECT * FROM Ancestors
WHERE Ancestors.UserName <> @UserName



1. _dtAllUsers contains all users
2. _dtAllRelatives is initially empty, and is a clone of _dtAllUsers
3. The Users table has the following columns:

UserName, Gender, AsChildFamilyID, AsSpouseFamilyID, AsParentFamilyID

AsChildFamilyID means the family(ID) in which the user is a child. Similarly
for AsSpouseFamilyID and AsParentFamilyID.
A value of -1 means that the user does not have that role in the family. For
instance, if AsChildFamilyID is -1, then user is not a child in that family.

UserName, Gender, AsChildFamilyID, AsSpouseFamilyID, AsParentFamilyID

Joe, Male, 1, -1, -1
Jack, Male, 2, 1, 1
Jill, Female, -1, 1, 1
Jim, Male, -1, -1, 2

In this example, Jack and Jill are Joe's parents. Jim is Jack's father.


1. _dtAllRelatives contains all relatives for user

public void ComputeAllRelativesForUser(string userName)
DataTable dtUser = UserManager.GetUser(userName);

int asChildFamilyID = (int)dtUser.Rows[0]["AsChildFamilyID"];
int asSpouseFamilyID =
int asParentFamilyID =

string motherUserName = string.Empty; //the user's mother's
string fatherUserName = string.Empty;
string spouseUserName = string.Empty;
string siblingUserName = string.Empty;
string childUserName = string.Empty;

int fathersAsChildFamilyID = -1; //the AsChildFamilyID of
user's father
int mothersAsChildFamilyID = -1;
int spousesAsChildFamilyID = -1;
int siblingsAsChildFamilyID = -1;
int childsAsChildFamilyID = -1;

foreach (DataRow row in _dtAllUsers.Rows)
//get Father
if ((int)row["AsParentFamilyID"] == asChildFamilyID &&
asChildFamilyID != -1 && (string)row["Gender"] == "Male")
fatherUserName = (string)row["UserName"];
fathersAsChildFamilyID =

//get Mother
if ((int)row["AsParentFamilyID"] == asChildFamilyID &&
asChildFamilyID != -1 && (string)row["Gender"] == "Female")
motherUserName = (string)row["UserName"];
mothersAsChildFamilyID =

//get Spouse
if ((int)row["AsSpouseFamilyID"] == asSpouseFamilyID &&
asSpouseFamilyID != -1)
spouseUserName = (string)row["UserName"];
spousesAsChildFamilyID =

//get Sibling
if ((int)row["AsChildFamilyID"] == asChildFamilyID &&
asChildFamilyID != -1)
siblingUserName = (string)row["UserName"];
siblingsAsChildFamilyID =

//get Child
if ((int)row["AsChildFamilyID"] == asParentFamilyID &&
asParentFamilyID != -1)
childUserName = (string)row["UserName"];
childsAsChildFamilyID = (int)row["AsChildFamilyID"];

//recursive for father
if (fathersAsChildFamilyID != -1)

//recursive for mother
if (mothersAsChildFamilyID != -1)

//recursive for spouse
if (spousesAsChildFamilyID != -1)

//recursive for sibling
if (siblingsAsChildFamilyID != -1)

//recursive for child
if (childsAsChildFamilyID != -1)
2 Answers

Hugo Kornelis

3/25/2007 11:37:00 AM


On Sun, 18 Mar 2007 21:47:07 -0700, Swami wrote:

>I wrote an algorithm to get all the relatives of a person in a family tree.
>I'm basically getting all the users from the DB and am doing the recursive
>logic in code, so that there is only 1 call made to the DB. However, I am
>trying to do the same thing within a stored procedure in SQL using recursive
>CTEs (I think the performance might be better) but I'm finding it really
>tough to craft the CTE. I would really appreciate if someone could translate
>the following code to a recursive CTE in SQL. I tried to write the SP myself
>but I am not getting the right results. Here's the (incorrect) SP, and just
>below that is the C# code that works correctly and an explanation of my

Hi Swami,

I see that your question has gone unanswered for almost a week now. I
tried to find an answer, but I failed - becuase I'm not sure if I really
understand the question. That's partly because my C# skills are not god
enough to feel confident deciphering what your C# code does.

I think that you would have more chance of getting an answer if you

1. The strucutre of all relevant tables, posted as CREATE TABLE
statements. Make sure to include all constraints, indexes and
properties, as they might be relevant to the answer. If a table has lots
of columns that are not relevant to the question, you can omit them.

2. A few well-chosse rows of sample data to illustrate the problem. Try
to include special cases in the sample data, but try to keep it compact
as well (don't post hundreds of rows!!). Becuase nobody here likes
typing, make sure to post the sample data as INSERT statements, so that
we can use copy and paste to recreate the test data on our side.

3. The expected output from the sample data you posted. You can post
this in a tabular format. (For readability, use sppaces rather than the
TAB character and make sure that the colums are properly aligned when
displayed in a non-proportiaonal font).

4. A brief explanation.

More information, and some hints on how to assemble the CREATE TABLE and
INSERT statements with minimal effort, are on www.aspfaq.com/5006.

Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server MVP
My SQL Server blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hug...


3/25/2007 10:46:00 PM


Can you do this with a nested sets model of the family hierarchy? I
do not see gender being used to trace parents, but only as an
attribute of a person in the family.