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Parsing a CSV file having multiple records in RUBYp

Krishna Mundra

12/26/2006 7:36:00 AM

Hi everyone,

Can anyone help me in parsing a CSV file,with comma seperated multiple
records (multiple columns and multiple rows)....

What i am doing is

uploading a CSV file and reading the records from CSV file,first row
contains field names(database field names),reaing record line by line
and splitting each record by a comma(since CSV file is a comma seperated
and sending the splitted data into corresponding fields of database.

everything goes well except last column of the record is skipping in my

My logic unable to read the last field values and field name.If I put an

column name,my logic is working well and good.

here is my logic.....
physician= Physician.new // object of physician in to which values are
send after spilltting.
File.open(@filepath, "r") do |f|
f.each_line { |line|
columns.each do |col|
physician[columns[cnt]]= rows[cnt]

Can anyone solve my problem,Its urgent

Posted via http://www.ruby-....

8 Answers

Karl-Heinz Wild

12/26/2006 7:53:00 AM


In message "Parsing a CSV file having multiple records in RUBYp"
on 26.12.2006, Krishna Mundra <krishna_mundra82@rediffmail.com> writes:

KM> Can anyone help me in parsing a CSV file,with comma seperated multiple
KM> records (multiple columns and multiple rows)....


maybe it helps.



12/26/2006 9:14:00 AM



The ruby standard library include a CSV parser (you will find the api
there : http://www.ruby-doc.o...). You should try it.

require 'csv'
CSV.open(@filepath, "r") do |csv|
# csv[0]..csv[n] contains your columns...

Since your file has a header, you could write something like :

require 'csv'
my_csv = CSV.open(@filepath, "r")
header = my_csv.shift # header is a array containing each column of
your first line
my_csv.each do |row|
row.each_index { |i| physician[header[i]] = row[i] }

.... But be carrefull if your file contains more than one line and you
didn't overload the "=" operator of physician because you will affect
all lines in the same physician object...

Krishna Mundra a ?crit :

> here is my logic.....
> rows=Array.new
> columns=Array.new
> physician= Physician.new // object of physician in to which values are
> send after spilltting.
> File.open(@filepath, "r") do |f|
> f.each_line { |line|
> if(count==0)
> header=line.to_s
> columns=header.split(',')
> end
> else
> str=line.to_s
> rows=str.split(',')
> columns.each do |col|
> physician[columns[cnt]]= rows[cnt]
> cnt=cnt+1
> end
> end

James Gray

12/26/2006 3:31:00 PM


On Dec 26, 2006, at 3:15 AM, come wrote:

> Since your file has a header, you could write something like :

Obviously I am biased, but I sure think FasterCSV makes this kind of
thing easier:

>> require "rubygems"
=> false
>> require "faster_csv"
=> true
>> csv = <<END_CSV
"Real ""Rubies""",10,5
=> "item,in_stock,reorder_limit\n"Real ""Rubies""",10,5\nPearls,100,20
>> result = FCSV.parse(csv, :headers => true, :header_converters
=> :symbol)
=> #<FasterCSV::Table:0x6e570c @mode=:col_or_row, @table=
[#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e5310 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Real
\"Rubies\""], [:in_stock, "10"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>,
#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e4f00 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Pearls"],
[:in_stock, "100"], [:reorder_limit, "20"]]>, #<FasterCSV::Row:
0x6e4af0 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Snakes"], [:in_stock,
"2"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>]
>> puts re
readline require__ result
readlines require_gem retry
redo require_gem_with_options return
remove_instance_variable rescue
require respond_to?
>> puts result.map { |row| row[:item] }
Real "Rubies"
=> nil
>> result.each { |row| p row.to_hash }
{:in_stock=>"10", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Real \"Rubies\""}
{:in_stock=>"100", :reorder_limit=>"20", :item=>"Pearls"}
{:in_stock=>"2", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Snakes"}
=> #<FasterCSV::Table:0x6e570c @mode=:col_or_row, @table=
[#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e5310 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Real
\"Rubies\""], [:in_stock, "10"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>,
#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e4f00 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Pearls"],
[:in_stock, "100"], [:reorder_limit, "20"]]>, #<FasterCSV::Row:
0x6e4af0 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Snakes"], [:in_stock,
"2"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>]

James Edward Gray II


12/26/2006 5:09:00 PM



Not to be off topic, but how did you get an 'auto complete' type shell ?

I tried it at home and it didn't do what your output shows.... I'm

It almost looks like you overloaded puts ...

Is there a big secret to share? I'd even settle of a little secret.
I'm not picky!


On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 00:30 +0900, James Edward Gray II wrote:

> >> puts re
> readline require__ result
> readlines require_gem retry
> redo require_gem_with_options return
> remove_instance_variable rescue
> require respond_to?
> >> puts result.map { |row| row[:item] }


12/26/2006 6:39:00 PM



You just start your line and press the tab key :

irb(main):001:0> toto=5
=> 5
irb(main):002:0> puts t[tab]
taint test throw to_s trace_var true
tainted? then to_a toto trap type
irb(main):002:0> puts toto.[tab]
toto.__id__ toto.nonzero?
toto.__send__ toto.numerator
toto.abs toto.object_id
toto.between? toto.power!
toto.ceil toto.prec
toto.chr toto.prec_f
toto.class toto.prec_i
toto.clone toto.private_methods
toto.coerce toto.protected_methods
toto.denominator toto.public_methods
toto.display toto.quo
toto.div toto.rdiv
toto.divmod toto.remainder
toto.downto toto.require
toto.dup toto.require_gem
toto.eql? toto.respond_to?
toto.equal? toto.round
toto.extend toto.rpower
toto.floor toto.send
toto.freeze toto.singleton_method_added
toto.frozen? toto.singleton_methods
toto.gcd toto.size

matt a écrit :
> James,
> Not to be off topic, but how did you get an 'auto complete' type shell ?

William James

12/26/2006 9:14:00 PM


James Edward Gray II wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2006, at 3:15 AM, come wrote:
> > Since your file has a header, you could write something like :
> Obviously I am biased, but I sure think FasterCSV makes this kind of
> thing easier:
> >> require "rubygems"
> => false
> >> require "faster_csv"
> => true
> >> csv = <<END_CSV
> item,in_stock,reorder_limit
> "Real ""Rubies""",10,5
> Pearls,100,20
> Snakes,2,5
> => "item,in_stock,reorder_limit\n"Real ""Rubies""",10,5\nPearls,100,20
> \nSnakes,2,5\n"
> >> result = FCSV.parse(csv, :headers => true, :header_converters
> => :symbol)
> => #<FasterCSV::Table:0x6e570c @mode=:col_or_row, @table=
> [#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e5310 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Real
> \"Rubies\""], [:in_stock, "10"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>,
> #<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e4f00 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Pearls"],
> [:in_stock, "100"], [:reorder_limit, "20"]]>, #<FasterCSV::Row:
> 0x6e4af0 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Snakes"], [:in_stock,
> "2"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>]
> >> puts re
> readline require__ result
> readlines require_gem retry
> redo require_gem_with_options return
> remove_instance_variable rescue
> require respond_to?
> >> puts result.map { |row| row[:item] }
> Real "Rubies"
> Pearls
> Snakes
> => nil
> >> result.each { |row| p row.to_hash }
> {:in_stock=>"10", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Real \"Rubies\""}
> {:in_stock=>"100", :reorder_limit=>"20", :item=>"Pearls"}
> {:in_stock=>"2", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Snakes"}
> => #<FasterCSV::Table:0x6e570c @mode=:col_or_row, @table=
> [#<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e5310 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Real
> \"Rubies\""], [:in_stock, "10"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>,
> #<FasterCSV::Row:0x6e4f00 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Pearls"],
> [:in_stock, "100"], [:reorder_limit, "20"]]>, #<FasterCSV::Row:
> 0x6e4af0 @header_row=false, @row=[[:item, "Snakes"], [:in_stock,
> "2"], [:reorder_limit, "5"]]>]

class String
def csv
(self + ",").scan(
map{|s| s.gsub(/\A"|"\Z/,'').gsub(/""/,'"')}

data = DATA.readlines.map{|s| s.chomp.csv}
header = data.shift
p header
p data
data.map{|a| header.zip(a).inject({}){|h,x|
h.merge({x[0].to_sym,x[1]}) }}.
each{|h| p h}

"Real ""Rubies""",10,5

--- output -----
["item", "in_stock", "reorder_limit"]
[["Real \"Rubies\"", "10", "5"], ["Pearls", "100", "20"], ["Snakes",
"2", "5"]]

{:in_stock=>"10", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Real \"Rubies\""}
{:in_stock=>"100", :reorder_limit=>"20", :item=>"Pearls"}
{:in_stock=>"2", :reorder_limit=>"5", :item=>"Snakes"}

James Gray

12/27/2006 12:40:00 AM


On Dec 26, 2006, at 11:09 AM, matt wrote:

> James,
> Not to be off topic, but how did you get an 'auto complete' type
> shell ?
> I tried it at home and it didn't do what your output shows.... I'm
> jealous.
> It almost looks like you overloaded puts ...
> Is there a big secret to share? I'd even settle of a little secret.
> I'm not picky!



James Edward Gray II


12/14/2011 7:53:00 PM


"Shawn Wilson" <ikonoqlast@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Dec 14, 12:33 pm, Paul F Austin <pfaus...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>> On 12/14/2011 1:56 PM, Shawn Wilson wrote:
>> > On Dec 13, 9:58 pm, "Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D."<d...@coldine.edu>
>> > wrote:
>> That's exactly right. John Lott's "Are Predatory Commitments Credible"
>> does the analysis that demonstrates that absent barriers to entry (like
>> patents or an existing market dominance) that threats of predatory
>> (below cost) pricing are empty since customers can and will move to new
>> producers as soon as the predator seeks to recover the lost revenue from
>> his "below cost" sales by raising his prices. Since competitors cost of
>> doing business is about the same as that of the predator, as soon as he
>> raises his price (which he must do to recover those losses), they will
>> enter the market at a price point that he can't meet.
> Yes, it is basic, straightforward economics at work. Someone wants to
> sell below cost to gain market share (which government calls
> dumping)? Fine. Great even. When they try profit from their new
> 'monopoly' someone else comes along and undercuts THEM. Consumers
> win. Sure, existing companies will try to get their competition not
> to do that, and will use governmen to that end (eg anti-dumping laws)
> but this is just the powerful using government to hurt the public.
> Government doesn't solve problems. It never solves problems. It is
> only a vector for the powerful to exploit the weak. The solution is
> not more government intervention, the solution is LESS.

Yes, go back to the days of the Christmas Carol....and wait for that kind of
capitalist get a heart.