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[ANN] main-2.0.0


10/19/2007 1:06:00 AM


a class factory and dsl for generating command line programs real


gem install main

main.rb features the following:

- unification of option, argument, keyword, and environment
- auto generation of usage and help messages
- support for mode/sub-commands
- io redirection support
- logging hooks using ruby's built-in logging mechanism
- intelligent error handling and exit codes
- use as dsl or library for building Main objects
- parsing user defined ARGV and ENV
- zero requirements for understanding the obtuse apis of *any*
line option parsers

in short main.rb aims to drastically lower the barrier to writing
command line applications.

for instance, this program

require 'main'

Main {
argument 'foo'
option 'bar'

def run
p params['foo']
p params['bar']

sets up a program which requires one argument, 'bar', and which
may accept one
command line switch, '--foo' in addition to the single option/mode
which is always
accepted and handled appropriately: 'help', '--help', '-h'. for
the most
part main.rb stays out of your command line namespace but insists
that your
application has at least a help mode/option.

main.rb supports sub-commands in a very simple way

require 'main'

Main {
mode 'install' do
def run() puts 'installing...' end

mode 'uninstall' do
def run() puts 'uninstalling...' end

which allows you a program called 'a.rb' to be invoked as

ruby a.rb install


ruby a.rb uninstall

for simple programs main.rb is a real time saver but it's for more
applications where main.rb's unification of parameter parsing, class
configuration dsl, and auto-generation of usage messages can
really streamline
command line application development. for example the following

require 'main'

Main {
cast :int
arity 2
cast :float
defaults 0.0, 1.0
argument :optional
description 'the foobar option is very handy'
cast :list_of_bool
synopsis 'export barfoo=value'

def run
p params['foo'].value
p params['bar'].values
p params['foobar'].value
p params['BARFOO'].value

when run with a command line of

BARFOO=true,false,false ruby a.rb 42 bar=40 bar=2 --foobar=a

will produce

[40.0, 2.0]
[true, false, false]

while a command line of

ruby a.rb --help

will produce


a.rb foo [bar=bar] [options]+

* foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ]

* bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ]

* --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ]
the foobar option is very handy

* --help, -h

* export barfoo=value

and this shows how all of argument, keyword, option, and
environment parsing
can be declartively dealt with in a unified fashion - the dsl for all
parameter types is the same - and how auto synopsis and usage
generation saves
keystrokes. the parameter synopsis is compact and can be read as

* foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ]

'one argument will get processed via int(argument_name)'

1 : one argument
-> : will get processed (the argument is required)
int(foo) : the cast is int, the arg name is foo

* bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ]

'two keyword arguments might be processed via float

2 : two arguments
~> : might be processed (the argument is
float(bar=0.0,1.0) : the cast will be float, the default
values are
0.0 and 1.0

* --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ]

'one option with optional argument may be given directly'

* --help, -h

no synopsis, simple switch takes no args and is not required

* export barfoo=value

a user defined synopsis


<========< samples/a.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/a.rb

require 'main'

ARGV.replace %w( 42 ) if ARGV.empty?

Main {
required # this is the default
cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
validate{|foo| foo == 42} # raises error in failure case
description 'the foo param' # shown in --help

def run
p params['foo'].given?
p params['foo'].value

~ > ruby samples/a.rb


~ > ruby samples/a.rb --help


a.rb foo [options]+

foo (1 -> int(foo))
the foo param
--help, -h

<========< samples/b.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/b.rb

require 'main'

ARGV.replace %w( 40 1 1 ) if ARGV.empty?

Main {
arity 3 # foo will given three
cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
validate{|foo| [40,1].include? foo} # raises error in
failure case
description 'the foo param' # shown in --help

def run
p params['foo'].given?
p params['foo'].values

~ > ruby samples/b.rb

[40, 1, 1]

~ > ruby samples/b.rb --help


b.rb foo [options]+

foo (3 -> int(foo))
the foo param
--help, -h

<========< samples/c.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/c.rb

require 'main'

ARGV.replace %w( foo=40 foo=2 bar=false ) if ARGV.empty?

Main {
required # by default keywords are not required
arity 2
cast :float
cast :bool

def run
p params['foo'].given?
p params['foo'].values
p params['bar'].given?
p params['bar'].value

~ > ruby samples/c.rb

[40.0, 2.0]

~ > ruby samples/c.rb --help


c.rb foo=foo [bar=bar] [options]+

foo=foo (2 -> float(foo))
bar=bar (1 ~> bool(bar))
--help, -h

<========< samples/d.rb >========>

~ > cat samples/d.rb

require 'main'

ARGV.replace %w( --foo=40 -f2 ) if ARGV.empty?

Main {
option('foo', 'f'){
required # by default options are not required, we could
use 'foo=foo'
# above as a shortcut
arity 2
cast :float

option('bar=[bar]', 'b'){ # note shortcut syntax for optional
# argument_optional # we could also use this method
cast :bool
default false

def run
p params['foo'].given?
p params['foo'].values
p params['bar'].given?
p params['bar'].value

~ > ruby samples/d.rb

[40.0, 2.0]

~ > ruby samples/d.rb --help


d.rb --foo=foo [options]+

--foo=foo, -f (2 -> float(foo))
--bar=[bar], -b (1 ~> bool(bar=false))
--help, -h

- test/main.rb
- vim -o lib/main.rb lib/main/*
- API section below

- removed need for proxy.rb via Main::Base.wrap_run!
- added error handling hooks for parameter parsing
- bundled arrayfields, attributes, and pervasives although gems
are tried
- softened error messages for parameter parsing errors: certain
classes of
errors are now 'softspoken' and print only the message, not
the entire
stacktrace, to stderr. much nicer for users. this is
- added subcommand/mode support
- added support for user defined exception handling on top level
- added support for negative arity. this users ruby's own arity
semantics, for example:

lambda{|*a|}.arity == -1
lambda{|a,*b|}.arity == -2
lambda{|a,b,*c|}.arity == -3

in otherwords parameters now support 'zero or more', 'one or
more' ...
'n or more' argument semantics


Main {


# the name of the program, auto-set and used in usage
program 'foo.rb'
# a short description of program functionality, auto-set and used
in usage
synopsis "foo.rb arg [options]+"
# long description of program functionality, used in usage iff set
description <<-hdoc
this text will automatically be indented to the right level.

it should describe how the program works in detail
# used in usage iff set
author 'ara.t.howard@gmail.com'
# used in usage
version '0.0.42'
# stdin/out/err can be anthing which responds to read/write or a
# which will be opened as in the appropriate mode
stdin '/dev/null'
stdout '/dev/null'
stderr open('/dev/null', 'w')
# the logger should be a Logger object, something 'write'-able, or
a string
# which will be used to open the logger. the logger_level
specifies the
# initalize verbosity setting, the default is Logger::INFO
logger(( program + '.log' ))
logger_level Logger::DEBUG
# you can configure exit codes. the defaults are shown
exit_success # 0
exit_failure # 1
exit_warn # 42
# the usage object is rather complex. by default it's an object
which can
# be built up in sections using the
# usage["BUGS"] = "something about bugs'
# syntax to append sections onto the already pre-built usage
message which
# contains program, synopsis, parameter descriptions and the like
# however, you always replace the usage object wholesale with one
of your
# chosing like so
usage <<-txt
my own usage message


# modes are class factories that inherit from their parent class.
they can
# be nested *arbitrarily* deep. usage messages are tailored for
each mode.
# modes are, for the most part, independant classes but parameters
# always a superset of the parent class - a mode accepts all of
it's parents
# paramters *plus* and additional ones
option 'inherited-option'
argument 'inherited-argument'

mode 'install' do
option 'force' do
description 'clobber existing installation'

def run
puts 'installing...'

mode 'docs' do
description 'installs the docs'

def run
puts 'installing docs...'

mode 'un-install' do
option 'force' do
description 'remove even if dependancies exist'

def run
puts 'un-installing...'

def run
puts 'no mode yo?'

def inherited_method
puts 'superclass_method...'


# all the parameter types of argument|keyword|option|environment
share this
# api. you must specify the type when the parameter method is used.
# alternatively used one of the shortcut methods
# argument|keyword|option|environment. in otherwords
# parameter('foo'){ type :option }
# is synonymous with
# option('foo'){ }
option 'foo' {
# required - whether this paramter must by supplied on the
command line.
# note that you can create 'required' options with this keyword
required # or required true
# argument_required - applies only to options.
argument_required # argument :required
# argument_optional - applies only to options.
argument_optional # argument :optional
# cast - should be either a lambda taking one argument, or a symbol
# designation one of the built in casts defined in Main::Cast.
# types are :boolean|:integer|:float|:numeric|:string|:uri.
# casts can be abbreviated
cast :int
# validate - should be a lambda taking one argument and returning
# true|false
validate{|int| int == 42}
# synopsis - should be a concise characterization of the
paramter. a
# default synopsis is built automatically from the parameter. this
# information is displayed in the usage message
synopsis '--foo'
# description - a longer description of the paramter. it
appears in the
# usage also.
description 'a long description of foo'
# arity - indicates how many times the parameter should appear
on the
# command line. the default is one. negative arities are
supported and
# follow the same rules as ruby methods/procs.
arity 2
# default - you can provide a default value in case none is
given. the
# alias 'defaults' reads a bit nicer when you are giving a list of
# defaults for paramters of > 1 arity
defaults 40, 2


# you must define a run method. it is the only method you must
def run
# all parameters are available in the 'params' hash and via
the alias
# 'param'. it can be indexed via string or symbol. the
values are all
# Main::Parameter objects
foo = params['foo']
# the given? method indicates whether or not the parameter was
given on
# the commandline/environment, etc. in particular this will
not be true
# when a default value was specified but no parameter was given
# the list of all values can be retrieved via 'values'. note
that this
# is always an array.
p foo.values
# the __first__ value can be retrieved via 'value'. note that
# never an array.
p foo.value
# the methods debug|info|warn|error|fatal are delegated to the
# object
info{ "this goes to the log" }
# you can set the exit_status at anytime. this status is used
# exiting the program. exceptions cause this to be
ext_failure if, and
# only if, the current value was exit_success. in otherwords an
# un-caught exception always results in a failing exit_status
exit_status exit_failure
# a few shortcuts both set the exit_status and exit the program.



a @ http://codeforp...
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being
better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

6 Answers

Peña, Botp

10/19/2007 4:46:00 AM


From: ara.t.howard [mailto:ara.t.howard@gmail.com]
# Subject: [ANN] main-2.0.0

quick qs:

1. how to invoke -h inside program.
currently i use something like [exec "ruby #{__FILE__} -h"]

i tried using "usage[]" but i think it's reinventing since -h if fine for me already.

2. required args that fail just gives/raise errors which is not so user friendly. How can i capture error cleanly? so i can display a user friendly error (and i also want to invoke help thereafter). Maybe require may need a block for the error to display, like,

required {|error| code_here}


def err err_obj
# ie, main calls err if it exists
# but i still would not know what to put on err

Right now, i set required args back to optional and then i have to ask if args was given?

3. how can i access all the args and options i set? I'd like to change my synopsis automatically and beautifully :)

sorry for the many questions, ara.
Thank you for main. It's very cool.

kind regards -botp

Marcin Raczkowski

10/19/2007 2:49:00 PM


Great, I'm looking forward to using this

Jeremy McAnally

10/19/2007 2:54:00 PM


Fantastic! I always thought there should be a more Ruby-ish way of
handling things like this.

This probably won't make it into any of my current projects, but I'll
definitely be using it in the future.


On 10/18/07, ara.t.howard <ara.t.howard@gmail.com> wrote:
> main.rb
> a class factory and dsl for generating command line programs real
> quick
> http://rubyforge.org/projects/code...
> http://codeforpeople.com...
> gem install main
> main.rb features the following:
> - unification of option, argument, keyword, and environment
> parameter
> parsing
> - auto generation of usage and help messages
> - support for mode/sub-commands
> - io redirection support
> - logging hooks using ruby's built-in logging mechanism
> - intelligent error handling and exit codes
> - use as dsl or library for building Main objects
> - parsing user defined ARGV and ENV
> - zero requirements for understanding the obtuse apis of *any*
> command
> line option parsers
> in short main.rb aims to drastically lower the barrier to writing
> uniform
> command line applications.
> for instance, this program
> require 'main'
> Main {
> argument 'foo'
> option 'bar'
> def run
> p params['foo']
> p params['bar']
> exit_success!
> end
> }
> sets up a program which requires one argument, 'bar', and which
> may accept one
> command line switch, '--foo' in addition to the single option/mode
> which is always
> accepted and handled appropriately: 'help', '--help', '-h'. for
> the most
> part main.rb stays out of your command line namespace but insists
> that your
> application has at least a help mode/option.
> main.rb supports sub-commands in a very simple way
> require 'main'
> Main {
> mode 'install' do
> def run() puts 'installing...' end
> end
> mode 'uninstall' do
> def run() puts 'uninstalling...' end
> end
> }
> which allows you a program called 'a.rb' to be invoked as
> ruby a.rb install
> and
> ruby a.rb uninstall
> for simple programs main.rb is a real time saver but it's for more
> complex
> applications where main.rb's unification of parameter parsing, class
> configuration dsl, and auto-generation of usage messages can
> really streamline
> command line application development. for example the following
> 'a.rb'
> program:
> require 'main'
> Main {
> argument('foo'){
> cast :int
> }
> keyword('bar'){
> arity 2
> cast :float
> defaults 0.0, 1.0
> }
> option('foobar'){
> argument :optional
> description 'the foobar option is very handy'
> }
> environment('BARFOO'){
> cast :list_of_bool
> synopsis 'export barfoo=value'
> }
> def run
> p params['foo'].value
> p params['bar'].values
> p params['foobar'].value
> p params['BARFOO'].value
> end
> }
> when run with a command line of
> BARFOO=true,false,false ruby a.rb 42 bar=40 bar=2 --foobar=a
> will produce
> 42
> [40.0, 2.0]
> "a"
> [true, false, false]
> while a command line of
> ruby a.rb --help
> will produce
> a.rb
> a.rb foo [bar=bar] [options]+
> * foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ]
> * bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ]
> * --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ]
> the foobar option is very handy
> * --help, -h
> * export barfoo=value
> and this shows how all of argument, keyword, option, and
> environment parsing
> can be declartively dealt with in a unified fashion - the dsl for all
> parameter types is the same - and how auto synopsis and usage
> generation saves
> keystrokes. the parameter synopsis is compact and can be read as
> * foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ]
> 'one argument will get processed via int(argument_name)'
> 1 : one argument
> -> : will get processed (the argument is required)
> int(foo) : the cast is int, the arg name is foo
> * bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ]
> 'two keyword arguments might be processed via float
> (bar=0.0,1.0)'
> 2 : two arguments
> ~> : might be processed (the argument is
> optional)
> float(bar=0.0,1.0) : the cast will be float, the default
> values are
> 0.0 and 1.0
> * --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ]
> 'one option with optional argument may be given directly'
> * --help, -h
> no synopsis, simple switch takes no args and is not required
> * export barfoo=value
> a user defined synopsis
> <========< samples/a.rb >========>
> ~ > cat samples/a.rb
> require 'main'
> ARGV.replace %w( 42 ) if ARGV.empty?
> Main {
> argument('foo'){
> required # this is the default
> cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
> validate{|foo| foo == 42} # raises error in failure case
> description 'the foo param' # shown in --help
> }
> def run
> p params['foo'].given?
> p params['foo'].value
> end
> }
> ~ > ruby samples/a.rb
> true
> 42
> ~ > ruby samples/a.rb --help
> a.rb
> a.rb foo [options]+
> foo (1 -> int(foo))
> the foo param
> --help, -h
> <========< samples/b.rb >========>
> ~ > cat samples/b.rb
> require 'main'
> ARGV.replace %w( 40 1 1 ) if ARGV.empty?
> Main {
> argument('foo'){
> arity 3 # foo will given three
> times
> cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
> validate{|foo| [40,1].include? foo} # raises error in
> failure case
> description 'the foo param' # shown in --help
> }
> def run
> p params['foo'].given?
> p params['foo'].values
> end
> }
> ~ > ruby samples/b.rb
> true
> [40, 1, 1]
> ~ > ruby samples/b.rb --help
> b.rb
> b.rb foo [options]+
> foo (3 -> int(foo))
> the foo param
> --help, -h
> <========< samples/c.rb >========>
> ~ > cat samples/c.rb
> require 'main'
> ARGV.replace %w( foo=40 foo=2 bar=false ) if ARGV.empty?
> Main {
> keyword('foo'){
> required # by default keywords are not required
> arity 2
> cast :float
> }
> keyword('bar'){
> cast :bool
> }
> def run
> p params['foo'].given?
> p params['foo'].values
> p params['bar'].given?
> p params['bar'].value
> end
> }
> ~ > ruby samples/c.rb
> true
> [40.0, 2.0]
> true
> false
> ~ > ruby samples/c.rb --help
> c.rb
> c.rb foo=foo [bar=bar] [options]+
> foo=foo (2 -> float(foo))
> bar=bar (1 ~> bool(bar))
> --help, -h
> <========< samples/d.rb >========>
> ~ > cat samples/d.rb
> require 'main'
> ARGV.replace %w( --foo=40 -f2 ) if ARGV.empty?
> Main {
> option('foo', 'f'){
> required # by default options are not required, we could
> use 'foo=foo'
> # above as a shortcut
> argument_required
> arity 2
> cast :float
> }
> option('bar=[bar]', 'b'){ # note shortcut syntax for optional
> args
> # argument_optional # we could also use this method
> cast :bool
> default false
> }
> def run
> p params['foo'].given?
> p params['foo'].values
> p params['bar'].given?
> p params['bar'].value
> end
> }
> ~ > ruby samples/d.rb
> true
> [40.0, 2.0]
> nil
> false
> ~ > ruby samples/d.rb --help
> d.rb
> d.rb --foo=foo [options]+
> --foo=foo, -f (2 -> float(foo))
> --bar=[bar], -b (1 ~> bool(bar=false))
> --help, -h
> - test/main.rb
> - vim -o lib/main.rb lib/main/*
> - API section below
> 2.0.0
> - removed need for proxy.rb via Main::Base.wrap_run!
> - added error handling hooks for parameter parsing
> - bundled arrayfields, attributes, and pervasives although gems
> are tried
> first
> - softened error messages for parameter parsing errors: certain
> classes of
> errors are now 'softspoken' and print only the message, not
> the entire
> stacktrace, to stderr. much nicer for users. this is
> configurable.
> - added subcommand/mode support
> - added support for user defined exception handling on top level
> exceptions/exits
> - added support for negative arity. this users ruby's own arity
> semantics, for example:
> lambda{|*a|}.arity == -1
> lambda{|a,*b|}.arity == -2
> lambda{|a,b,*c|}.arity == -3
> ...
> in otherwords parameters now support 'zero or more', 'one or
> more' ...
> 'n or more' argument semantics
> Main {
> ########################################################################
> ###
> API #
> ########################################################################
> ###
> #
> # the name of the program, auto-set and used in usage
> #
> program 'foo.rb'
> #
> # a short description of program functionality, auto-set and used
> in usage
> #
> synopsis "foo.rb arg [options]+"
> #
> # long description of program functionality, used in usage iff set
> #
> description <<-hdoc
> this text will automatically be indented to the right level.
> it should describe how the program works in detail
> hdoc
> #
> # used in usage iff set
> #
> author 'ara.t.howard@gmail.com'
> #
> # used in usage
> #
> version '0.0.42'
> #
> # stdin/out/err can be anthing which responds to read/write or a
> string
> # which will be opened as in the appropriate mode
> #
> stdin '/dev/null'
> stdout '/dev/null'
> stderr open('/dev/null', 'w')
> #
> # the logger should be a Logger object, something 'write'-able, or
> a string
> # which will be used to open the logger. the logger_level
> specifies the
> # initalize verbosity setting, the default is Logger::INFO
> #
> logger(( program + '.log' ))
> logger_level Logger::DEBUG
> #
> # you can configure exit codes. the defaults are shown
> #
> exit_success # 0
> exit_failure # 1
> exit_warn # 42
> #
> # the usage object is rather complex. by default it's an object
> which can
> # be built up in sections using the
> #
> # usage["BUGS"] = "something about bugs'
> #
> # syntax to append sections onto the already pre-built usage
> message which
> # contains program, synopsis, parameter descriptions and the like
> #
> # however, you always replace the usage object wholesale with one
> of your
> # chosing like so
> #
> usage <<-txt
> my own usage message
> txt
> ########################################################################
> ###
> # MODE
> API #
> ########################################################################
> ###
> #
> # modes are class factories that inherit from their parent class.
> they can
> # be nested *arbitrarily* deep. usage messages are tailored for
> each mode.
> # modes are, for the most part, independant classes but parameters
> are
> # always a superset of the parent class - a mode accepts all of
> it's parents
> # paramters *plus* and additional ones
> #
> option 'inherited-option'
> argument 'inherited-argument'
> mode 'install' do
> option 'force' do
> description 'clobber existing installation'
> end
> def run
> inherited_method()
> puts 'installing...'
> end
> mode 'docs' do
> description 'installs the docs'
> def run
> puts 'installing docs...'
> end
> end
> end
> mode 'un-install' do
> option 'force' do
> description 'remove even if dependancies exist'
> end
> def run
> inherited_method()
> puts 'un-installing...'
> end
> end
> def run
> puts 'no mode yo?'
> end
> def inherited_method
> puts 'superclass_method...'
> end
> ########################################################################
> ###
> API #
> ########################################################################
> ###
> #
> # all the parameter types of argument|keyword|option|environment
> share this
> # api. you must specify the type when the parameter method is used.
> # alternatively used one of the shortcut methods
> # argument|keyword|option|environment. in otherwords
> #
> # parameter('foo'){ type :option }
> #
> # is synonymous with
> #
> # option('foo'){ }
> #
> option 'foo' {
> #
> # required - whether this paramter must by supplied on the
> command line.
> # note that you can create 'required' options with this keyword
> #
> required # or required true
> #
> # argument_required - applies only to options.
> #
> argument_required # argument :required
> #
> # argument_optional - applies only to options.
> #
> argument_optional # argument :optional
> #
> # cast - should be either a lambda taking one argument, or a symbol
> # designation one of the built in casts defined in Main::Cast.
> supported
> # types are :boolean|:integer|:float|:numeric|:string|:uri.
> built-in
> # casts can be abbreviated
> #
> cast :int
> #
> # validate - should be a lambda taking one argument and returning
> # true|false
> #
> validate{|int| int == 42}
> #
> # synopsis - should be a concise characterization of the
> paramter. a
> # default synopsis is built automatically from the parameter. this
> # information is displayed in the usage message
> #
> synopsis '--foo'
> #
> # description - a longer description of the paramter. it
> appears in the
> # usage also.
> #
> description 'a long description of foo'
> #
> # arity - indicates how many times the parameter should appear
> on the
> # command line. the default is one. negative arities are
> supported and
> # follow the same rules as ruby methods/procs.
> #
> arity 2
> #
> # default - you can provide a default value in case none is
> given. the
> # alias 'defaults' reads a bit nicer when you are giving a list of
> # defaults for paramters of > 1 arity
> #
> defaults 40, 2
> }
> ########################################################################
> ###
> API #
> ########################################################################
> ###
> #
> # you must define a run method. it is the only method you must
> define.
> #
> def run
> #
> # all parameters are available in the 'params' hash and via
> the alias
> # 'param'. it can be indexed via string or symbol. the
> values are all
> # Main::Parameter objects
> #
> foo = params['foo']
> #
> # the given? method indicates whether or not the parameter was
> given on
> # the commandline/environment, etc. in particular this will
> not be true
> # when a default value was specified but no parameter was given
> #
> foo.given?
> #
> # the list of all values can be retrieved via 'values'. note
> that this
> # is always an array.
> #
> p foo.values
> #
> # the __first__ value can be retrieved via 'value'. note that
> this
> # never an array.
> #
> p foo.value
> #
> # the methods debug|info|warn|error|fatal are delegated to the
> logger
> # object
> #
> info{ "this goes to the log" }
> #
> # you can set the exit_status at anytime. this status is used
> when
> # exiting the program. exceptions cause this to be
> ext_failure if, and
> # only if, the current value was exit_success. in otherwords an
> # un-caught exception always results in a failing exit_status
> #
> exit_status exit_failure
> #
> # a few shortcuts both set the exit_status and exit the program.
> #
> exit_success!
> exit_failure!
> exit_warn!
> end
> }
> enjoy.
> a @ http://codeforp...
> --
> we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being
> better. simply reflect on that.
> h.h. the 14th dalai lama


My books:
Ruby in Practice

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10/19/2007 3:36:00 PM


On Oct 18, 2007, at 10:46 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

> From: ara.t.howard [mailto:ara.t.howard@gmail.com]
> # Subject: [ANN] main-2.0.0
> quick qs:
> 1. how to invoke -h inside program.
> currently i use something like [exec "ruby #{__FILE__} -h"]
> i tried using "usage[]" but i think it's reinventing since -h if
> fine for me already.

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > cat a.rb
require 'main'

Main {
option 'foobar'

def run
print usage.to_s

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > ruby a.rb

a.rb [options]+

--help, -h

the reason that the 'to_s' is required is that the usage returns and
object that inherits from array and ruby treats 'puts an_array'
specially. i should changed that in the next version... regardless
'usage.to_s' will continue to work.

> 2. required args that fail just gives/raise errors which is not so
> user friendly.

i think 2.0.0 addresses this (common) complaint:

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > cat a.rb
require 'main'

Main {
argument('foobar'){ required }

run(){ puts Main.version }

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > ruby a.rb foobar

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > ruby a.rb
argument(foobar) not given

is that ok?

> How can i capture error cleanly? so i can display a user friendly
> error (and i also want to invoke help thereafter). Maybe require
> may need a block for the error to display, like,

hmmmm. right now you, in 2.0.0, you can define 'handle_exception' on
your class but you will need to handle all exceptions in that
method... that's not great i realize. in 2.0.0 i've added the
concept of 'Softspoken' errors. these are errors that, rather than
dumping a stacktrace in the log/stderr - simple print their message.
that's how the 'argument(foobar) not given' above is printed - it's a
'Softspoken' error and this is it's message. now, as to the question
of how to further handle errors but printing usage, etc... that's
harder. i'd personally NOT print usage after the error and instead
suggest to the user to run the program with '-h' because a long usage
message printed after and error will cause the error to scroll off a
small terminal... still it's a real need...

> required {|error| code_here}
> or
> def err err_obj
> end
> # ie, main calls err if it exists
> # but i still would not know what to put on err

ok i like this idea. the general concept is that parameter can have
their own error handlers - let me chew on this a little bit and try
to get a sample impl online for you to play with...

> Right now, i set required args back to optional and then i have to
> ask if args was given?

oh that's hacking we don't want to doing that! ;-)

> 3. how can i access all the args and options i set? I'd like to
> change my synopsis automatically and beautifully :)

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > cat a.rb
require 'main'

Main {
argument 'foobar'
argument 'barfoo'
option 'a'
option 'b'

run(){ params.each{|pm| p pm} }

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.0.0 > ruby a.rb foobar barfoo --a --b
#<Main::Parameter::Argument:0x6c034 @given=true, @type=:argument,
@arity=1, @values=["foobar"], @names=["foobar"], @defaults=[],
@cast=nil, @required=true, @validate=nil>
#<Main::Parameter::Argument:0x6b558 @given=true, @type=:argument,
@arity=1, @values=["barfoo"], @names=["barfoo"], @defaults=[],
@cast=nil, @required=true, @validate=nil>
#<Main::Parameter::Option:0x6aa7c @given=true, @type=:option,
@arity=1, @values=[true], @names=["a"], @defaults=[], @cast=nil,
@required=false, @argument=nil, @validate=nil>
#<Main::Parameter::Option:0x69e24 @given=true, @type=:option,
@arity=1, @values=[true], @names=["b"], @defaults=[], @cast=nil,
@required=false, @argument=nil, @validate=nil>
#<Main::Parameter::Option:0x67a0c @given=nil, @type=:option,
@arity=1, @names=["help", "h"], @defaults=[], @required=false,

i'd be interested to see what you come up with for an auto usage
message - that part was very hard for me and i'm not sure mine is the

> sorry for the many questions, ara.
> Thank you for main. It's very cool.

glad you are using it, and the feedback is really welcome - it's
surprisingly difficult to get this working smoothly for even a modest
sample of command line apps - there are a lot of variables! ;-)

look for main-2.0.1 later today...


a @ http://codeforp...
it is not enough to be compassionate. you must act.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama

Peña, Botp

10/20/2007 3:42:00 AM


From: ara.t.howard [mailto:ara.t.howard@gmail.com]
# def run
# print usage.to_s

arggh, i did not try the to_s :)

# exit
# end
# the reason that the 'to_s' is required is that the usage returns and
# object that inherits from array and ruby treats 'puts an_array'
# specially. i should changed that in the next version... regardless
# 'usage.to_s' will continue to work.

no problem, ara. The usage.to_s is good enough.

# i'd be interested to see what you come up with for an auto usage
# message - that part was very hard for me and i'm not sure
# mine is the
# best.

no, the automessage part is fine.
my plan really is to add more info on --help and i was looking where to add more :)

eg, i want to add sections like "other info", "gotchas", "copyright", "reporting bugs", and "see also".

# glad you are using it, and the feedback is really welcome - it's
# surprisingly difficult to get this working smoothly for even
# a modest
# sample of command line apps - there are a lot of variables! ;-)
# look for main-2.0.1 later today...

it's working great. really. my suggestions were purely cosmetics. and btw, the new mode option is cool.
many thanks again.

kind regards -botp


10/20/2007 4:51:00 PM


On Oct 19, 2007, at 9:41 PM, Peña, Botp wrote:

> From: ara.t.howard [mailto:ara.t.howard@gmail.com]
> # def run
> # print usage.to_s
> arggh, i did not try the to_s :)
> thanks
> # exit
> # end
> # the reason that the 'to_s' is required is that the usage returns and
> # object that inherits from array and ruby treats 'puts an_array'
> # specially. i should changed that in the next version... regardless
> # 'usage.to_s' will continue to work.
> no problem, ara. The usage.to_s is good enough.

great. in 2.1.0 (on rubyforge now) you can just use 'help!' which
calls 'print usage.to_s; exit' for you. i'll rework the Usage class
to be and Array delegate rather than an Array subclass soon. it
annoys me that 'puts usage' does not work...

> # i'd be interested to see what you come up with for an auto usage
> # message - that part was very hard for me and i'm not sure
> # mine is the
> # best.
> #
> no, the automessage part is fine.
> my plan really is to add more info on --help and i was looking
> where to add more :)
> eg, i want to add sections like "other info", "gotchas",
> "copyright", "reporting bugs", and "see also".

oh. the Usage class is already setup to do that. simply do

usage['gotchas'] = huge_block_of_text

and it will automatically be included in a nicely formatted way.

> # glad you are using it, and the feedback is really welcome - it's
> # surprisingly difficult to get this working smoothly for even
> # a modest
> # sample of command line apps - there are a lot of variables! ;-)
> #
> # look for main-2.0.1 later today...
> it's working great. really. my suggestions were purely cosmetics.
> and btw, the new mode option is cool.
> many thanks again.
> kind regards -botp

glad to hear it - 2.1.0 also addresses your error handling issue:

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.1.0 > cat a.rb
require 'main'

puts Main.version

Main {
argument 'x' do
error :before do
puts 'this fires *before* normal error handling using

error do
puts 'this fires *instead of* normal error handling using

error :after do
puts 'this fires *after* normal error handling using

run(){ p param['x'].given? }

cfp:~/src/ruby/main/main-2.1.0 > ruby -I lib a.rb
this fires *before* normal error handling using #instance_eval...
this fires *instead of* normal error handling using #instance_eval...
this fires *after* normal error handling using #instance_eval...

in fact, 2.1.0 allows *any* exception to specify it's own error
handlers - check out lib/main/base.rb and grep for 'handler'.

kind regards.

a @ http://codeforp...
we can deny everything, except that we have the possibility of being
better. simply reflect on that.
h.h. the 14th dalai lama