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Re: [QUIZ] SimFrost (#117

Daniel Finnie

3/11/2007 11:07:00 PM

A little trick you can use is setting a class method for class Torus
that will instantiate a new Torus object:

class Torus
def self.[](*args)

And then you can just do Torus[arguments here]


Robert Dober wrote:
> It doesn't get any faster
> at least I got it shorter
> 649/150 > cat torus.rb
> # vim: sw=2 sts=2 nu tw=0 expandtab nowrap:
> #
> #
> ICE = Class.new
> VAPOR = Class.new
> VACUUM = Class.new
> ###############################################################
> #
> # a small reference to Python ;)
> #
> ###############################################################
> def Torus( rows, cols, vapors, start = nil )
> Torus_.new( rows.to_i, cols.to_i, vapors.to_f, start )
> end
> class Torus_
> ###############################################################
> #
> # Torus_
> #
> ###############################################################
> attr_reader :lines, :columns
> attr_reader :generation
> attr_accessor :formatter, :name
> def initialize rows, cols, vapors, start
> @lines = rows
> @columns = cols
> @vapors = vapors
> @generation = 0
> if start then
> @start = start.split("@").map{|e| e.to_i}
> else
> @start ||= [ rows/2, cols /2 ]
> end
> @nhoods = [] # we will store neighborhoods identified by
> # their upper left corner index, odd is for even generations
> # and even is for odd generations, which might seem odd.
> reset_values
> set_vapors
> end
> def [] line, col=nil
> return @values[line] unless col
> @values[line][col]
> end # def [](line, col=nil)
> def []= line, col, val
> @values[line][col] = val
> end
> def each_line
> @values.each{ |line| yield line }
> end
> def each_nbh
> r = c = @generation % 2
> loop do
> yield @nhoods[ r * @lines + c ] ||=
> Neighborhood.new( self, r, r.succ % @lines, c, c.succ % @columns )
> c += 2
> r += 2 unless c < @columns
> return unless r < @lines
> c %= @columns
> r %= @lines
> end
> end
> def start_sim
> until no_more_vapor? do
> tick
> write
> end
> end # def start_sim
> def tick
> puts "Simulation #{@name} generation #{@generation}:"
> @generation += 1
> each_nbh do
> | nbh |
> nbh.recalc
> end
> end
> private
> def no_more_vapor?
> ! @values.any?{ |line|
> line.any?{ |v| v == VAPOR }
> }
> end
> def reset_values
> @values = Array.new(@lines){
> Array.new(@columns){
> }
> }
> end
> def set_vapors
> total = @lines * @columns
> v = ( @vapors * (total-1) ).to_i
> x = [*0..total-2]
> at = []
> v.times do
> at << x.delete_at( rand(x.size) )
> end
> at.each do
> | index |
> @values[index/@lines][index%@lines] = VAPOR
> end
> @values[@lines-1][@columns-1] = @values[@start.first][@start.last]
> @values[@start.first][@start.last] = ICE
> end # def set_vapors
> def write
> @formatter.to_file self, "output/#{@name}.%08d" % @generation
> end # def write
> end # class Torus_
> ###############################################################
> #
> # Neighborhood is implementing a 2x2 window to any object
> # that responds to #[]n,m and #[]=n,m,value
> # It implements the operation of rotation.
> #
> ###############################################################
> class Neighborhood
> include Enumerable
> # Neighborhood gives us the following indexed view to the underlying
> # torus
> # +---+---+ +-----------+-----------+
> # | 0 | 1 | | @top,@lft | @top,@rgt |
> # +---+---+ +-----------+-----------+
> # | 3 | 2 | | @bot,@lft | @bot,@rgt |
> # +---+---+ +-----------+-----------+
> #
> def initialize *args
> @torus, @top, @bottom, @left, @right = *args
> @names = [ [@top, @left], [@top, @right], [@bottom, @right],
> [@bottom, @left] ]
> end
> def [] n
> @torus[ *@names[n%4] ]
> end
> def []= n, val
> @torus[ *@names[n%4] ] = val
> end
> def each
> 4.times do
> | idx |
> yield self[idx]
> end
> end
> def recalc
> if any?{|v| v == ICE} then
> 4.times do
> | idx |
> self[ idx ] = ICE if self[ idx ] == VAPOR
> end
> else
> rotate( rand(2) )
> end
> end
> def rotate dir
> x = self[0]
> 3.times do
> | n |
> self[ n + 2*dir*n ] = self[ n + 1 + dir*2*n.succ ]
> end # 3.times do
> self[ 3 + 2 * dir ] = x
> end # def rotate dir
> end # class Neighborhood
> 650/151 > cat ppm.rb
> # vim: sw=2 sts=2 nu tw=0 expandtab nowrap:
> class Formatter
> @@default = { ICE => "255/255/255",
> VAPOR => "255/0/255",
> VACUUM => "0/0/0"
> }
> def initialize colors={}
> @colors = {}
> colors.each do
> | element, color |
> color ||= @@default[element]
> @colors[ element ] = " " << color.gsub("/", " ") << " "
> end # colors.each do
> end # def initialize colors={}
> def to_file( source, file, comment = nil )
> comment ||= file
> File.open( "#{file}.ppm", "w" ) do
> | f |
> f.puts "P3 #{source.columns} #{source.lines} 255"
> f.puts "#"
> f.puts "# #{comment}"
> f.puts "#"
> source.each_line{
> |line|
> count = 0
> line.each do
> | cell |
> s = @colors[cell]
> if count + s.size > 70 then
> f.puts
> count = 0
> end
> count += s.size
> f.print s
> end
> f.puts unless count.zero?
> }
> end
> end
> end
> 651/152 > cat run.rb
> # vim: sw=2 sts=2 nu tw=0 expandtab:
> #
> require 'fileutils'
> require 'torus'
> def usage msg = nil
> $stderr.puts msg if msg
> $stderr.puts <<-EOS
> usage:
> #{$0} [options] height width vapor_probability
> options and their defaults
> -s|--start <height>/2@<width>/2 where to put the initial freezer
> please use Smalltalk syntax here
> -n|--name run-<height>-<width> name of the output file
> -v|--vapor 255/0/255 rgb value for PPM
> O use strings for ASCII
> -0|--vacuum 0/0/0 idem
> <space>
> -i|--ice 255/255/255 idem
> *
> -f|--format ppm ppm or ascii are supported
> write your own plugins ;)
> have fun
> exit -1
> end
> @start = @name = nil
> @vapor = nil
> @vacuum = nil
> @ice = nil
> @format = "ppm"
> options = { /^-f|^--format/ => :format,
> /^-s|^--start/ => :start,
> /^-n|^--name/ => :name,
> /^-v|^--vapor/ => :vapor,
> /^-0|^--vacuum/ => :vacuum,
> /^-i|^--ice/ => :ice }
> loop do
> break if ARGV.empty?
> break if ARGV.first == "--"
> break unless /^-/ === ARGV.first
> illegal_option = true
> options.each do
> | opt_reg, opt_sym |
> if opt_reg === ARGV.first then
> usage "Missing argument for option #{ARGV}" if ARGV.length < 2
> instance_variable_set( "@#{opt_sym}", ARGV[1] )
> ARGV.slice!( 0, 2 )
> illegal_option = false
> end
> end
> usage ARGV.first if illegal_option
> end
> usage ARGV.join(", ") unless ARGV.size == 3
> require @format rescue usage
> begin
> mkdir( "output" ) unless File.directory?( "output" )
> rescue
> $stderr.puts 'Cannot create output directory "output"'
> usage
> end
> t = Torus( *(ARGV << @start) )
> t.name = @name || "run-#{ARGV[0..1].join("-")}"
> t.formatter = Formatter.new( ICE => @ice, VAPOR => @vapor, VACUUM =>
> @vacuum )
> t.start_sim

1 Answer

Pastor Dave

4/26/2013 10:08:00 AM


On 4/26/2013 2:03 AM, El Castor wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 20:06:12 -0400, Josh <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:
>> On 4/25/2013 7:56 PM, El Castor wrote:
>>> On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 18:46:56 -0400, Josh <noway@nowhere.com> wrote:
>>>> On 4/25/2013 6:17 PM, El Castor wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 14:06:00 -0700 (PDT), Josh Rosenbluth
>>>>> <jrosenbluth@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry, you are wrong. This liberal believes in the free market and
>>>>>> also believes this tax is intended to keep government from wrongly
>>>>>> influencing the free market.
>>>>> Oh? Then you favor cutting the corporate rate to 22% to match the
>>>>> Swedes, or 12% to match the Irish?
>>>> Yes, our corporate tax rate should go down in a manner that is revenue
>>>> neutral (in a static analysis) in conjunction with cleaning out the tax
>>>> code of credits and deductions that distort the market.
>>> So we should tax corporations as much as we do now, but just do it
>>> differently?
>>> If corporation "A" is taxed "X" amount and corporation "B" is taxed
>>> 1/2 "X", I assume you would agree that the playing field is not level
>>> and the market is distorted. What if Corporation "A" is a US company
>>> and Corporation "B" is foreign? How should the imbalance be dealt
>>> with?
>> They should be taxed the same rate.
> Oh. Do we ask every other developed country in the world to raise
> their rates? I don't think that would work, do you?

That would require a single world government (even to equate Ireland and
Sweden), something I doubt you support.