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[QUIZ] Bytecode Compiler (#100

James Gray

11/3/2006 3:33:00 PM

The three rules of Ruby Quiz:

1. Please do not post any solutions or spoiler discussion for this quiz until
48 hours have passed from the time on this message.

2. Support Ruby Quiz by submitting ideas as often as you can:


3. Enjoy!

Suggestion: A [QUIZ] in the subject of emails about the problem helps everyone
on Ruby Talk follow the discussion. Please reply to the original quiz message,
if you can.


by Ross Bamford

Note: This quiz isn't really as much work as it might seem!

This quiz involves writing (in Ruby, of course) a compiler for basic arithmetic
expressions. The output from this compiler should be an array of unsigned
byte-sized ints, which can be fed into the included interpreter
(http://www.rub...interp.rb) in order to execute the compiled expression.

The bytecode format is very simple, while the interpreter is also very simple,
implemented as a stack machine. They have the following general characteristics:

* Bytecode is stored as an array of unsigned byte-sized Fixnums.
* All stack-bound numbers are signed integers
* The following operations are supported:
* Addition
* Subtraction
* Multiplication
* Division
* Raise to power
* Integer modulo
* Where an operator would return a floating point value,
the value is truncated to an integer.
* Short CONST and long LCONST instructions allow constants
to be pushed to the stack. These instructions expect their
operands to hold a signed short or long, respectively,
in network byte order.

Your compiler interface should be via a singleton method on a module 'Compiler',
taking a string, such that:


Returns an array of instructions (and operands) that, when fed to the
interpreter, will execute the expression 3+2 and return the result (hopefully
5). For example, a correct (but non-optimal) result from the above call would

[2,0,0,0,3, # LCONST 3
2,0,0,0,2, # LCONST 2
10] # ADD

Your compiler should support all basic arithmetic operations and explicit
precedence (parenthesis). As standard, syntax/precedence/ associativity/etc.
should follow Ruby itself. Obviously, specific implementation is entirely up to
you, though bear in mind that your compiler must be capable of running inline in
the same Ruby process as the interpreter, without affecting any code outside

The quiz also includes a number of tests
(http://www.rub...test_bytecode.rb) that will test your compiler's
functionality, with expressions becoming more complex as the tests go on. To
pass all the tests, a compiler will have to not only generate correct bytecode,
but it will also need to generate the shortest code it can for a given

Here is the bytecode spec:

# 0x01: CONST (cbyte1, cbyte2) ... => ..., const
Push a 15-bit signed integer to the stack.
The two bytes immediately following the instruction represent the

# 0x02: LCONST (cbyte1, cbyte2, cbyte3, cbyte4) ... => ..., const
Push a 31-bit signed integer to the stack.
The four bytes immediately following the instruction represent the

# 0x0a: ADD () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, add them, and push the result
back onto the stack.

# 0x0b: SUB () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, subtract value2 from value1,
and push the result back onto the stack.

# 0x0c: MUL () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, multiply value1 by value2,
and push the result back onto the stack.

# 0x0d: POW () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, raise value1 to the power of
value2, and push the result back onto the stack.

# 0x0e: DIV () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, divide value1 by value2,
and push the result back onto the stack.

# 0x0f: MOD () ..., value1, value2 => ..., result
Pop the top two values from the stack, modulo value1 by value2,
and push the result back onto the stack.

# 0xa0: SWAP () ..., value1, value2 => ..., value2, value1
Swap the top two stack values.

17 Answers

Wilson Bilkovich

11/5/2006 3:43:00 PM


On 11/3/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> by Ross Bamford
> Note: This quiz isn't really as much work as it might seem!
> This quiz involves writing (in Ruby, of course) a compiler for basic arithmetic
> expressions. The output from this compiler should be an array of unsigned
> byte-sized ints, which can be fed into the included interpreter
> (http://www.rubyquiz.com...) in order to execute the compiled expression.

Well... this took me longer than it probably should have.
I didn't find out about this:
..until I was pretty much done anyway.

Also, helpful tip I'd like to send back to my past self.. Regular
expressions aren't powerful enough to find matched parentheses.

Anyway, thanks for the quiz. Fun stuff.

class Compiler
def self.compile(input)
@bytecodes = {'+' => 0x0a, '-' => 0x0b, '*' => 0x0c, '**' => 0x0d,
'/' => 0x0e, '%' => 0x0f}
encode postfix(input)

def self.encode(tokens)
tokens.collect do |token|
number = token =~ /\-?\d+/ ? token.to_i : nil
if (-32768..32767).include?(number)
[0x01] + [number].pack('n').split(//).collect {|byte| byte[0]}
elsif !number.nil? # long
[0x02] + [number].pack('N').split(//).collect {|byte| byte[0]}

def self.postfix(infix)
stack, stream, last, op = [], [], nil, nil
tokens = infix.scan(/\d+|\*\*|[-+*\/()%]/)
tokens.each_with_index do |token,i|
case token
when /\d+/; stream << token
when *@bytecodes.keys
if token == '-' and last.nil? || (last =~ /\D/ && tokens[i+1] =~ /\d/)
tokens[i+1] = "-#{tokens[i+1]}"
stream << stack.pop while stack.any? && preceded?(stack.last, token)
stack << token
when '('; stack << token
when ')'; stream << op while (op = stack.pop) && (op != '(')
last = token
stream << op while op = stack.pop

def self.preceded?(last, current)
ops = {'+' => 1, '-' => 1, '%' => 2, '/' => 2, '*' => 2, '**' =>
3, '(' => 0, ')' => 0}
ops[last] >= ops[current] rescue true

Bill Dolinar

11/5/2006 3:43:00 PM


require 'interp'

module Compiler

# use eval and Value class below to compile
# expression into bytecode
def Compiler.compile(s)
s.gsub!(/([0-9]+)/, 'Value.new(stack, \1)')
stack = []

class Value
attr_reader :number # constant value or nil for on stack
ON_STACK = nil

def initialize(stack, number)
@number = number
@stack = stack

# generate code for each binary operator (except -@)
# algorithm:
# push constants (or don't if already on stack)
# swap if necessary
# push bytecode
# create stack item
{'+' => Interpreter::Ops::ADD,
'-' => Interpreter::Ops::SUB,
'*' => Interpreter::Ops::MUL,
'**'=> Interpreter::Ops::POW,
'/' => Interpreter::Ops::DIV,
'%' => Interpreter::Ops::MOD}.each do |operator, byte_code|
Value.module_eval <<-FUNC
def #{operator}(rhs)
# may need to swap integers on stack for all but plus
if operator != "+"
"@stack << Interpreter::Ops::SWAP if rhs.number == nil &&
@number != nil"
@stack << #{byte_code}
Value.new(@stack, ON_STACK)

def -@
if @number != ON_STACK
@number = -@number
@stack << Interpreter::Ops::SWAP
@stack << Interpreter::Ops::SUB
Value.new(@stack, ON_STACK)

def push_const(number)
if number != ON_STACK
if (-32768..32767).include?(number)
@stack << Interpreter::Ops::CONST
@stack << Interpreter::Ops::LCONST
@stack << ((number >> 24) & 0xff)
@stack << ((number >> 16) & 0xff)
@stack << ((number >> 8) & 0xff)
@stack << (number & 0xff)


11/5/2006 4:07:00 PM


The simplest way I found to do this problem was to let Ruby do the
legwork of parsing the expression for me, so I didn't have to worry
about things like parens or operator precedence.

I defined a Const and an Expr class and defined operators inside of
them to create a parse tree, added a to_const method to Fixum and
created a regular expression to convert an expression 1+1 to
'1.to_const() + 1.to_const()', so evaluating that expression would
produce a parse tree for that experssion.

Emitting the bytescodes is then a post-order traversal of the parse

---- Compiler.rb

# Operator overrides to create an expression tree. Mixed into
# Const and Expr so:
# Const <op> Const => Expr
# Const <op> Expr => Expr
# Expr <op> Const => Expr
module CreateExpressions
def +(other) Expr.new(:add, self, other) end
def -(other) Expr.new(:sub, self, other) end
def *(other) Expr.new(:mul, self, other) end
def /(other) Expr.new(:div, self, other) end
def %(other) Expr.new(:mod, self, other) end
def **(other) Expr.new(:pow, self, other) end

# Add a method to fixnum to create a const from an integer
class Fixnum
def to_const

# An integer value
class Const
include CreateExpressions
# Opcodes to push shorts or longs respectively onto the stack
OPCODES = {2 => 0x01, 4 => 0x02}

def initialize(i)
@value = i

def to_s

# Emits the bytecodes to push a constant on the stack
def emit
# Get the bytes in network byte order
case @value
when (-32768..32767): bytes = [@value].pack("n").unpack("C*")
else bytes = [@value].pack("N").unpack("C*")
bytes.insert 0, OPCODES[bytes.size]

# A binary expression
class Expr
include CreateExpressions
OPCODES = {:add => 0x0a, :sub => 0x0b, :mul => 0x0c, :pow => 0x0d,
:div => 0x0e, :mod => 0x0f}

def initialize(op, a, b)
@op = op
@first = a
@second = b

# Emits a human-readable s-expression for testing
# (preorder traversal of parse tree)
def to_s
"(#{@op.to_s} #{@first.to_s} #{@second.to_s})"

# Bytecode emitter for an expression (postorder traversal of parse
def emit
# emit LHS, RHS, opcode
@first.emit << @second.emit << OPCODES[@op]

# Compile and print out parse tree for expressions
class Compiler
# Creates bytecodes from an arithmatic expression
def self.compile(expr)

# Prints a representation of the parse tree as an S-Expression
def self.explain(expr)

# Name-mangles an expression so we create a parse tree when calling
# Kernel#eval instead of evaluating the expression:
# [number] => [number].to_const()
def self.mangle(expr)
eval(expr.gsub(/\d+/) {|s| "#{s}.to_const()"})

Dennis Ranke

11/5/2006 5:18:00 PM


Here is my solution, a simple recursive descent parser. It's a bit more
code than is strictly necessary because it is loosely modeled after a
parser for a real language I have written recently.

require 'English'

class Compiler
def self.compile(expr)
return self.new(expr).compile.unpack('C*')

def initialize(expr)
# a very simple tokenizer
@tok = []
until expr.empty?
case expr
when /\A\s+/ # skip whitespace
# don't tokenize '1-1' as '1', '-1'
when (@tok.last.is_a? Integer) ? /\A\d+/ : /\A\-?\d+/
@tok << $MATCH.to_i
# any other character and '**' are literal tokens
when /\A\*\*|./
@tok << $MATCH

def compile
code = compile_expr(0)
raise "syntax error" unless @tok.empty?
return code


OPS = {'+'=>0xa, '-'=>0xb, '*'=>0xc, '**'=>0xd, '/'=>0xe, '%'=>0xf}

def compile_expr(level)
# get the tokens to parse at this precedence level
tok = [['+', '-'], ['*', '/', '%'], ['**']][level]
if tok
# if we are to actually parse a bi-op, do so
left = compile_expr(level + 1)
# for left-associative ops, find as many ops in a row as possible
while tok.include?(@tok.first)
op = OPS[@tok.shift]
# '**' is right-associative, so add a special case for that
right = compile_expr(op == OPS['**'] ? level : level + 1)
left << right + op.chr
return left
# if we are at a level higher than the ops, try to parse an
# atomic - either a numeral or an expression in paranthesis
tok = @tok.shift
if tok == '('
expr = compile_expr(0)
raise "')' expected" unless @tok.shift == ')'
return expr
raise 'number expected' unless tok.is_a? Integer
return (tok < -32768 || tok > 32767) ? [2, tok].pack('CN') :
[1, tok].pack('Cn')

if $0 == __FILE__
p Compiler.compile(ARGV[0])

James Gray

11/5/2006 6:21:00 PM


On Nov 5, 2006, at 9:43 AM, Wilson Bilkovich wrote:

> Also, helpful tip I'd like to send back to my past self.. Regular
> expressions aren't powerful enough to find matched parentheses.

Perl's regex engine can do this, as can Ruby 1.9's Oniguruma engine.
Both allow recursive definitions, which is what it takes.

James Edward Gray II

James Gray

11/5/2006 6:22:00 PM


On Nov 5, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Dennis Ranke wrote:

> Here is my solution, a simple recursive descent parser. It's a bit
> more code than is strictly necessary because it is loosely modeled
> after a parser for a real language I have written recently.

Did you write that language in Ruby? I'm just curious.

James Edward Gray II

Dennis Ranke

11/5/2006 6:39:00 PM


James Edward Gray II wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Dennis Ranke wrote:
>> Here is my solution, a simple recursive descent parser. It's a bit
>> more code than is strictly necessary because it is loosely modeled
>> after a parser for a real language I have written recently.
> Did you write that language in Ruby? I'm just curious.

I wrote the (fairly simple) compiler in Ruby and the bytecode
interpreter in C++. The whole thing is used as a scripting language for
a Nintendo DS game.

Wilson Bilkovich

11/6/2006 2:58:00 AM


On 11/5/06, Daniel Martin <martin@snowplow.org> wrote:
> Note that the creator of this quiz left out one important case from
> their tests:
> def test_02a
> assert_equal [2**1**2], Interpreter.new(Compiler.compile('2**1**2')).run
> end
> This tests that your compiler is properly making **
> right-associative. Some solutions already posted fail this test.
> 2**2**2 was an unfortunate test case to choose, since 2**4 == 4**2.

Good catch. Here's an updated copy of mine that:
A) Steals your cool C* unpack trick. :)
B) Gets rid of a temporary variable and a couple of 'pop' loops in
exchange for some more golf.
C) Avoids re-initializing the hashes for improved performance.
D) Passes your new test_02a

class Compiler
def self.compile(input)
@bytecodes ||= {'+' => 0x0a, '-' => 0x0b, '*' => 0x0c, '**' =>
0x0d, '/' => 0x0e, '%' => 0x0f}
encode postfix(input)

def self.encode(tokens)
tokens.collect do |token|
number = token =~ /\-?\d+/ ? token.to_i : nil
if (-32768..32767).include?(number)
[0x01] + [number].pack('n').unpack('C*')
elsif !number.nil? # long
[0x02] + [number].pack('N').unpack('C*')

def self.postfix(infix)
stack, stream, last = [], [], nil
tokens = infix.scan(/\d+|\*\*|[-+*\/()%]/)
tokens.each_with_index do |token,i|
case token
when /\d+/; stream << token
when *@bytecodes.keys
if token == '-' and last.nil? || (last =~ /\D/ && tokens[i+1] =~ /\d/)
tokens[i+1] = "-#{tokens[i+1]}"
stream << stack.pop while stack.any? && preceded?(stack.last, token)
stack << token
when '('; stack << token
when ')'; (stream += stack.slice!(stack.rindex('('),
last = token
stream += stack.reverse

def self.preceded?(last, current)
@ops ||= {'+' => 1, '-' => 1, '%' => 2, '/' => 2, '*' => 2, '**'
=> 3, '(' => 0, ')' => 0}
@ops[last] >= @ops[current] && current != '**' # right associative mayhem!

Mike Harris

11/6/2006 3:22:00 AM


My solution is a bit different than all the ones I've seen so far. I
had no intention of writing an expression parser :-) All it does is

1. Define a method (to_bc) to have a fixnum return its own bytecode
2. Redefine the array operators to return the appropriate bytecode
3. Add .to_bc after every number in the expression string

Here it is:

class Compiler
def self.compile(str)


class Fixnum
def to_bc
return (self >= 0 ? [1,self/256,self%256] :
[1,(self+32768)/256+128,(self+32768)%256]) if self <= 32767 and self >=
res = [(24..30),(16..23),(8..15),(0..7)].map { |range| range.map {
|x| self[x] } }.map { |byte| byte.inject_with_index(0) { |s,x,i|
s+x*2**i } }
([2] << (self > 0 ? res[0] : res[0]+128) << res[1..3]).flatten

class Array
{:+ => 10, :- => 11, :* => 12, :** => 13, :/ => 14, :% => 15}.each do
define_method(op) { |x| self.concat(x).concat([opcode]) }
def inject_with_index(sum)
each_with_index { |x,i| sum = yield(sum,x,i) }

Marcel Ward

11/6/2006 6:58:00 AM


On 03/11/06, Ruby Quiz <james@grayproductions.net> wrote:
> Note: This quiz isn't really as much work as it might seem!

Ouch! :) Oh well, I don't think my Ruby is up to some of the more
cunning techniques I see many have employed.

> Your compiler should support all basic arithmetic operations and explicit
> precedence (parenthesis). As standard, syntax/precedence/ associativity/etc.
> should follow Ruby itself.

By associativity does this also mean that "+--+1" - which could be
rewritten as "0+(0-(0-(0+1)))" - should be parsed into a bytecode
which, however well optimised, on execution results in the answer "1"?

I should warn that my solution below is rather long. I went down a
possibly more traditional route of writing a generic tokenizer/lexer.
I don't know if these are still commonly used but I couldn't find an
existing implementation in the Ruby Standard Library.

I also tried to document the functions using rdoc so someone else
might make use of it. For those who haven't tried it yet, just type
'rdoc' at the command prompt and it makes a nice doc directory under
the current directory with an index.html to start browsing the
file/classes/methods. Nice!

Back to the task...

My wanting a solution that coped with all difficult expressions that
Ruby itself can deal with (using the lexicon allowed) meant having to
get things like the aforementioned negation with parentheses working:

-(---3) # => 3

...and power precedence (as others have pointed out) combined with
negation and parentheses turned out to be tricky:

64**-(-(-3+5)**3**2) #=> a big number

There's a big list of test cases such as these in my unit tests (included).

So having written the lexer class, I now set up the state transition
table and ask the lexer to tokenize the expression. The tokens are
then parsed and the bytecode is generated using a simple mapping.

The code follows; there are two files in total.

Thanks for another fun challenge and congrats all round for reaching
the 100th Ruby Quiz!


#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# = compiler_mw.rb - bytecode compiler
# Author:: Marcel Ward <wardies ^a-t^ gmaildotcom>
# Documentation:: Marcel Ward
# Last Modified:: Monday, 06 November 2006

require 'interp'
require 'lexer_mw'

module Compiler
# The lexer needs to know the character sets involved in deciding
# which state transition will be fired...
:plus => [?+], :minus => [?-],
:digit => /\d/,
:div_mod => [?/, ?%], # matches '/' or '%'
:asterisk => [?*],
:open_paren => [?(], :close_paren => [?)]

# Tell the lexer how to parse a datastream: which tokens to
# generate, what state to switch to, etc.
# This table was designed according to my vague recollection of
# the dragon book on compiler construction by Aho/Sethi/Ullman.
:s_start => {
:plus => {:next_s_skip => :s_start},
:minus => {:next_s => :s_negate},
:digit => {:next_s => :s_numeric},
:open_paren => {:next_s => :s_start,
:token => :tok_open_paren}
:s_negate => {
:plus => {:next_s_skip => :s_negate},
:minus => {:next_s => :s_start},
:digit => {:next_s => :s_numeric},
:open_paren => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_start,
:token => :tok_negate}
:s_numeric => {
:plus => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:minus => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:digit => {:next_s => :s_numeric},
:div_mod => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:asterisk => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:close_paren => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:eof => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_int},
:s_operator => {
:plus => {:next_s => :s_start,
:token => :tok_add},
:minus => {:next_s => :s_start,
:token => :tok_subtract},
:div_mod => {:next_s => :s_start,
:token => :tok_div_mod},
:asterisk => {:next_s => :s_mult_or_power},
:close_paren => {:next_s => :s_operator,
:token => :tok_close_paren},
:eof => {} # when :next_s... is absent, finish
:s_mult_or_power => {
:plus => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_start,
:token => :tok_multiply},
:minus => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_start,
:token => :tok_multiply},
:digit => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_start,
:token => :tok_multiply},
:asterisk => {:next_s => :s_start,
:token => :tok_power},
:open_paren => {:next_s_backtrack => :s_start,
:token => :tok_multiply}

# Compiles a string expression _sum_ into bytecode and returns
# the bytecode array (as per Ruby Quiz 100 requirements).
def self.compile(sum)
lexer = LexerMW.new()

toks = lexer.tokenize(sum)

puts toks.inspect + "\n\n" + toks.map {|a,b| b}.join(' ') if $DEBUG == 1

# Get the mnemonic stack by parsing the tokens.
mnemonic_stack = parse(toks)
puts "\nParsed toks => #{mnemonic_stack.inspect}" if $DEBUG == 1

# Last stage now, we convert our internal mnemonics directly
# to a byte stack in the required bytecode format.

:tok_add => Interpreter::Ops::ADD,
:tok_subtract => Interpreter::Ops::SUB,
:tok_multiply => Interpreter::Ops::MUL,
:tok_divide => Interpreter::Ops::DIV,
:tok_modulo => Interpreter::Ops::MOD,
:tok_power => Interpreter::Ops::POW

# This exception is raised by the mnemonic-to-bytecode method when
# an integer constant cannot be pushed onto the interpreter
# bytecode stack because it is too big to fit the
# Interpreter::Ops::LCONST instruction.
class OutOfRangeError < StandardError

# Convert our internal _mnemonics_ directly to a byte array and
# return this in the required bytecode format, ready to execute.
def self.mnemonics_to_bytecode(mnemonics)
bc = []
mnemonics.each do
if MNEMONIC_TO_BYTECODE.has_key? mnem
# Try packing this value as a 2-or 4-byte signed string
# and ensure we get back the same value on unpacking it.
if [mnem] == [mnem].pack('s').unpack('s')
# 2-bytes will be enough
bc << Interpreter::Ops::CONST
elsif [mnem] == [mnem].pack('l').unpack('l')
# 4-bytes will be enough
bc << Interpreter::Ops::LCONST
# It could be dangerous to silently fail when a
# number will not fit in a 4-byte signed int.
raise OutOfRangeError

# If there is a mismatch in the number of parenthesis, this
# exception is raised by the #parse routine.
# E.g. "3+(4-2" and "(3-10))" are both considered invalid.
class ParenthesisError < Exception

# The operator precedence hash helps the #parse method to
# decide when to store up operators and when to flush a load
# out. The
:tok_end => -1,
:tok_open_paren => PAREN_PRECEDENCE,
:tok_close_paren => PAREN_PRECEDENCE,
:tok_add => 1, :tok_subtract => 1,
:tok_multiply => 2, :tok_div_mod => 2,
:tok_power => 3,
:tok_negate => 4

# Parse an array of [token,value] pairs as returned by
# LexerMW::tokenize. Returns our own internal quasi-bytecode
# mnemonic array.
def self.parse(tokens)
operator_stack = []
ops = []

# Push the bottom-most element with precedence equivalent to that
# of :tok_end so when we see :tok_end all pending operation
# tokens on the stack get popped
precedence_stack = [OP_PRECEDENCE[:tok_end]]

tokens.each do
|tok, val|
if tok == :tok_int
# "--3".to_i => 0 is bad, so use eval("--3") => 3 instead.
ops << eval(val)
precedence = OP_PRECEDENCE[tok]
if not tok == :tok_open_paren
while precedence <= precedence_stack.last &&
precedence_stack.last > PAREN_PRECEDENCE
# Workaround for the fact that the ** power operation
# is calculated Right-to-left,
# i.e. 2**3**4 == 2**(3**4) /= (2**3)**4
break if tok == :tok_power &&
precedence_stack.last == OP_PRECEDENCE[:tok_power]

ops << operator_stack.pop

# Divide and modulo come out of the lexer as the same token
# so override tok according to its corresponding value
tok == :tok_div_mod && tok = (val == '/') ? :tok_divide : :tok_modulo

case tok
when :tok_close_paren
precedence_stack.pop == PAREN_PRECEDENCE or raise ParenthesisError
when :tok_negate
# val contains just the minuses ('-', '--', '---', etc.)
# Optimise out (x) === --(x) === ----(x), etc.
if val.size % 2 == 1
# No negate function for -(x) so simulate using 0 - (x)
precedence_stack.push precedence
operator_stack.push :tok_subtract
ops << 0
when :tok_end
raise ParenthesisError if precedence_stack.size != 1
precedence_stack.push precedence
operator_stack.push tok unless tok == :tok_open_paren

if $0 == __FILE__
eval DATA.read, nil, $0, __LINE__+4


require 'test/unit'

class TC_Compiler < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_simple
@test_data = [
'8', '124', '32767', # +ve CONST
'-1', '-545', '-32768', # -ve CONST
'32768', '294833', '13298833', # +ve LCONST
'-32769', '-429433', '-24892810', # -ve LCONST
'4+5', '7-3', '30+40+50', '14-52-125', # ADD, SUB
'512243+1877324', '40394-12388423', # LCONST, ADD, SUB
'3*6', '-42*-90', '94332*119939', # MUL
'8/3', '-35/-15', '593823/44549', # DIV
'8%3', '243%-59', '53%28%9', # MOD
'531%-81%14', '849923%59422', #
'-2147483648--2147483648', # SUB -ve LCONST
'2**14', '-4**13+2' # POW
@test_data.each do
assert_equal [eval(sum)],
"whilst calculating '#{sum}'"

def test_advanced
@test_data = [
'-(423)', '-(-523*32)', '---0',
'+42', '((2*-4-15/3)%16)', '4**3**((2*-4-15/3)%16)',
'64**-(-(-3+5)**3**2)', '4*165%41*341/7/2/15%15%13',
@test_data.each do
assert_equal [eval(sum)],
"whilst calculating '#{sum}'"

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# = lexer_mw.rb - generic lexical analyser
# Author:: Marcel Ward <wardies ^a-t^ gmaildotcom>
# Documentation:: Marcel Ward
# Last Modified:: Monday, 06 November 2006
# Solution for Ruby Quiz number 100 - http://www.rub...

$DEBUG = 0

# If the lexer fails to find an appropriate entry in the state
# transition table for the current character and state, it
# raises this exception.
class LexerFailure < StandardError

# If the lexer encounters a character for which no matching charset
# has been supplied then it raises this exception.
# This exception will never be raised if #init_state_transitions
# has been called with an appropriate catch-all charset id.
class InvalidLexeme < StandardError

class LexerMW
# Creates an instance of the lexer class.
# _lexer_eof_ascii_::
# defines the ASCII byte value that the lexer considers as
# end-of-file when it is encountered. When #tokenize is called,
# the supplied datastream is automatically appended with this
# character.
def initialize(lexer_eof_ascii = 0)
@s_trans = {}
@columns = {}
@lex_eof = lexer_eof_ascii

# Initialize the character set columns to be used by the lexer.
# _cs_defs_::
# a hash containing entries of the form <tt>id => match</tt>,
# where _match_ defines the characters to be matched and _id_
# is the id that will be passed to the finite state machine
# to inidicate the character grouping encountered.
# _eof_charset_id_::
# defines the character set identifier which the lexer will
# attempt to match in the state machine table when the
# end-of-file character defined in #new is encountered.
# The content of _match_ falls into one of two main categories:
# _regexp_:: e.g. <tt>/\d/</tt> will match any digit 0..9; or
# _enum_:: an enumeration that describes the set of allowed
# character byte values, e.g.
# the array <tt>[?*, ?/, ?%]</tt> matches
# <b>*</b>, <b>/</b> or <b>%</b>, while the range
# <tt>(?a..?z)</tt> matches lowercase alphas.
# e.g.
# init_char_sets({
# :alphanum => /[A-Z0-9]/,
# :underscore => [?_],
# :lower_vowel => [?a, ?e, ?i, ?o, ?u],
# :special => (0..31)
# },
# :end_line)
# It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the
# match sets for each column are mutually exclusive.
# If a 'catch-all' set is needed then it is not necessary
# to build the set of all characters not already matched.
# Instead, see #init_state_transitions parameter list.
# Note, the contents of the hash is duplicated and stored
# internally to avoid any inadvertent corruption from outside.
def init_char_sets(cs_defs, eof_charset_id = :eof)
@charsets = {}
# Make a verbatim copy of the lexer charset columns
cs_defs.each_pair do
|charset_id, match|
@charsets[charset_id] = match.dup # works for array/regexp
# Add an end-of-file charset column for free
@charsets[eof_charset_id] = [@lex_eof]
puts "@charsets =\n#{@charsets.inspect}\n\n" if $DEBUG == 1

# Initialize the state transition table that will be used by the
# finite state machine to convert incoming characters to tokens.
# _st_::
# a hash that defines the state transition table to be used
# (see below).
# _start_state_::
# defines the starting state for the finite state machine.
# _catch_all_charset_id_::
# defines an optional charset id to be tried if the character
# currently being analysed matches none of the charsets
# in the charset table. The default +nil+ ensures that the
# InvalidLexeme exception is raised if no charsets match.
# The state transition table hash _st_ maps each valid original
# state to a hash containing the _rules_ to match when in that
# state.
# Each hash entry _rule_ maps one of the character set ids
# (defined in the call to #init_char_sets) to the _actions_ to be
# carried out if the current character being analysed by the lexer
# matches.
# The _action_ is a hash of distinct actions to be carried out for
# a match. The following actions are supported:
# <tt>:next_s => _state_</tt>::
# sets the finite state machine next state to be _state_ and
# appends the current character to the lexeme string being
# prepared, absorbing the current character in the datastream.
# <tt>:next_s_skip => _state_</tt>::
# as above but the lexeme string being prepared remains static.
# <tt>:next_s_backtrack => _state_</tt>::
# as for _next_s_skip_ above but does not absorb the current
# character (it will be used for the next state test).
# <tt>:token => _tok_</tt>::
# appends a hash containing a single entry to the array of
# generated tokens, using _tok_ as the key and a copy of the
# prepared lexeme string as the value.
# When the end of the datastream is reached, the lexer looks for
# a match against charset <tt>:eof</tt>.
# When the performed actions contain no +next_s+... action, the
# lexer assumes that a final state has been reached and returns
# the accumulated array of tokens up to that point.
# e.g.
# init_state_transitions({
# :s1 => {:alpha => {next_s = :s2},
# :period => {:token => :tok_period}},
# :s2 => {:alphanum => {next_s = :s2},
# :underscore => {next_s_skip == :s2},
# :period => {next_s_backtrack = :s1}
# :eof => {}}, // final state, return tokens
# }, :s1, :other_chars)
# Note, the contents of the hash is duplicated and stored
# internally to avoid any inadvertent corruption from outside.
def init_state_transitions(st, start_state = :s_start,
catch_all_charset_id = nil)
@start_state = start_state
@others_key = catch_all_charset_id
@s_trans = {}
# Make a verbatim copy of the state transition table
st.each_pair do
|orig_state, lexer_rules|
@s_trans[orig_state] = state_rules = {}
lexer_rules.each_pair do
|lexer_charset, lexer_actions|
state_rules[lexer_charset] = cur_actions = {}
lexer_actions.each_pair do
|action, new_val|
cur_actions[action] = new_val
puts "@s_trans =\n#{@s_trans.inspect}\n\n" if $DEBUG == 1

# Tokenize the datastream in _str_ according to the specific
# character set and state transition table initialized through
# #init_char_sets and #init_state_transitions.
# Returns an array of token elements where each element is
# a pair of the form:
# [:token_name, "extracted lexeme string"]
# The end token marker [:tok_end, nil] is appended to the end
# of the result on success, e.g.
# tokenize(str)
# # => [[:tok_a, "123"], [:tok_b, "abc"], [:tok_end, nil]]
# Raises the LexerFailure exception if no matching state
# transition is found for the current state and character.
def tokenize(str)
state = @start_state
lexeme = ''
tokens = []
# Append our end of file marker to the string to be tokenized
str += "%c" % @lex_eof
str.each_byte do
char_as_str = "%c" % char
loop do
match = @charsets.find {
|id, match|
(match.kind_of? Regexp) ? (match =~ char_as_str) : (match.include? char)
} || [@others_key, @charsets[@others_key]] or raise InvalidLexeme

# Look for the action matching our current state and the
# character set id for our current char.
action = @s_trans[state][match.first] or raise LexerFailure

# If found, action contains our hash of actions, e.g.
# {:next_s_backtrack => :s_operator, :token => :tok_int}
puts "#{char==@lex_eof?'<eof>':char_as_str}: " "#{state.inspect} - #{action.inspect}" if $DEBUG == 1

# Build up the lexeme unless we're backtracking or skipping
lexeme << char_as_str if action.has_key? :next_s

tokens << [action[:token], lexeme.dup] && lexeme = '' if action.has_key? :token

# Set the next state, or - when there is no specified next
# state - we've finished, so return the tokens.
state = action[:next_s] || action[:next_s_skip] ||
action[:next_s_backtrack] or
return tokens << [:tok_end, nil]

break unless action.has_key? :next_s_backtrack

if $0 == __FILE__
eval DATA.read, nil, $0, __LINE__+4


require 'test/unit'

class TC_LexerMW < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_simple
@lexer = LexerMW.new()

@char_sets = {
:letter => (?a..?z),
:digit => (/\d/),
:space => [?\s, ?_]


@st = {
:extract_chars => {
:letter => {:next_s => :extract_chars},
:digit => {:next_s => :extract_chars},
:space => {:next_s_skip => :extract_chars,
:token => :tok_text},
:eof => {:token => :tok_text}
:extract_alpha => {
:letter => {:next_s => :extract_alpha},
:digit => {:next_s_backtrack => :extract_num,
:token => :tok_alpha},
:space => {:next_s_skip => :extract_alpha,
:token => :tok_alpha},
:other => {:next_s_skip => :extract_alpha},
:eof_exit => {}
:extract_num => {
:letter => {:next_s_backtrack => :extract_alpha,
:token => :tok_num},
:digit => {:next_s => :extract_num},
:space => {:next_s_skip => :extract_num},
:others => {:next_s_skip => :extract_alpha,
:token => :tok_num}
@lexer.init_state_transitions(@st, :extract_chars)
assert_equal [
[:tok_text, "123"], [:tok_text, "45"],
[:tok_text, "6"], [:tok_text, "78"],
[:tok_text, "abcd"], [:tok_text, "efghi"],
[:tok_text, "jklmn"], [:tok_end, nil]
], @lexer.tokenize("123 45 6_78 abcd efghi_jklmn")

@lexer = LexerMW.new(?$)
@lexer.init_char_sets(@char_sets, :eof_exit)
@lexer.init_state_transitions(@st, :extract_num, :others)
assert_equal [
[:tok_num, "12345678"], [:tok_alpha, "abcd"],
[:tok_alpha, "efghi"], [:tok_num, "445"],
[:tok_alpha, ""], [:tok_num, "1222"], [:tok_end, nil]
], @lexer.tokenize("123 45 6_78 abcd efghi445!12_22!ab$45")
