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??? Who killed Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan = NEOCON/ZIOCON many layers of deception


1/15/2008 8:58:00 PM

On 911 the yanks bastards aided by mossad killed 3000 of their own
people, sent anthrax to the senators/congessmen they hated, and the
side of pentagon where they lodged their opponents in the pentagon.

Zia was killed by CIA along with the American Ambassador to hide the

Kennedy was killed by the yank elite bastards itself.

Lincoln was similarly killed by the yank bastards.

The real terrorism is the european and yank terror against their own.

The zionists conspired with hitler to kill their own jews. there is an
extensive free book on the internet on this subject by Rabbi Moshe

Moshe Katsa, the zionist Iranian jew president of Israel himself led
the rape of numerous jewish girls in his presidential office in

American Marines rape their own WASP women. Hollywood of the Jews
glorifies rape, debauchery and crime. This is per PROTOCOLS OF THE

Reagon and Herbert Bush are pedophiles who molested white american
innocent kids. Again, these are very close to the ZIOCONs and this
explains it all.

GWBush had a number of affairs with blonde white women. He is a tool
of choice in the expert and flattering hands of the neocons.


Taliban would not be motivated to kill Benazir.

Musharraf is their bigger enemy who assisted the americans against
them with tremendous logistical support.

Her brother was killed in Karachi by the MQM. They are the most
callous, irreligious, and secular hardened killers, with no compassion
just like Musharraf. For example, who killed the registrar of the
supreme court, Hamid Raza execution style ?

They are bonded to Musharraf by the Mohajir blood.

Musharraf is a stooge of America. His ONLY son in there and so are his
brothers. He trusts them. He is being tutored personally by
Negroponte. CIA provides free consulting to him and Negroponte
personally tutors him. Ponte went there to tutor Musharraf on how to
handle the JUDICIARY in a machiavellian fashion, by inflicting a
mortal disabling wound , and that is exactly what Mush did.

The zionists and hindu are quietly watching because Mush and MQM is
doing their job and you maintain pin-drop silence when your enemy is
destroying itself.

According to the brainy NEOCONS, from the Ashkenazi or KHAZAR tribe of
Central Asia, the wise and learned authors of the protocols of the
learned elders of zion, the loyal servants of the King and Banker
Rothschild, one of whom Mikhail Khodorkovsky who looted the biggest of
Russian oil and was nabbed like a rat by Honorable Vladimir Putin of
Motherland Russia and the Fatherland, and also the master conspirators
of the Russian revolution and the establishment of the state of Israel
(An Illustrious Resume of ACHIEVEMENTS):

This is the way to handle an islamic nuclear country by making it
crumble from inside by putting a militant minority of biharis (who
were the back-stabbers to their very neighbors and muslim brothers,
the bengalis in 1971 on the basis of language and ethnicity) like the
Kallu Mush, on top of the majority in the country. Being cornered,
they will heartily and mightily fight and destroy each other with
wanton and abandon.

Being cornered, they will heartily and mightily fight and destroy each
other with wanton and abandon, AND MAKE NO MISTAKE, SRI-LANKA is a
proven case of SAVAGE TAMIL HINDU TERROR trained by none other than
the Israeli Mossad and the Indian RAW. Biharis are BECOMING
temperamentally very much like that.

We must stop the transmogrification of the Biharis by reaching out to
them by love and dialogue. Only that could work.

Musharraf and MQM believes that it is their historic opportunity
to setup a Mohajir Caliphate - forever.

The goal of CIA, Mossad, RAW is to create Tamil-Sinhalese
intensity and style hatred in Pakistan, and MQM is the perfect tool.
We must guard against it and resuscitate a hero like Dr A.Q.Khan to
serve as the bridge. It will kill many birds with one stone.

It will kill many birds with one stone.

It will kill many birds with one stone.

Musharraf and MQM dream has no feasibility, but their belief in it
will indeed make the CIA/Mossad/RAW plan not only feasible but

please visit my favorite sites

http://www.globalr... <--- V GOOOD
http://www... <--- A few Torah true jews (truth is only with the
few) testify
911blogger.com <--- 911 related daily news
letsroll911.org <------- v good 911 site
infowars.com <----- Alex jones who made us aware of Bernays
psychological tricks and their application by Zio-Cons and YANK
prisonplanet.org <--- Alex jones
countercurrents.org <--- Possibly an india based site
counterpunch.org <--- Good but non-911 truth. zionist jew Noam Chomsky
is a SHILL and FRAUD for Neocons. These bastards have MANY LAYERS OF

1 Answer


1/29/2008 5:49:00 AM


MOSSAD killed Benazir Bhutto - Mossad killed ZIA to effect a clean
break between pakistan and USA - Mossad vomited Herbert Bush

Author: Majeed, Tariq, 1937-
Title: Masterminds of air massacres of Aug 17 in Pakistan Sept. 11 in
America / Tariq Majeed.
Edition: 1st ed.
Publisher: Lahore : Bait-ul-Hikmat, 2006.
Description: Book
744 p. ; 22 cm.
LC Subject(s): Zia-ul-Haq, Mohammad --Assassination.
Zionism --Controversial literature.
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001.
Notes: "Three sensational books in one volume"
Includes bibliographical references (p. 726-732) and index.
i. Air massacre over Bahawalpur
ii. The world's master terrorists and how to confront them
iii. The mega-terror of September 11 and the global aims behind it.
ISBN: 9698983031

Investigating assassination

The legendary fictional detective Sherlock Holmes with Dr Watson by
his side was pondering over the murder case, when he suddenly
exclaimed, "The dog, Watson, the dog!" "But, Holmes, the dog did not
bark," said Dr Watson. "That's it, Watson. The dog - did not bark."
What Holmes meant was, had the intruder been a stranger, the dog would
have barked. There was a key clue in it to the mystery.
Consider Sherlock Holmes looking into the circumstances of Benazir
Bhutto's assassination on December 27, 2007 near Liaquat Bagh in
Rawalpindi. He would have soon exclaimed, "The sunroof hatch, Watson,
the sunroof hatch!" "But, Holmes, she just raised her head out of the
hatch to wave back to her supporters." "That's it, Watson. She raised
her head out of the hatch - and the killers were ready waiting for
that very move."
Benazir was not supposed to raise her head out of the hatch. Something
or someone prompted her. Someone should have stopped her, but did not.
A vital clue has to be found here. An investigator would be debasing
his own intelligence if he thought that the killers were counting on a
lucky chance that Benazir might show up outside the hatch and they
would accomplish their murderous mission.
No, there was no question of taking a chance. The schemers had to
ensure that Benazir would protrude her head out of the hatch when her
vehicle was at the chosen spot; their whole devilish scheme was hinged
on this step. It was a prerequisite for their scheme. How did they
arrange it? Finding it out will uncover very valuable leads.
We know from press reports that, "On December 27, after Benazir's
speech at the Liaquat Bagh gathering, when her vehicle reached Liaquat
Road a mysterious crowd appeared all of a sudden and surrounded her
vehicle, while shouting slogans in favour of People's Party and
Benazir Bhutto. The vehicle was halted. At this Benazir emerged out of
the sunroof to respond to their cheers."
Was this the only manoeuvre to halt her vehicle and prompt her to
stand up and show herself out of the hatch? Highly unlikely. It was a
very important objective. There must have been a couple of other
catalysts to lead to that objective.
Look back at the August 1988 crash of President Zia's C-130 aircraft
in which thirty other innocent persons, including the American
ambassador and nine army officers of brigadier to 4-star general rank,
and a precious lot of PAF officers and technicians, perished. Having
selected the method and planned the killing operation, the masterminds
employed a number of instruments to ensure that General Ziaul Haq
would embark the aircraft to fly to Bahawalpur to watch demonstration
of a new tank on the operation's D-Day, August 17. The chief, and most
reliable, instrument was his former military secretary who was now an
armoured division's commander in Multan and in charge of the
demonstration, and who was on such intimate terms with the general as
he was treated as a family member.
Zia was reluctant to go. The 'family member' kept making repeated
telephone calls requesting him to come and see the demonstration, till
Zia relented; of course influenced also by the other ploys. The
masterminds could not afford to fail. They had made foolproof
arrangements not only for President Zia but also for General Akhtar
Abdul Rahman and Ambassador Arnold Raphel, who both were on the
masterminds' kill list, to make certain that they will be onboard the
Autopsy on Benazir Bhutto before burial was essential, but it was not
performed. Reportedly, it was not permitted by her next of kin. No
post-mortem was carried out in the case of the C-130 casualties, too.
In that case the highest authorities in the army had prohibited post-
mortem of the bodies. That was a part of the sinister scheme. What
about the present case? There was every reason, in fact a crying need,
for a post-mortem of the awfully slain body. Was prohibiting post-
mortem a personal decision of Asif Ali Zardari or was it a built-in
programmed feature? It shouldn't be too difficult for a genuine
investigator to find the correct answer and draw the right conclusion.
Post-mortem was also necessary to check if Benazir had been given a
dose of any drug. There are drugs that can induce a calculated
reaction or emotion in a person - and even at a programmed time. It
could be seen in the television clips of her public address at Liaquat
Bagh that she was emotionally intensely worked up. At one time she was
shown with her arms thrust forward and upward and flailing them with
unusual force. An example of how drugs can be used on political
leaders and VIPs for specific purposes pertains to George Bush Sr, US
president 1988-92.
In the 1992 election, the powerful clique in America, which wields
decisive political influence, wanted Bush to lose and Bill Clinton to
win. The US media depicted Clinton as youthful and full of energy and
Bush as too old for the job and suffering from health problems. Bush
went on a state visit to Japan. There was an exclusive banquet in his
honour. Media men were not allowed in the banquet hall. Bush arrived
accompanied by the Japanese premier. As they sat down, Bush, who
habitually drank some water before dinner, lifted the glass of water
that had been placed for him and drank from it. The next moment he
threw up, his vomit falling on the lap of the Japanese premier! A
photographer, who, the media said, had been hiding under a table, took
the picture of the US president throwing up in the lap of the prime
minister of Japan. The story did incalculable, or rather well-
calculated, harm to Bush's image in the American public. The scheme's
masterminds, knowing Bush's habit, used a drug that if taken with
water induces uncontrollable vomiting. It should also be obvious that
the masterminds, remaining thousands of miles away, can get things
done through local tools.
Princess Diana did not die in an unforeseen car accident. The accident
was pre- planned. She was murdered by design. The chauffeur of her car
had been drugged.
There is another close similarity between the two shocking crimes, the
assassination of President Ziaul Haq and that of Benazir Bhutto.
Actually, the 'shock effect' itself is an element common to them. The
dreadful cruelty and the precision and suddenness with which it was
inflicted in each case were meant to psychologically paralyse the
public that was a deliberate aim of the master schemers.
However, the close similarity mentioned above is the swift cleaning
out of the site of crime. In this respect, what the Shafiur Rehman
Inquiry Commission on the C-130 crash observed in its report was
something like this: [Soon after the crash], "The personal items and
baggage of the deceased persons had been removed from the scene, and
the signs and marks which these items carried, and which had to be
preserved in order to unfold the secrets had been [quickly] effaced."
The same thing happened in the current case. The site of Benazir's
assassination was cleaned up with extraordinary speed and efficiency.
There can be no doubt that it was a programmed feature, just as it was
so in the assassination of Ziaul Haq and 30 others. Again, intelligent
investigators can trace from it substantial leads to the local
criminals and accomplices.
The investigators should closely examine Ziaul Haq's assassination
case, the details and analysis of which can be found in the book
titled 'Masterminds of Air Massacres: of August 17 in Pakistan and
September 11 in America'. It would give them valuable new insight not
only on discovering the local tools and pawns who executed the
scheme's various tasks but also the identity of the real criminals,
the masterminds. Profound perceptiveness and sincerity of purpose is
necessary for the investigators to comprehend the masterminds' deeply
destructive aims against Pakistan. These aims would reveal the real
reasons behind the murder they are investigating. The foreign
investigators may find the local culprits but will never point to the
real masterminds. The masterminds of Benazir's assassination are the
same who assassinated Ziaul Haq. Strange are the vagaries of fate.

On Jan 15, 12:57 pm, kha...@india.com wrote:
> On 911 the yanks bastards aided by mossad killed 3000 of their own
> people, sent anthrax to the senators/congessmen they hated, and the
> side of pentagon where they lodged their opponents in the pentagon.
> Zia was killed by CIA along with the American Ambassador to hide the
> mastermind.
> Kennedy was killed by the yank elite bastards itself.
> Lincoln was similarly killed by the yank bastards.
> The real terrorism is the european and yank terror against their own.
> The zionists conspired with hitler to kill their own jews. there is an
> extensive free book on the internet on this subject by Rabbi Moshe
> Weismandel.
> Moshe Katsa, the zionist Iranian jew president of Israel himself led
> the rape of numerous jewish girls in his presidential office in
> Jerusalem.
> American Marines rape their own WASP women. Hollywood of the Jews
> glorifies rape, debauchery and crime. This is per PROTOCOLS OF THE
> Reagon and Herbert Bush are pedophiles who molested white american
> innocent kids. Again, these are very close to the ZIOCONs and this
> explains it all.
> GWBush had a number of affairs with blonde white women. He is a tool
> of choice in the expert and flattering hands of the neocons.
> Taliban would not be motivated to kill Benazir.
> Musharraf is their bigger enemy who assisted the americans against
> them with tremendous logistical support.
> Her brother was killed in Karachi by the MQM. They are the most
> callous, irreligious, and secular hardened killers, with no compassion
> just like Musharraf. For example, who killed the registrar of the
> supreme court, Hamid Raza execution style ?
> They are bonded to Musharraf by the Mohajir blood.
> Musharraf is a stooge of America. His ONLY son in there and so are his
> brothers. He trusts them. He is being tutored personally by
> Negroponte. CIA provides free consulting to him and Negroponte
> personally tutors him. Ponte went there to tutor Musharraf on how to
> handle the JUDICIARY in a machiavellian fashion, by inflicting a
> mortal disabling wound , and that is exactly what Mush did.
> The zionists and hindu are quietly watching because Mush and MQM is
> doing their job and you maintain pin-drop silence when your enemy is
> destroying itself.
> According to the brainy NEOCONS, from the Ashkenazi or KHAZAR tribe of
> Central Asia, the wise and learned authors of the protocols of the
> learned elders of zion, the loyal servants of the King and Banker
> Rothschild, one of whom Mikhail Khodorkovsky who looted the biggest of
> Russian oil and was nabbed like a rat by Honorable Vladimir Putin of
> Motherland Russia and the Fatherland, and also the master conspirators
> of the Russian revolution and the establishment of the state of Israel
> (An Illustrious Resume of ACHIEVEMENTS):
> This is the way to handle an islamic nuclear country by making it
> crumble from inside by putting a militant minority of biharis (who
> were the back-stabbers to their very neighbors and muslim brothers,
> the bengalis in 1971 on the basis of language and ethnicity) like the
> Kallu Mush, on top of the majority in the country. Being cornered,
> they will heartily and mightily fight and destroy each other with
> wanton and abandon.
> Being cornered, they will heartily and mightily fight and destroy each
> other with wanton and abandon, AND MAKE NO MISTAKE, SRI-LANKA is a
> proven case of SAVAGE TAMIL HINDU TERROR trained by none other than
> the Israeli Mossad and the Indian RAW. Biharis are BECOMING
> temperamentally very much like that.
> We must stop the transmogrification of the Biharis by reaching out to
> them by love and dialogue. Only that could work.
> Musharraf and MQM believes that it is their historic opportunity
> to setup a Mohajir Caliphate - forever.
> The goal of CIA, Mossad, RAW is to create Tamil-Sinhalese
> intensity and style hatred in Pakistan, and MQM is the perfect tool.
> We must guard against it and resuscitate a hero like Dr A.Q.Khan to
> serve as the bridge. It will kill many birds with one stone.
> It will kill many birds with one stone.
> It will kill many birds with one stone.
> Musharraf and MQM dream has no feasibility, but their belief in it
> will indeed make the CIA/Mossad/RAW plan not only feasible but
> successful.
> please visit my favorite sites
> http://www.globalresearch... V GOOODhttp://www.nkusa.... A few Torah true jews (truth is only with the
> few) testify
> 911blogger.com <--- 911 related daily news
> letsroll911.org <------- v good 911 site
> infowars.com <----- Alex jones who made us aware of Bernays
> psychological tricks and their application by Zio-Cons and YANK
> prisonplanet.org <--- Alex jones
> countercurrents.org <--- Possibly an india based site
> counterpunch.org <--- Good but non-911 truth. zionist jew Noam Chomsky
> is a SHILL and FRAUD for Neocons. These bastards have MANY LAYERS OF