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gem update results in multiple versions


11/3/2008 1:37:00 AM

Working on some code I wish to distribute via gem. When I up the
version and do a gem update my-code, gem reports that both the
previous version and the new version are installed. This doesn't seem
to occur with any other gems that I have. I cannot seem to figure out
what's up with this.

Here's my gemspec:

spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = "My Proggy"
s.version = "0.5.3"
s.author = "David Copeland"
s.email = "my@email.com"
s.homepage = "http://www.mystuff...
s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.summary = "Some description"
s.files = FileList["{bin,lib}/**/*"].to_a
s.require_path = "lib"
s.test_files = FileList["{test}/**/test*.rb"].to_a
s.bindir = "bin"
s.executables << "cl"
s.has_rdoc = true
s.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'Titlet' << '--main' << 'README.rdoc'
s.extra_rdoc_files = ["README.rdoc"]

When I changed from "0.5.3" to "0.5.4", gem just installed it
alongside the old version. Is there a way to tell it not to do that?

This happened installing the gem from a local .gem file AND from a
remote repository.
6 Answers

Stefan Lang

11/3/2008 1:59:00 PM


2008/11/3 davetron5000 <davetron5000@gmail.com>:
> Working on some code I wish to distribute via gem. When I up the
> version and do a gem update my-code, gem reports that both the
> previous version and the new version are installed. This doesn't seem
> to occur with any other gems that I have. I cannot seem to figure out
> what's up with this.

It's normal behaviour. It doesn't hurt, since RubyGems
loads the newest version anyway when no specific version
is specified. And the old gem is still there in case another
gem depends on this specific version.

You can uninstall the old version with:

gem uninstall gem-name -v some.version.number



7/31/2010 2:43:00 PM


<xxx@xxx.com> wrote in message

> He's had his sphincter tightened a few notches since
> his photo was made public.

Oh dear boy...<LOL>
Lookey here...Deej and his sock puppet xxx (how creative!)
The bummer twins of RMGD...who chose a public forum
to lash out at the world for whatever reason...decades of
psychic scars from junior high school perhaps?...work stress?
I'm no psychiatrist...I'm clueless why they've chosen this site to
express their anger with the world...quite frankly, I read their
cries for help and either shake my head or laugh...
how sad....how sad.


7/31/2010 3:07:00 PM


[posted and mailed]

"Sweetbac" <sweetbacz@scbglobal.net> wrote in news:i31cot$60n$1

> <xxx@xxx.com> wrote in message
>> He's had his sphincter tightened a few notches since
>> his photo was made public.
> Oh dear boy...<LOL>
> Lookey here...Deej and his sock puppet xxx (how creative!)
> The bummer twins of RMGD...who chose a public forum
> to lash out at the world for whatever reason...decades of
> psychic scars from junior high school perhaps?...work stress?
> I'm no psychiatrist...I'm clueless why they've chosen this site to
> express their anger with the world...quite frankly, I read their
> cries for help and either shake my head or laugh...
> how sad....how sad.

Poor sensitive guy, don't sweat it nobody takes you seriously enough to
lash out. Try not to get too hurt when people make jokes. For what it is
worth I thought you looked very pretty in your photo, way more butch
than you act on here. A later day Ethel Merman, almost.

Sherry in Vermont

7/31/2010 4:28:00 PM


On 2010-07-31 00:47:29 -0400, Neil X <neilxk@yahoo.com> said:

> Hey, you're the one that brought the idea of ruddy indignation into
> this discussion. What is it that teenagers say about farts? "You
> called it, you blew it." Wisdom from high schoolers.

According to my 10 yr old, it's "you smelt it, you dealt it!"

Just FYI. <g>

Sherry in Vermont


7/31/2010 4:42:00 PM


"Neil X" <neilxk@yahoo.com> wrote in message

> Yeah, the Bell, CA story is national. Truly, staggeringly,
> perplexingly odd. I'm sure that there are plenty of legal means by
> which what was done there can be declared to be void due to something
> akin to fraud. Not the same situation as giving a reasonable pension
> to a government employee, then attempting to declare it void due to
> current economic conditions.

Not the same is right; as is already happening all over the place, union
contracts are being renegotiated and terminated and modified out of absolute
necessity since the local governments simply do not have the money to pay
for them; but I'm thinking that the thives in Bell will get away with their
contracts fully intact...

Although since the property tax rates in poverty stricken Bell are already
the highest in the state, higher than Beverly Hills or Malibu or Atherton,
its not like there's going to be any money there either, so maybe that city
will just fire everyone and close their doors, ending any future pension



7/31/2010 5:23:00 PM


"Joker" <joker4153@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> Not the same is right; as is already happening all over the place, union
>> contracts are being renegotiated and terminated and modified out of
>> absolute
>> necessity since the local governments simply do not have the money to pay
>> for them; but I'm thinking that the thives in Bell will get away with
>> their
>> contracts fully intact...
> Am I the only one who still wonders how it is that the Wall Street
> CEOs who crashed our economy could not be denied their bloated multi-
> million dollar bonuses (some paid from bail-out cash) because
> "contracts are sacred and can never be broken", yet, contracts
> involving unions are (and over the past 30 years have been) routinely
> dumped or renegotiated before they expire with barely a whisper of
> protest. I don't recall Tim Geitner protesting the sacred holiness of
> The Financial Contract when that contract was a union bargained deal
> that made it possible for a greasy, sweat-stained union worker to
> support a family and be comfortable and able to retire some day.
> If bailout funds can pay Wall Street bonuses, then taxpayer bailout
> money should be paying the full salaries and benefits autoworkers
> enjoyed before Obama bailed out the auto industry. The autoworkers
> should not have given a nickel back. If it's good enough for AIG
> bosses, it's good enough for the "little guy", too.
> Give back billions in Wall Street bonuses? NEVER! Give back 20%, 30%,
> 50% or more for the guy making $60K per year? Of course. That's
> clearly different and not sacred at all. Nope, no problem there.

Almost everyone agrees that Wall St bonuses paid to TARP receipient
companies because of contractual obligations shouldn't be paid, including
Geitner. That's why Ken Feinberg was given the task of reducing their
contracted bonuses, which he did. The AIG recipients even gave their
bonuses back voluntarily before Feinberg could cut them.

But as is and always will be the case with Wall St, close one door and they
just open another. Now they're all getting paid differently, under new
arrangements. No lawmaking or administrative body will ever be able to move
faster than they do. Another problem is that the owners of private
companies, the shareholders, don't do anything about the excessive pay,
although in the recently passed Financial Reform bill they will allegedly be
required to vote on compensation for certain positions.

The owners of local governments, the taxpayers, already have ways to speak
up about excessive pay. They can vote out politicians who don't cut
expenses when its necessary, and they can vote no on tax increases until
expenses are cut to their satisfaction. Both of which they are doing in