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Fwd: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

James Gray

7/11/2007 12:29:00 PM

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Pascal Van Cauwenberghe <pvc@nayima.be>
> Date: July 11, 2007 7:27:09 AM CDT
> To: submission@rubyquiz.com
> Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission
> Hi James,
> I don't subscribe to ruby-talk, too much volume. Could you forward
> my submission for the Hangman puzzle? Thanks.
> The program doesn't concern itself with UI or gameplay, but more
> with strategies. The tests need a word file to run correctly. This
> is available online (see URL in the code).
> Thanks for organizing the Ruby Quiz. This is the first time I send
> in a solution, but I've implemented several of them before. It's a
> great way to keep up the coding muscles.
> --
> Pascal Van Cauwenberghe
> Nayima bvba
> ---
> http://www...
> http://www...
> http:/...
> require 'rubygems'
> gem 'rspec'
> require 'spec'
> # The HangMan classes don't bother with UI. I was more interested
> in the strategies that could be used
> # The experiment consists of playing the game on +/- 20900 English
> words of 5 letters or more and
> # plotting how many wrong guesses are made. The player has the
> dictionary.
> # The first strategy I thought of was a classic 'Binary chop': find
> the letter that appears in about half
> # of the words. Thereby, you eliminate half of the words from the
> dictionary, whatever the outcome.
> # This strategy succeeds in guessing the right word with 5 or fewer
> wrong guesses in 86% of cases
> # This is implemented in MidpointStrategy
> #
> # But this is not a symmetrical problem: we're not optimizing the
> number of guesses, but the number of wrong guesses.
> # Also, a correct guess gives us more information than a wrong
> guess: we get the position(s) of the correct letter.
> # This allows us to eliminate even more words.
> # The ThreeQuarterpointStrategy chooses the letter that is present
> in about 3/4 of the words.
> # This strategy succeeds in 94 % of cases.
> #
> # The MostFrequentStrategy chooses the letter that appears in most
> words. This strategy succeeds in almost 95% of cases.
> #
> # The EnglishFrequencyStrategy is much simpler: it doesn't take
> advantage of the dictionary. It just guesses letters
> # based on their frequency in English words. This strategy is
> faster than the others but does poorly: 11% success
> #
> # The results can be seen at http://blog.nayima.be/w...
> uploads/hangman-strategies.JPG
> # The code is mostly self-explanatory. I've had to cache a few
> things (letters in Words, the number of words that contain a letter)
> # to speed things up. The simulation plays about 1100 games per
> minute
> #
> # The tests use a file words.txt that I copied from /usr/share/dict/
> words
> # Each line of the file contains one word
> # This file can be downloaded from http://blog.nayima.be/w...
> uploads/words.txt
> module RubyQuiz
> # A Word describes a word in the dictionary
> # For optimization, the word keeps an array of all unique letters
> in the word
> class Word
> attr_reader :word
> attr_reader :letters
> # Create a word with the given string
> def initialize(word)
> @word = word
> @letters = unique_letters_in(word)
> end
> private
> def unique_letters_in(word)
> bytes = []
> word.each_byte {|c| bytes << c }
> bytes.uniq
> end
> end
> # The Dictionary contains a list of words
> class Dictionary
> # Create an empty dictionary
> def initialize
> change_wordlist []
> @dictionary_per_size = {}
> end
> # Add one word to the dictionary
> def add(word)
> change_wordlist(@words + [ Word.new(word) ] )
> end
> # Load all words from a text file (one word per line)
> # Keep only words that are 5 ascii letters or more
> # Words all all lower case
> def load(file)
> words = File.readlines(file)
> words = words.collect {|word| Word.new(word.chomp.downcase) }
> change_wordlist(words.select {|word| word.word.length >= 5 &&
> word.word =~ /^([a-z])+$/ })
> self
> end
> def dup
> other = super
> other.add_words(@words)
> other
> end
> # Return a new Dictionary with only the words of the given length
> def with_only_words_of_size(len)
> other = Dictionary.new
> @dictionary_per_size[len] ||= @words.select{|word|
> word.word.length == len }
> words = @dictionary_per_size[len]
> other.add_words(words)
> other
> end
> # Number of Words
> def length
> @words.length
> end
> # Access each Word individually
> def [](index)
> @words[index].word
> end
> # Filter out all words that don't have the given length
> def keep_only_words_of_length(len)
> change_wordlist(@words.select{|word,letters| word.word.length
> == len })
> end
> # Filter out all words that contain the given letter
> def reject_words_that_contain(letter)
> change_wordlist(@words.select { |word,letters| word.word.index
> (letter) == nil })
> end
> # Keep only the words that match the partial solution
> def keep_only_words_that_match(hangman_pattern)
> pattern = Regexp.new('^' + hangman_pattern.gsub(/-/,'.') + '$')
> change_wordlist(@words.select { |word,letters| word.word =~
> pattern })
> end
> # Return the number of words in the dictionary that contain the
> given letter
> def words_that_contain(letter)
> letter_count(letter)
> end
> # Iterate over each Word
> def each(&block)
> @words.each(&block)
> end
> protected
> def add_words(words)
> change_wordlist(words)
> end
> private
> def change_wordlist(list)
> @words = list
> @letter_counts = nil
> @dictionary_per_size = {}
> end
> # Compute the number of words that a letter appears in
> # Because this is an expensive operation, cache the results.
> The cache is invalidated when the list of Words changes
> def letter_count(letter)
> @letter_counts ||= compute_counts
> @letter_counts[letter[0] - ?a]
> end
> def compute_counts
> count = Array.new(26,0)
> @words.each do |word|
> word.letters.each {|c| count[c-?a] += 1}
> end
> count
> end
> end
> # Guess the letter that appears in most words
> class MostFrequentStrategy
> def score_for(letter,dictionary)
> dictionary.length - dictionary.words_that_contain(letter)
> end
> end
> # Guess the letter that appears in approx half of the words
> # If there's only one word left, use the letters in that word first
> class MidpointStrategy
> def score_for(letter,dictionary)
> if dictionary.length >= 2 then
> midpoint = dictionary.length / 2
> nbwords = dictionary.words_that_contain(letter)
> midpoint > nbwords ? midpoint - nbwords : nbwords - midpoint
> else
> dictionary.length - dictionary.words_that_contain(letter)
> end
> end
> end
> # Guess the letter that appears in approx 3/4 of the words
> class ThreeQuaterpointStrategy
> def score_for(letter,dictionary)
> if dictionary.length >= 2 then
> midpoint = 3 * dictionary.length / 4
> nbwords = dictionary.words_that_contain(letter)
> midpoint > nbwords ? midpoint - nbwords : nbwords - midpoint
> else
> dictionary.length - dictionary.words_that_contain(letter)
> end
> end
> end
> # Guess the letter that appears in most words, using the
> frequency of letters in English words
> # Doesn't take the dictionary into account
> class EnglishFrequencyStrategy
> def score_for(letter,dictionary)
> frequencies = "earitnoslcumdphbgyfvkwxqjz"
> frequencies.index(letter)
> end
> end
> # The HangMan solving class
> # Play is simple:
> # - Give the solver a puzzle to solve as a string of '-', a
> dictionary and optionally a stratagy for choosing the next letter
> # - Ask the solver for a guess
> # - Tell the solver it took a wrong guess: the letter doesn't
> appear in the solution
> # - Or tell the solver it took a good guess. Give it a string
> with '-' replaced with the good letter
> # - Keep on going until the puzzle is solved
> class HangManSolver
> # The current solution
> attr_reader :solution
> # Create a HangMan Solver
> # puzzle should be a string of '-' as long as the word to guess
> # dictionary is a Dictionary. The solver can find words that
> are not in the dictionary
> # strategy is an optional parameter to determine the letter
> choosing strategy
> # a Strategy object should implement one method score_for
> (letter,dictionary) => numeric score
> # the lowest scoring letter is chosen
> def initialize
> (puzzle,dictionary,strategy=MostFrequentStrategy.new)
> @solution = puzzle.dup
> @dictionary = dictionary.with_only_words_of_size(puzzle.length)
> @possible_letters = ('a'..'z').to_a
> @strategy = strategy
> end
> def merge(answer)
> for pos in 0..@solution.length
> if @solution[pos] == ?- && answer[pos] != ?- then
> @solution[pos] = answer[pos]
> end
> end
> @solution
> end
> # Returns true if the solution is known
> def solved?
> @solution !~ /-/
> end
> # How many more Words in the dictionary are candidates?
> def possibilities
> @dictionary.length
> end
> # Returns the letter that the solver guesses
> # Uses the strategy to determine the letter with the lowest score
> def guess
> letters = @possible_letters.collect {|letter| [ score_for
> (letter),letter ]}
> letter = letters.min {|letter1,letter2| letter1 <=> letter2 }
> letter[1]
> end
> # Tell the solver that the letter does not appear in the solution
> def wrong_guess(letter)
> @possible_letters.delete(letter)
> @dictionary.reject_words_that_contain(letter)
> end
> # Tell the solver that the letter was a good guess, by placing
> the letter in the solution
> # e.g. to indicate that 'a' is a good guess for 'hangman' pass
> '-a---a-'
> def good_guess(pattern)
> merge(pattern)
> @dictionary.keep_only_words_that_match(@solution)
> @possible_letters.delete(letter_in(pattern))
> end
> private
> def score_for(letter)
> @strategy.score_for(letter,@dictionary)
> end
> def letter_in(pattern)
> result = ' '
> pattern.each_byte {|char| result[0] = char if char != ?-}
> result
> end
> end
> # The HangManPlayer can tell if the Solver made a good/wrong guess
> class HangManPlayer
> def initialize(word)
> @solution = word.dup
> end
> def evaluate(letter)
> template = ''
> @solution.each_byte do |char|
> template << (char == letter[0] ? char : ?-)
> end
> template
> end
> end
> # The Game uses the Solver and Player to find a word, given a
> dictionary and a strategy
> class HangManGame
> # Finds the given word, using the dictionary and the strategy
> # Returns:
> # the word found
> # the number of wrong guesses
> # an array of guesses. Each item is a '+' (good guess) or
> '-' (wrong guess) and the letter guessed
> def self.solve(word,dictionary,strategy=MostFrequentStrategy.new)
> guesses = []
> empty = '-' * word.length
> player = HangManPlayer.new(word)
> puzzle = HangManSolver.new(empty ,dictionary,strategy)
> wrong_guesses = 0
> while !puzzle.solved? do
> letter = puzzle.guess
> pattern = player.evaluate(letter)
> if pattern == empty then
> puzzle.wrong_guess(letter)
> wrong_guesses += 1
> guesses << "-#{letter}"
> else
> puzzle.good_guess(pattern)
> guesses << "+#{letter}"
> end
> end
> return puzzle.solution,wrong_guesses,guesses
> end
> end
> describe Word do
> it "should identify its unique letters" do
> word = Word.new('banana')
> word.letters.length.should eql(3)
> word.letters.should include(?b)
> word.letters.should include(?a)
> word.letters.should include(?n)
> end
> end
> describe Dictionary do
> it "should contain words" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.add("hangman")
> dict.add("packman")
> dict.add("rackham")
> dict.length.should == 3
> end
> it "should select only words of a certain size" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.add("hangman")
> dict.add("packman")
> dict.add("rackham")
> dict.add("rat")
> dict.add("hang")
> dict.keep_only_words_of_length(7)
> dict.length.should ==(3)
> end
> it "should load word files" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.load("words.txt")
> dict.length.should eql(20905)
> dict.keep_only_words_of_length(7)
> dict.length.should eql(3872)
> end
> it "should select words that match pattern" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.load("words.txt")
> dict.length.should eql(20905)
> dict.keep_only_words_that_match('h------')
> dict.length.should eql(155)
> dict.keep_only_words_that_match('ha---a-')
> dict.length.should eql(11)
> end
> it "should throw away words that contain a wrong letter" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.load("words.txt")
> dict.length.should eql(20905)
> dict.reject_words_that_contain('z')
> dict.length.should eql(20605)
> dict.reject_words_that_contain('x')
> dict.length.should == 20075
> end
> it "should know how many words contain a certain letter" do
> dict = Dictionary.new
> dict.load("words.txt")
> dict.length.should eql(20905)
> dict.words_that_contain('e').should eql(13211)
> dict.words_that_contain('f').should eql(1915)
> dict.words_that_contain('z').should eql(300)
> dict.words_that_contain('r').should eql(10403)
> end
> end
> describe HangManPlayer do
> it "should evaluate guesses" do
> player = HangManPlayer.new("hangman")
> player.evaluate('a').should eql('-a---a-')
> player.evaluate('b').should eql('-------')
> player.evaluate('m').should eql('----m--')
> end
> end
> describe HangManSolver do
> it "should accept a puzzle" do
> puzzle = HangManSolver.new("-------",Dictionary.new)
> end
> it "should merge solutions and answers" do
> puzzle = HangManSolver.new("-------",Dictionary.new)
> puzzle.solution.should eql("-------")
> puzzle.merge("-a---a-")
> puzzle.solution.should eql("-a---a-")
> puzzle.merge("----m--")
> puzzle.solution.should eql("-a--ma-")
> end
> it "should know when it's solved" do
> puzzle = HangManSolver.new("-------",Dictionary.new)
> puzzle.solved?.should be_false
> puzzle.merge('h------')
> puzzle.solved?.should be_false
> puzzle.merge('-angman')
> puzzle.solved?.should be_true
> end
> it "should find 'hangman'" do
> puzzle = HangManSolver.new("-------",Dictionary.new.load
> ("words.txt"))
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(3872)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('e')
> puzzle.wrong_guess('e')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(1490)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('a')
> puzzle.good_guess('-a---a-')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(69)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('r')
> puzzle.wrong_guess('r')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(37)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('n')
> puzzle.good_guess('--n---n')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(2)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('m')
> puzzle.good_guess('----m--')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(2)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('d')
> puzzle.wrong_guess('d')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(1)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('g')
> puzzle.good_guess('---g---')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(1)
> puzzle.guess.should eql('h')
> puzzle.good_guess('h------')
> puzzle.possibilities.should eql(1)
> puzzle.solution.should eql('hangman')
> end
> end
> describe HangManGame do
> it "should find words in the dictionary" do
> dictionary = Dictionary.new
> dictionary.load("words.txt")
> solution, round = HangManGame.solve('hockey',dictionary)
> solution.should eql('hockey')
> end
> it "should find words not in the dictionary" do
> dictionary = Dictionary.new
> dictionary.add('hockey')
> dictionary.add('cyclic')
> solution, round = HangManGame.solve('pascal',dictionary)
> solution.should eql('pascal')
> end
> it "should find all words in the dictionary" do
> # result[i] contains the number of words that made i wrong
> guesses
> result = Array.new(26,0)
> dictionary = Dictionary.new
> dictionary.load("words.txt")
> # Change the strategy to test another type of strategy
> strategy = MostFrequentStrategy.new
> dictionary.each do |word|
> solution,wrong_guesses,guesses = HangManGame.solve
> (word.word,dictionary,strategy)
> solution.should eql(word.word)
> result[wrong_guesses] += 1
> end
> # Uncomment to print out the number of words per number of
> wrong guesses
> # puts "=> #{result.inspect}"
> end
> end
> end