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Re: Class Level Variables


4/30/2007 12:48:00 AM

In message <D02D2719-35E5-4A0D-9D47-EEDA619A0739@aribrown.com>, Ari Brown writes:
>newbie question pertaining to class level variables:

>What's the difference between @foo and @@foo? Is there even a

@foo = instance variable; each instance has one
@@foo = class variable; only one shared among all class members

class Example
def print
puts @y, @@z
def initialize(x)
@y = x
@@z = x
e1 = Example.new(1)
e2 = Example.new(2)

The first print prints 1 and 2, the second prints 2 and 2. The first
new sets e1.y to 1, and Example.z to 1. The second sets e2.y to 2,
and Example.z to 2. There's only one @@z (also called "Example.z"), but
there's one @y for each instance.


2 Answers

Bill Taylor

6/14/2009 8:07:00 PM


On Sun, 14 Jun 2009, Al Smith <invalid@address.com> wrote:
>On 6/14/2009 5:28 AM, American Eagle wrote:
>> Antisemitism is a natural response to Zionist Israeli and American
>> Jewish supporters reaping the rewards of the sweat of American brows.
>> The Deaths of American soldiers in a Jewish/oil war the need not be.
>> Antisemitism is a badge of honor in these days of AIPAC, Jonathon
>> Pollard and Bernie Madoffs. Bless American and damn those that do damage
>> to us. Which starts with the Jews as number #1.
>Did you notice the subtle call for Internet censorship in the
>article below? It's not overt, but it's there. Gerson wrote:
>"Of course, these are the views of a small, self-selected group of
>the unbalanced - hundreds out of millions. But the Internet allows
>these obsessions to gather in fetid pools, as the shooter, James W.
>von Brunn (a prolific Web author), knew and exploited. The Internet
>has helped to create communities of malice."
>[end quote]
>Naturally the Zionists will use everything they can use in an
>attempt to quell free speech on the Internet. They don't want you,
>and me, saying what we think. This is something to never lose sight
>of -- the battle for the Internet is the battle for the survival of
>free speech. Once the Zionists get control of the Internet, it will
>become as heavily censored and as filled with Zionist propaganda as
>the television, movies, radio, magazines, newspapers and books. The
>Internet is the only mass communication media that Jews do not
>control, and the majority of Jews have Zionist sympathies.

Christ said that the persecution against antizionist "goys" by the
antichrist Ersatz jews will be extreme in the end times. So I would
expect the ZOG to shut down all antizionist "goy" free speech and to
establish ZOG shyster snake laws making antizionism a felony crime
punishable by fines, imprisonment, hard labor, or death, depending on
the whims of the antichrist ZOG pig "judges" that make those sadistic
and greedy and arrogant and filthy and inhumanitarian decisions.

And Christ never lies. So you know they will. Most of us pacifist
activist antizionist "goys" will probably end up in their ZOG "FEMA"
interrogation and torture camps and prisons and jails and so forth as
ZOG POWs. The ZOG police and ZOG military love to rape, torture and
murder poor and unarmed or vastly outgunned antizionist "goys." So
they'll be following the African born puppet, invalid "president,"
zionist rubber stamp, and AIPAC/Knesset teleprompter reader Barack
Jewbama's parroted so called "orders" with great enthusiasm.

However, by silencing all "antisemitic"(tm) voices, the ZOG will
make antizionist martyrs of millions of antizionist "goys." And that
will foment so much militant opposition to the antichrist ZOG pigs,
that millions of pacifist activist antizionist "goys" will become
zealously militant and take the battle to the streets. It will be
open season on the Ersatz jews and the Ersatz zionists and anyone
that continues to support the filthy antichrist ZOG pigs.

A global nuclear and germ warfare holocaust is inevitable. And is
the goal of militant antizionist "goys." To force the filthy greedy
arrogant genocidal antichrist ZOG pigs to do the "m.a.d." thing.
Because it's the only way to solve the jewish problem once and for
all. The war that truly will end all wars. Because we antizionist
"goys" have the promise given to us by Christ that there will be a
small number of "elect goy" survivors to carry on the human race.

So bring it on! Hope that the filthy genocidal antichrist ZOG pigs
outlaw antizionism and commit mass genocide and horrible and bloody
atrocities against millions and millions and millions of antizionist
"goys" all over the world. Because at some point, with so many
millions of antizionist martyrs dead and their souls in Heaven, the
military opposition against the Ersatz jews will be so great, that
no Ersatz jew on the earth will be left alive. And everything the
Ersatz jews and Ersatz zionists and Ersatz israelis and Ersatz
christians and Ersatz moslems and all false human beings ever built
or touched will be totally destroyed.

So complete will be the ZOG's global destruction that future "goy"
generations will not even know that the jewish problem ever existed.
And all the filthy dead antichrists will be burning in the pits of
Hell for all eternity. Never to be seen nor heard from again.

The Juwes are
the men that
Will not
be Blamed
for nothing
-W.W. Gull

Gary Renzetti

6/14/2009 10:13:00 PM


Al Smith wrote:
> On 6/14/2009 5:28 AM, American Eagle wrote:
>> Antisemitism is a natural response to Zionist Israeli and American
>> Jewish supporters reaping the rewards of the sweat of American brows.
>> The Deaths of American soldiers in a Jewish/oil war the need not be.
>> Antisemitism is a badge of honor in these days of AIPAC, Jonathon
>> Pollard and Bernie Madoffs. Bless American and damn those that do
>> damage to us. Which starts with the Jews as number #1.
> Did you notice the subtle call for Internet censorship in the article
> below? It's not overt, but it's there. Gerson wrote:
> [quote]
> "Of course, these are the views of a small, self-selected group of the
> unbalanced ? hundreds out of millions. But the Internet allows these
> obsessions to gather in fetid pools, as the shooter, James W. von Brunn
> (a prolific Web author), knew and exploited. The Internet has helped to
> create communities of malice."
> [end quote]
> Naturally the Zionists will use everything they can use in an attempt to
> quell free speech on the Internet. They don't want you, and me, saying
> what we think. This is something to never lose sight of -- the battle
> for the Internet is the battle for the survival of free speech. Once the
> Zionists get control of the Internet, it will become as heavily censored
> and as filled with Zionist propaganda as the television, movies, radio,
> magazines, newspapers and books. The Internet is the only mass
> communication media that Jews do not control, and the majority of Jews
> have Zionist sympathies.
> -Al-
Well, I have no idea what "majority of Jews" think and have no way of
knowing. Having said that, I must concur that there are those people who
will make every effort to censor Usenet. If these people have their way,
the Internet here will resemble what the Internet in China already does.
I know something of this as I'm married to a Chinese mainlander and have
a son-in-law in their army.
>> dsharavi@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Michael Gerson: Anti-Semitism is harmful to all
>>> Sunday, June 14, 2009
>>> It so happened that this past week, on the day I wrote about Holocaust
>>> denial in the Middle East, a homegrown denier took a rifle into the
>>> United States Holocaust Memorial Museum ? an institution where I sit
>>> on the governing board. The museum counts about 1.7 million visitors
>>> each year who learn about the history of murderous racism ? and now
>>> one who decided to add to that history.
>>> That day, out of curiosity, I did something I rarely do. I read the
>>> Internet comments on my column from different sources. In addition to
>>> the normal political vituperation, the level of anti-Jewish feeling
>>> was appalling.
>>> The European genocide, some contended, was exaggerated by Jews for
>>> political purposes. Jews were behind the Bolshevik Revolution, the
>>> rise of Adolf Hitler and the outbreak of World War II. They control
>>> the newspapers, radio, television and book publishing. Mahmoud
>>> Ahmadinejad is right to expose the Holocaust myth, and Israel is
>>> perpetrating the real holocaust against the Palestinians.
>>> Of course, these are the views of a small, self-selected group of the
>>> unbalanced ? hundreds out of millions. But the Internet allows these
>>> obsessions to gather in fetid pools, as the shooter, James W. von
>>> Brunn (a prolific Web author), knew and exploited. The Internet has
>>> helped to create communities of malice.
>>> The anti-Semitic community is varied in background and ideology. It
>>> includes both Internet Nazis and campus leftists carrying signs that
>>> read, ?Jews (equals) Nazis.? The Rev. Jeremiah Wright recently blamed
>>> ?them Jews? for blocking his access to President Barack Obama.
>>> A conservative Web site recently included a forum on Holocaust denial
>>> (before it was exposed and removed). One posting read: ?The same
>>> blinded people that believe that the Germans intentionally killed Jews
>>> ? also believe the myth of the Anne Frank Diary.?
>>> Marginalized Western anti-Semites and Holocaust deniers have gained
>>> influence in unexpected places. In 2002, Libya?s dictator Moammar
>>> Gadhafi awarded his (less than coveted) Gadhafi International Human
>>> Rights prize to Roger Garaudy, a French Holocaust skeptic.
>>> Ahmadinejad?s 2006 conference of deniers featured David Duke as a
>>> keynote speaker.
>>> For some Americans, anti-Semitic conspiracy theories are akin to a
>>> shameful hobby ? like collecting old racist knickknacks or Nazi
>>> memorabilia. But these ideas are not harmless, because they can
>>> inspire an angry, obsessed bigot who sets out on a June morning to
>>> kill Jews ? and murders an African-American man who had a wife and
>>> young son.
>>> The durability of anti-Semitism is a horrifying marvel of history.
>>> Sara Bloomfield, the director of the Holocaust Museum, observes: ?Anti-
>>> Semitism has existed with and without Christianity. With and without
>>> the right wing. With and without the left wing. With and without
>>> democracy.With and without economic problems. With and without
>>> globalization. With and without a Jewish homeland.?
>>> Why the Jews? It is a question that must often have been asked during
>>> pogroms and in ghettos and in prison camps. There are many answers,
>>> with none of them adequate.
>>> Anti-Semitism in the West has undeniable theological roots. People
>>> have distorted a faith, founded by a Jewish teacher, to justify the
>>> persecution of Jews. Anti-Semitism has been fed by government
>>> incitement and by blood libels that never seem to die. It found
>>> resonance in various forms of nationalism and nativism, in the bent
>>> science of eugenics and eventually in totalitarian ideology.
>>> David Berger, the editor of ?History and Hate,? writes, ?We shall
>>> never fully understand anti-Semitism. Deep-rooted, com- plex,
>>> endlessly persistent, constantly changing yet remaining the same, it
>>> is a phenomenon that stands at the intersection of history, sociology,
>>> economics, political science, religion and psychology.?
>>> But we do know that anti-Semitism has always been a kind of test ? a
>>> reliable measure of a nation?s moral and social health. When the
>>> rights of Jews are violated, all human rights are insecure. When Jews
>>> and Jewish institutions are targeted, all minorities have reason for
>>> fear. And by this standard, America has cause for introspection.
>>> The museum that von Brunn assaulted is the best answer to his hatred ?
>>> the aging survivors who still volunteer, photographs revealing the
>>> vanished lives of the dead, the happy pictures drawn by murdered
>>> children.
>>> Not far from where von Brunn entered the museum, there is a black wall
>>> inscribed with a quotation: ?All men are created equal . . . they are
>>> endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights . . . among
>>> these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.?
>>> This is what anti-Semitism ultimately must deny, and this is the
>>> reason anti-Semitism must always and everywhere be confronted.
>>> Contact the writer: michael- gerson@cfr.org
>>> http://omaha.com/article/20090614/NEWS0802...
>>> Deborah