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Function as Parameter?

Tomas Na

4/4/2009 7:03:00 PM

I am new to Ruby so I don't know a great deal about the language, but
what I am trying to do is the following:
Create an application that will display a login form. The user enters
their details and then that form disappears and they are taken to a
different form containing a canvas (which will have images drawn on it

I don't want to create both forms and set their visibility, as the
invisible form will still be loaded in memory which is a waste. They I
thought of getting around this is to start the program in a "form
manager" style class, which then has the ability to create either of the
two forms. The trouble I am facing then, is that the button the form has
to pass back the username and password to the form manager, so that when
the Login form closes it may construct a Canvas from and pass the

To make this happen I figured I would pass in a callback. Searching
around, I couldn't find a lot of info about callbacks, but I was reading
about passing a symbol. I may have got this wrong, but it looks like if
I pass in :function_name then it will be a symbol that I can call.

Well I tried it like this:

def TestFunc()
puts 'Test'

xaApp = FXApp.new

In my "Form Manager", and in my LoginForm's initialize I have:
def initialize(anApp,sTitle,aCallback)
super(anApp, sTitle,:opts => DECOR_ALL, :width => 165, :height =>

FXLabel.new(self,"Username:", nil, JUSTIFY_LEFT|LAYOUT_FILL_X)
FXTextField.new(self, 23, nil, 0, TEXTFIELD_NORMAL)

FXLabel.new(self,"Password:", nil, JUSTIFY_LEFT|LAYOUT_FILL_X)
FXTextField.new(self, 23, nil, 0, TEXTFIELD_NORMAL)

xbButton = FXButton.new(self,"Log in",:opts =>
=> 80, :height => 20)

This runs okay until I click the button, at which point I get the error:
C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\Ruby>ruby testapp.rb
in `onHandleMsg': undefined method `call' for :TestCallback:Symbol
from testapp.rb:14:in `run'
from testapp.rb:14

If I can get this working, then I will be able to move on to trying to
get it working with passing the two string parameters in as well. Can
someone please explain to me how I can call the function in my main code
when the button is clicked in the form?
Posted via http://www.ruby-....

5 Answers

Tomas Na

4/4/2009 7:12:00 PM


Tomas Na wrote:
> C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\Ruby>ruby testapp.rb
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.12-mswin32/lib/fox16/responder2.rb:55:
> in `onHandleMsg': undefined method `call' for :TestCallback:Symbol
> (NoMethodErro
> r)
> from testapp.rb:14:in `run'
> from testapp.rb:14

Sorry, the error is:
in `onHandleMsg': undefined method `call' for :TestFunc:Symbol
from testapp.rb:14:in `run'
from testapp.rb:14

The top one says :TestCallback because that is what it was called
originally but I changed the name when I posted it here to make it a bit
clearer, forgot to rerun to get the error with proper function name.
Posted via http://www.ruby-....

David Masover

4/5/2009 3:45:00 PM


On Saturday 04 April 2009 14:02:45 Tomas Na wrote:
> I am new to Ruby so I don't know a great deal about the language, but
> what I am trying to do is the following:
> To make this happen I figured I would pass in a callback. Searching
> around, I couldn't find a lot of info about callbacks,

Search for blocks.

Your example would probably be written something like this:

LoginForm.new(xaApp,'TestApp') do |arg1, arg2|
callback logic goes here

You may end up just calling a function inside that block, and that's fine. But
the idiomatic way is likely to provide a block. If you need to pass more than
one such "callback", you can pass proc objects, but that's often slower and
definitely more annoying for whoever uses that class.

Igor Pirnovar

4/5/2009 6:11:00 PM


Tomas Na wrote:

> To make this happen I figured I would pass in a callback.
> Searching around, I couldn't find a lot of info about
> callbacks, but I was reading about passing a symbol. I may
> have got this wrong, but it looks like if I pass in
> :function_name then it will be a symbol that I can call.

Symbol is not really what you think. It is merely a special code/name
for "defined data" items (classes, variables and methods (or functions
as you refer to them)) which are stored in Ruby's symbol table. As such,
namely as names, symbols are just like strings, they only are much more
efficiently handled by Ruby than strings. To distinguish between a
defined ruby item and its symbol the colon (:) is used before the name.
Passing a symbol of a method (function) around is just like passing its
name in the string form.

In order to execute a command as a string or a symbol you can use the {{
method }} method.

def my_test
puts "in my_test function"
puts :my_test # -> my_test
method(:my_test).call # -> in my_test function
method("my_test").call # -> in my_test function
var = "scope of creation"
test_fu_lambda = lambda { puts 'Test: %s' % [ var ] }
test_fu_lambda.call # -> Test: scope of creation

Another way to pass a symbol to an iterator as an executable block is by
preceding it with the ampersand (&), which effectively converts the
method represented by the symbol to a proc! In Ruby, executable code is
passed around in procs, lambdas and Method objects. There is no such
thing as a function (method) pointer in Ruby. However a subtle
differences between these objects of executable code exist, and you
should learn about them. Especially you should know about the
differences between procs and lambdas. The most important differences
are in the way these executable objects are called (invoked) and the way
their respective {{ return }} mechanisms behave. In general procs use {{
yield }} invocation semantics but lambdas use the method invocation
semantics. Hence, procs are associated with block behaviour, whereas
lambdas are closer to method (function) behaviour.

Yet another important thing to understand is that procs and lambdas are
closures, but method objects are not. Closures are important because
they encapsulate in them all variables from the scope in which they are
defined, which remain intact even when a proc or a lambda is executed in
a totally different scope.

You can not expect to learn all you need to know about this from a
single post on a forum, however, for you to continue working on your
program it should suffice to know that you need to convert a method
(function) you wish to pass to your LoginForm object to a lambda, and in
it, that is in LoginForm object, invoke it with the {{ call }} method
the i.e.; something like {{ test_fu_lambda.call }} as you have seen in
the example above.

If {{ LoginForm }} is your own class you created, you need to change the
invocation of your test function so it utilizes the {{ call }} method as
shown above. Try the following:

var = "I am a variable from the scope where test_fu_lambda was
test_fu_lambda = lambda { puts 'Test: %s' % [ var ] }
LoginForm.new(xaApp,'TestApp', test_fu_lambda)

Alternatively you can create a Method object of any of your methods and
pass it in instead. However, in this case your Method object will not
hold on to the variables from the scope in which it is defined:

def TestFunc()
puts 'Test: %s' % [ var ]
var = "this time not seen in my_fu_obj"
my_fu_obj = method(:TestFunc)
LoginForm.new(xaApp,'TestApp', my_fu_obj)

In both cases you have to change the invocation of the executable
objects you are passing to your {{ LoginForm }} to utilize the {{ *.call
}} syntax.

Indeed, what David wrote is the Ruby way of doing things, but sometimes
converting methods or blocks to executable objects is more appropriate.
Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Igor Pirnovar

4/5/2009 6:32:00 PM


Sorry, the in the above TestFunc {{ var }} is out of scope. I just
wanted to emphasize the fact that Method objects are not closures.

Following is the correction

def TestFunc()
puts 'Test'
var = "this time not seen in my_fu_obj"
my_fu_obj = method(:TestFunc)
LoginForm.new(xaApp,'TestApp', my_fu_obj)
Posted via http://www.ruby-....


12/24/2012 10:42:00 PM


Am 24.12.2012 00:02, schrieb Rifat Albayrak:
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2012 21:53:07 +0100, okeyci <okeyci@araf.cennem> wrote:
>> Falanjist ile fa$ist arasinda bir fark mi var? (gecmiste ispanyol
>> falanjistlerini savunmustun. Buna da gerek yok, fikirlerin fa$izmle ayni.)
> Falanjisti my ibnesi uydurmu?tu kendi g?t?nden.
> Ben bir diktat?r olursa (helal s?t emmi? olan?) bunlar?n ileri
> demokrasisinden daha iyi olur tezini savunmu?tum.

E, ayni $ey.

>>> Burada i?ine yarad??? i?in Tayyibi desteklerim demedin mi?
>> Ne demistim?
> Yazd?k ya dedi?ini i?te. K?r sa??r pezo!

Ne yazdin yav? Gene ilaclarinin etkisi gecti, anlasilan :-)

>>> ?imdi de i?ine geldi?i i?in anti pkk oluyorsun.
>> Isime gelen ne?
> Akl?n s?ra burada ?? be? ?rde?i kafakola alacaks?n.
> Alsan ne olacak? Herifler zaten zeka yoksunu, kendilerine bile
> faydalar? yok.

Ben hicbir zaman PKK'yi savunmadim ki $imdi anti-PKK olayim. Benim
?zerimden PKK'yi yermene gerek yok; ben PKK kurulmadan, Apocular
d?neminde onlarin ipligini pazara cikarmistim zalak!

>>> Sen kime k?l yutturdu?unu san?yorsun lan ahlaks?z, ?erefsiz yarat?k?
>>>> Seninle hicbir konuda anlasamayiz. Bu, normal. Fakat d?s?nsene, diyelim
>>>> ki sen siyaseten haklisin, fakat camur atarak kendi hakliligina da bok
>>>> atiyorsun.
>>> Vay vay sen ne zamand?r benim iyili?imi d???n?yorsun? Yoksa? Aman
>>> 'Allak'?m gene 'n?mero' mu yap?yorsun ?erefsiz mahluk?

Senin 7 ceddinin $erefini sikeyim ibne! Senin ne iyiligini d?s?necegim
andaval! Yazilarimi sadece sen mi okuyorsun gerzek!

>> Senin ikiy?zl?l?g?n? ortaya bir kez daha koyuyorum.
> Tam tersine. Ben senin ayn? zamanda nas?l bir ML ve BOP e?ba?kan?
> destekleyicisi oldu?unu(!) g?zler ?n?ne seriyorum. Bu ikiy?zl?l???n
> s?per nova haline gelmi? ?eklidir. :-)

BOP'u destekleyen senden beter olsun. Senin iftiralarin, senin ne boktan
birisi oldugunu ortaya koyuyor sadece.

>>>> Sen sadece ibne bir fa$ist degilsin, sekerim. Ayni zamanda cok salaksin.
>>>> Halbuki ben fa$istin zeki, cevik, ibne olmayan ve akilli olanini kur$una
>>>> dizerim :-)
>>> As?l senin gibi salaklar var? yo?u belli olmayan toplam fonksiyonu iki
>>> cilt kitapta kalm?? bir ML pe?inde ko?anlard?r. :-)) Sala??n on
>>> numaras?s?n ?ekerim. :-))
>> Hangi 2 cilt onlar?
> Senin i?in ?ncil ve Tevrat t?r herhalde. Zira ML ile alakan yok.
> Tayyipi destekledi?in an i?in bitmi?ti senin.

Tayyibi nasil destekledim, hele bir anlat?

Fakat ben $imdiden senin 77 ceddini bi sikeyim de :-)

>>>> Mazot az geldiyse haber ver, d?kkan senin be yav :-)
>>> Eh i?te hayat?n b?yle ge?ecek, ?al?nt? kelimelerle (mazot), ML cart
>>> curt, vs. yaz?k! Bir hal?s?nasyondan di?erine. Ha kuvvet. Mavi haplar
>>> 'celiyur'.
>> Hapci ibne :-)