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[SUMMARY] Literate Ruby (#102

James Gray

11/24/2006 1:56:00 AM

We definitely have to do more quizzes where the nature of the problem encourages
submitters to summarize their own solution! Multiple submitters did just that,
so I recommend taking the time to read through the submission emails if you
haven't already.

Before we get to the solutions, let me make sure everyone knows about the
feature similar to this quiz already baked into Ruby. You can often use the -x
switch to execute code buried inside of normal content, like an email message.
Here's an example:

$ ruby -x fake_email.txt
This is for running Ruby code inside other text!

The code is assumed to start at the Shebang line and end at __END__.
$ cat fake_email.txt
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

This is for running Ruby code inside other text!

The code is assumed to start at the Shebang line and end at __END__.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim
ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Of course, this is not perfect. It does not handle documents that slowly build
up code as they discuss it. For that, we will need to go to the solutions.

The parser for this quiz isn't overly complex to write. Most people used a
couple of regular expressions to locate the code. Here is one such parser from
Cameron Pope:

class LRB
def parse(io)
current_state = :in_text
io.each_line do |line|
if current_state == :in_text
case line
when /^>\s?(.*)/: yield :code, $1 + "\n" if block_given?
when /\\begin\{.*\}\s*.*/: current_state = :in_code
else yield :text, line if block_given?
case line
when /\\end\{.*\}\s*.*/: current_state = :in_text
else yield :code, line if block_given?
end # class LRB

This parser walks the passed IO object line by line. Each line of content is
yielded to the provided block along with a type identifier. The parser begins
by assuming the content it is reading is :text, and it yields lines with that
type. However, if a line begins with the email quote marker (>), that line will
be yielded with a :code type. When a LaTeX style marker is found
(\begin{code}), the parser switches modes to assume all following lines are now
code, until it encounters the matching marker (\end{code}).

With a parser in place, the interesting element becomes the supported forms of
output. Here are those methods from Cameron's code:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bluecloth'
class LRB
def self.to_code(io)
code = String.new
LRB.new.parse(io) do |type, line|
code << line if type == :code
return code
def self.to_markdown(io)
doc = String.new
LRB.new.parse(io) do |type, line|
case type
when :code: doc << " " << line
when :text: doc << line
return doc
def self.to_html(io)
markdown = self.to_markdown io
doc = BlueCloth::new markdown
end # class LRB

The to_code() method is the most basic. It just uses the parser to walk the
document content, accumulating all of the code it finds along the way. In the
end, it returns the collected code.

The to_markdown() method is similar, but it collects text and code. Text is
added normally, but code is indented four spaces to match the rules of Markdown.
The resulting Markdown content is returned.

From there, to_html() is trivial. The document is converted to Markdown using
the method we just examined and then handed off to BlueCloth for translation.

The Markdown option is a great fit here, since it was designed with human
readability in mind. The whole point of Literate Programming is to write about
code, and we obviously want people to read what we write, so that's a good

All we have left is Cameron's interface code:

if $0 == __FILE__
opt = ARGV.shift
file = ARGV.shift
case opt
when '-c': puts LRB::to_code(File.new(file))
when '-t': puts LRB::to_markdown(File.new(file))
when '-h': puts LRB::to_html(File.new(file))
when '-e': eval LRB::to_code(File.new(file))
usage = <<"ENDING"
lrb.rb [option] [file]

-c: extract code
-t: extract text documentation
-h: extract html documentation
-e: evaluate as Ruby program
puts usage

Here you see a simple set of four supported options. The first three are the
basic conversions we just examined. The fourth option also pulls the code, but
it eval()s it, instead of printing the results.

Another step a couple of the solutions took was to enhance require() to locate
lrb files. Here's an example of how this is accomplished, by Vincent Fourmond:

# Here, we hack our way through require so that we can include
# .lrb files and understand them as literate ruby.
module Kernel
alias :old_kernel_require :require
undef :require
def require(file)
# if file doesn't have an extension, we look for it
# as a .lrb file.
if file =~ /\.[^\/]*$/
found = false
for path in ($:).map {|x| File.join(x, file + ".lrb") }
if File.readable?(path)
found = true
old_kernel_require(file) unless found

The comments explain the process pretty well here. The idea is to check for a
lrb file in Ruby's load path, for any require() without an extension. If such
a file is found, it's loaded via Vincent's RWeb Literate Ruby processor. If not
found or if the file had an extension, is is passed-through to Ruby's own
require() for traditional handling.

My thanks to all the people who unknowingly helped me design the quiz/summary
format and parser for Ruby Quiz 2.0. As always, the solutions introduced great
new tricks I never would have thought of.

Tomorrow we will tackle a question commonly asked on Ruby Talk in the hopes that
we can answer if once and for all...