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Other languages to try?

Adam Gardner

5/26/2009 5:56:00 AM

So, I've been programming in Ruby for a good while now. Not an expert,
not by a long shot, by I know my way around.

I've also been reading a lot of Steve Yegge's blog lately. Both his more
recent stuff [1], and his older, Amazon-era stuff [2]. Interesting

One of the things that Yegge harps on a lot is how important practice is
for programmers, especially 'cross-training': that is, learning to use
languages other than your favorite, not just because they might be
useful in their own right, but because it will make you a better
programmer in *any* language.

I've decided to do as he suggests, but I'm unsure what I should start
with. Some languages I'm considering are:

1) Lisp/Scheme
2) Erlang
3) Smalltalk
4) C

I should note that I'm on OS X, and my primary concern is learning, not
necessarily making something meaningful (the exception being C, which
really has more of a grit-my-teeth-and-learn-it-because-it's-useful
position on the list). I'm also somewhat time-limited, so the less time
I have to spend compiling and installing things, the more time I have to
play with code.

(Also, I know this is the Ruby list, not the Lisp, Smalltalk, etc list.
But I'm a Ruby programmer, and I want the perspective of other Ruby

All that being said, what languages, other than Ruby, do people enjoy
and recommend?

[1] http://steve-yegge.blo...
[2] http://steve.yegge.googlepages.com/...
Posted via http://www.ruby-....

19 Answers

Tony Arcieri

5/26/2009 6:20:00 AM


[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Adam Gardner <adam.oddfellow@gmail.com>wrote:

> I've decided to do as he suggests, but I'm unsure what I should start
> with. Some languages I'm considering are:
> 1) Lisp/Scheme
> 2) Erlang

Try ERLANG. It's the functional language for men.

Or you could try Reia: http://wiki.reia...

Tony Arcieri

Tom Cloyd

5/26/2009 7:07:00 AM


Tony Arcieri wrote:
> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Adam Gardner <adam.oddfellow@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I've decided to do as he suggests, but I'm unsure what I should start
>> with. Some languages I'm considering are:
>> 1) Lisp/Scheme
>> 2) Erlang
> Try ERLANG. It's the functional language for men.
> MUNCTIONAL!<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yH_j...
> Or you could try Reia: http://wiki.reia...
Hey - thanks for this. Sound VERY interesting - and that youtube thing
was incredibly funny.



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< tc@tomcloyd.com >> (email)
<< TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< sleightmind.wordpress.com >> (mental health weblog)

Bill Kelly

5/26/2009 7:26:00 AM


From: "Adam Gardner" <adam.oddfellow@gmail.com>
> I've decided to do as he suggests, but I'm unsure what I should start
> with. Some languages I'm considering are:
> 1) Lisp/Scheme
> 2) Erlang
> 3) Smalltalk
> 4) C

I went on a spree recently and bought several books on Erlang, Haskell,
and Scheme.

"The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming through Multimedia" -- Paul Hudak
"Purely Functional Data Structures" -- Chris Okasaki
"Real World Haskell" -- Bryan O'Sullivan
"Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World" -- Joe Armstrong
"The Scheme Programming Language, 3rd Edition" -- R. Kent Dybvig
"The Little Schemer - 4th Edition" -- Daniel P. Friedman
"The Seasoned Schemer" -- Daniel P. Friedman

and also,

"JavaScript: The Good Parts" -- Douglas Crockford


I'd been leaning toward Erlang because it's being used in production
environments, and because of the accolades it gets for its
concurrency libraries / distributed computing capabilities.

I'd been leaning toward Scheme because I always wanted to learn
a Lisp dialect, with the code-is-data / metaprogramming / macro

I'd been leaning toward Haskell because it is reputedly a notably
'pure' functional language, and apparently has some powerful
features in the way of type inferencing and lazy evaluation.

What finally tipped me toward Haskell, for now, was a couple
things over the past weekend. I was looking at amazon reviews
for Scheme books, for the third book in the "Little Schemer"
series, "The Reasoned Schemer".

A particular review observed that the ideas in this Scheme book
could be expressed comparatively clearly and simply in Haskell,
demoing the ideas in code:

The review goes on to describe Haskell thusly:

If you're unfamiliar with Haskell, it's a type-inferencing, auto-currying
LISP with unparenthesised syntax where "f x" stands for functional
application, "[]" stands for empty list, "x:xs" for cons cell (x . xs), and
parentheses are used for grouping of expressions. It is non-strict,
so lazy lists are used throughout, and _everything_ is a delayed
lambda, calculated on "as-needed" basis. Having finally produced a
stream of solutions, we rely on Haskell to only calculate as much of
it as is actually requested by a user (usually one by one, as in Prolog),
thus in effect performing depth-first search of a problem space.

So that piqued my interest, and I was pushed over the threshold
when I landed on this article:

Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 hours:

...which is a Haskell tutorial which implements a Scheme

Since for me this is practically the ideal way to learn a language
(I had previously been contemplating writing Lisp in Ruby in order
to learn Lisp) I figured this is great, I ought to be able to learn
quite a bit about Haskell and Scheme at the same time.

P.S. I would recommend learning C at some point, though, in any
case. You'll have a head start there, in so much as a portion of
ruby's standard library does mirror the C stdlib (printf, gets, etc.)
It's hard for me to imagine getting by without knowing C.



Robert Klemme

5/26/2009 8:49:00 AM


2009/5/26 Adam Gardner <adam.oddfellow@gmail.com>:

> All that being said, what languages, other than Ruby, do people enjoy
> and recommend?

I haven't used it yet but on _my_ list Eiffel would be at the top
because it has a so much richer set of inheritance and other OO
features than any other language I know.

Playing with some functional language would also be fun but I cannot
recommend one.

Kind regards


remember.guy do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Eleanor McHugh

5/26/2009 10:34:00 AM


On 26 May 2009, at 06:56, Adam Gardner wrote:
> All that being said, what languages, other than Ruby, do people enjoy
> and recommend?

I don't enjoy it so I probably shouldn't recommend it, but C is
definitely the place to see how not to solve most programming problems
and hence a necessity for any multilingual programmer's toolkit.

I'd also recommend Unicon (http://unicon.source...), an object-
oriented language based on goal-directed evaluation with generators.


Eleanor McHugh
Games With Brains
raise ArgumentError unless @reality.responds_to? :reason

Diego Virasoro

5/26/2009 10:37:00 AM


> 1) Lisp/Scheme
> 2) Erlang
> 3) Smalltalk
> 4) C

Personally I think Smalltalk is not that interesting any longer. Many
of its ideas are found in other languages, including Ruby. So if you
want to learn a new language for the experience, I wouldn't go with

C is a pain, and I try to avoid as much as I can. If you have limited
time, C would not be a good choice... you will spend time compiling
and recompiling to fix some stupid pointer error... grrr... That said
if you want CV skills, C is definitely very important.

Lisp/Scheme and Erlang seem both pretty interesting. I've been meaning
to try something from the Lisp family for some time but so far I have
postponed the effort.

The one I am considering getting into and that may interest you is
Scala. It is useful in that it's very close to Java so you get good
compilers and a strong community, plus you could use it for many jobs.
It takes several ideas from Ruby (I find the syntax similar) which I
find nice, but you can also have things like Actors (a la Erlang) via
its powerful libraries.

So personally I'd suggest:
- Lisp/Scheme for the experience
- Scala: a bit easier to approach and more useful while still exposing
you to new ideas and worlds.

Hope that helps.


Brian Candler

5/26/2009 11:29:00 AM


Diego Virasoro wrote:
> C is a pain, and I try to avoid as much as I can. If you have limited
> time, C would not be a good choice... you will spend time compiling
> and recompiling to fix some stupid pointer error... grrr...

What you really gain from C - or better, machine code - is understanding
how your computer actually *works*.

C is just a thin layer above assembly language, and often each C
statement compiles to just a couple of machine ops. (gcc -S to see it).

If you want to try your hand at machine code, i386 is unfortunately a
very ugly one to start with. Perhaps you can find an emulator for one of
the old Motorola 8-bit processors (6800 or 6809); they had very concise
and simple instruction sets.
Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Bill Kelly

5/26/2009 11:41:00 AM


From: "Eleanor McHugh" <eleanor@games-with-brains.com>
> I don't enjoy it so I probably shouldn't recommend it, but C is
> definitely the place to see how not to solve most programming problems
> and hence a necessity for any multilingual programmer's toolkit.

:D awesome

What I periodically daydream about is a portable
subset of ruby within ruby which is geared toward
displaying 1_000_000+ polygons on the screen at
60Hz (for example. {As we can do currently in C.})

I love the concept of RubyInline, (or the integration
of JRuby with Java), but instead of Java or C I would
die for being able to write some little loops in some
ruby sub-language (where things were as static typed
as necessary, but speed was #1 priority however it was

If I could write, like

gofast {
def (float) bsp_trace((BSP)game_level, (Vec3D)start, (Vec3D)dir)
(float) dist
# ....
return dist

... and during the gofast { } ruby would drop into
a mode where it would either produce warnings or
errors if *anything* were dynamic... (at compile time)

Meaning Vec3D and BSP would in turn be required to
provide their own 'gofast' methods, ... 'till we got
down to primitive types. . . . ..

Of course, I'd still value knowing C 'cause there's
so much of it out there, but I'd love to be able to
avoid dropping into it in my own apps......... :)



Reid Thompson

5/26/2009 11:55:00 AM


On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 02:56:24PM +0900, Adam Gardner wrote:
> So, I've been programming in Ruby for a good while now. Not an expert,
> not by a long shot, by I know my way around.
> I've also been reading a lot of Steve Yegge's blog lately. Both his more
> recent stuff [1], and his older, Amazon-era stuff [2]. Interesting
> stuff.
> One of the things that Yegge harps on a lot is how important practice is
> for programmers, especially 'cross-training': that is, learning to use
> languages other than your favorite, not just because they might be
> useful in their own right, but because it will make you a better
> programmer in *any* language.
> I've decided to do as he suggests, but I'm unsure what I should start
> with. Some languages I'm considering are:
> 1) Lisp/Scheme
> 2) Erlang
> 3) Smalltalk
> 4) C
> I should note that I'm on OS X, and my primary concern is learning, not
> necessarily making something meaningful (the exception being C, which
> really has more of a grit-my-teeth-and-learn-it-because-it's-useful
> position on the list). I'm also somewhat time-limited, so the less time
> I have to spend compiling and installing things, the more time I have to
> play with code.
> (Also, I know this is the Ruby list, not the Lisp, Smalltalk, etc list.
> But I'm a Ruby programmer, and I want the perspective of other Ruby
> programmers).
> All that being said, what languages, other than Ruby, do people enjoy
> and recommend?
> [1] http://steve-yegge.blo...
> [2] http://steve.yegge.googlepages.com/...
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Just my opinion, but I think a working knowledge of C is always handy

Srijayanth Sridhar

5/26/2009 12:01:00 PM


[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

"..but C is definitely the place to see how not to solve most programming

Unless, you want to write real low level code or another language, like Ruby
let's say. My vote for C if you don't already know it. It can be tedious
going from a rich language like Ruby, but hey, Buddha was a prince before he
was enlightened, and perhaps the same could happen to you too.
