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Re: Method parameters Type

Mike Blackwell

4/7/2008 8:29:00 PM

From: Sreedhar Kesanasetti <kesanasetti.sreedhar@citigroup.com>
>> Unlike Java why does not ruby specify the method parameter types.

Because, unlike Java, Ruby is not a strongly typed language.

>> How can a caller know what type of parameter is the method expecting.

Read the method's documentation?

14 Answers

Avdi Grimm

4/7/2008 8:44:00 PM


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Mike Blackwell <maiku41@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Because, unlike Java, Ruby is not a strongly typed language.

To be pedantic, both Java and Ruby are strongly typed. However, Java
is statically types, and Ruby is dynamically typed.


Phillip Gawlowski

4/7/2008 9:12:00 PM


Hash: SHA1

Avdi Grimm wrote:
| On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Mike Blackwell <maiku41@sbcglobal.net>
|> Because, unlike Java, Ruby is not a strongly typed language.
| To be pedantic, both Java and Ruby are strongly typed. However, Java
| is statically types, and Ruby is dynamically typed.

Ruby is?

irb(main):001:0> t = String.new
=> ""
irb(main):002:0> t.class
=> String
irb(main):003:0> t = 1
=> 1
irb(main):004:0> t.class
=> Fixnum
irb(main):005:0> exit

Doesn't look like it to me, since I can change the type of a variable
with ease.

- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan

Rule of Open-Source Programming #37:

Duplicate effort is inevitable. Live with it.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail....


Iñaki Baz Castillo

4/7/2008 9:25:00 PM


El Lunes, 7 de Abril de 2008, Phillip Gawlowski escribi=F3:
> Avdi Grimm wrote:
> | On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 4:28 PM, Mike Blackwell <maiku41@sbcglobal.net>
> wrote:
> |> Because, unlike Java, Ruby is not a strongly typed language.
> |
> | To be pedantic, both Java and Ruby are strongly typed. However, Java
> | is statically types, and Ruby is dynamically typed.
> Ruby is?
> irb(main):001:0> t =3D String.new
> =3D> ""
> irb(main):002:0> t.class
> =3D> String
> irb(main):003:0> t =3D 1
> =3D> 1
> irb(main):004:0> t.class
> =3D> Fixnum
> irb(main):005:0> exit
> Doesn't look like it to me, since I can change the type of a variable
> with ease.

No, look at the following example:

irb(main):001:0> text =3D "The number is: "
=3D> "The number is: "

irb(main):002:0> number =3D 25
=3D> 25

irb(main):003:0> puts text + number
TypeError: can't convert Fixnum into String
from (irb):3:in `+'
from (irb):3
from :0

I=F1aki Baz Castillo

Avdi Grimm

4/7/2008 9:25:00 PM


On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Phillip Gawlowski
<cmdjackryan@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Ruby is?
> Doesn't look like it to me, since I can change the type of a variable
> with ease.

You're confusing static typing and strong typing.

In a weakly-typed language, like C, it is possible to cast an integer
as a, for instance, a char*, and then call string functions like
sprintf() on it and the compiler will compile it, the runtime will run
it, and it will wreak whatever havoc you please. Most high-level
languages are strongly-typed, these days - neither Java or Ruby will
allow you to call a String method on an Integer. You can assign
whatever object you want to a variable in Ruby - hence *dynamic*
typing - but that object will only ever allow you to call supported
methods on it; otherwise you'll get a NoMethodError. Hence *strong*


Phillip Gawlowski

4/7/2008 10:53:00 PM


Hash: SHA1

Avdi Grimm wrote:
| On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Phillip Gawlowski
| <cmdjackryan@googlemail.com> wrote:
|> Ruby is?
|> Doesn't look like it to me, since I can change the type of a variable
|> with ease.
| You're confusing static typing and strong typing.
| In a weakly-typed language, like C, it is possible to cast an integer
| as a, for instance, a char*, and then call string functions like
| sprintf() on it and the compiler will compile it, the runtime will run
| it, and it will wreak whatever havoc you please. Most high-level
| languages are strongly-typed, these days - neither Java or Ruby will
| allow you to call a String method on an Integer. You can assign
| whatever object you want to a variable in Ruby - hence *dynamic*
| typing - but that object will only ever allow you to call supported
| methods on it; otherwise you'll get a NoMethodError. Hence *strong*
| typing.

Thanks for the enlightenment. :)

- --
Phillip Gawlowski
Twitter: twitter.com/cynicalryan

Zmodem has bigger bits, softer blocks, and tighter ASCII.
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail....


Robert Klemme

4/8/2008 9:08:00 PM


On 08.04.2008 00:53, Phillip Gawlowski wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Avdi Grimm wrote:
> | On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 5:12 PM, Phillip Gawlowski
> | <cmdjackryan@googlemail.com> wrote:
> |> Ruby is?
> |>
> |> Doesn't look like it to me, since I can change the type of a variable
> |> with ease.
> |
> | You're confusing static typing and strong typing.
> |
> | In a weakly-typed language, like C, it is possible to cast an integer
> | as a, for instance, a char*, and then call string functions like
> | sprintf() on it and the compiler will compile it, the runtime will run
> | it, and it will wreak whatever havoc you please. Most high-level
> | languages are strongly-typed, these days - neither Java or Ruby will
> | allow you to call a String method on an Integer. You can assign
> | whatever object you want to a variable in Ruby - hence *dynamic*
> | typing - but that object will only ever allow you to call supported
> | methods on it; otherwise you'll get a NoMethodError. Hence *strong*
> | typing.
> |
> Thanks for the enlightenment. :)

Another way to put it would be that Ruby's variables are type-less,
while objects do have a specific type. While we're at it: type !=
class. Basically the type is defined by all operations (aka methods)
usable on an instance - not the class it was created from.

Kind regards


Mike Blackwell

4/8/2008 9:33:00 PM


Avdi Grimm wrote:
> To be pedantic, both Java and Ruby are strongly typed. However, Java
> is statically types, and Ruby is dynamically typed

Indeed. I stand linguistically admonished. ^_^

Dan Christensen

5/3/2011 11:16:00 PM


Once again, the cowardly apologist, Paul Lamot is unable to refute
reports from Amnesty International and the UN that prove the US
embargo is indeed a form of genocide. Paul Lamot, even goes so far as
to suggest that AI actually supports these cruel and inhumane
sanctions. Yes, he really is THAT stupid and THAT desperate!

Paul Lamot also can't seem to get around the fact that his dissident
pals can't seem to get anywhere in Cuba. With no popular support to
speak of, they are totally dependent on foreign bankrolling.

On May 3, 5:50 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

You use my name... I use yours, Paul Lamot. Get used to it.

s for journalists,
> > "Journalists?" You mean illegal paid agents of a hostile foreign power
> > that continues to this day to inflict genocidal trade sanctions on
> > their countrymen, sanctions that target children and other vulnerable
> > groups (see footnotes).
> > On so-called "independent journalists:"
> (snip)
> You mean the award winning independent journalists of whom Amnesty
> recognized a series as "prisoners of conscience".

Capitalist regimes around the world are keen to finance the overthrow
of the Cuban Revolution, whether by, ahem... "awards" or more
traditional forms of subversion. In Cuba, these "di$$ident" groups
have so little popular support that, as you yourself have pointed out,
without this foreign, mostly US bankrolling they would not even exist.
(See below.)

> > "The US and the Role of the Opposition in Cuba (Full text from
> > WikiLeaks)" athttps://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.cuba/msg/366f64......
> > Some highlights:
> (snip)

What the cowardly Paul Lamot snipped:

"We see very little evidence that the mainline dissident organizations
have much resonance among ordinary Cubans. Informal polls we have
carried out among visa and refugee applicants have shown virtually no
awareness of dissident personalities or agendas....

"Despite claims that they represent 'thousands of Cubans,' we see
little evidence of such support, at least from the admittedly limited
vantage point we have in Havana. When we question opposition leaders
about their programs, we do not see platforms designed to appeal to a
broad cross section of Cuban society. Rather, the greatest effort is
directed at obtaining enough resources to keep the principal
organizers and their key supporters living from day to day...

"With seeking resources as a primary concern, the next most important
pursuit seems to be to limit or marginalize the activities of
erstwhile allies, thus preserving power and access to scarce

> > "Younger individuals, including bloggers, musicians, and performing
> > and plastic artists do not belong to identifiable organizations,
> > though they are much better at taking "rebellious" stands with greater
> > popular appeal.(snip)

What Paul Lamot also snipped:

"Younger individuals, including bloggers, musicians, and performing
and plastic artists do not belong to identifiable organizations,
though they are much better at taking "rebellious" stands with greater
popular appeal. However, these individuals are still tightly
controlled by the GOC [government of Cuba], eschew the label of
'dissident,' and do not seem to aspire to any leadership role [...]

"The most likely immediate successors to the Castro regime will
probably come from within the middle ranks of the government itself."

> Even in diplomatic cable you refer to he praises the new generation and
> recently since then new leaders and a unified structure are emerging.
> What has gone on are the awards that constantly have been given to the
> Cuban dissident movement.

See the part you snipped above. So much for any leadership potential
from the "new generation" of di$$idents!

> > There is so little popular support for dissident groups in Cuba,
> Deal with it Dan.
> Lots of people want change.

Sadly, for you, it hasn't resulted in any groundswell of support for
your di$$ident pals or their US political masters.

> > that
> > even the original poster here (PL) was once forced to concede

Still in denial, I see.

> > that
> > they would not exist with foreign, mostly US bankrolling:
> You mean help from countries like Sweden , Norway, ...

All capitalist regimes want to see the Revolution crushed. They differ
only their methods. Some give "awards" to finance unpopular dissident
groups on the island; others prefer various forms of collective
punishment including genocide.

> > "To be able to function they [Cuban dissidents]
> Dan Christensen's falsification
> > need aid...They can
> > only function with international help...
> Dan Christensen's omission (indicated by ...)
> > The US aid gives them the
> > means to survive."
> >https://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.cuba/msg/3b60f0......
> (snip)
> That same old lie and misquote Dan Christensen?

No "misquote," Paul Lamot. Just your own words coming back to haunt to

> But thanks for showing your despair again by posting the same crude
> misquote Dan.
> It allows me to show all what a desperate liar you are.

Actually, it allows YOU to show what a pathetic loser you are, Paul

>    > "To be able to function they [Cuban dissidents]
> Note the post-editing by Dan Christensen: he added [Cuban dissidents]
> which is not whom I referred to with they (Cuban journalists)

No "posting-editing" here, Paul Lamot. If you had gone to school a
little longer, you would recognize this as a comment in [ ]'s inserted
into a direct quote. A true comment, as it turns -- your "creating
editing" notwithstanding.

> You turned this:
> "Jailed Cuban journalist awarded press freedom prize."
> "The fact is that the totalitarian system can deny them everything
> (home, education, life, food..).

And who does "them" refer to here? The previous sentence which the
cowardly Paul Lamot snipped:

"Your lying propaganda would have people believe that ANYONE THAT
OPPOSES CASTRO is 'in the pay of the US.'"

So, "them" refers not just to these so-called "journalists" of yours,
but to dissidents in general, or in your own words "anyone that
opposes Castro." Thanks for confirming you lied.

> To be able to function they need aid.

"They" also referring here to Cuban dissidents in general. Thanks
again for confirming you lied.

> That is aid to function as close to normal as they can get.

"They" also referring here to Cuban dissidents in general. Thanks once
AGAIN for confirming you lied.

BTW, as I have asked you many times now -- you snipped and ran every
time -- do you really mean to suggest that, of all your dissident
pals, it is only these so-called "journalists" that require foreign
bankrolling? Why only them?

> The real Cubafaq website. Don't be fooled by Dan Christensen's recent
> desperate name change

See what remains of PL's original cubafaq site at: http://cubafaq.wordp...

As you can see there, his abusive website was axed by WordPress for
violations of the terms of service. He was forced to relocate with his
old, ahem... "business partners." No doubt, his new provider will turn
a blind eye to PL's abusive behavior, if not actually encourage it.

PL's latest version of his cheap, imitation cubafaq site is still
nothing of the sort. It is just another of his instant, copy-and-paste
websites. There is no actual list of Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ's) anywhere, just copyrighted news articles that are readily
available from other sources like Google News. No original material
whatsoever. Apparently, PL is reposting the same shit 6 times over (or
more) every day to fill what seems to be some kind of quota. What a
loser! (See "PL's cheap, imitation cubafaq site axed for violation of
terms of service" at

On the other hand, my CubaFAQ website -- the real thing -- is full of
original material including, yes, actual answers to Frequently Asked
Questions! To see why, after 10 years, it is STILL driving the ever-
desperate lobbyist Paul Lamot to such extremes, visit my website at
its new home: http://www3.sympatico.ca/danchristienses/Cu...
(previously for nearly 10 years at: http://www.netcom.ca/~dchris/Cu...)

> The standard reply to Dan's Genocide lie:

[snipping Paul Lamot's same old Nazi-style lies and rationalizations]

As usual, when confronted by the crimes of his US political masters,
Paul Lamot can only snip my replies, mindlessly repeating word-for-
word his already failed lies and rationalizations, as he runs away in
terror. For a thorough debunking of them, see the discussion in the
recent thread "Amnesty International slams US embargo... AGAIN!"

> What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):

No "misquote," Paul Lamot, just the inconvenient truth for you and all
your fellow embargo-Nazis.

> "Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
> denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
> its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
> sanctions"http://members.allstream.net/~dchris/CubaF...
> now moved to:http://www3.sympatico.ca/danchristienses/CubaF...

The cowardly apologist, Paul Lamot, would have readers believe that
Amnesty International actually supports his beloved embargo. Yes, he
really is THAT stupid, and THAT desperate! Sadly for him and all his
fellow embargo-Nazis, Amnesty has repeatedly condemned these cruel and
inhumane sanctions and called for them to be lifted immediately and

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba."

For links, etc. see footnotes.

Time to be a man for once, Mr. Lobbyist. Time to finally stand up for
what you REALLY believe. And we both know it has absolutely NOTHING to
do with "democracy" or "human rights," don't we?

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap

PS: As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and
to his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to
the international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Footnotes (which the cowardly apologist, Paul Lamot keeps snipping and
refusing to address)

The facts as documented in reports recently released by Amnesty
International, who have absolutely no interest in overstating the
impact of these cruel and inhumane sanctions (with my emphasis):

March 2009

"Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly five-
decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights of
the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the Cuban
government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials and
access to new technologies.


September 2009

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the USA or
from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other imports to
the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."


"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba...

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

"The UN General Assembly has repeatedly CONDEMNED the US embargo as
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law.
On 29 October 2008 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
reiterating for the 17th time its call on the USA to end its embargo
against Cuba. That resolution was adopted with 185 votes in favour,
three against and two abstentions. The Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights has also reiterated its position regarding “the impact of
such sanctions on the human rights of the Cuban people and, therefore,

[Follow-up: In November 2009, with the exceptions of only the USA,
Israel and a handful of tiny, US island-colonies in the South Pacific,
representatives of EVERY nation on the planet voted at the UN General
Assembly to condemn these cruel and inhumane sanctions.]

[Follow-up: On October 26, 2010 the UN General Assembly voted
overwhelmingly again to condemn the US embargo. Only Israel voted with
the US against the resolution. Israel trades freely with Cuba, so even
this single vote cannot be seen as support for these cruel and
inhumane sanctions. On this the US is truly isolated in the world. The
only abstentions were the tiny US-island colonies in the South
Pacific: Palau (pop. 20,000), Micronesia (pop. 110,000) and the
Marshall Islands (pop. 60,000).]

"[E]xports of food and agricultural products to Cuba remain regulated
by the Department of Commerce and require a licence for export or re-
export. The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The provision of health care has suffered from the LIMITATIONS AND
RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO on the procurement of basic and
specialized medical equipment and chemical components needed for the
production of generic medicines....

"Cuba was UNABLE TO IMPORT nutritional products destined for children
and for consumption at schools, hospitals and day care centres. This
had an adverse effect on the health and nutritional status of the

"Children’s health was also put at risk by a decision from syringe
suppliers to CANCEL an order for 3 million disposable syringes by
UNICEF’s Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization when it became
known that the units were destined for the implementation of the
programme in Cuba.

"The number of children suffering from heart conditions who are
waiting for appropriate treatment at a pediatric hospital has
increased after Cuba was unable to buy from the US-based companies the
necessary medical equipment for their treatment. The companies
allegedly refused to negotiate with Cuba because of the RESTRICTIONS

"LACK OF ACCESS to products manufactured by United States companies
such as St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific and Amplatzer prevents the
provision of proper care to seriously ill patients who need a
pacemaker, St. Jude prosthetic valves or septal occluders, forcing
their treatment with alternative, riskier surgical techniques.

"It has been IMPOSSIBLE TO PURCHASE a positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography (PET/CT) scanner, a state-of-the-art piece of
medical equipment needed for treatment that is made by only three
manufacturers worldwide, all unauthorized to negotiate with Cuba."

The impact of economic sanctions on health and health services is not
limited to difficulties in the supply of medicine. Health and health
services depend on functioning water and sanitation infrastructure, on
electricity and other functioning equipment such as X-ray facilities
or refrigerators to store vaccines. The financial burden and
commercial barriers have led to shortages or intermittent availability
of drugs, medicines, equipment and spare parts. It has also hindered
the renovation of hospitals, clinics and care centres for the elderly.

(PDF format)

September 2010

"[The US embargo's is] negatively affecting Cubans’ access to
medicines and medical technologies and endangering the health of
millions. United Nations agencies and programs operating in Cuba, such
as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA, have reported that the US embargo has
undermined the implementation of programs aimed at improving the
living conditions of Cubans."


From other sources:

"[US Congressional] House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Collin
Peterson and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined members of the National
Farmers Union (NFU) this week to call for passage of the Travel
Restriction and Export Enhancement Act. It would boost U.S.
agriculture by easing restrictions on the sale of homegrown food and
commodities to Cuba....

"The U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that U.S. exports
to Cuba could increase by nearly $500 million a year if provisions in
this legislation were enacted. In addition to the National Farmers
Union, the bill is supported by a broad coalition of national business
and agriculture industry groups."

Source: "Peterson, Klobuchar call for increased U.S. food and
commodity exports to Cuba," Echo Press, September 18, 2010

Note that Article 2c of the UN Genocide Convention states that the
crime of genocide includes, among other things, "deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part."


Again, as Amnesty International has reported, “The restrictions
imposed by the embargo help to deprive Cuba of vital access to
medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food, chemical water
treatment and electricity.” These are deliberate acts, the only
purpose of which can be to bring about the physical destruction of the
Cuban people in whole or in part. These cruel sanctions can,
therefore, even be seen as a form of genocide under international law!
Makes you proud, don't it, America?

Also, according to at least one US expert, in addition to blocking
essential imports, the US embargo is also a major impediment to the
development of agriculture and food production in Cuba:

"William A. Messina Jr., of the University of Florida's Agriculture
Science Institute, said that the communist island 'has such good soil
and it represents a challenge of such magnitude that, with the END OF
THE EMBARGO, the agricultural market impact on the continent would be
larger that of the Free Trade Treaty [North American Free Trade

Source: "Cuba's agriculture shows promise," Miami Herald, Sept. 9,

Contrary to PL's self-serving lies and rationalizations then, no
amount of US exports (or anything else) can possibly let his political
masters off the hook for deliberately depriving Cubans of "vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity” and impeding the
development of food production. Morally and legally, this is genocide.


5/4/2011 8:00:00 AM


On 4/05/2011 1:16, CubaFAQ wrote:
> Once again, the cowardly apologist

once again Dan Christensen shows what a desperate liar he is by
misquoting other people.

Some examples:


Thanks for admitting defeat by resorting to the same crude and exposed
lies again.
It just shows you know you are lying

> "To be able to function they [Cuban dissidents]

Note the post-editing by Dan Christensen: he added [Cuban dissidents]
which is not whom I referred to with they (Cuban journalists)

> need aid...

Note the part removed by Dan Christensen: it shows the "they" referred
to journalists of course

> They can
> only function with international help...

and again Dan Christensen snips part of the message to mislead people.

> The US aid gives them the means to survive."
> http://groups.google.ca/group/soc.culture.cuba/msg/3b60f000...

You falsified the quote by:
- eliminating the context not indicating it was a thread about
journalists in particular
"Jailed Cuban journalist awarded press freedom prize."
- by post editing the quote by adding [Cuban dissidents]to it to mislead
people. I only referred to Cuban journalists as the context shows.
- by removing all the text in the middle that would expose your lies
(where I refer to aid from lots of sources, not merely the US and where
it is made clear by speaking of publishing articles that I refer to

You turned this:

"Jailed Cuban journalist awarded press freedom prize."

"The fact is that the totalitarian system can deny them everything
(home, education, life, food..).
To be able to function they need aid.
That is aid to function as close to normal as they can get.
Nobody can be a full time journalist without working for the Castro press.
Nobody can become a "correspondent" of a foreign newspaper without
Castro's approval.
They can only function with international help.
That help comes from the US and Europe. Prestigious papers like the
French "Le Monde" have published their work.
The US aid gives them the means to survive.
Your contention that they therefore are "spies" and "agitators" is a lie.
A lie that the UN, Amnesty International, HRW, the European parliament,
the Chilean parliament, ... don't believe.
Rightly so.

"Jailed Cuban journalist awarded press freedom prize."

in to this misquote:
"To be able to function they [Cuban dissidents] need aid...They can
only function with international help... The US aid gives them the
means to survive."

Also see more examples of blatant falsifications of quotes by Dan

You go down as the liar you are again.


Dan Christensen once claimed:
"It is clear from Smith's article here (and his website, CIP Online)
that he does, in fact, support an immediate and unconditional lifting
of your beloved embargo."

Mr. Smith's own words:

'We should reduce tensions, not aggravate it, making it clear to the
Cuban government that we do not have hostile intentions toward them,''
said during a 40-minute speech at a conference titled Cuba and the
United States: Relations in Permanent Conflict, Causes, Effects and
''I did not say lift the embargo without conditions,'' he said.
You can enter after a free registration.
Permanent copy in the Cubaverdad archive:


Then there is the issue of his lying website: acting with a third
person I had pages removed (for violations of law, slander, ...), I
have shamed him in to changing it on
various occasions (adding links that would then expose his lies,
remove lying caption from pictures, ...) and I have in general exposed
the lies on it (on Amnesty International for example)

What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
"Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
now moved to:

Link to the "report": (the one Dan didn't give until I shamed him in
to it)

where the only thing Amnesty international asks for "immediately and
unconditionally" is the release of political prisoners.


"in 1.
"On the basis of the available information, therefore, Amnesty
International considers the 75 dissidents to be prisoners of
(2) and calls for their immediate and unconditional release."

In 8.1
" to immediately and unconditionally release the 15 prisoners
previously named by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience.

" to immediately and unconditionally release anyone else who is
detained or imprisoned solely for having peacefully exercised their
rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly."
end of quote


5/4/2011 8:03:00 AM


On 4/05/2011 1:16, CubaFAQ wrote:

again Dan Christensen tries to blackmail me with violations of my
privacy even though he has been sanctioned for it

10 years ago Dan Christensen was utterly exposed as the liar he is.
In a desperate attempt he contacted one of the sources I quote posing as
a "researcher" and trying to get some statement from the man he could
use in his attacks on me.
He tricked the person in to showing him one mail out of a series between
him and me (the man did that is full confidence of confidentiality but
without my permission).
I don't blame the man because it was clear Dan misled him about both who
he was and his intentions and the man acted in a way that would not be
any problem amongst honest people.

As always Dan Christensen used the mail as a basis and "post-edited" it.
He posted it on his website in a file

That contained personal data like names and addresses and was no more
than a crude falsification on the original. A falsification that suited
his propaganda. He of course did not ask permission from any of us to
use the mail.

I warned Dan I would act, but like now he continued his abuse.

We contacted his IP and they ordered him to remove the page.
He only removed names and addresses and boasted:

"100% improvement"

Then his ISP told him to remove the page or be banned and it was my time
to enjoy 100% improvement.

100% improvement in Dan's site
Feb 26 2001, 8:54 pm


The third party involved said:

"Please remove the following very offensive web site


"Christensen's website and it's legal woes."


"Please remove the following very offensive web site

The extreme distortions made on this site are both offensive and legally

Please remove this web site as soon as you can. It does much harm and no
at all.

Thanks you for your cooperation in this awful matter.""


Dan Christensen then was forced to remove the page, but copied the full
content in to Usenet (soc.culture.cuba) to keep his lies on the web.
That exposes his lie that he removed it for any other reasons than being
forced to.

Now Castro apologist and blackmailer Dan Christensen posting here as Dan
Christensen, Cubafaq and DCproof will post his lies in reply and claim
he removed the site "out of respect" to the third party, but this below
will expose that as the lie it is.

The facts are clear Dan Christensen: you claimed to removed the post at
that time" in respect of what Dr. *** wanted, but in fact you
immediately posted in to SCC.

The site was removed after we jointly wrote your ISP and you
disrespected everyone by posting everything in SCC:

"(recently re-posted at SCC)"

"100% improvement in Dan's site"