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Re: XMLRPC Question

Brian Candler

7/8/2008 9:09:00 AM

> So what I entered into telnet was just: <ping></ping>

That definitely isn't XMLRPC. The XMLRPC spec is very simple, see

Since the root element isn't <methodCall> then it isn't XMLRPC, so you won't
be able to use an xmlrpc client library.

What you seem to have is an ad-hoc XML-over-TCP exchange. So you need to:

(1) Open a TCPSocket to connect to the server
(2) Squirt your XML request down it
(3) Perhaps: half-close the connection (*)
(4) Read the response
(5) Either wait for the connection to close, or wait for the closing tag
of the response (**)

(*) This depends on how the server detects the end of the request - does it
look for the closing tag, or does it wait for the connection to close?

(**) The first case lets you read a blob and parse it afterwards. The second
requires you to parse as you read, e.g. with a stream parser.

If the server side closes the connection after sending the response, you
might be able to start with something as simple as

require 'socket'
conn = TCPSocket.new('', 1234) # Destination hostname and port
conn.puts "<ping></ping>"
#conn.close_write # maybe not needed
res = conn.read
puts res

Then pass res to a parser like REXML. If not, then you should pass the open
conn object to something like an REXML StreamParser to read element at a

You'll just have to play with it to make it work, or talk to the server
designer, since there are some unknowns in the above. If they were using
XML-over-HTTP then it would be clearer, because the semantics of
end-of-request and end-of-response for HTTP are well-defined.



12 Answers


3/23/2011 10:03:00 PM


Unless you brainless ass-wipes can cite any legally sustainable HIGH
CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS committed by President Barack, impeachment
will never be on the table.

You'd do better to support a post-administration indictment of BUSH
and CHENEY for documented crimes against humanity, including our own
citizens in the Katrina disaster.

Tim Crowley

3/24/2011 3:11:00 AM


On Mar 21, 10:23 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:09:04 -0700 (PDT), traveler <Vallec...@aol.com>
> wrote:
> >I hate to say it but the time has come to initiate impeachment
> >proceedings against the sitting president.  The guy is clearly in over
> >his head, hasn't kept any of his campaign promises (including health
> >care reform, which he twisted around in order to force feed Americans
> >mandatory health insurance), is asleep at the wheel, and appears to be
> >incompetent.  Oh, he can give a speech if called upon.  Too bad he
> >doesn't say anything new and it's all a bunch of bullshit.  The
> >economy has NOT, I repeat NOT recovered.  We haven't turned any
> >fucking corner on anything!  The price of gasoline is again heading
> >through the roof, which is what really wrecked the economy in the
> >first place, and we are still up to our eyeballs in the Mideast War.
> >You may recall that's the one Obama vowed to end.  Hah!!!  And with
> >the Japanese experiencing one of the worst catastrophes of recent
> >years, this jackass "community organizer" heads on down to Rio to have
> >a good time.  Gimme a break, Barack.  You either are utterly clueless
> >or your advisers are.  Oh yeah, I forgot, while we're fucking up
> >everything else, why not side with the Libyan rebels even though we
> >don't know who the fuck they really are?  Is this moron for real?
> It would appear the "peter principle" caught up to him as soon as he
> got past "community organizer".

hint: your hatred of America is showing, again.


3/24/2011 4:18:00 AM


On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:02:57 -0700 (PDT), SplayedAnus
<clitteigh@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Unless you brainless ass-wipes can cite any legally sustainable HIGH
>CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS committed by President Barack, impeachment
>will never be on the table.

Unlike with Bush, there are those on both sides of the aisle that
think Obama impeachment should be considered. Clearly, his actions
have stepped outside of the norm.

>You'd do better to support a post-administration indictment of BUSH
>and CHENEY for documented crimes against humanity, including our own
>citizens in the Katrina disaster.


3/24/2011 4:37:00 AM


On Mar 23, 9:17 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:

> Unlike with Bush, there are those on both sides of the aisle that
> think Obama impeachment should be considered.  Clearly, his actions
> have stepped outside of the norm.

Stepped? It's where he is standing, before, during, after. And the
voters were hoodwinked on this one.


Eddie Haskell

3/24/2011 3:57:00 PM


"SplayedAnus" <clitteigh@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Unless you brainless ass-wipes can cite any legally sustainable HIGH
> CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS committed by President Barack, impeachment
> will never be on the table.

Ignoring a federal judge that has already ruled Husseincare unconstituional
would be good for straters.

> You'd do better to support a post-administration indictment of BUSH
> and CHENEY for documented crimes against humanity, including our own
> citizens in the Katrina disaster.

You democrats are the ones that taught those stupid niggers to be government
dependents to point of sitting on their asses to drown, right down to Nagin
who failed to initiate the evacuation plan and left hundreds of busses to
flood while he ran around screaming for the feds, you stupid lying

And you continue to fuck the dumbasses by blaming Bush instead of holding
them responsible for their own failures. That's because as a democrat you
don't give a fuck about the poor people of NO except how you can use them as
political fodder. From top to bottom. Corrupt as fuckin' sin.

-Eddie Haskell

Eddie Haskell

3/24/2011 4:00:00 PM


"DCI" <50bjdk@gmail.com> wrote in message
On Mar 23, 9:17 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:

> Unlike with Bush, there are those on both sides of the aisle that
> think Obama impeachment should be considered. Clearly, his actions
> have stepped outside of the norm.

> Stepped? It's where he is standing, before, during, after. And the
> voters were hoodwinked on this one.

By the fascist MSM that had the half conscious "independents" brain fucked.
Now that Hussein is in office they are aghast at what they have done.

-Eddie Haskell

Eddie Haskell

3/24/2011 4:01:00 PM


"Tim Crowley" <timmyturmoil@gmail.com> wrote in message
On Mar 21, 10:23 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Mar 2011 17:09:04 -0700 (PDT), traveler <Vallec...@aol.com>
> wrote:
> >I hate to say it but the time has come to initiate impeachment
> >proceedings against the sitting president. The guy is clearly in over
> >his head, hasn't kept any of his campaign promises (including health
> >care reform, which he twisted around in order to force feed Americans
> >mandatory health insurance), is asleep at the wheel, and appears to be
> >incompetent. Oh, he can give a speech if called upon. Too bad he
> >doesn't say anything new and it's all a bunch of bullshit. The
> >economy has NOT, I repeat NOT recovered. We haven't turned any
> >fucking corner on anything! The price of gasoline is again heading
> >through the roof, which is what really wrecked the economy in the
> >first place, and we are still up to our eyeballs in the Mideast War.
> >You may recall that's the one Obama vowed to end. Hah!!! And with
> >the Japanese experiencing one of the worst catastrophes of recent
> >years, this jackass "community organizer" heads on down to Rio to have
> >a good time. Gimme a break, Barack. You either are utterly clueless
> >or your advisers are. Oh yeah, I forgot, while we're fucking up
> >everything else, why not side with the Libyan rebels even though we
> >don't know who the fuck they really are? Is this moron for real?
> It would appear the "peter principle" caught up to him as soon as he
> got past "community organizer".

> hint: your hatred of America is showing, again.

Thanks for the projection.

Typical democrat.

Goddamn America.

-Eddie Haskell

Tim Crowley

3/24/2011 4:44:00 PM


On Mar 23, 9:36 pm, DCI <50b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 9:17 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:
> > Unlike with Bush, there are those on both sides of the aisle that
> > think Obama impeachment should be considered.  Clearly, his actions
> > have stepped outside of the norm.
> Stepped? It's  where he is standing, before, during, after. And the
> voters were hoodwinked on this one.

You're the only one that was hoodwinked, coward. Now you put your
sheet back on and shut the fuck up like a good racist.

hint: hide, bitch.

Eddie Haskell

3/24/2011 5:17:00 PM


"Tim Crowley" <timmyturmoil@gmail.com> wrote in message
On Mar 23, 9:36 pm, DCI <50b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 23, 9:17 pm, ByeStander <ByeStan...@home.com> wrote:
> > Unlike with Bush, there are those on both sides of the aisle that
> > think Obama impeachment should be considered. Clearly, his actions
> > have stepped outside of the norm.
> Stepped? It's where he is standing, before, during, after. And the
> voters were hoodwinked on this one.

> You're the only one that was hoodwinked, coward. Now you put your
> sheet back on and shut the fuck up like a good racist.

No one gave you permission the speak.

Now, get back to pickin' DNC cotton, like a typical black person.

"Typical white person"


"Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself."


Hussein's associations:

Rev. Wright, whose church Hussein attended and supported financially for
20 years:

"Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is
controlled by rich white people."

Rev. Lowery, hand picked by Hussein to deliver the inaugural benediction:

"Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in
the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when
black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around, when
yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white
will embrace what is right."

Sonia Sotomayor, Hussein's pick for the SC:

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences
would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who
hasn't lived that life."

From Hussein's book:

"White man's greed runs a world in need."

Prof. Gates, anti-white racist who Obama says is a friend of his.

Obama advisor Van Jones:

"Only Suburban White Kids Shoot Up Schools"

"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child"

"White polluters steered poison into minority communities"

"Coates, who said he was testifying before the commission as a whistle
blower and in violation of his Justice supervisor's instructions, said that
there is a "hostile atmosphere" in the civil rights division that did not
"reflect race neutral policies." He said the country's major civil rights
organizations are also biased against race-neutral enforcement."



"In emotional and personal testimony, an ex-Justice official who quit over
the handling of a voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther
Party accused his former employer of instructing attorneys in the civil
rights division to ignore cases that involve black defendants and white
victims. "


-Eddie Haskell

John Doe

3/25/2011 11:49:00 AM


In article <f9ee24b3-79a5-456f-b13f-407364cb07a9
@b22g2000prb.googlegroups.com>, clitteigh@yahoo.com says...
> Unless you brainless ass-wipes can cite any legally sustainable HIGH
> CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS committed by President Barack, impeachment
> will never be on the table.
> You'd do better to support a post-administration indictment of BUSH
> and CHENEY for documented crimes against humanity, including our own
> citizens in the Katrina disaster.

The name splayedAnus fits you perfectly!


