8/21/2010 5:19:00 PM
On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 10:43:28 -0400, "Nobody" <nobody@nobody.com>
>"Mayayana" <mayayana@invalid.nospam> wrote in message
>> I've seen you mention this function before.
>> I just looked up both, but I don't get it.
>> What's the advantage/reason for using
>> OutputDebugString rather than Debug.Print?
>> Likewise, what's the advantage of DebugView
>> over the Immediate window?
>If you have subclassing code that crashes the IDE when you stop it, then you
>have to compile it, but Debug.Print output won't show up.
>Note that when Debug.Print is compiled into an EXE, the call is not removed,
>but the result is discarded. If you have a statement like:
>Debug.Print "LicenseKeyVerify: UserName = " & UserName
>Then anyone can view your EXE with a Hex editor, or trace where the call is
>in the disassembly, and break the licensing scheme if it's shareware.
>However, Debug.Assert is removed from the EXE, so don't add code that take
>action like a function call. You can test this be compiling the following:
>Option Explicit
>Private Sub Form_Load()
> Debug.Print MsgBox("Hello from Debug.Print")
> Debug.Assert vbOK = MsgBox("Hello from Debug.Assert vbOK")
> Debug.Assert vbYes = MsgBox("Hello from Debug.Assert vbYes")
>End Sub
>When I run this in the IDE using VB6, I get all three MsgBoxes, but the IDE
>breaks at the last Debug.Assert because the result is False. When I run this
>in an EXE, I only see the first MsgBox.
Well, might as well add DebugBreak to the pile.
Private Declare Sub DebugBreak Lib "kernel32" Alias "DebugBreak" ()
This replaces VBs "Debug.Assert False" to trigger an outside debugger.