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[QUIZ] DictionaryMatcher (#103

James Gray

11/24/2006 11:21:00 PM

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


by Ken Bloom

From time to time someone asks on ruby-talk how they can write a regexp of the


It's not hard to write such a regexp, but Ruby has in internal limit on how big
the regular expression can be, so users find they can't do this matching
function easily.

Implement a class DictionaryMatcher that determines whether any of the strings
added to it are substrings of a string S. This should function as almost a
drop-in replacement for a Regexp, therefore your implementation should support
the following operations:

# creates a new empty matcher

# adds strings to the matcher
dm << "string"
dm << "Ruby"

# determines whether a given word was one of those added to the matcher
dm.include?("Ruby") # => true
dm.include?("missing") # => false
dm.include?("stringing you along") # => false

# Regexp-like substing search
dm =~ "long string" # => 5
dm =~ "rub you the wrong way" # => nil

# will automatically work as a result of implementing
# DictionaryMatcher#=~ (see String#=~)
"long string" =~ dm # => true

# implement the rest of the interface implemented by Regexps (well, almost)
class DictionaryMatcher
alias_method :===, :=~
alias_method :match, :=~

If you can add additional features, like a case insensitivity option when
creating a new DictionaryMatcher this is also very useful.

16 Answers


11/24/2006 11:57:00 PM


Jamie Macey

11/25/2006 12:19:00 AM


On 11/24/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> # will automatically work as a result of implementing
> # DictionaryMatcher#=~ (see String#=~)
> "long string" =~ dm # => true

On my machine (ruby 1.8.4), I don't get this result. For me, 'long
string' =~ /string/ returns the same as /string/ =~ 'long string',
which is 5, not true.

Just a heads-up for anyone else using the provided code as the basis
for a test case.

- Jamie

Jamie Macey

11/25/2006 12:35:00 AM


On 11/24/06, dblack@wobblini.net <dblack@wobblini.net> wrote:
> What's the ruling on priority and "greediness"? In other words,
> given:
> dm << "hi"
> dm << "child"
> what would:
> dm =~ "children"
> give? Would it be different if you added "child" first? Or is there
> a rule about finding the longest match?

I'm doing the same thing a regexp does.

In this case, both /hi|child/ =~ 'children' and /child|hi/ =~
'children' return 0, so I'm returning the index of the first character
in the string that matches the uber-regexp we're standing in for.

- Jamie


11/25/2006 1:08:00 AM


Ken Bloom

11/26/2006 12:19:00 AM


Jamie Macey wrote:
> On 11/24/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> > # will automatically work as a result of implementing
> > # DictionaryMatcher#=~ (see String#=~)
> > "long string" =~ dm # => true
> On my machine (ruby 1.8.4), I don't get this result. For me, 'long
> string' =~ /string/ returns the same as /string/ =~ 'long string',
> which is 5, not true.
> Just a heads-up for anyone else using the provided code as the basis
> for a test case.

One of the unwritten rules of Ruby Quiz is to do whatever seems
appropriate with the interface, given the real interface.

You'll notice, for example, that a Regexp returns the offset from =~, a
boolean from === (despite the documentation's claims to the contrary),
and a MatchData object from #match.
The alias_method part of the interface simplifies this aspect of the
interface to DictionaryMatcher, although it defintiely makes more sense
to invent a MatchData object of some sort that can tell you what the
matched word was, and use that as the return value to match.


Ken Bloom

11/27/2006 12:09:00 AM


On Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:21:24 +0900, Ruby Quiz wrote:
> by Ken Bloom
> From time to time someone asks on ruby-talk how they can write a regexp of the
> form:
> /alligator|crocodile|bear|dinosaur|...|seven-thousandth-word/
> It's not hard to write such a regexp, but Ruby has in internal limit on how big
> the regular expression can be, so users find they can't do this matching
> function easily.
> Implement a class DictionaryMatcher that determines whether any of the strings
> added to it are substrings of a string S. This should function as almost a
> drop-in replacement for a Regexp, therefore your implementation should support
> the following operations:
> # creates a new empty matcher
> dm=DictionaryMatcher.new
> # adds strings to the matcher
> dm << "string"
> dm << "Ruby"
> # determines whether a given word was one of those added to the matcher
> dm.include?("Ruby") # => true
> dm.include?("missing") # => false
> dm.include?("stringing you along") # => false
> # Regexp-like substing search
> dm =~ "long string" # => 5
> dm =~ "rub you the wrong way" # => nil
> # will automatically work as a result of implementing
> # DictionaryMatcher#=~ (see String#=~)
> "long string" =~ dm # => true
> # implement the rest of the interface implemented by Regexps (well, almost)
> class DictionaryMatcher
> alias_method :===, :=~
> alias_method :match, :=~
> end
> If you can add additional features, like a case insensitivity option when
> creating a new DictionaryMatcher this is also very useful.

This DictionaryMatcher implementation implements a trie (prefix tree)
combined with Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching on O(n) time. The funny
thing is I gave this solution as an answer to the same question on my
algorithms final last semester, and it was marked wrong. The professor
just didn't understand what I was doing.

I violated the interface a little since knowing which words matched can
also be pretty important, and added the #scan method, because the
questioner who inspired me to write this quiz actually told me that he
wanted to count how many matches there were in the string.

require 'enumerator'

# The DictionaryMatcher class holds a collection of strings. It allows lookups to
# determine which strings are included, and it can be used similarly
# to a +Regexp+ in substring matching.
class DictionaryMatcher
#Create a DictionaryMatcher with no words in it
def initialize

#Add a word to the DictionaryMatcher
def add string
array=@internal.add string
parent_indexes=compute_failure_function string
array.zip(parent_indexes).each do |node,parentindex|
node.failure=array[parentindex] if parentindex
alias_method :<<, :add

#Determine whether +string+ was previously <tt>add</tt>ed to the
def include? string
@internal.include? string

#Determine whether one of the words in the DictionaryMatcher is a substring of
#+string+. Returns a DictionaryMatcher::MatchData object if found, +nil+ if not
def match string
internal_match(string){|md| return md}
return nil

#Scans +string+ for all occurrances of strings in the DictionaryMatcher.
#Overlapping matches are skipped (only the first one is yielded), and
#when some strings in the
#DictionaryMatcher are substrings of others, only the shortest match at a given
#position is found.
def scan string
internal_match(string){|matchdata| yield matchdata}

#Case equality. Similar to =~, but returns true or false.
def === string
not match(string).nil?

#Determines whether one of the words in the DictionaryMatcher is a substring of
#+string+. Returns the index of the match if found, +nil+ if not
def =~ string
x && x.index

#Contains the index matched, and the word matched

#Doing this globally for the whole word feels kludgy, but I didn't
#want to figure out how to do this as a per-node function.
#Basically copied from Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest and Stein
#"Introduction to Algorithms" 2nd ed.
def compute_failure_function p
2.upto m do |q|
k=pi[k] while k>0 and p[k] != p[q-1]
k=k+1 if p[k]==p[q-1]

def internal_match string
e.each_with_index do |b,index|
until advance
if not nextnode
advance=true if node==node.failure #loops happen at the root
elsif nextnode.endword?
yield MatchData.new(index-node.depth,string[index-node.depth..index])

class Node #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :transitions, :failure, :endword, :depth
alias_method :endword?, :endword
def initialize depth=0
def add string,offset=0, array=[]
if offset==string.size
array << self
return array
array << self
node=(@transitions[first] ||= Node.new(@depth+1))
return node.add(string,offset+1,array)
def include? string, offset=0
if offset==string.size
return @endword
elsif not @transitions.include?(first)
return false
return @transitions[first].include?(string,offset+1)
def inspect; "x"; end


Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.

Edwin Fine

11/27/2006 2:48:00 AM


This solution uses a digital trie to encode the strings to search.
A good background to this data structure can be found here:

which also discusses a better solution that I did not explore (ternary
search trees).

A trie has a search speed that is O(m), where m is the number of
characters in the string to find in the dictionary. A hash table is
O(1), which is theoretically faster than a trie, but in practice the
trie is faster because the has table has to hash all characters in the
string to create the hash key, whereas the trie can reject a string by
matching as little as 1 character.

The solution trades memory usage for speed. Every string in the
dictionary is organized into a hierarchy of character codes.
Essentially, the dictionary encodes a DFA (deterministic finite
automaton) where each character code is a transition from one node to
the next one. This provides very fast search speeds, especially when a
non-matching string is encountered. In other words, the trie can reject
incorrect strings very quickly (as soon as a non-matching prefix to a
valid string is seen).

To store a string in the dictionary, we start at the root (which is just
a hash
or array of the character codes of the first character of every string
in the

trie = root
for each character code in the string to store
trie[character code] ||= {} # or [], if arrays used
trie = trie[character code] # drop down 1 level
trie[0] = true # Mark end of word (code 0 will never be used)

It is necessary to mark the end of a word because you can get words that
are prefixes of other words (for example, can, canna, and cannabis).
This allows you to decide if you want to use a least-prefix or greedy
search. This code uses a least-prefix search that returns the shortest
matching string in the dictionary. This is due to the requirements of
the quiz. However, it should be easy enough to code a greedy search.

The search algorithm is surprisingly simple. The search space is the
text that
we want to search for matching strings. The code starts at the first
character of the search space and tries to find a match in the
dictionary anchored at that position. If it does not detect a match, it
moves the anchor to the next character and starts again.

trie = root
for each character code in the search space
break unless character code is in trie
trie = trie[character code]
found a valid string if trie[0] exists

Each character in the dictionary to be searched is an index into a hash.

Informal benchmarks on my system (Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 on Win XP 32
shows a memory usage of about 15MB when using a hash as the basic trie
storage, and 30+Mb using an array, when storing a dictionary of 24,001
The speed seems to be about the same either way, so the hash solution is
the best bet.

The test code finds all words in the 24,001 word dictionary in a text of
600KB. On my system, this takes around 2 seconds. This does include a
incorrect optimization: once a word is matched, the anchor point is
moved to
after the word so that substrings within the word are not matched. This
or may not be what is desired, but removing this optimization almost
the run time.

The code itself is fairly short:

class DictionaryMatcher
attr_reader :word_count

def initialize
@trie = {}
@word_count = 0

def add_word(word)
@word_count += 1
container = @trie

word.each_byte do |b|
container[b] = {} unless container.has_key? b
container = container[b]

container[0] = true # Mark end of word

def include?(word)
container = @trie
word.each_byte do |b|
break unless container.has_key? b
container = container[b]

def =~(text)
text_end = text.length - 1
pos = 0

while pos <= text_end do
container = @trie

pos.upto(text_end) do |i|
b = text[i]
break unless container.has_key? b
container = container[b]

return pos if container[0] # Match
pos += 1


# Return container of matches in text [[pos, len], ...]
# or call block if provided (returns [])
def find_all_matching(text, &block)
matches = []
block = lambda { |pos, len| matches << [pos, len] } unless block
pos = 0
text_end = text.length - 1

while pos <= text_end do
container = @trie
len = 0

pos.upto(text_end) do |i|
b = text[i]
break unless container.has_key?(b)
container = container[b]
len += 1

if container[0] # Match
block.call(pos, len)
pos += len # Skip over word
pos += 1


# implement much of the rest of the interface implemented by Regexps
alias_method :===, :=~
alias_method :match, :=~
alias_method :<<, :add_word

# Add words from a file
def add_words(words_file)
IO.foreach(words_file) do |line|
add_word line.chomp

I have posted the code, Test::Unit tests, the test file, and dictionary
file on my web site here:


I hope I have not violated any copyrights/lefts by supplying the text
files; if so, let me know and I will remedy this.

Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Louis J Scoras

11/27/2006 4:24:00 AM


# Author: Lou Scoras <louis.j.scoras@gmail.com>
# Date: Sun Nov 26 10:43:34 EST 2006
# q103.rb - Solution to Rubyquiz 103 (DictionaryMatcher)
# Implements DictionaryMatcher using a Trie. This version of
# DictionaryMatcher only matches complete words, but it wouldn't
# be too hard to modify to match any substring.

class Trie
def initialize
@children = Hash.new {|h,k| h[k] = Trie.new}

attr_accessor :value

def []=(key, value)
insert(key, 0, value)

def [](key)

def each &blk
_each &blk

include Enumerable

def keys
inject([]) {|keys,(k,v)| keys << k; keys}

def values
inject([]) {|vals,(k,v)| vals << v; vals}

def each_key &blk
keys.each &blk

def each_value &blk
values.each &blk

def inspect(indent=0)
buff = ''
i = ' ' * indent
buff << i + "value: #{value}\n" if value
return buff unless @children.size > 0
@children.each {|k,c|
buff << "#{i}#{k} =>\n"
buff << c.inspect(indent+2)


def _each(key='', &blk)
blk.call(key,value) if key != '' and value
@children.keys.sort.each do |k|
@children[k]._each(key + k,&blk)

def insert(key,offset,value)
if offset == key.length - 1
@children[key[offset,1]].value = value

def get(key,offset)
if offset == key.length - 1
return nil unless @children.has_key?(key[offset,1])

class DictionaryMatcher
def initialize(opts={})
@ignore_case = opts[:ignore_case]
@trie = Trie.new

def ignores_case?

def <<(word)
word = word.downcase if ignores_case?
@trie[word] = true

def words

def include?(word)
!@trie[(ignores_case?? word.downcase : word)].nil?

def =~(string)
words = string.split
positions = words.inject({}) { |h,w|
h[w] = string.index(w) unless h[w]; h
words.each do |word|
return positions[word] if
include?(ignores_case?? word.downcase : word)
return nil

alias_method :===, :=~
alias_method :match, :=~

Jamie Macey

11/27/2006 4:41:00 AM


Well, I'm not sure I can add anything not covered by Adam's solution
(forwarded in by James), but here goes.

I started with the naive solution:

class DictionaryMatcher < Array
def =~(string)
self.map{|e| Regexp.new(e) =~ string }.compact.min

I then fleshed it out with a case insensitive option, and more tests.

- Jamie

class DictionaryMatcher < Array
alias_method :===, :=~
alias_method :match, :=~

def initialize(default = [], options = nil)

unless options.nil? or options.is_a? Fixnum
options = Regexp::IGNORECASE
@regexp_options = options

def =~(string)
self.map{|e| Regexp.new(e, @regexp_options) =~ string }.compact.min

class DictionaryMatcherTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_acceptance
# creates a new empty matcher

# adds strings to the matcher
dm << "string"
dm << "Ruby"

# determines whether a given word was one of those added to the matcher
assert_equal true, dm.include?("Ruby") # => true
assert_equal false, dm.include?("missing") # => false
assert_equal false, dm.include?("stringing you along") # => false

# Regexp-like substing search
assert_equal 5, dm =~ "long string" # => 5
assert_equal nil, dm =~ "rub you the wrong way" # => nil

# will automatically work as a result of implementing
# DictionaryMatcher#=~ (see String#=~)
assert_equal 5, "long string" =~ dm # => true

def test_include_eh
dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['string', 'ruby', 'foo'])
assert_equal true, dm.include?('string' )
assert_equal true, dm.include?('ruby' )
assert_equal true, dm.include?('foo' )
assert_equal false, dm.include?('stringa')
assert_equal false, dm.include?('astring')

def test_equals_tilde
dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['string', 'ruby', 'foo'])
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'string'
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'string two'
assert_equal 6, dm =~ 'three string'
assert_equal 5, dm =~ 'four string five'
assert_equal nil, dm =~ 'strng'

assert_equal 0, 'string' =~ dm
assert_equal 2, 'a string b' =~ dm
assert_equal nil, 'strng' =~ dm

def test_case_sensitivity
dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['Foo','bar'])
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'Foo'
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'bar'
assert_equal nil, dm =~ 'foo'
assert_equal nil, dm =~ 'Bar'

def test_case_insensitivity
dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['Foo','bar'], true)
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'Foo'
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'bar'
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'foo'
assert_equal 0, dm =~ 'Bar'

def test_greediness
dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['hi','child'])
r = /hi|child/
assert_equal r =~ 'children', dm =~ 'children'

dm = DictionaryMatcher.new(['child','hi'])
r = /child|hi/
assert_equal r =~ 'children', dm =~ 'children'


Ken Bloom

11/27/2006 5:28:00 AM


On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:47:38 +0900, Edwin Fine wrote:

> This solution uses a digital trie to encode the strings to search.
> A good background to this data structure can be found here:
> http://www.ddj.com...,
> which also discusses a better solution that I did not explore (ternary
> search trees).
> A trie has a search speed that is O(m), where m is the number of
> characters in the string to find in the dictionary. A hash table is
> O(1), which is theoretically faster than a trie, but in practice the
> trie is faster because the has table has to hash all characters in the
> string to create the hash key, whereas the trie can reject a string by
> matching as little as 1 character.
> The solution trades memory usage for speed. Every string in the
> dictionary is organized into a hierarchy of character codes.
> Essentially, the dictionary encodes a DFA (deterministic finite
> automaton) where each character code is a transition from one node to
> the next one. This provides very fast search speeds, especially when a
> non-matching string is encountered. In other words, the trie can reject
> incorrect strings very quickly (as soon as a non-matching prefix to a
> valid string is seen).
> To store a string in the dictionary, we start at the root (which is just
> a hash
> or array of the character codes of the first character of every string
> in the
> dictionary).
> trie = root
> for each character code in the string to store
> trie[character code] ||= {} # or [], if arrays used
> trie = trie[character code] # drop down 1 level
> end
> trie[0] = true # Mark end of word (code 0 will never be used)
> It is necessary to mark the end of a word because you can get words that
> are prefixes of other words (for example, can, canna, and cannabis).
> This allows you to decide if you want to use a least-prefix or greedy
> search. This code uses a least-prefix search that returns the shortest
> matching string in the dictionary. This is due to the requirements of
> the quiz. However, it should be easy enough to code a greedy search.
> The search algorithm is surprisingly simple. The search space is the
> text that
> we want to search for matching strings. The code starts at the first
> character of the search space and tries to find a match in the
> dictionary anchored at that position. If it does not detect a match, it
> moves the anchor to the next character and starts again.
> trie = root
> for each character code in the search space
> break unless character code is in trie
> trie = trie[character code]
> end
> found a valid string if trie[0] exists
> Each character in the dictionary to be searched is an index into a hash.
> Informal benchmarks on my system (Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 on Win XP 32
> bit)
> shows a memory usage of about 15MB when using a hash as the basic trie
> storage, and 30+Mb using an array, when storing a dictionary of 24,001
> words.
> The speed seems to be about the same either way, so the hash solution is
> the best bet.
> The test code finds all words in the 24,001 word dictionary in a text of
> about
> 600KB. On my system, this takes around 2 seconds. This does include a
> possibly
> incorrect optimization: once a word is matched, the anchor point is
> moved to
> after the word so that substrings within the word are not matched. This
> may
> or may not be what is desired, but removing this optimization almost
> doubles
> the run time.


> I have posted the code, Test::Unit tests, the test file, and dictionary
> file on my web site here:
> http://finecomputerconsultants.com/ruby_quiz/dictionary_match...
> I hope I have not violated any copyrights/lefts by supplying the text
> files; if so, let me know and I will remedy this.

Wow. My solution's a real slowpoke compared to yours, even thought mine's
asymptotically faster: O(string.length) versus
O(string.length* max(keys.length))

I wonder what's slowing mine down so much, since these are in many ways
the same.

user system total real
Edwin Fine -- fill 0.810000 0.130000 0.940000 ( 0.939537)
Edwin Fine -- test 5.580000 0.630000 6.210000 ( 6.244736)
Ken Bloom -- fill 4.550000 0.460000 5.010000 ( 5.010708)
Ken Bloom -- test 25.210000 0.960000 26.170000 ( 27.519233)

(tested using the files you provided -- I modified your interface just a
little to alias your #find_all_matches method to #scan)

I'd be happy to benchmark anybody else's solution who implements #scan.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
open("practical-file-system-design.txt") do |f|

open("words_en.txt") do |f|
DICTIONARY=f.readlines.map{|x| x.chomp}

require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark
#the following files contain various implementations, renamed so as not to
#conflict with each other
require 'trie'
require 'finedm'

TESTCLASSES={"Ken Bloom" => KenDictionaryMatcher,
"Edwin Fine" => FineDictionaryMatcher}

bm(TESTCLASSES.keys.collect{|x| x.length}.max + 8) do |benchmarker|
TESTCLASSES.each do |name,klass|
benchmarker.report("#{name} -- fill") do
DICTIONARY.each {|x| matcher << x}
benchmarker.report("#{name} -- test") do

Ken Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.