Kevin Provance
9/1/2010 12:34:00 PM
"Abhishek" <> wrote in message
: Hi,
: I have Win XP, when I run my application using right click > run as >
: 'protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity' I get an
: error
: Run-time error '481': Invalid picture
: Why this is happening? and any fixes for that?
This usually happens when an image is higher than 32 bit colours (I think,
it's ben awhile, but the problem has been documented here before). If the
action you have coded in the checkbox deals with showing an image or icon,
then chances are the image is in fact not recognized by VB. If you Google
the error with terms like VB and picutre or icon, the solution is out there.
I forget what it is off the top of my head.