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Re: Boyer-Moore string search algorithm in ruby

Yukihiro Matsumoto

7/22/2007 12:30:00 PM


In message "Re: Boyer-Moore string search algorithm in ruby"
on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 18:21:18 +0900, "Nobuyoshi Nakada" <nobu@ruby-lang.org> writes:

|bcparanj@gmail.com wrote in [ruby-talk:261195]:
|> Does anyone know if this is already part of Ruby open source library?
|> I did not find anything on Google. TIA.
|String#index uses Karp-Rabin algorithm, not Boyer-Moore.

1.8 regex engine uses modified Boyer-Moore search algorithm.


3 Answers


12/9/2010 9:54:00 PM


a little sanity, please <rational@nospam.com> wrote in

> In article <Xns9E49D81496A86ulmbritwarcouk@>,
> Periander <ulm@.4rubbish.britwar.co.uk> wrote:
> Hmm, "Jews who are not fit for work can be eliminated without
> qualms through use of the Brack device". That does not seem
> like delousing, does it?

Nope, nor does it sound like a gas chamber at A-B, if I remember
correctly and I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong the "Brack Device"
was a simple exhaust feed taking engine gasses into a bus body in order
to kill by asphysixiation - it was suggested as even Eastern European SS
troopers were getting pissed off with getting blood on their uniforms
through executions.

>>> Why wasn't a cremation capacity of 2,650 corpses per day sufficient
>>> for one camp?
>> As referred to by me in other replies (which you have failed to
>> address). As I said to that other poster keep repeating the same
>> things over and over again like a mantra is not debate it smacks of
>> mania.
> Good, let's continue then!
> Why wasn't a cremation capacity of 2,650 corpses per day sufficient
> for one camp?
> Try something better than "yes, it was a bad place and many
> died". Surely, after more than 50 years of trying to deny
> the Holocaust, you people can come up with something better
> than that?

Tell me then, what was the death rate through typhus and the other
reasons I gave in the camps? I look forward to your explanation that
they were summer holiday resorts full of well fed, well clothed, healthy
young people living a life of ease.





12/14/2010 1:54:00 PM


On 09/12/2010 21:23, Periander wrote:
> a little sanity, please<rational@nospam.com> wrote in
> news:idrd4c$vhe$1@pcls6.std.com:
>> In article<Xns9E49CAA709EF9ulmbritwarcouk@>,
>> Periander<ulm@.4rubbish.britwar.co.uk> wrote:
>>> a little sanity, please<rational@nospam.com> wrote in
>>> news:idrbib$kbd$1@pcls6.std.com:
>>>> A document which mentions a "gassing cellar" in an
>>>> Auschwitz-Birkenau crematorium: http://www....
> history.org/dkeren/documents/auschwitz/Vergasung
>>>> keller.shtml
>>> Yes, a room associated with de-lousing the clothes of the
>>> deceased
>> Prove it.
> Because that's what it says in the multitude of documents avaiable
> on the various holocaust sites. On top of which as all contemporary
> published references to gas chambers refer to de-lousing chambers it
> may be more appropriate for me to ask you that it proves the
> opposite.
>> By the way, this "de-lousing" process must have been pretty
>> dangerous, to judge from the following:
>> In a memo written on September 8 1942, Kurt Prufer of the firm
>> "Topf and Sons" stated that Auschwitz officials are not satisfied
>> with a cremation capacity of 2,650 corpses per day, and "we should
>> deliver more ovens as quickly as possible". Source:
>> http://www....history.org/auschwitz/topf/
> And as you well know there was no one time when all the crematoria at
> A- B were in operation at the same time and as you well know as
> newer facilities became operational the older less efficient ones
> were taken out of use - perminently.
> And yes as the inmates of the camp were under fed, over worked and
> exposed to (in particular) typus (although teh Germans went to great
> lengths to stop the spread) so it would require far more crematoria
> than a town in rural England of the same size. You aren't even close
> to making your point.

Not the correct answer.


A - Why did nazis cremate the bodies of the deaths?


German concentration camps did really exist but the whole world knows
that they were not original or unique to the Germans. Crematorium
ovens have also existed in certain of these camps, but incineration is
no more offensive or criminal than burial. The crematorium ovens even
constitute progress from the sanitary point of view where there was a
risk of epidemics. Typhus ravaged the whole of wartime Europe. The
majority of corpses which are shown to us in photos are clearly the
corpses of typhus victims. These photos illustrate the fact that the
internees-and sometimes the guards-died of typhus. They prove nothing
other than this. To exploit the fact that the Germans at times used
crematorium ovens is not very honest. In asserting this one counts on
the repulsion or feeling of unease and disquiet felt by people
accustomed to burial and not to incineration. Imagine an oceanic
population accustomed to burning its dead. Tell such a people that you
bury your own and you will appear a kind of savage. Perhaps
they would even suspect that in Europe persons "more or less alive"
are placed in the earth!

Robert Faurisson

Since the typhus epidemics occurrence after 1942, all corpses might be
cremated as a part of necessary prophylactic measures and crematoriae
passed to be mandatory basic installations at all the main nazi camps.

Crematory buildings (Krematorium) were copied from civilian
installations in use at that time in Germany.
They included basically morgues and ovens. The furnaces were also
designed like civilian models, nothing specific to criminal purpose.
On the opposite there were not properly model to industrial burning
(massive burning) because, as being civilian, they were tiny muffles
planned to burn corpses by unit and to recuperate ashes for the family
into a receptacle placed below the burning platform.
On the plan of Krema I at Auschwitz I a room dedicated to store urns as
receptacles of ashes is visible.
The main manufacturer contracted by the SS to equip their camps passed
to be the civilian firm Topf & S??hne. H Kori, the former main supplier,
had lost
importance but represented a rough competitor for Topf. For instance, to
take the Birkenau's market, Pr??fer, the Topf's engineer had to "invent"
an innovative configuration of more muffles per furnace in order to
present a more cost effective offer and convince the new head of the
Zentral Bauleitung ("Construction Management") at Auschwitz, SS Captain
Karl Bischoff, to get the contract.


B - How was planed the capacity of cremation to be installed at nazi camps?

Pressac didn't write too much on that fundamental point, the documents
that should exist regarding the planing of equipment from the scratch
are not
exhibited on his books. So, the observation of the installations of
cremation in use at the main camps is necessary to deduce the parameters
SS seem to have applied to determine their cremation's equipment.
From such observation, it appears that SS have used a standard ratio of
1 muffle installed per 4,500-5,000 inmates hosted. For instance, we can
observe a ratio of 4,500 at Oranienburg and 5,000 at Birkenau to an
expected population of 230,000 which was planed in August 1942 but was
never reached (67,000 to 130,000 maximum). See hereafter #I.

C - Was the presence of a cremation installation an evidence of criminal
intention at nazi camps?

The same model of furnaces provided by the manufacturer Topf & S??hne can
be found at Gusen, Mauthausen, Dachau, Oranienburg, Gusen or Buchenwald
which are not labeled "extermination camps" on the Dogma. Only the
combination [number of furnaces x number of muffles] could have changed
while the basic muffle's design remained the same
following a civilian design.
There, the cremation buildings presented nearly the same basic
configuration: morgues + ovens as on civilian model of construction
existing at that time in

Actually, by observing all the main nazi camps, it is impossible to find
a specific installation which could differentiate an alleged
"extermination camp" from a "concentration camp", a point able to allow
a reasonable doubt about the actual existence of specific "industrial
factories" supposedly built to perform an "industrial extermination
plan". I developed the "gas chambers" matter at Auschwitz on other posts.

A blueprint of the standard model of Topf's oven was presented at
Nuremberg trial as an "evidence" of a criminal action. That cannot be
sustained anymore.

"Historically, it is no longer possible to present this Nuremberg
drawing [drawing of a furnace] as being ??criminal??. Produced entirely
without any supporting documentary context, as were many German
documents at that time, this drawing was supposed to prove ??ipso facto??
the criminality of KL Buchenwald, whereas in fact it was only a
pictorial representation of a perfectly ordinary piece of ??public
health?? equipment.
Whether used as incriminating evidence or not, the fact that this
drawing was??retained, certainly with a covering letter whose content is
not known, shows the stupid way in which the documents of the
defeated were ??evaluated?? by a tribunal of the victors. It is just as
ridiculous as if in the Landru trial the prosecution had presented a
catalogue of harmless kitchen ranges and declared that this brochure was
obvious proof of the crimes of the accused, and had omitted to mention
the purchase of the railway tickets: one return [for Landru] and one
single [for his lady victim]."


D - Establishment of cremation's parameters for Topf's ovens.

An important document allows to analyze on real working conditions and
during a sufficiently long period the actual activity of cremation at
Gusen with
a model of Topf's oven built with 2 furnaces x 2 muffles.


It can be deduced from that time sheet that, into 1 muffle, an average
time of 23 min per corpse was needed to burn 61 corpses per day in an
hypothesis of extrapolated continuous performance not recommended by the
manufacturer. Actually, to avoid refractory failures, a maximum of 8 to
10 hours of work was possible. (see Hoess statement: "After eight or
ten hours of operation, the crematoria were unfit for further use. It
was impossible to keep them in continuous operation."[20]
http://www.fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/Osteuropa/Fritjof_M... )

However, in my opinion, that factor time is not of major relevance to
estimate the actual activity of the ovens. To me, the coke or wood
consumption is the most relevant and objective parameter to obtain a
consistent estimation of the number of corpses which could have been
burned at a camp.

On that aspect, the same time sheet of Gusen gives an average coke's
consumption of 28.7 kg (28.72 kg) per corpse in hypothetical conditions
of continuous use.
"Hypothetical" means that the real values observed were extrapolated to
an improbable work on 24 h/24 h. That same time sheet shows that the
average of corpses burned daily during the period considered was about
21 (1009 corpses burned in 48 days)
That represented 17.21% of the capacity installed which is far from
being a 24h/24h load to a maximum capacity of cremation of 122 bodies
per day in 2 muffles.
Such remark makes highly dubious all kind of calculations based on a
hypothetical "maximum capacity" of such installations to evaluate their

E - Can cremation's parameters observed at Gusen be applied at Birkenau?

By their conception, the ovens installed by Topf at Gusen (2 furnaces x
2 muffles) were theoretically less demanding in coke than similar models
installed at Birkenau.
Actually, Krema II and III had 5 ovens of 2 furnaces x 3 muffles and
Krema IV and V had 2 ovens of 2 furnaces x 4 muffles).
The configuration of less furnaces to heat more muffles was interesting
under an economic point of view but resulted in less efficient because of
increased thermal losses. Each furnace had more refractory lining to
heat and to maintain around a working temperature of 800-1000??C. So, the
average of 28,7 kg of coke per body calculated at Gusen can be perfectly
applied at Birkenau despite it could be expected slightly inferior to
the actual consumption because of the less thermal efficiency of the ovens.

F - Was it possible to overpass the nominal efficiency of Topf's ovens?

The allegation that the cremation's performance could have been highly
improved by burning several cadavers (simultaneous cremation) instead of
one in a muffle's cavity designed to burn one corpse only is at least

In fact, as being an indirect cremation, by trying to put too much
corpses in a small cavity, one would only reduce the hot air circulation
around the material to be burned and, as consequence, would actually
reduce the speed of cremation, thus, obviously the productivity of the
operation. Not to mention the risk of damaging the refractory brick
lining on such tentative.

Moreover, the laws of thermodynamic can be broken and there is a limit
to low the mass of coke needed to burn a mass of body. Under that point
of view it is important to analyze "real work on real conditions" to
establish a realistic cremation's model.

Of course, as the volume occupied by the bodies is the main factor for a
load, 2 or 3 corpses of children depending on their size could
substitute the volume of 1 adult.

In any case, to low the Gusen's average of 28.7 kg to 3.5 kg as seen in some
Exterminationist works is completely unrealistic.

However, we can consider that the period of activity examined on the
Gusen's document is enough extended to reflect consistently a "typical
load" in a cremation installation at a camp with that kind of oven.
Under that aspect, the unknown ratio mass/number of bodies can be
considered "integrated" in the resulting average of 28.7 kg of coke per
corpse burned with a little merge on uncertainty.

To clear that doubt, a "calibration" is made hereafter by facing that
Gusen's parameter with documented data from Birkenau during the month of
August 1943 [#G]. Nevertheless, any new document concerning that matter
should be useful to increase the accuracy of that measurement. At the
moment I don't know if more data are available on the remaining nazi

To avoid the inconvenient of an exaggerated volume of corpses processed
at a time by the operators and to facilitate the load of the muffles,
apparatuses were manufactured at the camps like the "corpse charging
trolleys, set on rails" of Auschwitz showed on Pressac's book


We can see that the container placed upon the trolley was made on
purpose to avoid the contact between the corpses and the brick lining in
order to prevent its deterioration during the loading operation. At the
same time it
prevented the bad behavior of the stokers by limiting their liberty to
load too much bodies at a time.

G - Verification of the Gusen's parameters for coke's consumption in
Topf's ovens.

References are available to control Gusen's parameters applied to
crematory installations. For instance, there is a document concerning
the number of deaths registered in August 1943 which can be faced with
the documented coke delivery on that same month at Auschwitz.

1 - The number of deaths registered in August 1943

According with that page from the Pohl's report to Himmler

we can observe that, on August 1943, the mortality at Auschwitz was:

Concentration camps......Average number of inmates.....Deaths
Auschwitz (men)................48,000......................1,442
Auschwitz (women)...........26,000........................938

2 - The coke's consumption of the year 1943

"PMO microfilm 12,012 contains the coke delivery notes for the
Krematorien (without distinguishing between them) from 16th February
1942 to 25th October 1943."


We observe that for the month of August, 1943 the coke delivery notes
for the 4 Krematorien in activity at Birkenau, the quantity of coke
delivered was

---> 71 tons.

If we consider that 2.380 deaths were cremated* that month, that gives
an average of 29,83 kg of coke burned per corpse.

The average I gave above for the Gusen's parameter is 28.7 kg per corpse
burned. That value is remarkably consistent with 29,83 kg deduced from
the registers of Auschwitz in August 1943 related with coke deliveries
and deaths.

3 - Causes of variability of the Gusen's parameter

2 parameters can introduce a variability on that average of 28.7 kg:

a - The time the ovens are actually working during the day. The less
time the more coke consumed per corpse. The coke necessary to heat all
the mass of refractory bricks in order to reach the 800-1000??C working
temperature is distributed all along the total time of work.

b - The number of children among the total of bodies burned. The more
children the less coke consumed per corpse.

However, by considering the reference of August 1943 at Auschwitz, it can be
reasonable to keep on using 28.7 kg per corpses despite it seems to be
lower** than the actual consumption per corpses on "real work".

H - Possible estimation of the number of bodies actually cremated at

As we have seen, the only consistent parameter to estimate the actual
activity of an installation of cremation is the coke/wood's consumption.

Each time the corresponding data are available, it is allowed to make a good
estimation of the numbers of bodies ACTUALLY BURNED at a camp.

We have some documents concerning coke's deliveries for 1942 and 1943 at the
crematoriae of Auschwitz and nothing about 1944. Maybe something might
remain undiscovered in the Russian archives.

With what we have concerning the coke deliveries at the new 4 Kremas in
1943 (about 802 tons), we can estimate the number of bodies cremated at
Birkenau that precise year:


The average of coke's consumption to burn 1 body was 28,7 kg in the
model of Topf's ovens installed at Birkenau (based on actual Gusen's
time sheet**).


So, we could establish the number of corpses burned at Birkenau in 1943
around 28,000 to a consumption of coke estimated at 802 tons.

The statistics of deaths for Auschwitz's camps given by the Russian
archives are

Total deaths 108,946


The number of corpses burned in 1943 at Auschwitz are compatible on its
order of magnitude with the number of deaths registered on the deaths '
although they are far away from usual official exaggerations.

With the deaths' books and in absence of further documents concerning
coke/wood deliveries, the following repartition could be made to give
numbers of deaths concerning Auschwitz.


Remark: It is possible that during some periods the coke was substituted
by wood to burn corpses on the ovens. An equivalence coke-wood has been
established by Mattogno to a quantity of wood consumed at Birkenau.
"a total of 96 m3 (3,390 cu. ft.) of wood was delivered in September and
October 1943
[aa], which correspond to about 21.5 metric tons of coke.
[aa] APMO, D-Au-I-4, segregator 22, 22a

As consequence the total number of bodies burned could be increased
according with the addition of wood on the total amount of coke sent to
the crematory ovens if no other application can be proved at the camp.

Then the estimated number of 110 000 bodies cremated could be increased
to 130 or 140,000. Unfortunately, fundamental data concerning the
coke/wood deliveries to the crematories of Birkenau during the year 1944
are missing. We hope that the related documents were not destroyed by
the Stalinists and lay on some Russian archives to be discovered in the
future in order to reveal finally a more accurate estimation of the
actual number of bodies which could have been burned at those crematory

* That is not "exact" in fact because of the "buffer's effect" of the
morgues but, by observing the months of July (67 tons) and September
(61) the respective deliveries were not so much different in quantities
than for August to introduce a huge variability on that basis of

** A predictable result because my calculation based on the time sheet
of Gusen was done considering an hypothetic continuous load which was
not recommended by the manufacturer.
I have showed on other posts that the activity observed at the cremation
installation of Birkenau by considering the coke deliveries corresponded
roughly with the nominal activity of only 14 muffles (admitted also by
Pressac, see here after) despite the number of muffles installed was 46.
That fact is easily explainable because the cremation installation was
planed to a population of 230,000 inmates while the real number actually
was around 67,000. That explains also why the situation at the Kremas
was never considered critic despite the numerous failures of the ovens
which reduced considerably the total cremation capacity.


I - The application of a standard ratio to plan crematory installations
at the nazi camps including Auschwitz-Birkenau

Ia - The crematory ovens were not equipments specifically designed to
Auschwitz-Birkenau. In fact, since 1942 many crematory ovens (based on
civilian design) were installed at all main camps to satisfy the drastic
measures required to fight epidemics like typhus by means of the mandatory
cremation of cadavers.

Thus, ovens are not the indication of a supposed criminal intention as
Exterminationists want us to know. There were required together with
other sanitary installations for the treatment of inmates' effects
(delousing chambers, disinfection equipment) and for the hygiene like
shower rooms and latrines.

The nazis determined the number of muffles to be installed at their
camps by applying a standard ratio of 1 muffle per 4000-5000 inmates to
be hosted.

A mere observation of the installations of cremation realized after 1942
at all main nazi camps allow to verify that nearly invariable ratio and
Auschwitz-Birkenau doesn't constitute any exception on that aspect.

Here is the map of the installations stated by Topf, the manufacturer of
the ovens installed at Dachau, Oranienburg, Mauthausen, Buchenwald and
That very useful map includes also the ovens installed by Kori.


Ib - Calculations of cremation ratios observed and respective ovens'
installation at the main nazi camps.

The following list present the relation existing between the planed
population at a camp and its number of muffles installed. The
homogeneity of such relation appears clearly and it can be deduced that
the nazis applied a ratio of 1 muffle installed per 4,000-5,000 inmates
planed to determine the capacity of cremation at their camps.


Population planned 33000 inmates
Number of muffles installed: 2x2 + 1+1+1+1 muffles = 8 (Manufacturer Kori)
Cremation ratio observed: 1 muffle per 4125 inmates

Dachau :

Population planed: about 30,000 inmates
Number of muffles installed: 2x2 + 1 + 1 = 6 (Manufacturer Topf & Shoene)
Cremation ratio observed: 1 muffle per 5,000 inmates

Buchenwald: 9,500 inmates in 1942, 37,319 end 43

Population planned: 37,319 inmates (end 43)
Number of muffles installed: 2x3 + 1x2 + 1 = 9 (Manufacturer Topf & Shoene)
Cremation ratio observed: 1 muffle per 4,145 inmates


Population observed: 9,100 inmates (1943)
Number of muffles installed: 1x2 = 2 (Manufacturer Topf & Shoene)
Cremation ratio observed: 1 muffle per 4,550 inmates


Population planed: 19,800 inmates (1943)
Number of muffles installed: 1 + 2x2 = 5 (Manufacturer Topf & Topf &
Cremation ratio observed: 1 muffle per 3,960 inmates


Population planned: 230,000 inmates (mid 42)(not included more than 40
Number of muffles installed: 2[5x3] + 2[4x2] = 46 (Manufacturer Topf &
Cremation ratio planed: 1 muffle per 5,000 inmates

[*] To Mauthausen I have no precise data concerning the nominal
population before the arrival of many prisoners from other camps in 1945.
The low cremation ratio could be explained by the installation of the
last 2 muffles oven corresponding to an increased population to a number
greater than 19,800 that I don't know.
The Commandant of Mauthausen, Franz Ziereis, said that there were never
more than 19,800 prisoners in the main camp at any one time.

[**] Finally, the camp's population never reached that number. As
consequence, the numerous Mexico's barracks planed to the third step of
amplification weren't completely achieved.
Te average number of inmates observed was likely about 67,000 inmates
and the actual activity of the ovens corresponded to the nominal
operation of 14 muffles if we observe the actual coke's delivery at the
Kremas during the same period.

Is it a mere coincidence if the ratio applied to a population of 67,000
inmates would have conduced to the installation of 14 muffles by
applying the same cremation ratio of 1 muffle per 5000 inmates?

<quote Pressac>

...Any attempt to deny that Krematorium II was shut down for repair, Kr
IV permanently out of service and Kr V subsequently mothballed comes up
against the problem of the coke consumption for the four Krematorien,
which is known up to the end of October 1943 and which shows that the
quantities delivered covered the requirements of 14 muffles only.]

<quote Pressac>


J - Ovens and crematoriae were not specific to the so-called "death camps".

In fact, as they were mandatory to respect the basic sanitary measures
to fight epidemics, all main camps had installation of ovens to cremate the
bodies of the deaths.

A tour to visit the crematory ovens installed at the crematorium of
several nazi camps

Terez??n Camp-Ghetto Crematorium

Dachau Old Crematorium

Dachau New Crematorium

Sachsenhausen-Oranienburg Crematorium

Buchenwald Crematorium
The Buchenwald crematorium was equipped with brick ovens made by the
Topf & S??hne
company in nearby Erfurt. This company also made the ovens which were
installed in
Auschwitz-Birkenau in June 1943.

Mauthausen Camp Crematorium

Majdanek Camp Crematorium

Bergen Belsen unique muffle.

Mittelbau-Dora Camp Crematorium

Gross-Rosen Crematorium Oven

Natzweiler-Struthof Crematorium

Ravensbr??ck Camp Crematorium

Flossenb??rg Crematorium

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our
inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the
state of facts and evidence.
John Adams

a-little-sanity, please

12/14/2010 4:43:00 PM


In article <4d0776f0@news.x-privat.org>, Zulu <zulu@freespeech.com> wrote:


Was very extensive:

In a memo written on September 8 1942, Kurt Prufer of the
firm "Topf and Sons" stated that Auschwitz officials are not
satisfied with a cremation capacity of 2,650 corpses per day,
and "we should deliver more ovens as quickly as possible".
Source: http://www.holocaust-history.org/ausch...

SS labor deployment report, listing 870 workers in the Auschwitz-
Birkenau crematoriums: