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Execute environment - rake aborted! - no such file to load -- openssl

dave .

12/8/2006 5:55:00 AM

Env: Ruby 1.8.5, Linux
Any help would be greatly appreciated with this issue

This post contains:
1. rake --trace db:schema:load
2. gem list --local
3. environment.rb

root@server [/home/user/testapp]# rake --trace db:schema:load
(in /home/user/testapp)
** Invoke db:schema:load (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
rake aborted!
no such file to load -- openssl
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:229:in `activate'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:228:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:228:in `activate'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:59:in `require_gem'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:387:in `call'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:387:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:135:in `synchronize'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:999:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:999:in `send'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:999:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/thread.rb:135:in `synchronize'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:1906:in `run'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:1906:in `each'
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.7.1/lib/rake.rb:1906:in `run'
/usr/local/bin/rake:18:in `load'
root@server [/home/user/testapp]# gem list --local

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

actionmailer (1.2.5)
Service layer for easy email delivery and testing.

actionpack (1.12.5)
Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC.

actionwebservice (1.1.6)
Web service support for Action Pack.

activerecord (1.14.4)
Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM.

activesupport (1.3.1)
Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework.

builder (2.0.0)
Builders for MarkUp.

fastercsv (1.0.0)
FasterCSV is CSV, but faster, smaller, and cleaner.

fcgi (0.8.7)
FastCGI library for Ruby.

mysql (2.7)
MySQL/Ruby provides the same functions for Ruby programs that the
MySQL C API provides for C programs.

needle (1.3.0)
Needle is a Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control container for
Ruby. It supports both type-2 (setter) and type-3 (constructor)
injection. It takes advantage of the dynamic nature of Ruby to
provide a rich and flexible approach to injecting dependencies.

net-ssh (1.0.10)
Net::SSH is a pure-Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol.

payment (1.0.1)
Payment is used to process credit cards and electronic cash through
merchant accounts.

rails (1.1.6)
Web-application framework with template engine, control-flow layer,
and ORM.

rake (0.7.1)
Ruby based make-like utility.

RedCloth (3.0.4)
RedCloth is a module for using Textile and Markdown in Ruby.
and Markdown are text formats. A very simple text format. Another
stab at making readable text that can be converted to HTML.

rmagick (1.14.1)
RMagick is an interface between the Ruby programming language and
the ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick image processing libraries.

rubygems-update (0.9.0)
RubyGems Update GEM

shipping (1.3.0)
A general shipping module to find out the shipping prices via UPS

sources (0.0.1)
This package provides download sources for remote gem installation
# Be sure to restart your web server when you modify this file.

# Uncomment below to force Rails into production mode
# (Use only when you can't set environment variables through your
web/app server)
# ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'production'

# Bootstrap the Rails environment, frameworks, and default
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot')

Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
# Skip frameworks you're not going to use
# config.frameworks -= [ :action_web_service, :action_mailer ]

# Add additional load paths for your own custom dirs
# config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/extras )

# Force all environments to use the same logger level
# (by default production uses :info, the others :debug)
# config.log_level = :debug

# Use the database for sessions instead of the file system
# (create the session table with 'rake create_sessions_table')
config.action_controller.session_store = :active_record_store

# Enable page/fragment caching by setting a file-based store
# (remember to create the caching directory and make it readable to
the application)
# config.action_controller.fragment_cache_store = :file_store,

# Activate observers that should always be running
# config.active_record.observers = :cacher, :garbage_collector

# Make Active Record use UTC-base instead of local time
# config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc

# Use Active Record's schema dumper instead of SQL when creating the
test database
# (enables use of different database adapters for development and
test environments)
# config.active_record.schema_format = :ruby

# See Rails::Configuration for more options

# Add new inflection rules using the following format
# (all these examples are active by default):
# Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
# end

# Include your application configuration below
require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'RedCloth'
require_gem 'payment'
require_gem 'fastercsv'
# Start up substruct
Engines.start :substruct

ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
:address => "",
:port => 25,
:domain => "",
:authentication => :login,
:user_name => "",
:password => "",

# Globals
ERROR_EMPTY = 'Please fill in this field.'
ERROR_NUMBER = 'Please enter only numbers (0-9) in this field.'

# Shipping Info - Get this from your boys at FedEx

# Authorize.net Info
# If this is defined then payment will use it
# If not it defaults to authorize.net
# This is so you can use auth.net's testing facilities
# or perhaps a service like 2CheckOut.com
PAY_URL = nil
# You don't always need this, but it's used if not nil

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4 Answers


7/30/2012 5:24:00 AM


Asswipe Michael JONES, sing us "Ol' Black Joe"!

ben cramer

7/30/2012 5:25:00 AM


In article <b92ae24a-997c-4a23-bb03-806e91da40d0@s9g2000vbg.googlegroups.com>,
Michael JONES <edlabounte@gmail.com> wrote:


You're inferior and angry. Try to improve your condition! You
will always be inferior -- no cure for that -- but you can
still be happy and productive (to a limited extent, of course).

Ben Cramer, Australia.

Michael JONES

7/30/2012 5:13:00 PM


On 30 jul, 05:24, ben cramer <ben-cramer@downandun...@xxx.yyy.co.aus>
> In article <b92ae24a-997c-4a23-bb03-806e91da4...@s9g2000vbg.googlegroups.com>,
> Michael JONES  <edlabou...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip-snip]
> You're inferior and angry. Try to improve your condition! You
> will always be inferior -- no cure for that -- but you can
> still be happy and productive (to a limited extent, of course).
> Ben Cramer, Australia.

Ben, your actions speak far louder than your bullshit words. You live
in a White society, because you know that any society created by jews
like yourself, for example the modern satanic/masonic state of
"israel" is going to be an inferior dump, no matter how many billions
in charity White nations send to it.

That's why you inhabit White societies, and the superiority of those
societies in light of inbred jewish failures like yourself is what
causes the seething resentment you feel toward your White Christian
superiors. Ben, I hate to break it to you, but you are not "god's
chosen people". God rejected jew satanists like you 2000 years ago
when he threw you out of Israel and caused you to live in subservience
to White Christians who inherited the covenant that your satanic
forefathers threw in the trash.

I know it bothers you Ben, that White societies are so obviously
superior in every way to anything jews ever created, but that's the
way it is. You can keep running your mouth, but I'm sure your inbred
ass will be staying there in Australia. Your actions speak so much
louder than your words Ben.

The Revd

7/30/2012 8:45:00 PM


On 30 Jul 2012 16:45:10 GMT, "Dr. LoBotomy" <dr@lobotomy.com> wrote:

>On Sun, 29 Jul 2012 22:14:59 -0700, Michael JONES wrote:
>> On 29 jul, 22:25, "Dr. LoBotomy" <d...@lobotomy.com> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 28 Jul 2012 23:45:53 -0700, Michael JONES wrote:
>>> > I posted this in another thread, but I think the paltry contribution
>>> > of jews to ANY of the arts, and the clear inferiority of "the chosen
>>> > people" (who were rejected by God and thrown out of Israel 2000 years
>>> > ago) to White Christians deserves its own thread. The track record of
>>> > ALL the arts clearly demonstrates that God removed his favor from the
>>> > jews, and made a new covenant with White Christians. The laughable
>>> > inferiority of jewish contributions to the arts clearly demonstrates
>>> > this.
>>> > Actually, I do want to be fair to the small number of jewish
>>> > musicians who are or were actually any good. There aren't that many
>>> > of them, but there are a few.
>>> > Benny Goodman was a good musician. How important, ultimately, will
>>> > his cheap entertainment music be? Not very. But he was a good
>>> > musician.
>>> > The Grateful Dead's Mickey Hart is also a good musician. Probably
>>> > about 25-50% of the music the Dead made was any good. Most of it
>>> > though is unlistenable dreck.
>>> > Some people might mention Steve Reich or Phillip Glass. I don't think
>>> > their music has much in it that's of lasting value.
>>> > Mendelsohn was a good composer. I believe he was a Christian convert
>>> > though, so he was not cut off from the divine like people who
>>> > practice judaism.
>>> > So that's about it for the jewish musical contribution. Can ANY of
>>> > this though compare to the musical contributions of White Christian
>>> > males? I think the answer is obvious.
>>> > From composers like Guido de Arezzo - the inventor of notation that
>>> > allowed the musical thoughts of great Christian musicians, under the
>>> > direct inspiration of God, to be preserved for thousands of years -
>>> > through to composers like Machaut, Josquin, Palestrina, Monteverdi,
>>> > Rameau, the inventors of counterpoint and harmony, - onward to
>>> > composers like Bach who made music in all keys possible through
>>> > direct divine inspiration, and obviously Beethoven and the great
>>> > Romantic composers like Brahms, and into the modern age with
>>> > composers like Messiaen and Stockahausen: In comparison to this, the
>>> > jewish contribution to music and musical advancement is a sad joke.
>>> > The jewish contribution to music is noteworthy mostly for how totally
>>> > unremarkable it's been. Is this what we would expect from "god's
>>> > chosen"? Or is it a fact that God's real chosen people are the White
>>> > Christians, in whose land jews were forced by God to wander in
>>> > subservience?
>>> > This is to say nothing of the fine arts like painting, sculpture,
>>> > etc., where the jewish track record is beyond dismal.
>>> > The fact is, White Christians are far more intelligent, capable, and
>>> > inspired than jews. The record clearly demonstrates this. No jew can
>>> > possibly dispute the inferiority of the jewish contribution in these
>>> > areas. I'm sure they will make all kinds of excuses, etc., but the
>>> > facts speak plainly here.
>>> Gustav Mahler, you fucking idiot. AND Leonard Bernstein, AND Arnold
>>> Shoenberg, AND Kurt Weill, AND George Gershwin, AND Aaron Copland, AND
>>> Hans Eisler, AND Darius Milhaud, AND Irving Berlin, AND Leonard Cohen,
>>> AND Randy Newman... YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!
>> Randy Newman? Randy NEWMAN? RANDY FUCKING NEWMAN???? Are you fucking
>> serious Labounte, or are you off your meds again?
>> (since you don't even know who most of
>> them are and have never listened to their music in your entire idiot
>> provincial uneducated dunce life)
>This from the guy who admitted that he didn't realize that Jean Sibelius,
>the composer of Finlandia, was Finnish!! Are you short too? Is that why
>you don't like Randy Newman?

jews write nigger music for niggers.