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[SUMMARY] Code to S-Exp (#95

James Gray

9/28/2006 3:51:00 PM

This quiz is a little more challenging than it looks. The real trick is to
satisfy the quiz conditions without breaking the Ruby interpreter in the
process. Let me show you what I mean.

It's easy enough to get the first few quiz tests passing, with code like my own

class SXP
instance_methods.each do |meth|
undef_method(meth) unless meth =~ /\A__/ or meth == "instance_eval"

def initialize(&block)
@code = block

def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
if args.any? { |e| e.is_a? Array }
[meth, args.inject(Array.new) { |arr, a| arr.push(*a) }]
[meth, *args]

def result

def sxp(&block)

This works by creating a new class and stripping it of as many methods as
possible, so method_missing() can catch just about any message received. The
code block passed to initialize() is tucked away for later use in the result()
method, which triggers the block and returns the Array built-up by the calls to
method_missing(). Finally, you can see the trivial method used to wrap this
class and support the quiz interface.

Then what though?

Some of the quiz test don't directly call methods we can field with my magic
object, instead relying on behaviors of the Fixnum and Symbol classes:

sxp{3+:symbol} => [:+, 3, :symbol]
sxp{3+count(:field)} => [:+, 3, [:count, :field]]
sxp{7/:field} => [:/, 7, :field]
sxp{:field > 5} => [:>, :field, 5]
sxp{:field1 == :field2} => [:==, :field1, :field2]

If we want to support these with pure Ruby, we need to start ripping up and
rebuilding Ruby's core classes. A few of solutions did just that. Here's Robin
Stocker's code as an example:

class SxpGenerator

def method_missing(meth, *args)
[meth, *args]

BINARY_METHODS = [:+, :-, :*, :/, :%, :**, :^, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :==]

def self.overwrite_methods(mod)
BINARY_METHODS.each do |method|
mod.module_eval do
if method_defined? method
alias_method "__orig_#{method}__", method
define_method method do |arg|
[method, self, arg]

def self.restore_methods(mod)
BINARY_METHODS.each do |method|
mod.module_eval do
orig_method = "__orig_#{method}__"
if method_defined? orig_method
alias_method method, orig_method
remove_method orig_method
remove_method method


def sxp(&block)
klasses = [Fixnum, Bignum, Symbol, Array, Float, String]
klasses.each do |klass|
result = SxpGenerator.new.instance_eval &block
rescue Exception
result = nil
klasses.each do |klass|

Robin's solution is a similar pattern to my own, with two additional steps:
methods for core classes like Fixnum and Symbol are modified just before the
instance_eval() and restored after. The modification is done using
alias_method(), which makes a duplicate of the code, to save the old
functionality and define_method() to replace the default. Afterwards the old
methods are just copied back or removed, if they never existed to begin with.

This gets all of the quiz tests passing, but Boris Prinz summed up my opinion of
doing something like this when he said of his own similar solution, "I wouldn't
use this code in a production environment, because methods of built-in classes
are redefined." Don't get me wrong, both Boris and Robin did an impressive job,
but this kind of wholesale hacking of the core just seems too risky to rely on.

A lot can go wrong when you change Ruby's behaviors. What if some external
libraries, counting on core functionality, are loaded when you make the change?
The first reaction is probably to assume they won't be running while we are
evaluating the expression, but can we be sure of that? What if they are running
in background Threads? I guess we could set Thread.critical before we make the
change, but this is quickly getting to be an ugly problem.

Here's another point to consider: why use a block at all? The primary point of
methods that take blocks is to allow user code access to the power of Ruby at
the time of the call. Well, if we have to change Ruby to make the call work,
that idea goes out the window. If the method took a String instead, we could
parse the expression ourselves or even hand it off to a forked copy of the Ruby
interpreter that modifies itself, evaluates, and sends us back the result.

Ross Bamford used this safe hand-off strategy by calling on Why the Lucky
Stiff's Sandbox extension. Let's see how that turns out:

require 'sandbox'

module Sxp
class << self
def sxp(&blk)
sb = Sandbox.new
blk || raise(LocalJumpError, "No block given"))

Here you can see that Ross creates a new Sandbox, passes the provided block into
it by setting an instance variable inside the Sandbox, and triggers the
execution of another file. Here's that second file:

class Object ; alias :__instance_eval :instance_eval ; end
class Array ; alias :__each :each ; end

[Object, Kernel, Symbol, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, NilClass, FalseClass,
TrueClass, Hash, Array, String].__each do |clz|
clz.class_eval do
instance_methods.__each do |m|
undef_method m unless /^__|^inspect$|^to_(s(?:tr)?|a(?:ry)?)$/.match(m)
def method_missing(sym, *args); [sym, self, *args]; end
def to_ary; [self]; end # needed by every class in this world

# A special method_missing on the main object handles 'function' calls
class << self; def method_missing(sym, *args); [sym, *args]; end; end

__instance_eval &@blk

This is another version of core class modification, but this one is brutal.
Most of the methods of the core classes are just outright eliminated by
undef_method() calls. Pretty much everything is replaced with the now-familiar
method_missing() trick. On the last line, you can see the block invoked in this
new not-really-Ruby interpreter.

What makes this solution different is that all of the damage was done only to
the Sandbox. All of the core classes are alive and well in the original Ruby
interpreter. This makes the code safer to rely on, in my opinion.

Definitely take some time to look through the solutions from Ryan Davis and
Dominik Bathon as well. They make use of ParseTree (a library for Ruby to
s-expression conversion!) and RubyNode to transform the Ruby code into an
s-expression. These are very effective and don't need to modify the core so
heavily, if at all.

My thanks to all Ruby/Lisp hackers who gave this problem a shot. You really
showed off a wide range of possibilities.

Tomorrow, we will return to weaving tall tales, but this time take a different
approach from Markov Chains...