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Fwd: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission

James Gray

4/2/2007 7:08:00 PM

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Gavin Stark <gstark@mindspring.com>
> Date: April 2, 2007 2:05:46 PM CDT
> To: submission@rubyquiz.com
> Subject: Please Forward: Ruby Quiz Submission
> First time posting a Ruby Quiz solution....
> [ I'm not sure of the code formatting rules, so I apologize if this
> is hard to read when posted ]
> module Enumerable
> #
> # output a collection after yielding successive pairs
> # such that an collection of [1,2,3,4,5,6] will yield
> # [1,2] then [2,3] then [3,4] then [4,5] then [5,6]
> #
> # I'm no ruby Enumerable guru so there is proably a
> # more correct way to do this.
> #
> def collect_with_successive_pairs
> result = []
> for i in 0..self.length-2
> result << ( yield self[i], self[i+1] )
> end
> return result
> end
> end
> #
> # Compute cost based on number of unique keys pressed
> #
> class KeyCounterCost
> def initialize
> @seen_keys = []
> end
> # Since we are passed successive pairs, we return
> # 0 if the first member of the pair is nil or if
> # we have seen this key so far, otherwise mark that
> # we've seen it and return a cost of 1.
> def cost( source, dest )
> return 0 if source.nil?
> return 0 if @seen_keys.include?( source )
> @seen_keys << source
> return 1
> end
> end
> #
> # Base class for cartesian distance computations
> #
> class CartesianKeypadDistance
> protected
> @@COORDINATES = { '1' => [0,0], '2' => [1,0], '3' => [2,0],
> '4' => [0,1], '5' => [1,1], '6' => [2,1],
> '7' => [0,2], '8' => [1,2], '9' => [2,2],
> '0' => [1,3], '*' => [2,3] }
> end
> #
> # Compute based on the manhattan distance which is always the
> # horizontal distance plus the vertical distance between keys
> #
> class ManhattanDistanceCost < CartesianKeypadDistance
> def cost( source, dest )
> return 0 if source.nil? || dest.nil?
> source_coord = @@COORDINATES[ source ]
> dest_coord = @@COORDINATES[ dest ]
> return (dest_coord[0]-source_coord[0]).abs + (dest_coord[1]-
> source_coord[1]).abs
> end
> end
> #
> # Compute cost based on cartesian distance between keys
> #
> class CartesianCost < CartesianKeypadDistance
> def cost( source, dest )
> return 0 if source.nil? || dest.nil?
> source_coord = @@COORDINATES[ source ]
> dest_coord = @@COORDINATES[ dest ]
> return Math.sqrt( (dest_coord[0]-source_coord[0])**2 +
> (dest_coord[1]-source_coord[1])**2 )
> end
> end
> #
> # Compute cost based on cartesian distance between keys if
> # each key were twice as wide as it is tall
> #
> class DoubleWideCartesianCost < CartesianKeypadDistance
> def cost( source, dest )
> return 0 if source.nil? || dest.nil?
> source_coord = @@COORDINATES[ source ]
> dest_coord = @@COORDINATES[ dest ]
> return Math.sqrt( 2*(dest_coord[0]-source_coord[0])**2 +
> (dest_coord[1]-source_coord[1])**2 )
> end
> end
> class MicrowaveKeypad
> # Compute the most efficient key press
> def most_efficient_press_sequence( seconds, tollerance = 0 )
> seconds = seconds.to_i
> throw "Invalid number of seconds" if seconds > 60*60
> # Iterate over a range of number of seconds
> results_hash = Hash.new
> Range.new( seconds - tollerance, seconds + tollerance ).each do
> |current_seconds|
> # Compute the key sequences to test
> sequences_to_test = [ seconds.to_s ] +
> seconds_to_minutes_and_seconds( seconds )
> # For each sequence, compute its cost and store it in the
> results. If we see the
> # same sequence more than once, it should have the same total
> cost so we only
> # compute it once
> sequences_to_test.each do |current_sequence|
> next if results_hash[ current_sequence ]
> results_hash[ current_sequence ] = total_cost
> ( current_sequence )
> end
> end
> # Sort the result hash by the total cost and return the key
> (sequence) of the lowest
> sorted_results = results_hash.sort_by { |sequence,total_cost|
> total_cost }
> sorted_results.each { |result| puts "Sequence: #{result[0]} has
> a cost of #{result[1]}"} if @options[:debug]
> return sorted_results.first[0].to_i
> end
> private
> # Store the computing class and any options
> def initialize( cost_computer_class, *args )
> @options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
> @cost_computer_class = cost_computer_class
> end
> def total_cost( key_sequence )
> # Create a cost computer, collect all of the pair wise costs
> and then sum them.
> @cost_computer = @cost_computer_class.new
> # Make sure there is a "*" (cook) button at the end of each
> sequence and split the sequency by character
> split = ( key_sequence.to_s + "*" ).split(//)
> return split.collect_with_successive_pairs { |a,b|
> @cost_computer.cost( a,b ) }.inject(0) { |total,cost| total + cost }
> end
> def seconds_to_minutes_and_seconds( seconds )
> representations = []
> # If the number of seconds is than a minute we won't convert
> if seconds < 60
> representations << seconds.to_s
> else
> minutes, remaining_seconds = seconds.divmod(60)
> # Always try the number of seconds directly as input
> representations << seconds.to_s
> # Add the "mss" formatted string
> representations << "#{minutes}#{remaining_seconds.to_s.rjust
> (2,"0")}"
> # Use values like "272" when we encouter an input of 3
> minutes and 12 seconds.
> # I doubt most people will use this format, but what the
> heck...
> representations << "#{minutes-1}#{(remaining_seconds
> +60).to_s.rjust(2,"0")}" if ( minutes > 1 ) && ( ( 60 +
> remaining_seconds ) < 100 )
> end
> return representations
> end
> end
> puts MicrowaveKeypad.new(ManhattanDistanceCost, :debug =>
> false ).most_efficient_press_sequence( "100" )
> puts MicrowaveKeypad.new(KeyCounterCost, :debug =>
> true ).most_efficient_press_sequence( 3*60+12 )