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[QUIZ] Housie (#114

James Gray

2/16/2007 4:48:00 PM

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

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3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


by Brian Candler

A version of Bingo played in the UK and some other countries is called "Housie".
Players buy "books" of 6 tickets. Each ticket shows exactly 15 numbers, and in
each book every number from 1 to 90 is used exactly once.

A ticket is a grid of 3 rows by 9 columns. The first column contains numbers
from 1 to 9; the second column numbers from 10 to 19; the third 20 to 29 and so
on up until the last column, which contains numbers from 80 to 90.

Each column contains one, two or three numbers, in increasing order downwards.
Each row contains exactly 5 numbers (and hence 4 blanks).

An example ticket looks like this:

| 5 | | | | 49 | | 63 | 75 | 80 |
| | | 28 | 34 | | 52 | 66 | 77 | |
| 6 | 11 | | | | 59 | 69 | | 82 |

There are two levels of quiz difficulty to choose from. Given the above rules
for the validity of tickets and books, then:

1. Write a Ruby program which generates random individual tickets
2. Write a Ruby program which generates random complete books of tickets

23 Answers

Eric I.

2/16/2007 8:05:00 PM


On Feb 16, 11:47 am, Ruby Quiz <j...@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> A ticket is a grid of 3 rows by 9 columns. The first column contains numbers
> from 1 to 9; the second column numbers from 10 to 19; the third 20 to 29 and so
> on up until the last column, which contains numbers from 80 to 90.

The problem lacks a certain symmetry, and I just want to make sure
that there isn't a typo. Is it correct that the first column only has
9 possible values (1-9), that the last column has 11 possible values
(80-90), and that the middle columns each have 10 possible values?




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James Gray

2/16/2007 8:13:00 PM


On Feb 16, 2007, at 2:10 PM, Eric I. wrote:

> On Feb 16, 11:47 am, Ruby Quiz <j...@grayproductions.net> wrote:
>> A ticket is a grid of 3 rows by 9 columns. The first column
>> contains numbers
>> from 1 to 9; the second column numbers from 10 to 19; the third 20
>> to 29 and so
>> on up until the last column, which contains numbers from 80 to 90.
> The problem lacks a certain symmetry, and I just want to make sure
> that there isn't a typo. Is it correct that the first column only has
> 9 possible values (1-9), that the last column has 11 possible values
> (80-90), and that the middle columns each have 10 possible values?

That's the scoop according to Wikipedia:


James Edward Gray II

Eric I.

2/18/2007 5:11:00 PM


Here's my solution. I really enjoyed this quiz. On the surface it
seems relatively simple. But there are some important subtleties.

My solution builds the book ticket by ticket, and each ticket row by
row. Since multiple constraints need to be satisfied, if at any point
it is clear that the constraints cannot be met, the program "backs
up", to before the last ticket was placed and tries again.

Special care is taken so that as it builds up each row, a number is
more likely to appear in the last column, than in the middle columns,
and in the middle columns, than the first column.

I'm curious as to how others approach this program. I wonder, for
example, if a simpler solution would emerge if the book were built
column by column instead. Or perhaps there are some even more clever



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RequiredCounts = [9] + [10] * 7 + [11]
Line = "+----" * 9 + "+\n" # horizontal line used in text output

# Returns a row pattern for one row of a ticket. It will be an array
# containing five trues and four falses. Each true corresponds to a
# number placement and each false a blank. The positions of the true
# values is random, but weighted by the odds that a number will appear
# in each column. The first column has the lowest odds (9/18, or 1/2,
# or 50%), the last column the greatest odds (11/18, or 61.1%), and
# the columns in between intermediate odds (10/18, or 5/9, or 55.6%).
def gen_row_pattern
# copy of RequiredCounts array for relative odds
relative_odds = RequiredCounts.dup
total_odds = relative_odds.inject { |sum, v| sum + v }
row_pattern = Array.new(9, false)
5.times do
pick = rand(total_odds)

# find column for which this random number corresponds
relative_odds.each_with_index do |o, i|
pick -= o # subtract the odds for column from pick
if pick < 0 # have we reached the indicated column?
row_pattern[i] = true
relative_odds[i] = 0 # can't be true again, so odds is now
total_odds -= o # and total odds have gone down as well


# Returns true if a ticket pattern (an array of three row patterns) is
# valid. A ticket pattern is valid if every column has at least one
# true in it since a true corresponds to a number.
def valid_ticket_pattern?(ticket_pattern)
ticket_pattern.transpose.all? { |col| col.any? { |element|
element }}

# Generates a valid ticket pattern consisting of three row patterns.
def gen_ticket_pattern
ticket_pattern = Array.new(3) { gen_row_pattern }
end until valid_ticket_pattern? ticket_pattern

# Returns true only if the book pattern is valid. A book pattern is
# valid if the numbers in each column either have the correct amount
# (if the book has *all* the ticket patterns) or has the potential to
# have the correct amount (if the book pattern has only a subset of
# the ticket patterns).
def valid_book_pattern?(book_pattern)
return true if book_pattern.empty?

tickets_left = 6 - book_pattern.size # how many tickets remain to be
placed in book

# determine how many numbers are in each column of all booklets
column_counts =
book_pattern.map { |ticket| ticket.transpose }.transpose.map do |
column.flatten.select { |element| element }.size

# each of the tickets left to fill in the booklet can have from 1 to
# numbers, so make sure that that will allow us to fill each column
# the desired number of numbers
(0...RequiredCounts.size).all? do |i|
numbers_left = RequiredCounts[i] - column_counts[i]
numbers_left >= tickets_left && numbers_left <= 3 * tickets_left

# Generate a book pattern recursively by adding one ticket pattern
# after another. If adding a given ticket pattern makes it so the
# book pattern is invalid, back up and add a different ticket pattern
# in its place (via the catch/throw).
def gen_book_pattern(count, book_pattern)
throw :invalid_book_pattern unless valid_book_pattern?(book_pattern)
return book_pattern if count == 0

# loop until a valid ticket pattern is added to the book pattern
loop do
catch(:invalid_book_pattern) do
return gen_book_pattern(count - 1,
book_pattern +

# Returns 9 number "feeders", one per column, for an entire book.
# The numbers in each feeder are appropriate for the column in which
# they are to feed into, and shuffled randomly.
def gen_number_feeders
feeders = Array.new(9) { Array.new }
(1..89).each { |i| feeders[i / 10] << i }
feeders[8] << 90 # add the extra value in the last feeder

# shuffle the numbers in each feeder
feeders.each_index { |i| feeders[i] = feeders[i].sort_by { rand } }

# Generate a book, which is an array of 6 tickets, where each ticket
# is an array of three rows, where each row is an array containing
# nine values, five of which are numbers and four of which are nils.
def gen_book
book_pattern = gen_book_pattern(6, [])
feeders = gen_number_feeders

book_pattern.map do |ticket_pattern|
# determine how many numbers will be consumed in each column of
# ticket
nums_in_cols = ticket_pattern.transpose.map do |col|
col.select { |v| v }.size

# sort the consumed numbers in the feeders, so the columns will be
# sorted
feeders.each_index do |i|
feeders[i] = feeders[i][0...nums_in_cols[i]].sort +

# convert the trues in each column into numbers by pulling them
# from the feeder corresponding to the column
ticket_pattern.map do |row|
new_row = []
row.each_index { |i| new_row << (row[i] ? feeders[i].shift :
nil) }

# Convert a book into a large string.
def book_to_s(book)
book.map do |ticket|
Line + ticket.map do |row|
"|" + row.map { |v| " %2s " % v.to_s }.join("|") + "|\n"
end.join(Line) + Line

# If run from the command-line, produce the output for one book.
if __FILE__ == $0
puts book_to_s(gen_book)

Christoffer Lernö

2/18/2007 5:34:00 PM


My solution drops the numbers 1-90 into the tickets at random. If
there are more than 3 numbers of the same column for a ticket, or it
already has 15 numbers then it kicks out one of its other numbers at
random. This number is put back to be distributed to some other ticket.

After all the numbers are distributed, each Housie generates itself
using the values it has been given. It will add one number at a time
to the row with the least amount of numbers. If two rows have the
same amount of numbers then their positions will be chosen randomly.

I also included a method to generate a single ticket.

The code got a bit messier than I'd like it, but it avoids brute
force-generation and seem to generate tickets quickly.



class Housie

def initialize
@colset = Array.new(9) { [] }
@numbers = 0

# Push a number to this ticket.
# If this number can't fit with the numbers already in this
housie, we return
# one of the old numbers in the housie that we removed to make
this number fit.
def push(number)
raise "Tried to push to generated housie ticket" if @housie
column = number == 90 ? 8 : number / 10
@colset[column] << number
if @colset[column].size == 4
elsif @numbers == 15
value = @colset[rand(9)].shift while value.nil?
@numbers += 1

# Generates a ticket from added data
# Since we have 15 numbers, not more than 3 of each column type we
know we
# can create a ticket, but we want a randomized look to it.
def generate
raise "Not enough data to generate ticket" unless complete?
@housie = Array.new(3) { Array.new(9) }
(0..8).sort_by { rand }.each do |column|
@colset[column].size.times do
rows = @housie.sort_by { rand }.sort { |row1, row2|
row1.compact.size <=> row2.compact.size }
rows.shift until rows.first[column].nil?
rows.first[column] = true
9.times do |column|
@housie.each { |row| row[column] = @colset[column].shift if row
[column] }

# Ugly code to display a ticket.
def to_s
return "Not valid" unless @housie
@housie.inject("") do |sum, row|
sum + "+----" * 9 + "+\n" +
row.inject("|") { | sum, entry | sum + " #{"%2s" % entry} |" }
+ "\n"
end +
"+----" * 9 + "+"

def complete?
@numbers == 15

def Housie.new_book
housies = Array.new(6) { Housie.new }
numbers = (1..90).to_a
while numbers.size > 0 do
pushed_out = housies[rand(6)].push(numbers.shift)
numbers << pushed_out if pushed_out
housies.collect { |housie| housie.generate }

def Housie.new_ticket
housie = Housie.new
random_numbers = (1..90).sort_by { rand }
until housie.complete?
returned = housie.push random_numbers.shift
random_numbers << returned if returned


puts "A book of tickets:"
Housie.new_book.each_with_index { |housie, index| puts "Ticket #
{index + 1}"; puts housie.to_s }

puts "A single ticket:"
puts Housie.new_ticket.to_s

Andy Restrepo

2/18/2007 7:20:00 PM


My solution to the quiz. Each of 18 rows is built individually, by
randomly choosing 5 out of the 9 bins to pull a number from. However
the bins are semi-ordered, so that the most filled bins are always
favored in the selection.

All the rows then get shuffled and divided into 6 tickets. Finally each
ticket checks that its columns satisfy the ordering constraint, if not,
the numbers in the column are rearranged while maintaining 5 numbers in
each row.


class TicketGenerator
def init_bins
# Create and fill the 9 bins of numbers, corresponding to
# the allowed numbers for each column.
@bins = Array.new
# 1 through 9
@bins << (1..9).sort_by{ rand }
# 10 through 19, 20 through 29, etc.
10.step(70, 10) do |x|
@bins << (x..x+9).sort_by{ rand }
# 80 through 90
@bins << (80..90).sort_by{ rand }

def retrieve_row
# Create a row by pulling one number from each of five non-empty bins.
row = Array.new(9, nil)
# Randomize which bins to choose from, but then favor the most
filled bins --
# so we don't end up with less than 5 non-empty bins with still more
rows to create.
bin_index_array = (0...@bins.length).sort_by{ rand }.sort_by{ |b|
@bins[b].length }
5.times do
bin_index = bin_index_array.pop
row[bin_index] = @bins[bin_index].pop

def print_book
# Generate 18 rows, shuffle them, and print six tickets.
all_rows = Array.new(18){ retrieve_row }.sort_by{ rand }
0.step(15, 3) do |x|
ticket = Ticket.new(all_rows[x...x+3])
puts "\n"

private :init_bins, :retrieve_row
public :print_book

class Ticket
def initialize(rows)
# A ticket consists of an array of three rows,
# with 5 numbers and 4 nil entries per row.
@rows = rows

def validate_ticket
# Convert three rows of 9 numbers into 9 columns of three numbers,
# check that each column satisfies the ascending order constraint,
# and then convert back into rows.
columns = Array.new(9) { [] }
columns.each { |c| @rows.each { |r| c << r.shift }; rectify(c) }
@rows.each { |r| columns.each { |c| r << c.shift } }

def rectify(column)
# If there are 2 or 3 numbers in a column, they must
# appear in increasing order downward. If they don't, then
# swap the numbers around while maintaining 5 numbers
# in each row.
case column.nitems
when 0..1 then column # do nothing
when 2
nil_index = column.index(nil)
non_nils = [0,1,2] - [nil_index]
first_nn, last_nn = non_nils.first, non_nils.last
# Swap the two non-nil elements
if column[first_nn] > column[last_nn]
column[first_nn], column[last_nn] = column[last_nn],
when 3 then column.sort! # just sort the three numbers

def print_ticket
puts "+----" * 9 + "+"
@rows.each do |row|
line = row.inject("|") do |str, x|
if not x
str + " |"
elsif x < 10
str + " #{x} |"
str + " #{x} |"
puts line
puts "+----" * 9 + "+"

private :validate_ticket, :rectify
public :print_ticket



2/18/2007 8:05:00 PM



my solution first figures out which postitions in the ticket should be
filled with numbers (setting those to 1, the others to 0).
It moves from column to column starting on the left and selects a
random valid column. At each step, all columns that would lead to
invalid solutions are deleted from the set of possible columns.

The second step is to fill the ticket with real values. It just
replaces the 1s from the creation with allowed values.

I didn't implement the creation of the complete book.


----- THE CODE ---------------

$thegrid = []

# creates the grid
# inserts 1 for positions that should be filled later on,
# sets it to 0 otherwise
def create_grid
# array with all allowed columns
cache = (1..7).map{|i| Array.new(3) {|j| i[j]}.reverse! }
rowcounter = [0,0,0]

# step through each colum, choosing a random valid column from cache
# deletes all rows from cache that lead to invalid solutions
0.upto(8) do |column|
$thegrid[column] = cache[ rand(cache.length) ].clone

# number of values uses so far per row
rowcounter = rowcounter.zip($thegrid[column]).map!{|i,j| i+j}

# test constraints and delete invalid columns from later selection
0.upto(2) do |count|
cache.delete_if {|x| x[count] == 1} if rowcounter[count] == 5
cache.delete_if {|x| x[count] == 0} if 8 - column == 5 -

total = rowcounter.inject{|sum, n| sum + n}
cache.delete_if {|x| total + x.inject{|sum, n| sum + n} > 8 +
column }

# fills the grid with random values, increasing order per column
def fill_grid
$thegrid.each_with_index do |line, i|
start = (i==0) ? 1 : i*10
stop = (i==8) ? 90 : ((i+1)*10 - 1)
count = line.inject {|sum, n| sum + n }

line.each_with_index do |n, j|
if n > 0 then
$thegrid[i][j] = rand(stop - start - count + 2) + start
start = $thegrid[i][j] + 1 #increasing numbers
count -= 1


# pretty print the grid
sep = "+----"*9 + "+\n"
puts $thegrid.transpose.inject(sep) {|str, e|
str += sprintf("| %2d "*9 + "|\n" + sep, *e).gsub(/ 0/, " ")

Christoffer Lernö

2/18/2007 9:18:00 PM


On Feb 18, 2007, at 20:19 , Andy Restrepo wrote:

> My solution to the quiz. Each of 18 rows is built individually, by
> randomly choosing 5 out of the 9 bins to pull a number from.
> However the bins are semi-ordered, so that the most filled bins are
> always favored in the selection.
> All the rows then get shuffled and divided into 6 tickets. Finally
> each ticket checks that its columns satisfy the ordering
> constraint, if not, the numbers in the column are rearranged while
> maintaining 5 numbers in each row.

Nice. A whole lot more straightforward that my solution.


Brock Lee

2/18/2007 10:40:00 PM


Does your solution make sure there are exactly five numbers on each

Brock Lee

2/18/2007 10:42:00 PM


Does your solution make sure there is at least one number in each
column of the ticket?

Christoffer Lernö

2/18/2007 10:50:00 PM


On Feb 18, 2007, at 23:45 , Brock Lee wrote:

> Does your solution make sure there are exactly five numbers on each
> row?

Ooops, was that I requirement? Kind of missed that.