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Time conversion between UTC and local time


2/8/2008 2:10:00 PM

Hi all,

I have the following problem:
There are strings describing a UTC time, e.g. " 2008-01-15 22:32:30"
and a string reflecting the time
zone e.g. "-05:00".

What is an elegant way of getting the local time (considering DST -
daylight saving time) with that data?
The date is not important, just the local time.
The format is not important, the easiest would probably be a tuple
(h,m,s) .

Thanks in advance
10 Answers

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven

2/8/2008 2:19:00 PM


-On [20080208 15:16], andreas.profous@googlemail.com (andreas.profous@googlemail.com) wrote:
>What is an elegant way of getting the local time (considering DST -
>daylight saving time) with that data?

Perhaps using pytz might be the easiest way: http://pytz.source...

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven <asmodai(-at-)in-nomine.org> / asmodai
ã?¤ã?§ã?«ã?¼ã?³ ã?©ã?¦ã??ã?­ã??ã?¯ ã?´ã?¡ã?³ ã??ã?« ã?¦ã?§ã?«ã?´ã?§ã?³
http://www.in-n... | http://www.ra...
But Time, keeps flowing like a river (on and on)...


2/9/2008 2:54:00 AM



> I have the following problem:
> There are strings describing a UTC time, e.g. " 2008-01-15 22:32:30"
> and a string reflecting the time
> zone e.g. "-05:00".
> What is an elegant way of getting the local time (considering DST -
> daylight saving time) with that data?
> The date is not important, just the local time.
> The format is not important, the easiest would probably be a tuple
> (h,m,s) .


Miki <miki.tebeka@gmail.com>


10/5/2013 3:28:00 AM


On Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:35:40 -0500, j.gemmell@ymail.com wrote:

>>I once met a man who was [codependent], he was married and had a child,
>>and he lived on the apartment under my apartment. And he told me
>>about codependency meetings that [he] was [going] to that had help him fix
>>his life. He told me that he came from a family that [had] abused him, and
>>found it hard to let go his family because he was codependent, and
>>everytime something [happened], he always blamed himself, even when it was
>>not his fault. Those meetings really helped him to let go of the
>>guilt that kept him chained to the abuse. You may benefit from such
>>meetings, to help you let go of Art. Becaue spilling all the secrets
>>about Art is not going to make him love you more! Learn to respect
>>Art, and see if that helps, but attacking [Art] constantly here [is not going
to make him love you more.] I don't think he even reads [this]
newsgoup anymore. Or if you have faith, you
>>can pray to God and ask him to help you show love for yourself and
>>others. Love is the most powerful tool of God, you should learn to be
>>wise as a serpent and HARMLESS as a dove [by using the tool of love].


10/7/2013 3:00:00 AM


On Sun, 6 Oct 2013 18:17:41 -0700 (PDT), Aaron Kim
<aaronkim00@gmail.com> wrote:

>What are you talking about you queer? You're the fucking queer. You know what? I know what you are. You're a crazy person for thinking that Art wants to hold your hands. I think I know the answer to your question. I'm not a queer. I was commanded to mock Art because he's too evil. What does that mean? He's too ugly inside. He keeps thinking of beating the shit out of the Lord. He's too angry at the Lord. He's like everyone else or should I say the other way around. You should shut up because I think you'll probably die painfully when the Lord returns.

Have you ever been to Independence, Missouri before?

(D&C 57:3) "And thus saith the Lord your God, if you will receive
wisdom here is wisdom. Behold, the place which is now called
Independence is the center place; and a spot for the temple is lying
westward, upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse."
I went to Independence when I was young, and I had dinner at the
Mission Presidency house, after talking with me, he said by the power
of the Holy Ghost, "I want you to stay here and go on a mission for
God!" Yes, I was asked to remain at his home and go on a mission for
God at Independence, Missouri.

AS you know Aaron Kim the "center place" of Zion in the last days will
Independence, Missouri, but we are told that only the "pure in heart"
will go to build up that center place in the last days: (Matthew 5:8)
"Blessed are all the pure in heart: for they shall see God [in

That is why the main-LDS Church of Salt Lake City has not return to
Independence, Missouri, for they are not "pure in heart," but they
have lifted up their hearts unto seeking the vain honors of men, and
their hands are not clean of the blood of this generation, for they
have sworn deceitfully and they mock the priesthood of God, therefore,
they are under spiritual bondage, and a Strong Delusion holds them
back from returning to Independence, Missouri.

However, that is not my case, for I was invited to stay at
Independence, and go on a mission for God there.

Yes, I admit that I had my concerns about western part of Missouri
being wipe clean, and my doubts about my personal worthiness, and
frankly I understood well that I had no "fire insurance." Yes, it is
a basic tenet and doctrine of the LDS Church that only those who are
paid up in their tithes have "fire insurance" and will not be burned
when the Lord returns.

So, there nothing new in your post Aaron Kim, that I have not studied
out before, and I am well aware of the wrath of God when he returns.
Therefore, I asked the LDS hosts at the Independence Visitors' Center,
if she was worried about the prophecies that everything on the western
side of Missouri was going to be wiped clean, before the Lord return.
And she was aware of the prophecy about Missouri was going to be wiped
clean, but she told me that God would protect his people. Then I
mention the Refiner's Fire, how it was going to make mountains melt,
and seas to boil, if that brought terror to her mind about not being
able to withstand the presence of the Lord? To which she replied,
"The Refiner's Fire is a celestial light that will transform the
people of God and its building and make them immortals and
everlasting, it's only the wicked that need fear its glory."

Therefore, I know that the prophecies are clear to the point that when
Jesus Christ returns, we can always call upon the name of the Lord,
for he will have mercy upon those that had mercy upon others!

I have always shown mercy unto others, therefore, I have nothing to
fear when the Refiner's Fire appears in the eastern sky. However, you
Aaron Kim has had no mercy for Art Bulla, nor for Joshua Gemmell, for
you say, that God has revealed Art's secrets to you to make Art Bulla
humble. But the real truth is, you do it to aggrandize yourself
before his eyes, it not done out of love for another, but done make
yourself appear as a greater light than Art Bulla. So, everyone can
see that you Aaron Kim corrected Art Bulla the fallen one. I don't
think so! Nobody is going to praise your name Aaron Kim for having
corrected Art Bulla by aggrandizing you in return.

King David of old knew how to repent, how to praise God, and how to
show mercy to his fellow man, that is why God said that King David was
a man after his own heart: (Act 13:22) "And when [God] had removed
[Saul], he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also
[God] said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own
heart, which shall fulfill all my will."

NOW, lets be fair, we cannot compare King David of old with Aaron Kim,
for David had mercy on his fellow man, but Aaron does not have mercy
on Art nor Joshua! David only worshiped the God of Israel, but Aaron
worships the fading beauty of youth. And King David knew how to
repent, something which Aaron Kim is not acquainted with, for
arrogance seems to be his cup of tea.

In other words, your self-righteousness Aaron Kim is nothing more than
priestcraft at best and like the fallen prophet Balaam the son of
Bosor, who love the wages of unrighteousness, you Aaron Kim would sell
Art Bulla personal secrets for the praise of the world. There is
something very perverse about your intentions to want and humiliate
Art Bulla to make him "humble" as you say. If you are right and I am
wrong, then show me where in the scriptures it says it is right to
publicly humiliate a prophet to make him humble before God.
I know that King Nebuchadnezzar was made humble by God for having
exalted himself, but King Nebuchadnezzar was not a prophet. So, the
burden of proof is on you Aaron Kim to show me where in the scriptures
did God command someone to go and humble a prophet?

I think you are the first to make such a claim, and if your claim is a
valid one, then you must show a similar case in the past for it to be
true. For God does not change, and anything done under the sky is
only what has been done before.

So, if you cannot show a precedent then you don't have the right to
claim that you were commanded of God. I have never read about a
prophet being so nasty as you Aaron Kim, and so arrogant as you to
claim that God approves of your filthy language in order to correct
another prophet. Don't you understand, if God commanded you to do
something then you are claiming to be a "prophet".

How, can you Aaron talk evil of Art Bulla for talking nasty, when you
Aaron Kim are doing the same thing here? Perhaps, God sent me to
humble you; you think?


10/7/2013 3:06:00 AM


On Sun, 06 Oct 2013 21:59:35 -0500, j.gemmell@ymail.com wrote:
>AS you know Aaron Kim the "center place" of Zion in the last days will
>[be] Independence, Missouri, but we are told that only the "pure in heart"
>will go to build up that center place in the last days: (Matthew 5:8)
>"Blessed are all the pure in heart: for they shall see God [in


10/8/2013 4:47:00 AM


On Mon, 7 Oct 2013 20:44:54 -0700 (PDT), Aaron Kim
<aaronkim00@gmail.com> wrote:

>But what I want to know is why are you mocking that guy Art Bulla? I think you're angry that Art hasn't written anything to you.

I'm not angry with Art Bulla, nor have I mocked Art in my recent
letters to you here. If I am wrong, tell me which post to you do
think was done to mock him here? All I have done was to try and
convince you not to air your grievances against him publicly.

I know that Art Bulla hasn't written anything to me in a long time,
but I know that I am not worthy of his time. I also know that I have
been a mixed bag of good and bad, however that was due to me being
deeply entrenched in Mormonism. When I was a Mormon the Devil would
not let me see nor hear the message that Art Bulla taught me, even
when the Spirit of God made thinks known to me, still the Devil kept
blocking the Spirit of Truth. But when I requested my resignation
letter from the main-LDS Church of Salt Lake City, things began to
changed for me, and the grip that the Devil had over me began to fade.
I don't know if you understand what I mean; but when I was a Mormon
there was a Strong Delusion over me that did not allow me to see what
Art Bulla was saying. No matter how much Art Bulla preached about
priesthood authority there was this Strong Delusion about the main-LDS
Church being the only rightful holder of the holy priesthood. Yes, I
admit to you that when I was a Mormon I was under a spell, but now
that I am officially out of the LDS Church since receiving my
resignation letter on November 12, 2012, I have been praying to God to
reveal unto me if I made the mistake to leave the LDS Church, or if I
made the right decision to give me further revelations showing me all
the errors of the main-LDS Church.

My resignation letter says that "Should you desire to become a member
of the Church in the future, the local bishop or branch president in
your area will be happy to help you." However, that will never
happen, for the Lord for the first time in my life has been showing me
all the errors of the main-LDS Church. Things I never knew are not
easy for me learn about, and now I feel free of the spiritual bondage
that the main-LDS Church had over me. No matter how much truth Art
Bulla revealed to me, it never sink in while I was under the Mormon
Church spell. But now that I am officially resigned from the main-LDS
Church, God is now making breaking the spell the held be in bondage. I
lost for words, perhaps you know what I am talking about, I don't
know. However, I think that the reason why Art Bulla has not been
able to reach the main-LDS Mormon from Salt Lake City is because they
are under a Strong Delusion for not having believe the truth, and that
Strong Delusion is like a spell that keeps them from seeing and
hearing the truth, even when the Spirit of God makes it known. (2
Thessalonians 2:11-12 ) "And for this cause god shall send them
[Mormons] strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [about
priesthood succession]: that the all might be damned who believed not
the truth [that Art Bulla revealed], but had pleasure in
unrighteousness." <X><


10/8/2013 4:50:00 AM


On Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:46:36 -0500, j.gemmell@ymail.com wrote:
>I know that Art Bulla hasn't written anything to me in a long time,
>but I know that I am not worthy of his time. I also know that I have
>been a mixed bag of good and bad, however that was due to me being
>deeply entrenched in Mormonism. When I was a Mormon the Devil would
>not let me see nor hear the message that Art Bulla taught me, even
>when the Spirit of God made [things] known to me, still the Devil kept
>blocking the Spirit of Truth. But when I requested my resignation
>letter from the main-LDS Church of Salt Lake City, things began to
>changed for me, and the grip that the Devil had over me began to fade.
>I don't know if you understand what I mean; but when I was a Mormon
>there was a Strong Delusion over me that did not allow me to see what
>Art Bulla was saying. No matter how much Art Bulla preached about
>priesthood authority there was this Strong Delusion about the main-LDS
>Church being the only rightful holder of the holy priesthood. Yes, I
>admit to you that when I was a Mormon I was under a spell, but now
>that I am officially out of the LDS Church since receiving my
>resignation letter on November 12, 2012, I have been praying to God to
>reveal unto me if I made the mistake to leave the LDS Church, or if I
>made the right decision [by giving] me further revelations showing me all
>the errors of the main-LDS Church.


10/8/2013 4:58:00 AM


On Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:46:36 -0500, j.gemmell@ymail.com wrote:
>My resignation letter says that "Should you desire to become a member
>of the Church in the future, the local bishop or branch president in
>your area will be happy to help you." However, that will never
>happen, for the Lord for the first time in my life has been showing me
>all the errors of the main-LDS Church. [When I was a Mormon] things
I never knew [were] not easy for me learn about, and now [that] I feel
free of the spiritual bondage that the main-LDS Church had over me, [I
am now able to learn.] No matter how much truth Art Bulla revealed to
me [the truth], it never [sank] in while I was under the Mormon
>Church spell. But now that I am officially resigned from the main-LDS
>Church, God is now breaking the spell the held [me] in bondage. I [am]
>lost for words, perhaps you know what I am talking about, I don't
>know [if you do]. However, I think that the reason why Art Bulla has not been
>able to reach the [minds and hearts of the] main-LDS Mormon from
>Salt Lake City is because they are under a Strong Delusion for not having
>believe the truth, and that Strong Delusion is like a spell that keeps them
>from seeing and hearing the truth, even when the Spirit of God makes it known.
(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 ) "And for this cause god shall send them
>[Mormons] strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [about
>priesthood succession]: that the all might be damned who believed not
>the truth [that Art Bulla revealed], but had pleasure in
>unrighteousness." <X><


10/8/2013 5:05:00 AM


On Mon, 07 Oct 2013 23:57:49 -0500, j.gemmell@ymail.com wrote:
>(2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 ) "And for this cause god shall send them
>>[Mormons] strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [about
>>priesthood succession]: that [they] all might be damned who believed not
>>the truth [that Art Bulla revealed], but had pleasure in
>>unrighteousness." <X><

Aaron Kim

10/8/2013 6:54:00 PM


On Monday, October 7, 2013 9:46:36 PM UTC-7, j.ge...@ymail.com wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Oct 2013 20:44:54 -0700 (PDT), Aaron Kim
> <aaronkim00@gmail.com> wrote:
> >But what I want to know is why are you mocking that guy Art Bulla? I think you're angry that Art hasn't written anything to you.
> I'm not angry with Art Bulla, nor have I mocked Art in my recent
> letters to you here. If I am wrong, tell me which post to you do
> think was done to mock him here? All I have done was to try and
> convince you not to air your grievances against him publicly.
> I know that Art Bulla hasn't written anything to me in a long time,
> but I know that I am not worthy of his time. I also know that I have
> been a mixed bag of good and bad, however that was due to me being
> deeply entrenched in Mormonism. When I was a Mormon the Devil would
> not let me see nor hear the message that Art Bulla taught me, even
> when the Spirit of God made thinks known to me, still the Devil kept
> blocking the Spirit of Truth. But when I requested my resignation
> letter from the main-LDS Church of Salt Lake City, things began to
> changed for me, and the grip that the Devil had over me began to fade.
> I don't know if you understand what I mean; but when I was a Mormon
> there was a Strong Delusion over me that did not allow me to see what
> Art Bulla was saying. No matter how much Art Bulla preached about
> priesthood authority there was this Strong Delusion about the main-LDS
> Church being the only rightful holder of the holy priesthood. Yes, I
> admit to you that when I was a Mormon I was under a spell, but now
> that I am officially out of the LDS Church since receiving my
> resignation letter on November 12, 2012, I have been praying to God to
> reveal unto me if I made the mistake to leave the LDS Church, or if I
> made the right decision to give me further revelations showing me all
> the errors of the main-LDS Church.
> My resignation letter says that "Should you desire to become a member
> of the Church in the future, the local bishop or branch president in
> your area will be happy to help you." However, that will never
> happen, for the Lord for the first time in my life has been showing me
> all the errors of the main-LDS Church. Things I never knew are not
> easy for me learn about, and now I feel free of the spiritual bondage
> that the main-LDS Church had over me. No matter how much truth Art
> Bulla revealed to me, it never sink in while I was under the Mormon
> Church spell. But now that I am officially resigned from the main-LDS
> Church, God is now making breaking the spell the held be in bondage. I
> lost for words, perhaps you know what I am talking about, I don't
> know. However, I think that the reason why Art Bulla has not been
> able to reach the main-LDS Mormon from Salt Lake City is because they
> are under a Strong Delusion for not having believe the truth, and that
> Strong Delusion is like a spell that keeps them from seeing and
> hearing the truth, even when the Spirit of God makes it known. (2
> Thessalonians 2:11-12 ) "And for this cause god shall send them
> [Mormons] strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [about
> priesthood succession]: that the all might be damned who believed not
> the truth [that Art Bulla revealed], but had pleasure in
> unrighteousness." <X><

I think you like the Mormon Church. I think you like the spirit a lot you liar. Who cares about the Mormon Church. They're just frauds now. As for you, I think you're too fucking crazy to be in the Mormon Church. You should just be a Christian. I think Art would hate you. I know he hates you. I think he would hit you in the face. Here's what I think the Lord wants you to do. Just stop being fucked in the ass by that queer or you might be cursed when the Lord returns. And as for Art, he's too mean to people. The reason is he hates himself for being ugly. He is ugly. He's has this ugly face and it makes him think this. Why am I not handsome. The answer is that's who you are you fucking ugly bastard.