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[SUMMARY] Turtle Graphics (#104

James Gray

12/7/2006 3:32:00 PM

I'm going to move my standard thank you note right to the beginning of this
summary, because it's very important this time. Morton put in a lot of work
prepping this problem so it would be Ruby Quiz size and fun at the same time.
He even nursed me through my additions. Thank you Morton! More thanks to those
who fiddled with the problem, showing Morton how much we appreciate his efforts.

Alright, let's get to the solutions.

Solving this problem isn't too tricky. The main issue is to have the Turtle
track its state which consists of where it currently is, which way it is facing,
and if the pen is currently up or down. Then you need to make the methods that
alter this state functional. A surprising number of the methods have trivial
implementations, but you do need a little trigonometry for some.

Let's walk through Pete Yandell's turtle.rb file to see how a solution comes
together. Here's the start of the code:

class Turtle
include Math # turtles understand math methods
DEG = Math::PI / 180.0

attr_accessor :track
alias run instance_eval

def initialize

attr_reader :xy, :heading

# ...

The only line in there not provided by the quiz is the call to clear() in
initialize(). We'll look at what that does in just a moment, but first let's
talk a little about what the quiz gave us for free.

We've already decided a little trig is needed so the functions of the Math
Module are included for us. Now those Math methods expect arguments in radians,
but our Turtle is going to work with degrees. The conversion formula is radians
= degrees * (PI / 180) and that's exactly what the DEG constant sets up for us.

Skipping down, we see that instance_eval() is given a new name, so we can invoke
Turtle code more naturally. This tells us how our object will be used. Because
user code is evaluated in the context of this object, it will have access to all
the methods we are about to build and even the methods borrowed from Math.

The rest of the code provides accessors to the elements of Turtle state we
identified earlier. Since they are there, we might as well take the hint and
tuck our instance data away in them. We still need to figure out how to track
the pen's up/down state though. Finally, The track() method provides access to
the Turtle path we are to construct. The viewer will call this to decide what
to render.

I'll jump ahead in the code now, to show you that clear() method and another
method it makes use of:

# ...

# Homes the turtle and empties out it's track.
def clear
@track = []

# Places the turtle at the origin, facing north, with its pen up.
# The turtle does not draw when it goes home.
def home
@heading = 0.0
@xy = [0.0, 0.0]
@pen_is_down = false

# ...

As you can see, clear() resets the Turtle to the beginning state (by calling
home()) and clears any drawing that has been done. The constructor called this
method to ensure all the state variables would be set before we run() any code.

We can now see that pen state will be tracked via a boolean instance variable as
well. Here are the methods that expose that to the user:

# ...

# Raise the turtle's pen. If the pen is up, the turtle will not draw;
# i.e., it will cease to lay a track until a pen_down command is given.
def pen_up
@pen_is_down = false

# Lower the turtle's pen. If the pen is down, the turtle will draw;
# i.e., it will lay a track until a pen_up command is given.
def pen_down
@pen_is_down = true
@track << [@xy]

# Is the pen up?
def pen_up?

# Is the pen down?
def pen_down?

# ...

Most of those should be obvious implementations. The surprise, if any, comes
from the fact that pen_down() puts a point on the track. This makes sense
though, if you think about it. If you touch a pen to a piece of paper you have
made a mark, even though you have not yet drawn a line. The Turtle should
function the same way.

Here are the other setters for our Turtle's state:

# ...

# Place the turtle at [x, y]. The turtle does not draw when it changes
# position.
def xy=(coords)
raise ArgumentError unless is_point?(coords)
@xy = coords

# Set the turtle's heading to <degrees>.
def heading=(degrees)
raise ArgumentError unless degrees.is_a?(Numeric)
@heading = degrees % 360

# ...

These should be pretty straight-forward as well. I haven't shown it yet, but
is_point?() just validates that we received sensible parameters. Beyond the
checks, these methods just make assignments, save that heading=() restricts the
parameter to a value between 0 and 359.

We've got the state, so it's time to get the Turtle moving. Let's start with

# ...

# Turn right through the angle <degrees>.
def right(degrees)
raise ArgumentError unless degrees.is_a?(Numeric)
@heading += degrees
@heading %= 360

# Turn left through the angle <degrees>.
def left(degrees)

# ...

The right() method is the workhorse here. It validates, adds the requested
number of degrees, and trims the heading if we have passed 360. Pete then
wisely reuses the code by defining left() in terms of a negative right() turn.
Two for the price of one.

We can turn, so it's time to mix in a little motion:

# ...

# Move forward by <steps> turtle steps.
def forward(steps)
raise ArgumentError unless steps.is_a?(Numeric)
@xy = [ @xy.first + sin(@heading * DEG) * steps,
@xy.last + cos(@heading * DEG) * steps ]
@track.last << @xy if @pen_is_down

# Move backward by <steps> turtle steps.
def back(steps)

# ...

Remember your trig? We have the angle (@heading) and the length of the
hypotenuse of a right triangle (steps). What we need are the lengths of the
other two sides which would be the distance we moved along the X and Y axes.
Note the use of DEG here to convert degrees to into the expected radians.

Once you accept how forward() calculates the new location, drawing the line is
almost a let down. The point where we were will already be on the track, either
from a previous line draw or from a pen_down() call. Just adding the new point
to that segment that contains the last point ensures that a line will be drawn
to connect them.

Again, we see that back() is just a negative forward().

Here are the rest of the Turtle movement commands:

# ...

# Move to the given point.
def go(pt)
raise ArgumentError unless is_point?(pt)
@xy = pt
@track.last << @xy if @pen_is_down

# Turn to face the given point.
def toward(pt)
raise ArgumentError unless is_point?(pt)
@heading = atan2(pt.first - @xy.first, pt.last - @xy.last) /
DEG % 360

# Return the distance between the turtle and the given point.
def distance(pt)
raise ArgumentError unless is_point?(pt)
return sqrt( (pt.first - @xy.first) ** 2 +
(pt.last - @xy.last) ** 2 )

# ...

go() is just forward() without needing to calculate the new point. (In fact,
forward() could have called go() with the new point for even more aggregation
goodness.) toward() uses an arc tangent calculation to change headings and
distance() uses the Pythagorean theorem to tell you how many steps the given
point is from where you are.

Here's the final bit of code:

# ...

# Traditional abbreviations for turtle commands.
alias fd forward
alias bk back
alias rt right
alias lt left
alias pu pen_up
alias pd pen_down
alias pu? pen_up?
alias pd? pen_down?
alias set_h heading=
alias set_xy xy=
alias face toward
alias dist distance


def is_point?(pt)
pt.is_a?(Array) and pt.length == 2 and
pt.first.is_a?(Numeric) and pt.last.is_a?(Numeric)


Those aliases were provided with the quiz and is_point?() is the helper method
used to check the passed arguments to xy=(), go(), toward(), and distance().

If you slot that file into the provided quiz project and start running samples,
you should see pretty pictures and I'm a real sucker for pretty pictures.
Thanks again Morton. Great quiz idea!

Tomorrow we will tackle a fun algorithmic problem for us tournament players...

2 Answers

Edwin Fine

12/7/2006 5:16:00 PM


> # Move forward by <steps> turtle steps.
> def forward(steps)
> raise ArgumentError unless steps.is_a?(Numeric)
> @xy = [ @xy.first + sin(@heading * DEG) * steps,
> @xy.last + cos(@heading * DEG) * steps ]
> @track.last << @xy if @pen_is_down
> end

I think that you should mention a subtlety here. The calculation of a
new point is usually

[x,y] = [x_old + dist * cos(theta), y_old + dist * sin(theta)]

Because the turtle geometry is 90 degrees out of phase and rotating in
the other direction, Pete has flipped the x and y so the new point is

[x,y] = [x_old + dist * sin(theta), y_old + dist * cos(theta)]

Another subtlety is that Pete used atan2, which handles division by zero
and the ambiguity of which quadrant you are in.

(Well, it was subtle to me!!)

Posted via http://www.ruby-....

James Gray

12/7/2006 8:27:00 PM


On Dec 7, 2006, at 11:15 AM, Edwin Fine wrote:

>> # Move forward by <steps> turtle steps.
>> def forward(steps)
>> raise ArgumentError unless steps.is_a?(Numeric)
>> @xy = [ @xy.first + sin(@heading * DEG) * steps,
>> @xy.last + cos(@heading * DEG) * steps ]
>> @track.last << @xy if @pen_is_down
>> end
> I think that you should mention a subtlety here. The calculation of a
> new point is usually
> [x,y] = [x_old + dist * cos(theta), y_old + dist * sin(theta)]
> Because the turtle geometry is 90 degrees out of phase and rotating in
> the other direction, Pete has flipped the x and y so the new point is
> [x,y] = [x_old + dist * sin(theta), y_old + dist * cos(theta)]
> Another subtlety is that Pete used atan2, which handles division by
> zero
> and the ambiguity of which quadrant you are in.
> (Well, it was subtle to me!!)

Both terrific points. Thanks for bringing them up!

James Edward Gray II