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Rubyisms wanted to shorten code in search program


12/4/2007 5:03:00 AM


Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the

Thanks in Advance,

# Search.rb
# K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs

# USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t

require 'find'

def Match(path, reTxt)
open(path) { |f|
f.each_line { |line|
if (line =~ reTxt)
puts "MATCH found in following line"
puts line
return true
return false

def ShowQuit(msg, arg = '')
puts "ERROR " + "="*10,
msg + ": " + arg,

argPrefix = '-'
argFlags = %{d f t} # reDirectory, reFilename, reText

#args = "-d K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests -f search.*[.]rb$ -t
curArg".split(' ')
args = "-d K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests -t curArg".split(' ')
puts args.join(' ')
ix = 0

while( ix<args.size ) do
curArg = args[ix]

# Is current arg. a valid flag?
ShowQuit("Invalid flag", curArg) unless
(curArg.size==2 && argFlags.include?(curArg[1,1]))

# Has the current argument been seen?
if (argVals.keys.include?(curArg))
ShowQuit("Duplicate flag", curArg)

# Initialize hash for this flag; increment index;
argVals[curArg] = nil
ix += 1

# If argument value follows flag and is not, itself, a flag
if (args[ix] && args[ix][0,1] != argPrefix)
argVals[curArg] = args[ix]
ix += 1

puts "Succes in getting arguments!"
p argVals

ShowQuit("No dirname(-d) argument") unless argVals['-d']
ShowQuit("Dirname(-d) argument does not identify a directory") unless
File.directory?(argVals['-d'] )
if (reFnIn = argVals['-f'])
reFn = Regexp.new(reFnIn, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
ShowQuit("Invalid filename expression") unless
if (reTxtIn = argVals['-t'])
reTxt = Regexp.new(reTxtIn, Regexp::IGNORECASE)
ShowQuit("Invalid text expression") unless reTxt.class.to_s=='Regexp'

Find.find(argVals['-d']) { |path|
fbn = File.basename(path)
next if(fbn =~ /^[.][.]?$/)
next if(reFnIn && fbn !~ reFn)
if ( argVals['-t'] && File.file?(path) )
puts path if Match(path, reTxt)
11 Answers


12/4/2007 5:50:00 AM


On Dec 3, 10:03 pm, RichardOnRails
<RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com> wrote:
> Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.

FWIW, I use this script on both my macs and windows boxes. (I know
this isn't what you asked, but I thought I'd share this as moderately

Slim2:~ phrogz$ cat /usr/local/bin/findfile
#!/usr/bin/env ruby

findfile [-d max_depth] [-a] [-c] [-i] name_regexp
-d,--depth the maximum depth to recurse to (defaults to no
-a,--showall with content_regexp, show every match per file
(defaults to only show the first-match per file)
-c,--usecase with content_regexp, use case-sensitive matching
(defaults to case-insensitive)
-i,--includedirs also find directories matching name_regexp
(defaults to files only; incompatible with
-h,--help show some help examples


findfile foo
# Print the path to all files with 'foo' in the name

findfile -i foo
# Print the path to all files and directories with 'foo' in the

findfile js$
# Print the path to all files whose name ends in "js"

findfile js$ vector
# Print the path to all files ending in "js" with "Vector" or
# (or "vEcTOr", "VECTOR", etc.) in the contents, and print some of
# first line that has that content.

findfile js$ -c Vector
# Like above, but must match exactly "Vector" (not 'vector' or

findfile . vector -a
# Print the path to every file with "Vector" (any case) in it
# printing every line in those files (with line numbers) with that

findfile -d 0 .
# Print the path to every file that is in the current directory.

findfile -d 1 .
# Print the path to every file that is in the current directory or
# of its child directories (but no subdirectories of the children).

ARGS = {}
UNFLAGGED_ARGS = [ :name_regexp, :content_regexp ]
next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first
ARGV.each{ |arg|
case arg
when '-d','--depth'
next_arg = :max_depth
when '-a','--showall'
ARGS[:showall] = true
when '-c','--usecase'
ARGS[:usecase] = true
when '-i','--includedirs'
ARGS[:includedirs] = true
when '-h','--help'
ARGS[:help] = true
if next_arg
if next_arg==:max_depth
arg = arg.to_i + 1
ARGS[next_arg] = arg
UNFLAGGED_ARGS.delete( next_arg )
next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first

if ARGS[:help] or !ARGS[:name_regexp]
puts USAGE
puts EXAMPLES if ARGS[:help]

class Dir
def self.crawl( path, max_depth=nil, include_directories=false,
depth=0, &block )
return if max_depth && depth > max_depth
if File.directory?( path )
yield( path, depth ) if include_directories
files = Dir.entries( path ).select{ |f| true unless f=~/^\.
{1,2}$/ }
unless files.empty?
files.collect!{ |file_path|
Dir.crawl( path+'/'+file_path, max_depth,
include_directories, depth+1, &block )
return files
yield( path, depth )
rescue SystemCallError => the_error
warn "ERROR: #{the_error}"


start_time = Time.new
name_match = Regexp.new(ARGS[:name_regexp], true )
content_match = ARGS[:content_regexp] && Regexp.new( ".
{0,20}#{ARGS[:content_regexp]}.{0,20}", !ARGS[:usecase] )

file_count = 0
matching_count = 0
Dir.crawl( '.', ARGS[:max_depth], ARGS[:includedirs] && !
content_match){ |file_path, depth|
if File.split( file_path )[ 1 ] =~ name_match
if content_match
if ARGS[:showall]
shown_file = false
IO.readlines( file_path ).each_with_index{ |
if match = line_text[content_match]
unless shown_file
puts file_path
matching_count += 1
shown_file = true
puts ( "%5d: " % line_number ) + match
puts " " if shown_file
elsif IO.read( file_path ) =~ content_match
puts file_path," #{$~}"," "
matching_count += 1
puts file_path
matching_count += 1
file_count += 1
elapsed = Time.new - start_time
puts "Found #{matching_count} file#{matching_count==1?'':'s'} (out of
#{file_count}) in #{elapsed} seconds"

Robert Klemme

12/4/2007 4:07:00 PM


2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58407@uscomputergurus.com>:
> Hi,
> Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> code.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Richard
> # Search.rb
> # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> regexpTextSought]

Just a quick hack without command line processing.

dir = ...
name_regexp = ... # may be null
content_regexp = ... # may be null

require 'find'

Find.find dir do |file|
path, base = File.split file
next if name_regexp && name_regexp !~ base or
content_regexp && context_regexp !~ File.read(file)
puts file

For command line processing I'd use OptionParser.

Kind regards


Robert Dober

12/4/2007 6:18:00 PM


On Dec 4, 2007 5:07 PM, Robert Klemme <shortcutter@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58407@uscomputergurus.com>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > code.
> >
> > Thanks in Advance,
> > Richard
> >
> > # Search.rb
> > # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> >
> > # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> > regexpTextSought]
> Just a quick hack without command line processing.
> dir = ...
> name_regexp = ... # may be null
> content_regexp = ... # may be null
Are we losing Robert to the Java community? stay with us and nil please ;)


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Schopenhauer (attr.)


12/5/2007 5:28:00 AM


On Dec 4, 12:50 am, Phrogz <phr...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Dec 3, 10:03 pm, RichardOnRails
> <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com> wrote:
> > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> FWIW, I use this script on both my macs and windows boxes. (I know
> this isn't what you asked, but I thought I'd share this as moderately
> related.)
> Slim2:~ phrogz$ cat /usr/local/bin/findfile
> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
> Usage:
> findfile [-d max_depth] [-a] [-c] [-i] name_regexp
> [content_regexp]
> -d,--depth the maximum depth to recurse to (defaults to no
> limit)
> -a,--showall with content_regexp, show every match per file
> (defaults to only show the first-match per file)
> -c,--usecase with content_regexp, use case-sensitive matching
> (defaults to case-insensitive)
> -i,--includedirs also find directories matching name_regexp
> (defaults to files only; incompatible with
> content_regexp)
> -h,--help show some help examples
> Examples:
> findfile foo
> # Print the path to all files with 'foo' in the name
> findfile -i foo
> # Print the path to all files and directories with 'foo' in the
> name
> findfile js$
> # Print the path to all files whose name ends in "js"
> findfile js$ vector
> # Print the path to all files ending in "js" with "Vector" or
> "vector"
> # (or "vEcTOr", "VECTOR", etc.) in the contents, and print some of
> the
> # first line that has that content.
> findfile js$ -c Vector
> # Like above, but must match exactly "Vector" (not 'vector' or
> 'VECTOR').
> findfile . vector -a
> # Print the path to every file with "Vector" (any case) in it
> somewhere
> # printing every line in those files (with line numbers) with that
> content.
> findfile -d 0 .
> # Print the path to every file that is in the current directory.
> findfile -d 1 .
> # Print the path to every file that is in the current directory or
> any
> # of its child directories (but no subdirectories of the children).
> ARGS = {}
> UNFLAGGED_ARGS = [ :name_regexp, :content_regexp ]
> next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first
> ARGV.each{ |arg|
> case arg
> when '-d','--depth'
> next_arg = :max_depth
> when '-a','--showall'
> ARGS[:showall] = true
> when '-c','--usecase'
> ARGS[:usecase] = true
> when '-i','--includedirs'
> ARGS[:includedirs] = true
> when '-h','--help'
> ARGS[:help] = true
> else
> if next_arg
> if next_arg==:max_depth
> arg = arg.to_i + 1
> end
> ARGS[next_arg] = arg
> UNFLAGGED_ARGS.delete( next_arg )
> end
> next_arg = UNFLAGGED_ARGS.first
> end
> }
> if ARGS[:help] or !ARGS[:name_regexp]
> puts USAGE
> puts EXAMPLES if ARGS[:help]
> exit
> end
> class Dir
> def self.crawl( path, max_depth=nil, include_directories=false,
> depth=0, &block )
> return if max_depth && depth > max_depth
> begin
> if File.directory?( path )
> yield( path, depth ) if include_directories
> files = Dir.entries( path ).select{ |f| true unless f=~/^\.
> {1,2}$/ }
> unless files.empty?
> files.collect!{ |file_path|
> Dir.crawl( path+'/'+file_path, max_depth,
> include_directories, depth+1, &block )
> }.flatten!
> end
> return files
> else
> yield( path, depth )
> end
> rescue SystemCallError => the_error
> warn "ERROR: #{the_error}"
> end
> end
> end
> start_time = Time.new
> name_match = Regexp.new(ARGS[:name_regexp], true )
> content_match = ARGS[:content_regexp] && Regexp.new( ".
> {0,20}#{ARGS[:content_regexp]}.{0,20}", !ARGS[:usecase] )
> file_count = 0
> matching_count = 0
> Dir.crawl( '.', ARGS[:max_depth], ARGS[:includedirs] && !
> content_match){ |file_path, depth|
> if File.split( file_path )[ 1 ] =~ name_match
> if content_match
> if ARGS[:showall]
> shown_file = false
> IO.readlines( file_path ).each_with_index{ |
> line_text,line_number|
> if match = line_text[content_match]
> unless shown_file
> puts file_path
> matching_count += 1
> shown_file = true
> end
> puts ( "%5d: " % line_number ) + match
> end
> }
> puts " " if shown_file
> elsif IO.read( file_path ) =~ content_match
> puts file_path," #{$~}"," "
> matching_count += 1
> end
> else
> puts file_path
> matching_count += 1
> end
> end
> file_count += 1}
> elapsed = Time.new - start_time
> puts "Found #{matching_count} file#{matching_count==1?'':'s'} (out of
> #{file_count}) in #{elapsed} seconds"

Hi Phrogz,

> I know this isn't what you asked, but
> I thought I'd share this as moderately related.

It's of course very much related. It incorporates a number of nice
features. I'm going to keep it in anticipation of adding such
features in the future.

As I mentioned, I wrote the posted code out of frustration with
Windows Explorer's Search feature's failure to find a file I had just
saved a day of two earlier.

Having done that and gotten the desired result, I was disappointed in
my code's bloat. For now, I'm trying to unlearn my procedural
programming style in favor of the succinct Ruby style.

Thank you for sharing your code with me.

Best wishes,


12/5/2007 5:45:00 AM


On Dec 4, 11:07 am, Robert Klemme <shortcut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com>:
> > Hi,
> > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > code.
> > Thanks in Advance,
> > Richard
> > # Search.rb
> > # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> > # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> > regexpTextSought]
> Just a quick hack without command line processing.
> dir = ...
> name_regexp = ... # may be null
> content_regexp = ... # may be null
> require 'find'
> Find.find dir do |file|
> path, base = File.split file
> next if name_regexp && name_regexp !~ base or
> content_regexp && context_regexp !~ File.read(file)
> puts file
> end
> For command line processing I'd use OptionParser.
> Kind regards
> robert

Hi Robert,

Your algorithm's concept is excellent ... just what I hoped to learn
in order to escape my procedural-programming heritage and start to
code like a Rubyist.

> OptionParser

Thanks for that reference. I'll look into it.

Just for the record, I had to tweak your code to get your concept
working. I thought of it as "earning my keep." Below is my test

Again, thanks for your guidance.

Best wishes,

dir = 'K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests'
name_regexp = nil # may be null
content_regexp = Regexp.new('curArg') # may be null

require 'find'

Find.find dir do |file|
path, base = File.split file
next if name_regexp && name_regexp !~ base or
content_regexp && (!File.file?(file) || File.read(file) !~
puts file


12/5/2007 5:49:00 AM


On Dec 4, 1:17 pm, Robert Dober <robert.do...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2007 5:07 PM, Robert Klemme <shortcut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > 2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com>:
> > > Hi,
> > > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > > code.
> > > Thanks in Advance,
> > > Richard
> > > # Search.rb
> > > # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> > > # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> > > regexpTextSought]
> > Just a quick hack without command line processing.
> > dir = ...
> > name_regexp = ... # may be null
> > content_regexp = ... # may be null
> Are we losing Robert to the Java community? stay with us and nil please ;)
> YARo
> --
> http://ruby-smalltalk.blo...
> ---
> All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second,
> it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
> Schopenhauer (attr.)

Hi Robert,

I liked your blog. I've bookmarked it for now. I'm going to have to
code more pedestrian approaches before I tackle the subtleties your

Best wishes,

Michael Fellinger

12/5/2007 8:01:00 AM


On Dec 4, 2007 2:05 PM, RichardOnRails
<RichardDummyMailbox58407@uscomputergurus.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> code.

Quick implementation of what i could read from your code...

Robert Klemme

12/5/2007 8:22:00 AM


2007/12/5, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58407@uscomputergurus.com>:
> On Dec 4, 11:07 am, Robert Klemme <shortcut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > 2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com>:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi,
> >
> > > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > > code.
> >
> > > Thanks in Advance,
> > > Richard
> >
> > > # Search.rb
> > > # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> >
> > > # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> > > regexpTextSought]
> >
> > Just a quick hack without command line processing.
> >
> > dir = ...
> > name_regexp = ... # may be null
> > content_regexp = ... # may be null
> >
> > require 'find'
> >
> > Find.find dir do |file|
> > path, base = File.split file
> > next if name_regexp && name_regexp !~ base or
> > content_regexp && context_regexp !~ File.read(file)
> > puts file
> > end
> >
> > For command line processing I'd use OptionParser.
> >
> > Kind regards
> >
> > robert
> Hi Robert,
> Your algorithm's concept is excellent ... just what I hoped to learn
> in order to escape my procedural-programming heritage and start to
> code like a Rubyist.
> > OptionParser
> Thanks for that reference. I'll look into it.
> Just for the record, I had to tweak your code to get your concept
> working. I thought of it as "earning my keep." Below is my test
> code.

Oh, yes. Sorry for that. But then again, you should probably globally
"next" if it is not a file because otherwise the name regexp will also
match directories and behavior is a bit inconsistent.

Kind regards


use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end


12/5/2007 8:01:00 PM


On Dec 5, 3:21 am, Robert Klemme <shortcut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2007/12/5, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com>:
> > On Dec 4, 11:07 am, Robert Klemme <shortcut...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > 2007/12/4, RichardOnRails <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com>:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > > > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > > > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > > > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > > > code.
> > > > Thanks in Advance,
> > > > Richard
> > > > # Search.rb
> > > > # K:/_Projects/Ruby/_Ruby_Tests/TestSearchDir/SearchWithArgs
> > > > # USAGE: Search.rb -d DirPath [-f regexpFileNameSought] [-t
> > > > regexpTextSought]
> > > Just a quick hack without command line processing.
> > > dir = ...
> > > name_regexp = ... # may be null
> > > content_regexp = ... # may be null
> > > require 'find'
> > > Find.find dir do |file|
> > > path, base = File.split file
> > > next if name_regexp && name_regexp !~ base or
> > > content_regexp && context_regexp !~ File.read(file)
> > > puts file
> > > end
> > > For command line processing I'd use OptionParser.
> > > Kind regards
> > > robert
> > Hi Robert,
> > Your algorithm's concept is excellent ... just what I hoped to learn
> > in order to escape my procedural-programming heritage and start to
> > code like a Rubyist.
> > > OptionParser
> > Thanks for that reference. I'll look into it.
> > Just for the record, I had to tweak your code to get your concept
> > working. I thought of it as "earning my keep." Below is my test
> > code.
> Oh, yes. Sorry for that. But then again, you should probably globally
> "next" if it is not a file because otherwise the name regexp will also
> match directories and behavior is a bit inconsistent.
> Kind regards
> robert
> --
> use.inject do |as, often| as.you_can - without end

Hi Robert,

> Oh, yes. Sorry for that.

Please, no apologies. Your few words of insight were worth
everything. It's our obligation to work out the details, not yours!

> you should probably globally "next" if it is not a file ...

Thanks for that additional observation. I only superficially tested
the code to confirm that it found the files I expected in my original

Again, thank you for taking the time to offer your guidance.

Best wishes,


12/7/2007 1:12:00 AM


On Dec 5, 3:00 am, Michael Fellinger <m.fellin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2007 2:05 PM, RichardOnRails
> <RichardDummyMailbox58...@uscomputergurus.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Search on WindowsXP/SP2 didn't seem to locate a file is looking for.
> > As someone relatively new to Ruby, I wonder whether there are any
> > Rubyisms I could have used to cut down the the 80+ lines I took to
> > accomplish this task, given the USAGE requirement I posed in the
> > code.
> Quick implementation of what i could read from your code...http://rafb.net/p/Gyz...

Hi Michael,

Great code! You interpreted my intent perfectly. And your code
worked perfectly (though, in case someone else uses it, I think I had
to tweak something before I got it to work, though I can't remember
what it was and I might be confusing this with someone else's
offering. )

The option-handling is package is great, though it's going to take me
a few days to understand its nuances ... maybe quite a few days :-)

Thanks for showing me some of the elegant heights of Ruby.

After I'm satisfied with my understanding of the package, I'm going
to try adding -cra --created_after, -cha --changed_after, etc. It
seems to me that we should be able specify more than RE comparisons
with an option-handler package.

Best wishes,