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Re: Little Things

Yukihiro Matsumoto

12/31/2006 6:35:00 PM


I'd like to see them as separated RCRs, even though the new RCR site
have not seen its successful start-up yet.

In message "Re: Little Things"
on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 02:27:14 +0900, "Trans" <transfire@gmail.com> writes:

|* Binding.of_caller. Yes, it's easy to abuse, and should be avoided at
|nearly all costs. But there are few pennies worth when nothing else
|will do. Some very cool metatricks are made possible by being able to
|access the caller's binding --the breakpoint lib being the most well

The biggest reason we don't have caller binding API is the difficulty
of the implementation under the current interpreter. ko1 once said it
is possible for YARV, so all we need is to design good API. I don't
think of_caller is the best name for it.

By the way, YARV was committed in the Subversion trunk yesterday.

|* <code>object_class</code> instead of </code>class</code>. I get sick
|just looking at <code>self.class.foo</code>. And it prevents use of
|"class" for other variables/methods. (Hence the all too frequent use of
|"klass"). <code>object_class</code> on the other hand is nicely
|analogous to <code>object_id</code>.

Could you describe what this change give you? Removing class method
does not allow local variables to be named 'class'. Besides that I
don't like the name "object_class", which is too vague for me. class
of an object? a class object? an object which is a class? whatever.
Maybe because I see many combination of "something id" but not
"something class", besides "business class" etc.

|* Allow a comma between the two <code>alias</code> arguments --getting
|an error on that is really annoying. Actually why is <code>alias</code>
|a keyword? Why have both <code>#alias_method</code> and
|<code>alias</code>? I have always been told that keywords were to be

Are you proposing comma between alias arguments, or removal of the
alias keyword?

|* <code>String#resc</code> as an inversion of
|<code>Regexp.escape(string)</code> and <code>String#to_re</code> as an
|inversion of <code>Regexp.new(string)</code>.


|* I'm dying here from remove_method hacks without
|<code>#instance_exec</code>. This has to rank in the top three "little
|things" that have been talked about forever, and it isn't that hard to
|implement. So what's holding it up?

We have it in 1.9.

|* A block can't take a block, nor default arguments. What kind of
|<code>define_method</code> is this? I realize this a trickier issue.
|But at some point the trick has to be performed.

We have it in 1.9; well, at least partially.

|* Close the closures. Writing DSLs is great, but have you noticed they
|all share the same closure? Have a way to reset the closure with some
|sort of special block notation would shore-up this danger hole. Maybe:
| a = 1
| dosomething do! |x|
| p a #=> error
| end

I am not sure what you meant here. Could you elaborate (maybe in a
separate post)? Does any other language address this issue?

|* Another hassle when metaprogramming. <code>#send</code> should work
|for public methods only! There's a big issue with backward
|compatibility here. I have the solution: <code>#object_send</code>.
|It's a better name anyway b/c it stays out of the way (eg. my Email
|module would like to have a #send method, you dig?). And #send itself
|could be deprecated slowly. BTW <code>#funcall</code> for the alternate
|private-accessing send is a <b>terrible</b> name, try
|<code>#instance_send</code>. (And yes, I'm begging here!)

We have send, funcall, __send, __send! in 1.9. Do we need more?

|* This one's more of my own pet-peeve but nontheless, who wouldn't want
|a nice word alias for Class#===. In most cases I prefer to read what
|I'm doing rather then recall the interpretation of a symbol. There are
|of course some symbols that are rather obvious, either by indication of
|their form (eg. <<) or by their widespread use (eg. =), but Class#===
|is not one of them. I would much prefer to see:
| <pre>
| MyClass.instance?(myobject)
| </pre>
|But I'm not picky about what word to use as long as it's readable.

In short, you are asking for the alias for Module#===, right?
I don't see any good reason for it, where we can call


but the good name for it would help accepting the proposal.

|* Oh, and lets not forget the forever arguable method name for (class
|<< self; self; end). But please give us something concise.

Yes, the name is the biggest obstacle now.

|No doubt there other little things left unmentioned, and obviously some
|are more important than others. But in any case, it's clearly striking
|that after hearing for so long about many such well-accepted "little
|things", that Ruby has yet to take them in. I have a silly theory about
|this actually --as odd as it may seem. The 1.9 version is the last on
|the chain before 2.0 b/c matz is against using double-digit minor
|numbers, eg 1.10. So we're is stuck with 1.9 as his test bed for 2.0.
|Since 1.8 can only increment by teeny, these "little things", being not
|little enough, can't make it in. Hence Ruby is being held back by a
|version number policy!!! I think Matz just needs to get on with it (hey
|look forward to 3.0!) or just lossen the version policy constraints.

Digits that we have many (hey, we could have 9 more major releases!)
are not the reason. Expected screams from all over the world suspends
incompatibility and behavior changing for 1.8.


9 Answers

James Gray

12/31/2006 7:37:00 PM


On Dec 31, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:

> We have send, funcall, __send, __send! in 1.9. Do we need more?

If __send! is OK, can we have the alias send! as well? I thought we
wanted the get away from method names like __this__.

James Edward Gray II

Devin Mullins

12/31/2006 8:42:00 PM


Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:
> |* Oh, and lets not forget the forever arguable method name for (class
> |<< self; self; end). But please give us something concise.
> Yes, the name is the biggest obstacle now.
I take it you don't like meta_class, the most often proposed name for
it. How about virtual_class, or singleton_class, or both?

irb(main):001:0> a=5; def a.foo; end
TypeError: can't define singleton method "foo" for Fixnum
from (irb):1
irb(main):002:0> a=""; class Foo < (class << a; self end); end
TypeError: can't make subclass of virtual class
from (irb):2


(Sorry, I don't know what's already been proposed. Shame on me for not
researching it...)


12/31/2006 9:05:00 PM



12/31/2006 10:35:00 PM


dblack@wobblini.net wrote:
> Hi --
> On Mon, 1 Jan 2007, Devin Mullins wrote:
> > Yukihiro Matsumoto wrote:
> >> |* Oh, and lets not forget the forever arguable method name for (class
> >> |<< self; self; end). But please give us something concise.
> >>
> >> Yes, the name is the biggest obstacle now.
> > I take it you don't like meta_class, the most often proposed name for it. How
> > about virtual_class, or singleton_class, or both?
> >
> > irb(main):001:0> a=5; def a.foo; end
> > TypeError: can't define singleton method "foo" for Fixnum
> > from (irb):1
> > irb(main):002:0> a=""; class Foo < (class << a; self end); end
> > TypeError: can't make subclass of virtual class
> > from (irb):2
> >
> > :)
> >
> > Devin
> > (Sorry, I don't know what's already been proposed. Shame on me for not
> > researching it...)
> Just about every word in the English language, and a couple in German,
> has been proposed :-)

And one Latin ;-)



12/31/2006 11:41:00 PM


Hey matz,

thanks for taking the time to respond to these.

> I'd like to see them as separated RCRs, even though the new RCR site
> have not seen its successful start-up yet.

If the RCR process gets fixed I would be happy to do some of them.
Right now only two people have submitted RCRs (last I checked) and the
communication on those RCRs is either broken or simply not being used
--I made attempts at emailing on the second --and I sumbitted the first

> The biggest reason we don't have caller binding API is the difficulty
> of the implementation under the current interpreter. ko1 once said it
> is possible for YARV, so all we need is to design good API. I don't
> think of_caller is the best name for it.

Really? By simply passing a block I can pass the binding of the caller.
I suppose passing a hidden block is too heavy though?

> By the way, YARV was committed in the Subversion trunk yesterday.


> Could you describe what this change give you? Removing class method
> does not allow local variables to be named 'class'. Besides that I
> don't like the name "object_class", which is too vague for me. class
> of an object? a class object? an object which is a class? whatever.
> Maybe because I see many combination of "something id" but not
> "something class", besides "business class" etc.

The main thing is that it creates an exception b/c we are forced to use
a reciever, eg. self.class, so it can't be called as a "function" nor
made private. No other method is like that. Also I don't see why we
can't use it as a local var. Isn't the conflict with class<<obj
notation? Probably the parser should see /class\s+<</ as a whole unit,
which I think would allow for the var. But if you ask me the whole
"class << obj" notaton is yuk anyway. It visually clashes with Array#<<
and I'd much prefer someting like 'obj.meta_eval' -or-

> |* Allow a comma between the two <code>alias</code> arguments --getting
> |an error on that is really annoying. Actually why is <code>alias</code>
> |a keyword? Why have both <code>#alias_method</code> and
> |<code>alias</code>? I have always been told that keywords were to be
> |avoided.
> Are you proposing comma between alias arguments, or removal of the
> alias keyword?

Well, both. First and foremost however is the option of a comma. What
good reson is there for getting getting a sytax error here?

As for makeing alias a real method, that seems like a good idea. it
would allow us to use 'alias' as a var too.

If it possible to get rid of an exception and have things still work
fine, then it's a good thing, isn't it?

> |* <code>String#resc</code> as an inversion of
> |<code>Regexp.escape(string)</code> and <code>String#to_re</code> as an
> |inversion of <code>Regexp.new(string)</code>.
> Why?

It's much more concise. Take a simple example:

re = /^#{user_input}/

We need to escape it:

re = /^#{Regexp.escape(user_input)}/


re = /^#{user_input.resc}/

The to_re, just goes hand in hand with resc, since they both regular
expresions --maybe resc should be to_resc, but tersness is especially
useful with it so I suggest resc instead.

> |* I'm dying here from remove_method hacks without
> |<code>#instance_exec</code>. This has to rank in the top three "little
> |things" that have been talked about forever, and it isn't that hard to
> |implement. So what's holding it up?
> We have it in 1.9.

Yea! But why not a 1.8 serious. It's an additon it won't break
anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I fear we won't see anything
from 1.9 in production for almost 2 years.

> |* Close the closures. Writing DSLs is great, but have you noticed they
> |all share the same closure? Have a way to reset the closure with some
> |sort of special block notation would shore-up this danger hole. Maybe:
> |
> |<pre>
> | a = 1
> | dosomething do! |x|
> | p a #=> error
> | end
> |</pre>
> I am not sure what you meant here. Could you elaborate (maybe in a
> separate post)? Does any other language address this issue?

Okay. I will post separately.

> We have send, funcall, __send, __send! in 1.9. Do we need more?

So we have the functionality. But can you tell me with a straight face
those are great method names?

Peronally, I really think you should get rid of __shadow methods
wherever you can. All it indicates is that the original method's name
is too common, so is likely to be overridden. And that's the reason I
suggest #object_send. All methods starting with object_ or instance_
are special. They are meta-programming methods and as such need to
stand aside in some fashion to avoid being overridden easily. This
consistancy is the beauty of it.

> In short, you are asking for the alias for Module#===, right?
> I don't see any good reason for it, where we can call
> myobject.instance_of?(MyClass)
> but the good name for it would help accepting the proposal.

Yes. that's right. But I learned that it is better to ask the class if
you want to know the "truth". Sometimes the object might need to lie
--eg. as a proxy. I guess the most obvious name is:


> |* Oh, and lets not forget the forever arguable method name for (class
> |<< self; self; end). But please give us something concise.
> Yes, the name is the biggest obstacle now.


Almost anything is better than nothing at this point.... okay maybe not
THAT, but you get my point.

> |No doubt there other little things left unmentioned, and obviously some
> |are more important than others. But in any case, it's clearly striking
> |that after hearing for so long about many such well-accepted "little
> |things", that Ruby has yet to take them in. I have a silly theory about
> |this actually --as odd as it may seem. The 1.9 version is the last on
> |the chain before 2.0 b/c matz is against using double-digit minor
> |numbers, eg 1.10. So we're is stuck with 1.9 as his test bed for 2.0.
> |Since 1.8 can only increment by teeny, these "little things", being not
> |little enough, can't make it in. Hence Ruby is being held back by a
> |version number policy!!! I think Matz just needs to get on with it (hey
> |look forward to 3.0!) or just lossen the version policy constraints.
> Digits that we have many (hey, we could have 9 more major releases!)

Good! :-)

> are not the reason. Expected screams from all over the world suspends
> incompatibility and behavior changing for 1.8.

Yet most of these have no backward compatability issues --I guess
that's really my main point with "Little things"

Thanks and happy new year,

Devin Mullins

1/1/2007 1:10:00 AM


Trans wrote:
> The main thing is that it creates an exception b/c we are forced to use
> a reciever, eg. self.class, so it can't be called as a "function" nor
> made private. No other method is like that.
Actually, two classes of method names come to mind:
- Those that share a name with a keyword (class, when, def, etc.)
- Setter methods (/=$/, that is)

There's an exception for the latter -- when private, they can be called
with self as an explicit receiver.

Neither defending the behavior nor arguing for a change... just playing
Mr. Fact Checker (or Mr. Obvious, depending on your POV).



1/1/2007 2:18:00 AM


Devin Mullins wrote:
> Trans wrote:
> > The main thing is that it creates an exception b/c we are forced to use
> > a reciever, eg. self.class, so it can't be called as a "function" nor
> > made private. No other method is like that.
> Actually, two classes of method names come to mind:
> - Those that share a name with a keyword (class, when, def, etc.)

That's a good point. Although 'when', 'def' and others aren't also
built-in methods. And in a private context at least, no one is going to
readily use them as such.

> - Setter methods (/=$/, that is)
> There's an exception for the latter -- when private, they can be called
> with self as an explicit receiver.

True. An expection I never liked, but it's neccessary, and at least
it's a very simple pattern.

> Neither defending the behavior nor arguing for a change... just playing
> Mr. Fact Checker (or Mr. Obvious, depending on your POV).

facts == good


Gavin Kistner

1/1/2007 5:49:00 AM


Devin Mullins wrote:
> (Sorry, I don't know what's already been proposed. Shame on me for not
> researching it...)

For what it's worth, I started a wiki page a while ago (and others have
contributed) with the crazy huge list of suggested names, with some
discussion on some of them:



1/3/2007 10:06:00 PM