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Just for fun: Countdown numbers game solver


1/20/2008 5:42:00 PM

Ever since I learnt to program I've always loved writing solvers for
the Countdown numbers game problem in different languages, and so now
I'm wondering what the most elegant solution in Python is.

If you don't know the game, it's simple: you're given six randomly
chosen positive integers, and a target (another randomly chosen
positive integer), and you have to make the target using only the
numbers you're given, and +,-,* and / (and any number of brackets you
like). You're not allowed fractions as intermediate values. So, given
2, 3 and 5 say, and a target of 21, you could do (2+5)*3 = 21.

So what's the best algorithm? And, what's the most elegant way to code
it in Python? I've posted my most elegant version below (I have a
faster version which is slightly less elegant). Can anyone do better?


* This academic paper describes an implementation of an algorithm to
solve the problem in Haskell. I found it after I'd written mine but it
uses a very similar algorithm. http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~gmh/cou...
* My web page where I put both versions of my code: http://thesamovar.net/countd...
* The web page of the TV show the problem is based on:

My version:

class InvalidExpressionError(ValueError):

subtract = lambda x,y: x-y
def add(x,y):
if x<=y: return x+y
raise InvalidExpressionError
def multiply(x,y):
if x<=y or x==1 or y==1: return x*y
raise InvalidExpressionError
def divide(x,y):
if not y or x%y or y==1:
raise InvalidExpressionError
return x/y

add.display_string = '+'
multiply.display_string = '*'
subtract.display_string = '-'
divide.display_string = '/'

standard_operators = [ add, subtract, multiply, divide ]

class Expression(object): pass

class TerminalExpression(Expression):
def __init__(self,value,remaining_sources):
self.value = value
self.remaining_sources = remaining_sources
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)

class BranchedExpression(Expression):
def __init__(self,operator,lhs,rhs,remaining_sources):
self.operator = operator
self.lhs = lhs
self.rhs = rhs
self.value = operator(lhs.value,rhs.value)
self.remaining_sources = remaining_sources
def __str__(self):
return '('+str(self.lhs)+self.operator.display_string
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()

for value, i in zip(sources,range(len(sources))):
yield TerminalExpression(value=value,
if len(sources)>=2+minimal_remaining_sources:
for lhs in
for rhs in ValidExpressions(lhs.remaining_sources,
operators, minimal_remaining_sources):
for f in operators:
try: yield BranchedExpression(operator=f, lhs=lhs,
rhs=rhs, remaining_sources=rhs.remaining_sources)
except InvalidExpressionError: pass

def TargetExpressions(target,sources,operators=standard_operators):
for expression in ValidExpressions(sources,operators):
if expression.value==target:
yield expression

def FindFirstTarget(target,sources,operators=standard_operators):
for expression in ValidExpressions(sources,operators):
if expression.value==target:
return expression
raise IndexError, "No matching expressions found"

if __name__=='__main__':
import time
start_time = time.time()
target_expressions = list(TargetExpressions(923,[7,8,50,8,1,3]))
target_expressions.sort(lambda x,y:len(str(x))-len(str(y)))
print "Found",len(target_expressions),"solutions, minimal string
length was:"
print target_expressions[0],'=',target_expressions[0].value
print "Took",time.time()-start_time,"seconds."
45 Answers


1/20/2008 8:07:00 PM


Nice challenge! I came up with something like this:

def find_repr(target, numbers):
org_reprs = dict((number, str(number)) for number in numbers)
curr_reprs = org_reprs
while target not in curr_reprs:
old_reprs, curr_reprs = curr_reprs, {}
for x in old_reprs:
for y in org_reprs:
repr_x, repr_y = old_reprs[x], old_reprs[y]
curr_reprs[x + y] = '(%s)+(%s)' % (repr_x, repr_y)
curr_reprs[x - y] = '(%s)-(%s)' % (repr_x, repr_y)
curr_reprs[x * y] = '(%s)*(%s)' % (repr_x, repr_y)
if y <> 0 and x % y == 0:
curr_reprs[x // y] = '(%s)/(%s)' % (repr_x, repr_y)
return curr_reprs[target]

print '21 =', find_repr(21, [2, 3, 5])
print '923 =', find_repr(923, [7, 8, 50, 8, 1, 3])

Unfortunately, this yields solutions that are a bit lispish (as in
'lots of superfluous parentheses' in the result). Nothing a simple
regex or two wouldn't fix ;-) And the solution found would be minimal
not with respect to the string length, but rather to the number of
operations to be performed.

Apart from that, I find it quite elegant. I'd like to know if it has
any flaws.


Gabriel Genellina

1/20/2008 8:26:00 PM


En Sun, 20 Jan 2008 18:06:57 -0200, <marek.rocki@wp.pl> escribi�:

> Nice challenge! I came up with something like this:

A nice solution too!

Gabriel Genellina


1/20/2008 8:52:00 PM


Hi Marek,

That's a really nice solution (and ultrafast).

Unfortunately I realise I stated the problem imprecisely. You're only
allowed to use each number once (otherwise there's a trivial solution
for every problem, i.e. x/x + x/x + x/x + ... + x/x repeated y times
for target y given any source number x). Trying your program on 234
from [100,9,7,6,3,1] gives you 9*9*3-9 using the 9 three times.

Does your solution adjust to deal with this additional requirement? At
first I thought it would be an easy fix, but maybe it's a little more
complicated than I thought...

Dan Goodman

Paul Rubin

1/20/2008 9:36:00 PM


dg.google.groups@thesamovar.net writes:
> Unfortunately I realise I stated the problem imprecisely. You're only
> allowed to use each number once (otherwise there's a trivial solution
> for every problem, i.e. x/x + x/x + x/x + ... + x/x repeated y times
> for target y given any source number x). Trying your program on 234
> from [100,9,7,6,3,1] gives you 9*9*3-9 using the 9 three times.

Here is a pretty inefficient solution. It doesn't find 234 but it
does find 253 twice:

from operator import *

def countdown(nums, ops, trace):
n0 = nums[0]
if len(nums) == 1:
yield n0, str(n0)
for i,n in enumerate(nums[1:]):
for f in ops:
for r,t in countdown(nums[1:i] + nums[i+1:], [add, mul, sub], trace):
if f != div or r != 0 and n0 % r == 0:
yield f(n0, r), '%s(%s,%s)'% (f.__name__, n0, t)

def search(nums, target):
for x,t in countdown(nums, [add, mul, sub, div], []):
if x == target:
print x,t

search([100,9,7,6,3,1], 253)

Arnaud Delobelle

1/20/2008 10:07:00 PM


On Jan 20, 5:41 pm, dg.google.gro...@thesamovar.net wrote:
> Ever since I learnt to program I've always loved writing solvers for
> the Countdown numbers game problem in different languages, and so now
> I'm wondering what the most elegant solution in Python is.
> If you don't know the game, it's simple: you're given six randomly
> chosen positive integers, and a target (another randomly chosen
> positive integer), and you have to make the target using only the
> numbers you're given, and +,-,* and / (and any number of brackets you
> like). You're not allowed fractions as intermediate values. So, given
> 2, 3 and 5 say, and a target of 21, you could do (2+5)*3 = 21.

Neat problem! I couldn't help but have a go. I have no idea how
efficient it is, I didn't think too much before I started typing :)

def partitions(l):
""""split(l) -> an iterator over all partitions of l into two

There is no repetition provided that all elements of l are
# Works only for lists of length < 8*size(int) due to xrange
for i in xrange(1, 2**len(l)-1, 2):
partition = [], []
for x in l:
i, r = divmod(i, 2)
yield partition

def calc(l, filter=lambda *x:x):
"""calc(l, filter) -> an iterator over all expressions involving
numbers in l

filter is a function that returns its two arguments with possible
side-effects. """
if len(l) == 1:
yield l[0], str(l[0])
for l1, l2 in partitions(l):
for v1, s1 in calc(l1, filter):
for v2, s2 in calc(l2, filter):
yield filter(v1 + v2, '(%s+%s)' % (s1, s2))
yield filter(v1 * v2, '(%s*%s)' % (s1, s2))
if v1 > v2:
yield filter(v1 - v2, '(%s-%s)' % (s1, s2))
elif v2 > v1:
yield filter(v2 - v1, '(%s-%s)' % (s2,
if not v1 % v2:
yield filter(v1 / v2, '(%s/%s)' % (s1, s2))
elif not v2 % v1:
yield filter(v2 / v1, '(%s/%s)' % (s2, s1))

def print_filter(target):
"""print_filter(target) -> filter that prints all expressions that
equal target"""
def filter(v, s):
if v == target: print s
return v, s
return filter

class ShortestFilter(object):
def __init__(self, target):
self.shortest = None
self.target = target
def __call__(self, v, s):
if v == self.target:
if not self.shortest or len(self.shortest) > len(s):
self.shortest = s
return v, s

def countdown(numbers, target):
"""countown(numbers, target) -> None -- print all countdown
for dummy in calc(numbers, print_filter(target)): pass

def best_countdown(numbers, target):
"""best_countdown(numbers, target) -> str -- return shortest
filter = ShortestFilter(target)
for dummy in calc(numbers, filter): pass
return filter.shortest

>>> countdown([7,8,50,8,1,3], 923)
>>> print best_countdown([100,9,7,6,3,1], 234)



1/20/2008 11:01:00 PM


dg.google.groups@thesamovar.net wrote:
> Ever since I learnt to program I've always loved writing solvers for
> the Countdown numbers game problem in different languages, and so now
> I'm wondering what the most elegant solution in Python is.
> If you don't know the game, it's simple: you're given six randomly
> chosen positive integers, and a target (another randomly chosen
> positive integer), and you have to make the target using only the
> numbers you're given, and +,-,* and / (and any number of brackets you
> like). You're not allowed fractions as intermediate values. So, given
> 2, 3 and 5 say, and a target of 21, you could do (2+5)*3 = 21.
> So what's the best algorithm? And, what's the most elegant way to code
> it in Python? I've posted my most elegant version below (I have a
> faster version which is slightly less elegant). Can anyone do better?

I found that postfix notation made it easy to run up all the possible
expressions based on permutations of the available numbers. Don't
know where my source code is ... have to look.


Paul Rubin

1/20/2008 11:24:00 PM


dg.google.groups@thesamovar.net writes:
> Unfortunately I realise I stated the problem imprecisely. You're only
> allowed to use each number once (otherwise there's a trivial solution
> for every problem, i.e. x/x + x/x + x/x + ... + x/x repeated y times
> for target y given any source number x). Trying your program on 234
> from [100,9,7,6,3,1] gives you 9*9*3-9 using the 9 three times.

Here's an inefficient solution, that doesn't find 234 but finds 253.
If you see a double post, it's because I posted something similar a
little while ago but cancelled it since it had a bug. I'm not sure
this one is correct either ;-).

from operator import *

def countdown(nums, trace='', ops=[add,mul,sub,div]):
n0,n1s = nums[0], nums[1:]
if not n1s:
yield n0, str(n0)
for f in ops:
for r,t in countdown(n1s, trace, [add, mul, sub]):
if f != div or r != 0 and n0 % r == 0:
yield f(n0, r), '%s(%s,%s)'% (f.__name__, n0, t)

def find_repr(target, nums):
# print all representations of target from nums
for x,t in countdown(nums):
if x == target:
print x,t

find_repr(253, [100,9,7,6,3,1])

Arnaud Delobelle

1/21/2008 1:07:00 AM


On Jan 20, 5:41 pm, dg.google.gro...@thesamovar.net wrote:
> Ever since I learnt to program I've always loved writing solvers for
> the Countdown numbers game problem in different languages

Ok so here's a challenge I just thought of:

What is (or are) the set of 6 starting numbers which are such that the
smallest target they can't reach is maximal?

E.g for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 the smallest target they can't reach is 284:

100 = ((5*4)*(3+2))
101 = (5+((4*3)*(6+2)))
102 = (((6*5)+4)*3)
103 = ((5*((6*4)-3))-2)
280 = ((5*(4+3))*(6+2))
281 = (((5*(4+3))*(6+2))+1)
282 = ((4+((6*5)*3))*(2+1))
283 = (3+(((5*4)*2)*(6+1)))
284 : can't be done

For 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, the smallest unreachable target is 796 (and
there are five others: 829, 956, 961, 964, 991).

For 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, the smallest is 807 (but there are 23 others)

Time to go to bed :)


PS: apologies if I got the results wrong...

Arnaud Delobelle

1/21/2008 1:12:00 AM


On Jan 21, 1:07 am, Arnaud Delobelle <arno...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Jan 20, 5:41 pm, dg.google.gro...@thesamovar.net wrote:
> > Ever since I learnt to program I've always loved writing solvers for
> > the Countdown numbers game problem in different languages
> Ok so here's a challenge I just thought of:
> What is (or are) the set of 6 starting numbers which are such that the
> smallest target they can't reach is maximal?

Update: 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 25 can reach any target between 100 and 999.

The question remains if we lift the upper limit of 999...

Time to really go to bed :)


Terry Jones

1/21/2008 3:20:00 AM


Here's a solution that doesn't use any copying of lists in for recursion.
It also eliminates a bunch of trivially equivalent solutions. The countdown
function is 37 lines of non-comment code. Sample (RPN) output below.


from operator import *

def countdown(target, nums, numsAvail, value, partialSolution, solutions, ops=(add, mul, sub, div)):
if not any(numsAvail):
# Ran out of available numbers. Add the solution, if we're right.
if value == target:
elif value is None:
# Use each distinct number as a starting value.
used = set()
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if num not in used:
numsAvail[i] = False
countdown(target, nums, numsAvail, num, partialSolution, solutions, ops)
numsAvail[i] = True
for op in ops:
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
if numsAvail[i]:
numsAvail[i] = False
moreAvail = any(numsAvail)
lastNum, lastOp = partialSolution[-2:]
except ValueError:
lastNum, lastOp = partialSolution[-1], None
# Don't allow any of:
if not any((
# Div: after mul, by 1, by 0, producing a fraction.
(op == div and (lastOp == 'mul' or num <= 1 or value % num != 0)),
# If initial mul/add, canonicalize to 2nd operator biggest.
((op == mul or op == add) and lastOp is None and num > lastNum),
# Don't all subtracting 0 (instead allow adding 0).
(op == sub and num == 0),
# Don't allow adding 0 unless it's the very last thing we do.
(op == add and num == 0 and moreAvail),
# Don't allow mult by 1 unless it's the very last thing we do.
(op == mul and num == 1 and moreAvail),
# Don't allow sub after add (allow add after sub).
(op == sub and lastOp == 'add'),
# If same op twice in a row, canonicalize operand order.
(lastOp == op.__name__ and num > lastNum)
partialSolution.extend([num, op.__name__])
countdown(target, nums, numsAvail, op(value, num), partialSolution, solutions, ops)
del partialSolution[-2:]
numsAvail[i] = True

for nums, target in (((100, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1), 253),
((100, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1), 234),
((2, 3, 5), 21),
((7, 8, 50, 8, 1, 3), 923),
((8, 8), 16),
((8, 8, 8), 8),
((8, 0), 8),
((7,), 8),
((), 8),
((8, 8, 8, 8), 32)):
print "Target %d, numbers = %s" % (target, nums)
solutions = set()
countdown(target, nums, [True,] * len(nums), value=None, partialSolution=[], solutions=solutions)
for s in solutions: print '\t', s

This produces:

Target 253, numbers = (100, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1)
(7, 6, 'add', 3, 'add', 1, 'add', 9, 'mul', 100, 'add')
(7, 6, 'mul', 9, 'add', 3, 'mul', 100, 'add', 1, 'mul')
(3, 1, 'add', 6, 'mul', 7, 'sub', 9, 'mul', 100, 'add')
(100, 7, 'sub', 6, 'sub', 3, 'mul', 9, 'sub', 1, 'add')
(7, 1, 'add', 6, 'mul', 3, 'mul', 100, 'add', 9, 'add')
Target 234, numbers = (100, 9, 7, 6, 3, 1)
(6, 1, 'add', 100, 'mul', 7, 'sub', 9, 'add', 3, 'div')
(100, 1, 'sub', 3, 'div', 7, 'mul', 6, 'sub', 9, 'add')
(7, 6, 'mul', 3, 'mul', 100, 'sub', 9, 'mul', 1, 'mul')
(100, 7, 'sub', 3, 'div', 6, 'sub', 1, 'add', 9, 'mul')
(7, 6, 'mul', 3, 'mul', 1, 'sub', 100, 'add', 9, 'add')
(6, 9, 'sub', 7, 'mul', 1, 'sub', 100, 'add', 3, 'mul')
(100, 9, 'sub', 7, 'sub', 6, 'sub', 3, 'mul', 1, 'mul')
(100, 7, 'mul', 3, 'mul', 6, 'add', 9, 'div', 1, 'mul')
(100, 1, 'sub', 7, 'mul', 9, 'sub', 3, 'div', 6, 'add')
(100, 7, 'sub', 3, 'div', 1, 'sub', 9, 'add', 6, 'mul')
(7, 3, 'mul', 6, 'sub', 9, 'mul', 1, 'sub', 100, 'add')
(100, 7, 'mul', 6, 'sub', 1, 'sub', 9, 'add', 3, 'div')
(100, 9, 'add', 7, 'add', 1, 'add', 3, 'div', 6, 'mul')
(100, 9, 'sub', 7, 'div', 6, 'mul', 3, 'mul', 1, 'mul')
Target 21, numbers = (2, 3, 5)
(5, 2, 'add', 3, 'mul')
Target 923, numbers = (7, 8, 50, 8, 1, 3)
(50, 8, 'mul', 1, 'sub', 3, 'div', 7, 'mul', 8, 'sub')
Target 16, numbers = (8, 8)
(8, 8, 'add')
Target 8, numbers = (8, 8, 8)
(8, 8, 'sub', 8, 'add')
(8, 8, 'div', 8, 'mul')
Target 8, numbers = (8, 0)
(8, 0, 'add')
Target 8, numbers = (7,)
Target 8, numbers = ()
Target 32, numbers = (8, 8, 8, 8)
(8, 8, 'add', 8, 'add', 8, 'add')