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Re: [QUIZ] Twisting a Rope (#137

James Koppel

9/6/2007 3:38:00 AM

I had a little trouble debugging my solution, and thus I'm turning it in late. I'm also being forced to finish up early, so some of the lesser features sufferred. It implements all three parts (including part 3 subpart d), but I commented out part 3 subpart c, as I was having trouble with it in and earlier version, and did not have time to test whether it works now and debug. Additionally, part 3 subpart a is only kinda implemented, as I didn't have time to make the slices other than (start, length) and range return a rope.I had plans to implement a frequency-count-based substring slice (and partially did) that could know where it was possible for the substring to occur and where it was most likely, but, again, I ran out of time to implement the main part of that.My code runs pretty well, but it's extremely ugly due to all the optimizations I made, such as using a stack-based iterative normalization algorithm that tracks its path using binary instead of a recursive traversal.Lastly, in order to debug normalize at one point, I wrote a method that prints a minimalist but accurate and readable tree representation of the Rope. I left that in there.$Fib = Hash.new{ |h, n| h[n] = h[n - 1] + h[n - 2] }$Fib[0] = 0$Fib[1] = 1CHUNK_SIZE = 16#Ropes cache frequency counts of characters in the rope, Lazily evaluated#Calling dup is faster than constantly creating new Hashes$blank_freq_count = Hash.new{|h,c| h[c] = @left.freq_count[c] + @right.freq_count[c]}class String alias at slice alias slice_offsetted_section slice def shift(n=1) slice!(0) end def freq_count if @freq_count @freq_count else @freq_count = [0]*128 each_byte {|c| @freq_count[c] += 1} @freq_count end end def width; 1; end def depth; 1; endendObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |klass| if klass <= IO and klass.private_method_defined? :initialize klass.class_eval <<-EOC alias old_initialize initialize def initialize(*args) @shifted_chars = 0 old_initialize(*args) end EOC endendclass IO def length if@length @length else seek(0, IO::SEEK_END) @length = pos end end #Pretends it's immutable def to_s if @text @text else $stdout.puts @shifted_chars $stdout.puts IO::SEEK_SET seek(@shifted_chars, IO::SEEK_SET) @text = read end end def shift seek(@shifted_chars, IO::SEEK_SET) @shifted_chars += 1 getc end def freq_count to_s.freq_count end def slice_substring(str) if @text @textslice(str) else #Avoid loading file into memory seek(@shifted_chars, IO::SEEK_SET) last_char = nil while true last_char = getc until last_char == str[0] or eof? return nil if eof? return str if read(str.length - 1) ==str[1..-1] end end end def slice_offsetted_section(start, length) seek(@shifted_chars + start, IO::SEEK_SET) read(length) end def at(ind) seek(@shifted_chars + ind, IO::SEEK_SET) getc end def width; 1; end def depth; 1; endendclass Rope attr_accessor :left, :right, :length, :freq_count def width; @left.width+@right.width; end def depth; [@left.width,@right.width].max+1; end def initialize(left="", right="") @left, @right = left, right @length = @left.length + @right.length @freq_count = $blank_freq_count.dup end def append(strope) #if @right.length < CHUNK_SIZE and strope.length < CHUNK_SIZE # @right = Rope.new(@right,strope) # @length = left.length + right.length # @freq_count = $blank_freq_count.dup #else @left = Rope.new(@left,@right) @right = strope @left.freq_count = @freq_count @length = @left.length + @right.length #end self end alias << append def normalize ###Stack based algorithm removes the overhead of method calls, ###and the huge overhead of proc calls path = 0b0 path_nodes = [self] cur_node = self seq = [] while true if Rope === cur_node path = (path << 1) | 1 cur_node = cur_node.left path_nodes.push(cur_node) else if path & 1 == 1 path ^= 1 #flip the last bit path_nodes.pop cur_node = path_nodes.last.right path_nodes.push(cur_node) else break if path == 0 #Already visited all nodes until path&1 == 1 path >>= 1 path_nodes.pop end path ^= 1 #flip the last bit path_nodes.pop cur_node = path_nodes.last.right path_nodes.push(cur_node) end end next if Rope === cur_node str = cur_node old_n = 0 n = 0 n += 1 until $Fib[n] > str.length n -= 1 smallers = seq[0..n].reject{|o| o.nil?|| o.length == 0} until [] == smallers seq[old_n..n] = [nil]*(n-old_n+1) bal_rope = (smallers[1..-1]).inject(smallers[0]) {|r,s| Rope.new(s,r)} bal_rope = Rope.new(bal_rope, str) old_n = n n += 1 until $Fib[n] > bal_rope.length n -= 1 str = bal_rope seq[n] = nil if n >= seq.length smallers = seq[old_n..n].reject{|o| o.nil? || o.length == 0} end seq[n] = str end seq.compact! seq[1..-1].inject(seq[0]) {|r,s| r = Rope.new(s,r)} end def to_s @leftto_s + @right.to_s end def slice(*args) if 2 == args.length and Fixnum === args[0] #modulus for negative start slice_offsetted_section(args[0] % @length, args[1]) elsif 1 == args.length and Fixnum === args[0] index(args.first % @length) elsif 1 == args.length and Range === args[0] rng = args[0] slice_offsetted_section(rng.begin % @length, (rng.end - rng.begin + (rng.exclude_end? ? 0 : 1)) % @length) else slice_substring(args[0]) end end def slice_offsetted_section(start, length) if start < @left.length if start + length < @left.length @left.slice_offsetted_section(start,length) else Rope.new(@left.slice_offsetted_section(start, @left.length - start), @right.slice_offsetted_section(0, length - (@left.length - start))) end else @right.slice_offsetted_section(start - @left.length, length) end end #def slice_substring(str) # #end def index(offset) if offset < (left_len=@left.length) @left.at(offset) else @right.at(offset-left_len) end end alias at index def shift(n=1) ([0]*n).map do @length -= 1 @left.length > 0 ? @left.shift : @right.shift end endend$x = 0$y = 0def sumupto(n) s = 0 1.upto(n){|i| s+= i} senddef print_rope(tree,str=$stdout) arr = ([nil]*sumupto(tree.depth+1)).map{[nil] * (sumupto(tree.depth+1))} $y = 0 $x = arr[0].length / 2 coord_trav(tree) do |node| if Rope === node arr[$y][$x] = "/ \\" else arr[$y][$x] = node.to_s.inspect end end arr.each do |row| row.each do |cell| if cell == nil str.print " " else str.print cell end end str.print "\n" end nilend def coord_trav(tree, &block) unless Rope === tree block.call(tree) return end $x -= tree.depth $y +=tree.depth coord_trav(tree.left,&block) $x +=tree.depth $y -=tree.depth block.call(tree) $x +=tree.depth $y +=tree.depth coord_trav(tree.right, &block) $x -=tree.depth $y -=tree.depthend----- Original Message ----From: Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net>To: ruby-talk ML <ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org>Sent: Friday, August 31, 2007 8:19:54 AMSubject: [QUIZ] Twisting a Rope (#137)The three rules of Ruby Quiz:1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until48 hours have passed from the time on this message.2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:http://www.ruby.... Enjoy!Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyoneon Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,if you can.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=by John MillerThis week's task is to implement the Rope data structure as a Ruby class. Thistopic comes out of the ICFP programming competition(http://www.icfpco...) which had competitors manipulating a 7.5 millioncharacter string this year. What is a Rope:You may not realize it, but for many changes the content to a String, Rubycreates a new copy of the original with the modifications applied. For smallstrings that are created once and read often this is actually a very efficientway to do thing, but what happens when the string starts to get long, and isundergoing a lot of changes? First, the program will spend more and more of itsprocessing cycles just copying bits around. Second, the garbage collector willbe called more and more often to pick up the little stringy scraps you've leftall over the memory.Ropes (the name is a pun for a heavy duty string) are tree structures where anode represents the concatenation of its left branch with its right, and leavesare flat strings. (This is a little sloppy. A rope may contain shared subtrees,and is thus really a directed acyclic graph, where the out-edges of each vertexare ordered. We will continue to be sloppy.) E.g. To prepend Text A to Text B,one creates a Node (call it N1) with A as its left branch and B as its right. To further append Text C create a new Node N2 with its left branch pointing to N1 and its right to C. Easy, right? To find out more see Boehm, Atkinson and Plass "Ropes: an Alternative to Strings" at: http://rubyurl.co... task comes in three parts, each increasing in difficulty:Part one:Create a Rope class that can do the following: a. 'append' or 'prepend' a String or another Rope (alias the << operator to the append function) b. Return the fully concatenated text with 'to_s' c. define 'slice' to call to_s.slice d. provide a 'length' methodPart two:Add the following: a. Add the ability to 'index' a single character given a 0-based offset from the beginning of the string. b. Add the ability to 'shift' a single character from the front of a Rope. (Remove and return the character) c. Add your own 'slice' method that returns a String. Implement as many of the String method's forms as possible. To run the example code this function will only need to understand the slice(offset,length) form. Major Bonus for Regex and Substring forms. d. "Balance" the tree with a 'normalize' method. (see Boehm, Atkinson and Plass 1319 Rebalancing)Part three: (bonus)Add the following: a. Change the 'slice' method to return a Rope. Ideally this method should do as little string copying as possible. (Doing this will well dramatically increase the speed of the example code) b. Allow 'shift' to optionally accept an integer number of characters to remove and return. c. modify the '<<' operator so that can efficiently append a few characters at a time. (see Boehm, Atkinson and Plass 1318 para. 4) d. *Major Bonus* Add the ability to append and prepend IO classes in a lazy fashion. (see Boehm, Atkinson and Plass 1318 para. 2)The following code may help you explore how efficient your code is and showwhere Ropes are useful. `ruby -r /path/to/your/rope/class this_script.rb Rope`will run the test with your code. Run the script without arguments to see howwell String does. Also play around with the SIZE and CHUNKS constants to get afeel for how they affect performance. require 'benchmark' #This code make a String/Rope of CHUNCKS chunks of text #each chunck is SIZE bytes long. Each chunck starts with #an 8 byte number. Initially the chuncks are shuffled the #qsort method sorts them into ascending order. # #pass the name of the class to use as a parameter #ruby -r rope.rb this_file Rope puts 'preparing data...' TextClass = Object.const_get(ARGV.shift || :String) def qsort(text) return TextClass.new if text.length == 0 pivot = text.slice(0,8).to_s.to_i less = TextClass.new more = TextClass.new offset = 8+SIZE while (offset < text.length) i = text.slice(offset,8).to_s.to_i (i < pivot ? less : more) << text.slice(offset,8+SIZE) offset = offset + 8+SIZE end print "*" return qsort(less) << text.slice(0,8+SIZE) << qsort(more) end SIZE = 512 * 1024 CHUNCKS = 128 CHARS = %w[R O P E] data = TextClass.new bulk_string = TextClass.new(Array.new(SIZE) { CHARS[rand(4)] }.join) puts 'Building Text...' build = Benchmark.measure do (0..CHUNCKS).sort_by { rand }.each do |n| data<< sprintf("%08i",n) << bulk_string end data.normalize if data.respond_to? :normalize end GC.start sort = Benchmark.measure do puts "Sorting Text..." qsort(data) puts"\nEND" end puts "Build: #{build}Sort: #{sort}" ____________________________________________________________________________________Need a vacation? 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