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15 Answers


12/17/2013 2:10:00 AM


On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
>On Sunday, December 8, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>> Dinosaurs
> >creation.com/australias-aborigines-did-they-see-dinosaurs

Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before Australia existed.
You should know that. You have the arrogance to act as if you know more than all the scientists in the world but in reality you know very little.

And 'millions of years' is a figment of the imaginations of those
who are opposed to the Christian faith and scriptures.
And further they are not interested in rational debates...
only in the indoctrinations of their own opinions -
that have no scientific proof.

Our calendar 'reads' a time from the birth of Jesus Christ...
or is it that you do not know that?

=============================================== Luke 1:35 has an interesting take on how Mary stayed a virgin. And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God. Come is a euphemism for ejaculate, so the Holy Ghost ejaculated upon Mary rather than inside her, and the semen must have found its way into her vagina, thus her hymen remained intact leaving her technically a virgin. Jesus was born by Cesarian thus again leaving her hymen intact.

Barry OGrady

12/17/2013 7:57:00 AM


On Mon, 16 Dec 2013 18:10:10 -0800 (PST), gladys swager
<gswager@gmail.com> wrote:

Gladies, if you quote any of this post
Take responsibility for your own actions.
Don't be like God.

>And 'millions of years' is a figment of the imaginations of those
>who are opposed to the Christian faith and scriptures.

Its not a matter of being opposed to the Christian faith.
Its a matter of people, including Christians, recognising
that the scriptures were written by ordinary people with
an agenda.

>And further they are not interested in rational debates...
>only in the indoctrinations of their own opinions -
> that have no scientific proof.

That describes creationists.

As you know by now evolution is proven science where
creation is proven religion, proven by the courts.

People laugh as creationists because they are so pathetic.
Romans 1:22.

Luke 1:35 has an interesting take on how Mary stayed a virgin.
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall
come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be
called the Son of God.

Come is a euphemism for ejaculate, so the Holy Ghost ejaculated
upon Mary rather than inside her, and the semen must have found
its way into her vagina, thus her hymen remained intact leaving her
technically a virgin. Jesus was born by Cesarian thus again leaving
her hymen intact.


12/17/2013 8:10:00 AM


On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Dec 201, gladys swager wrote:

Don't be like God.

>Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before Australia existed. I knew that but thank you for reminding me

>And 'millions of years' is a figment of the imaginations of those
>who are opposed to the Christian faith and scriptures.
>And further they are not interested in rational debates...
>only in the indoctrinations of their own opinions - > that have no scientific proof.

Why do people laugh at creationists? (all 39 parts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS5vid4GkEY&list=PLAC3481... Why do people laugh at creationists? The only people so stupid as to not understand the answer are the creationists themselves.

Evolution is the best supported scientific theory. All evidence points to evolution and no serious alternatives have been offered.

Bringing out your mantras again, B.O'G.

>Our calendar 'reads' a time from the birth of Jesus Christ...

Our week days are named after gods.

Granted...but the years are the vital factors in this issue.
And the Evolutionists have been out in force since the publication
of C.Darwin's Origin of the Species. And as far as I have read in respect of C.Darwin his research was not to a great depth...or width...or height...
But he said he knew in the Origin of the species...and there were people who believed him. And there are still people who believe him.
And there are people who....do not want to look at the alternative understanding. B.O'G. being one of them.
Why won't you investigate the other understandings, b.O'G?

Did you gain the Leaving or Higher School Certificate at the end of five or six years of schooling?.... Be honest with me!!

<Snipped> You have given it all before...was it by copu any paste??

Amazing!!!???...how much can come from....
nobody made something out of nothing at the beginning of time!!!
For about forty years of my life of contact with life on a farm never once
was there any evidence of svolution...changing patterens from one type of living animal or plant changinfg into anothere type of living animal or plant.

When did the Evolutionary changes, that you say did occur,....
.....when did you say they ceased occurring??
We have precous little information for 10 000 to 4 00 years ago...
how is it that evolutionists say they have so much information
before 10 000 years ago.

I come back to the point I
have made in a few previous postings...
Atheists wanted 'to rule the roost' in the post-war years...
They were going to show the world what Atheists could do
in bringing in the New World Order....
was that also Evolution...under another name??

The N.W.O. petered out along the way!!!

Barry, i grew up in an outer Sydney suburb, much bushland,
walked along bush tracks nearly all the way to Primary school.
Left windows open throughout hot Summer (heat-wave) nights.
.....without any fears.

The wonderful post WW2 years just did not eventuate.....
some say, "We are still waiting!!

Barry, I have experienced a lot in my 85 plus some weeks of my life....
but I have never seesn seen a plant or an animal in the process of evolving
into another plant or animal at any time in all teh times I have been out in teh bush, on a seashore, or any other! Have you???
.. If you are of the opinion that evolution ceased...
please give a date for the cessation, reasons and evidnece!!!

Until you/and your evolutionary mates can do that ...
and with actual Scientific evidence then p.s.u.

Barry OGrady

12/17/2013 9:46:00 AM


On Tue, 17 Dec 2013 00:09:47 -0800 (PST), gladys swager
<gswager@gmail.com> wrote:

Gladies, I asked you nicely,
Gladies, if you quote any of this post
Take responsibility for your own actions.
Don't be like God.
Have you ever thought about taking responsibility for your own

>On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Dec 201, gladys swager wrote:
>Don't be like God.

I won't. You shouldn't either.

>>Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before Australia existed. I knew that but thank you for reminding me

What would you think of someone who trashes the formatting even
after being asked nicely to use normal quoting?

>Why do people laugh at creationists?

Because they are idiots that never grew out of their imaginary friend.

>Evolution is the best supported scientific theory. All evidence points
>to evolution and no serious alternatives have been offered.

I know that but it is good to see you acknowledge that fact.

Bringing out your atheist personality again, Gladies.

>Our week days are named after gods.

I told you that.


>And the Evolutionists have been out in force since the publication
>of C.Darwin's Origin of the Species. And as far as I have read in
>respect of C.Darwin his research was not to a great depth...or
>width...or height...
>But he said he knew in the Origin of the species...and there were
>people who believed him. And there are still people who believe him.

Such an amazing man, and creationists have the audacity to
put him down because he could see beyond their bullshit.

Are you aware that Darwin's theory has been confirmed by new
scientific and biological developments?
As well as that no serious alternatives to evolution have been

See the end of this post for some wonderful words from Darwin.

>And there are people who....do not want to look at the alternative
>understanding. B.O'G. being one of them.
>Why won't you investigate the other understandings, b.O'G?

The fact that no serious alternatives to evolution have been offered
should tell you something.


Is what amazing???

>...how much can come from....
> nobody made something out of nothing at the beginning of time!!!

In all my years on a farm I never saw magical creation.

>When did the Evolutionary changes, that you say did occur,....
>....when did you say they ceased occurring??

I didn't.

>We have precous little information for 10 000 to 4 00 years ago...
>how is it that evolutionists say they have so much information
>before 10 000 years ago.

You will find that out at your museum visit.
Hint: Investigate fossil record and the various dating methods.

>Barry, i grew up in an outer Sydney suburb, much bushland,
>walked along bush tracks nearly all the way to Primary school.
>Left windows open throughout hot Summer (heat-wave) nights.
>....without any fears.
>The wonderful post WW2 years just did not eventuate.....
> some say, "We are still waiting!!

God let us all down Gladies.
You must have known God could not be trusted.
God caused all our troubles after it went psycho and trashed
everything good.

>Barry, I have experienced a lot in my 85 plus some weeks of my life....

You look older than 85 weeks in your picture.
Is that your mental age?

>but I have never seesn seen a plant or an animal in the process of evolving
>into another plant or animal at any time in all teh times I have been
>out in teh bush, on a seashore, or any other! Have you???

I can't comment because you have never told me what a teh is.

>. If you are of the opinion that evolution ceased...
>please give a date for the cessation, reasons and evidnece!!!
>Until you/and your evolutionary mates can do that ...
>and with actual Scientific evidence then p.s.u.

I am not of the opinion that evolution ceased.

Where do you get your straw from Gladies?
Do you build your own strawmen or do get them from
Creation Ministries xxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

Darwin was an amazing man. He brought enlightenment
when it was a crime to speak against the prevailing view.

Unfortunately groups like Creation Ministries Irrational
want to drag us back to those dark times.

Read below and marvel at how intelligent Darwin was.

Charles Darwin wrote.

?I had gradually come, by this time [i.e. January 1839, when he
was 29?Ed.], to see that the Old Testament from its manifestly false
history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, the rainbow as a sign,
etc., etc., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a
revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of
the Hindus, or the beliefs of any barbarian.'

?[T]he more we know of the fixed laws of nature the more
incredible do miracles become,?that the men at that time were ignorant
and credulous to a degree almost incomprehensible by us,?that the
Gospels cannot be proved to have been written simultaneously with the
events,?that they differ in many important details, far too important
as it seemed to me to be admitted as the usual inaccuracies of
eye-witnesses;?by such reflections as these ? I gradually came to
disbelieve in Christianity as a divine revelation.'

?I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to
be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that
the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother
and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And
this is a damnable doctrine.?

?The old argument of design in nature, as given by Paley, which
formerly seemed to me so conclusive, fails, now that the law of
natural selection has been discovered. We can no longer argue that,
for instance, the beautiful hinge of a bivalve shell must have been
made by an intelligent being, like the hinge of a door by man. ?
Everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.?

?If the truth of this conclusion be granted [i.e. that there is
more happiness than misery in the world], it harmonises well with the
effects which we might expect from natural selection. If all the
individuals of any species were habitually to suffer to an extreme
degree they would neglect to propagate their kind ? .? He then added
that many sentient beings ?occasionally suffer much. Such suffering,
is quite compatible with the belief in Natural Selection, which is not
perfect in its action ? .? He continued, ?A being so powerful and so
full of knowledge as a God who could create the universe, is to our
finite minds omnipotent and omniscient, and it revolts our
understanding to suppose that his benevolence is not unbounded, for
what advantage can there be in the sufferings of millions of the lower
animals throughout almost endless time??

?But it cannot be doubted that Hindus, Mahomadans [sic] and
others might argue in the same manner and with equal force in favour
of the existence of one God, or of many Gods, or as with the Buddhists
of no God. There are also many barbarian tribes who cannot be said
with any truth to believe in what we call God: they believe indeed in
spirits or ghosts, and it can be explained, as Tyler and Herbert
Spencer have shown,11 how such a belief would be likely to arise.?

?[C]an the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been
developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animal,
be trusted when it draws such grand conclusions??

Regarding children
?[I]t would be as difficult for them to throw off their belief in
God, as for a monkey to throw off its instinctive fear and hatred of a

Luke 1:35 has an interesting take on how Mary stayed a virgin.
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall
come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be
called the Son of God.

Come is a euphemism for ejaculate, so the Holy Ghost ejaculated
upon Mary rather than inside her, and the semen must have found
its way into her vagina, thus her hymen remained intact leaving her
technically a virgin. Jesus was born by Cesarian thus again leaving
her hymen intact.


12/17/2013 5:38:00 PM


On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:

>Have you ever thought about taking responsibility for your own actions?

I do it all the time, what about you, B.O'G?

>All evidence points to evolution and no serious alternatives have been offered.

You have been brain-washed.


Barry OGrady

12/17/2013 6:43:00 PM


On Tue, 17 Dec 2013 09:38:14 -0800 (PST), gladys swager
<gswager@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Tuesday, December 17, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
>>Have you ever thought about taking responsibility for your own actions?
>I do it all the time, what about you, B.O'G?

Stop blaming others for the mess you make of your posts.

>>All evidence points to evolution and no serious alternatives have been offered.
>You have been brain-washed.

Along with every scientist in the world!



Luke 1:35 has an interesting take on how Mary stayed a virgin.
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall
come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee:
therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be
called the Son of God.

Come is a euphemism for ejaculate, so the Holy Ghost ejaculated
upon Mary rather than inside her, and the semen must have found
its way into her vagina, thus her hymen remained intact leaving her
technically a virgin. Jesus was born by Cesarian thus again leaving
her hymen intact.


12/18/2013 12:07:00 AM


On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:

Creation Scientists International is presenting a very credible alternative,
but your addiction to evolutioary theories prevents you, at this time,
from accepting them.



12/18/2013 4:50:00 AM


On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
>On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
> >Creation Scientists International is presenting a very credible alternative, >but your addiction to evolutioary theories prevents you, at this time,
>from accepting them.

I didn't even know they existed. Their website seems to be nothing but book sales. Have you given up on Creation Ministries?

Their website is much more than websales; but keep looking and reading.
You may think you can fault them....
but it is the Christian teachings that faults you.

I wonder what your celebrations will be for Christmas next week?
I wonder if you will really understand the significance of the day.


12/18/2013 2:09:00 PM


On Tue, 17 Dec 2013 20:49:55 -0800 (PST), gladys swager <gswager@gmail.com>

>On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
>>On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote:
>>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote:
>> >Creation Scientists International is presenting a very credible alternative, >but your addiction to evolutioary theories prevents you, at this time,
>>from accepting them.
>I didn't even know they existed. Their website seems to be nothing but book sales. Have you given up on Creation Ministries?
>Their website is much more than websales; but keep looking and reading.
>You may think you can fault them....
>but it is the Christian teachings that faults you.
>I wonder what your celebrations will be for Christmas next week?

And you, gladys, what will be your own celebrations? I myself will be a
volunteer Mass usher and possibly visit hospital patients.

>I wonder if you will really understand the significance of the day.

duke, American-American
When Obama was elected, he said he couldn't be more
proud for this country. Now, after 5 years, we Americans
will never be more disgusted with the mess he as created.


12/18/2013 8:27:00 PM


On Thursday, December 19, 2013, duke wrote: > On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote: >On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote: >> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote: >>On Wednesday, December 18, 2013, Barry OGrady wrote: >>> On Tue, 17 Dec 2013, gladys swager wrote: >> >Creation Scientists International is presenting a very credible alternative, but your addiction to evolutioary theories prevents you, at this time, from accepting them. > >I didn't even know they existed. Their website seems to be nothing but book sales. Have you given up on Creation Ministries? > >Their website is much more than websales; but keep looking and reading. >You may think you can fault them....
>but it is the Christian teachings that faults you.
> >I wonder what your celebrations will be for Christmas next week?
And you, gladys, what will be your own celebrations?
I myself will be a volunteer Mass usher

And at the mass will those participating be told that after the consecration of the bread and winr they will be actually eating Christ's body and drinking
His blood.
That was the issue (termed Transubstantiation) that caused John Wycliffe, then a theologican of your church to protest in 1215AD, and has been termed 'The Morning Star of the Reformation'.
His bones were dug up later, burnt to ashes which were thrown into the river and eventually and symbolically made their way to all parts of the world

1 Corinthians 13 : 8 Paul wrote, "Charity never fails.... but whether there be prophesies, they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge,it shall vanish away; for we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
.....and possibly visit hospital patients.
>I wonder if you will really understand the significance of the day?.

Christmas, the day of Christ's birth, is celebrated on an incorrect day.
The shepherds were out in the fields keeping watch over their sheep through the night hours.
But in December in Bethlehem the sheep would have been in quarters as often there was/is snow during tha tmonth.

As there were no records of the actual date of the birth of Jesus Christ,
a date was chosen that fitted in with the Church's calendar.

You have dismissed Jeremiah 31 : 34 "And they shall teach no more, every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, "Know the Lord, for all will know (Him), from the least of them unto the greatest of them,
when I posted it previously.
As far as you are concerned that can only come when all have been won back to the R.Catholic Church...evidently through World Youth Days and Canonisations of certain persons given the title of 'saints' with friendly vists by Popes, perhaps a schedule has been drawn up for Pope Francis!!

(There is a problem with the means of posting with the newer format as on my computer)

Duke, You seem to be of the understanding that to be Christian
you must observe all the rituals and rules that have been declared by Popes through the centuries.
I would say that a small group of Christians meeting together
in a tin shed in outback Australia, or even one Christian by him/herself in the privacy of one's own home
may be closer to God than some in the most beautiful cathedrals in the world.

There has been a pomp and ceremony added to the Christian faith that is far from the out-house in Bethlehem where Jesus was born
at a time when the dhepherds were out on the hills (ie Spring to early Autumn - not the December now set apart for the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth.