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[ANN] Gosu 0.7.5

Julian Raschke

9/17/2007 12:31:00 PM


for those interested in game/multimedia programming, Gosu 0.7.5 has
just been released! When using RubyGems, don't be surprised if you
see both 0.7.5 and; the latter changes a bug with the Gem
packaging, so install that. :)

Gosu 0.7.5 mostly improved the Ruby support, with a focus on working
as expected across all platforms for source files in UTF-8 (without
BOM). This is now the official encoding for developing with Gosu.

* Functions for button id<>character conversion are class methods of
Window now. Code doesn't break when calling them as instance methods.
* Fixed name clash in CptnRuby.rb
* Fixed memory leaks in load_tiles and from_text (thanks to Galin
* Hid mouse cursor over X11 window (thanks to acetoxy)
* Windows: Gosu ships with fmod.dll now (RubyGosu adjusted to find it
magically) - no need to download seperately it anymore!


From the amount of feedback and discussion I get via e-mail and find
in other places, there seems to be a growing interest in Gosu, and in
Ruby game development in general. (Chipmunk looks really promising
too!) Does anyone know if there still are timed game development
competitions anywhere? I think the Python people still hold a regular
Pygame week, and we should show them what Ruby can do. ;)


Also, I have seen conversations about Gosu's design and progress here
and in other places. As Bill Kelly has correctly stated on this list,
many features such as collision detection are out of the focus for
Gosu. There is simply a hundred ways to do it, in fact the tutorial
games *both* use collision schemes other than rectangular hit-boxes.
The same is true for implementing a game's object list, there are
many different approaches how to handle objects that cease to exist
in game logic. It even is a per-game decision whether to use Fixnum
or Float object positions.

In light of this, I don't think Gosu lacks, say, a core Sprite class--
it's even a good thing that it doesn't get into anybody's way by
settling on *one* way of doing things! What it does lack, however, is
more example games, so any creative implementations of genres not
present in the examples right now would be welcome contributions :)

And while Gosu intentionally leaves out a lot of 'traditional'
features, I can imagine that bridges to Chipmunk for physics or to
RMagick for dynamic image creation could turn out very interesting.
So stay tuned for new releases!


4 Answers

John Joyce

9/17/2007 2:12:00 PM


Excellent news!
I do hope that you'll change your mind about collision detection.
I think adding 'optional' modules for different approaches to
collision would be good.
Basically, consider this: there are many 2D game 'types' which all
do a lot of the same basic things. Not only for collision, but for
other behaviors. Offering some prebuilt stuff to work from would
boost people's use of Gosu further.
They could be included and customizable.
Some types: Platformer, Space shooter, Vertical Scroller / Horizontal
scroller, Bird's eye view, Isometric view, Pong/breakout stuff, Card
Games, RPG, and more...
I think the biggest challenge would be to get enough good code from
people to put together a module library of these kind of starting

keep up the good work!

Julian Raschke

9/17/2007 2:36:00 PM


Thanks for the praise and feedback!

> I think adding 'optional' modules for different approaches to
> collision would be good.
> Basically, consider this: there are many 2D game 'types' which all
> do a lot of the same basic things. Not only for collision, but for
> other behaviors. Offering some prebuilt stuff to work from would
> boost people's use of Gosu further.
> They could be included and customizable.
> Some types: Platformer, Space shooter, Vertical Scroller / Horizontal
> scroller, Bird's eye view, Isometric view, Pong/breakout stuff, Card
> Games, RPG, and more...

I think it is impossible to write good general libraries for potential
projects in advance. There is only one way: Writing one serious game,
maybe even two, see what they share and make it a library. This is how
Gosu was conceived, and I will at least not change my mind on
that.. :)

One of my goals is to collect implementations of all sorts of 2D game
genres, either in the examples or on the GosuUsers page. *When* this
has happened, and serious projects have grown out of some of these,
*then* one could start with the huge task of extracting high-level
libraries to facilitate building even more games.

For now my focus will be on implementing what all those genres share,
not what sets them apart. A system to structure games into different
screens/states/subapplications (title screen/option screen/main game/
highscore list...) is probably the first optional library that will be
added to Gosu. There is a way to do it that has evolved over the
years, in both small and medium-sized games by me and Florian Gross.
After that, I hope to add a small GUI library based on that. And that
is why a rock-solid way of entering text in Gosu applications is much
closer on the radar than higher-level game features :)



5/5/2013 1:02:00 PM


oriel36 <kelleher.gerald@gmail.com> wrote:
>A person standing on the South pole will experience a single day/night
>cycle as our planet turns once to the central Sun

at some times during the year. At other times they will experience unending
night, or unending day. Look into this thing called the Antarctic Circle,
and "axial tilt".

>as all planets do as
>a component of its orbital motion unlike the moon which does not turn
>as it makes a circuit of the Earth let alone have a spinning motion
>like the Earth's daily rotation.

Except that it does, Blanche; it turns once as it goes around the Earth,
because its rotational motion, the turning, is synchronized just about
completely with its orbital motion, the going around. The reason for this
is tides. Not magic, not some weird compulsion to turn to face the Earth
because of angels, just tides.

>Put an X on a ball and move it around a central object (Earth) with
>the X continuously facing the object and that is what observers see as
>the same side of the moon always shows its face to us.

....and to do that you have to TURN the ball once for each time it goes around.
If you just hold it in your hand and move it around the central object? The
X does NOT FACE the central object continually and the ball does not turn.

But you won't do this experiment.

\/David DeLaney posting from dbd@vic.com "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK>
http://www.vic... - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.


5/5/2013 3:08:00 PM


On May 5, 11:13 am, The 'Brightness' control still doesn't help
<inva...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On Sun, 5 May 2013 00:23:14 -0700 (PDT), oriel36
> <kelleher.ger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >A person standing on the South pole will experience a single day/night
> >cycle as our planet turns once to the central Sun as all planets do as
> >a component of its orbital motion unlike the moon which does not turn
> >as it makes a circuit of the Earth let alone have a spinning motion
> >like the Earth's daily rotation.
> A person standing at the south pole of the moon will experience a
> single day/night cycle (in the form of the sun appearing to slowly
> circle the horizon) with a period of about 4 weeks as a direct result
> of the moon's rotation, and its rotation alone.

It is called lunar orbital motion as the single day night cycle is due
to the moon moving from place to place around the Earth,rotation is a
separate motion with a maximum equatorial speed which diminishes to
zero at the polar coordinates.The Earth has both a maximum equatorial
speed and moves from place to place around the Sun hence there are two
day/nights involved - the normal daily day/night cycle and the
separate orbital day/night cycle experienced at the South pole as
roughly 6 months of daylight followed by 6 months of darkness.Perhaps
your empirical indoctrination is so disruptive that you are unable to
accept dual day/night cycles from separate causes but then again you
are the unfortunate people who believe the moon spins.

 That this period is
> synchronized with its orbit around the Earth is nothing more than the
> effect of tidal locking due to gravity.  Many - most - of the moons in
> the solar system are also tidally locked to their planet.

Thanks for the empirical voodoo but the problem is not the technical
details of the difference between a moon that keeps the same face to
the central Earth while all planets turn once to the central Sun as a
component of their orbital motion,the difficulty is finding people
with common sense who can work with graphics and images needed to
explain this to kids.

It is not your fault,if you can't make sense of the orbital behavior
of the moon by analogy or by direct observation then you will not be
able to make sense of a planet as it makes a circuit of the Sun and
turns as it does so as a component of its orbital behavior -


I assure you that the rings will keep turning East to West through 360
degrees to the central Sun while the separate motion of daily rotation
runs South to North and parallel with the rings in its daily
rotation,it is a 100% observational certainty that neither you nor the
empirical academics can compete with.

> Were the Earth to suddenly cease to exist, the moon would continue in
> an orbit a little more eccentric than the Earth's, depending on where
> in its orbit it was when Earth's gravity disappeared, but would still
> rotate about its axis with a period of roughly four weeks.
> That you can deny these facts is your failing, and yours alone.

More speculative voodoo and backward looking to boot,not by design but
by an indoctrination which has all the traits of Nazi dogma.Again,the
German nation has a genuine chance to undo the damage that was done
before the last great war by revisiting what was done in the name of
science and particularly astronomy/terrestrial sciences by a vicious
strain of Royal Society empiricism,the same could be said for
denominational Christianity which created the mess in the first place
back in the era of Galileo.

Don't be an empirical drone,the Usenet is fading for many reasons so
those who come here to offer their opinion are valuable and may be the
difference between the dystopian intellectual oblivion society is
heading in or,in the opposite direction where productive
interpretative sciences make an appearance once more after being
dormant for centuries.