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is webunit still being maintained?


8/30/2006 5:30:00 PM


I have an interest in WebUnit, but I notice its last code drop is a few
years old. Then I notice that using it on Linux causes some irritations. I
can report them if asked, but in general I'm interested to hear if WebUnit
is still being maintained.

To compare the question to other web test tools, WebUnit is not Watir just
as HttpUnit is not Samie. Watir drives Internet Explorer by its Automation
model. WebUnit, like HttpUnit, simply works HTTP and simulates a browser. It
makes the server think it's being browsed, while WebUnit bypasses the
expense of Automation and delivers raw data to your test cases. So an
advanced web project should use both kinds of testing (and more) in a rich
client-side experience. Such as >cough< AJAX.

http://c2.com/cgi/wik... <-- NOT a blog!!!

1 Answer


9/12/2009 4:17:00 PM


azcamper wrote:
> On Sep 8, 3:48 pm, "Carrie" <starchild1...@charter.net> wrote:
>> Georgie wrote:
>>> On Sep 8, 5:49 am, Carrie <starchild1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sep 7, 11:54 pm, Georgie <ggazcam...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>> One of the steps in learning to hear the Voice for Love within is
>>>>> to ask Holy Spirit a question. I struggled with this, as finding a
>>>>> question to ask is like a brain eraser for me! Besides, the most
>>>>> frequently asked question of students new to this discipline, is
>>>>> "Holy Spirit, what should my question be? or Holy Spirit, what
>>>>> would you tell me?" We want Holy Spirit to already know our
>>>>> question, to see our quandary, to understand that we are in pain
>>>>> and need help!
>>>>> I've always struggled intellectually with the concept of God not
>>>>> "seeing" or "knowing" our problems, and why we have to tell Him
>>>>> (is He asleep at the switch? :-)) The idea that all God sees is
>>>>> Love sort of feels awkward. But shortly after listening to David
>>>>> Paul and Candace Doyle discuss this in a broadcast, I got an
>>>>> answer.
>>>>> I was baking an apple pie downstairs and up in the loft, Fred (my
>>>>> husband) started playing his guitar and singing. He hasn't done
>>>>> that much in quite a while, and it has disturbed me that since he
>>>>> retired in early summer, he's just vegging out. But when he plays
>>>>> his guitar he is definitly in his right mind. And when I hear him
>>>>> play, it helps me to be in my right mind. I love it!
>>>>> He was singing the Beatles song "Yesterday" when my brain crawled
>>>>> out of the pie dough and finally heard. I was overcome by the
>>>>> feeling of love and appreciation that I feel when he sings. Then I
>>>>> started listening to the words of that song, perhaps really
>>>>> hearing them for the first time. It's a song of depression and
>>>>> darkness for the poor fellow who is at its center. Yet, I
>>>>> realized that I did not feel depressed hearing those words and
>>>>> they did not at all take away from the feeling of love and peace
>>>>> that I feel when Fred sings. Simultaneously, I remembered the
>>>>> times in my own life when I have been in similar circumstances to
>>>>> that song's central character. Didn't faze me a bit. I'm sure
>>>>> it's the same for Fred also. Many, perhaps most, songs and poems
>>>>> involve strong emotions, often about misery in life. Yet in their
>>>>> singing, no matter how much feeling he puts into it, it is not
>>>>> sad. Perhaps it's like that with "God". He appreciates and looks
>>>>> upon all we do, not buying into any experience of wrongness just
>>>>> because the story we are telling is about "wrongness". He just
>>>>> appreciates and Loves.
>>>>> Well, intellectually, for me, that "God" that does this is not a
>>>>> single entity, but part and parcel of all that I am and you are,
>>>>> in our ongoing and eternal reality. So, I would say, the highest
>>>>> expression of Georgie (organized for the purpose of reflecting on
>>>>> this experience) looks upon all that happens in the story of
>>>>> Georgie with appreciation and Love, just as my minutia experience
>>>>> of listening to Fred play and sing is a blessed experience,
>>>>> regardless of the words of the story he sings.
>>>>> Asking a question is just a means of focusing on something in
>>>>> order to bring the light of Love to shine upon it. It helps us to
>>>>> stop avoiding our issues, because we think we have "forgiven" our
>>>>> issues! But forgiveness does not mean "to push away" a thought. It
>>>>> means to look upon it from a different perspective--the
>>>>> perspective of the Love that we are in our higher and true
>>>>> reality. We offer only Love to our thoughts, as our relationship
>>>>> with our thoughts becomes a holy relationship.
>>>>> Yes, we can experience that perspective. We all DO experience it,
>>>>> but like night dreams, such experiences are quickly swept into the
>>>>> closet as we get busy doing our chores in life! Sooner or later,
>>>>> we put down the broom and let the music out!
>>>>> --Georgie
>>>> Maybe we aren't supposed to (expected to) THINK about this stuff
>>>> and try and figure it out.
>>>> Just feel it, experience it.- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>> Feelings are thoughts. They are processed in a different manner in
>>> the right side of the brain, while explicit word thoughts are
>>> processed in the left side of the brain. . No one type of thought
>>> is better than another. But all types can be used by HS for the
>>> purpose of extending love.
>>> Our thoughts are like poetry when they help us to get a different
>>> type of experience. Being in the Oneness is a totally different
>>> type of awareness. Being in a state of loving communication with
>>> another at a higher level is an intensely different type of
>>> experience also.
>>> I agree with you. The experience is necessary and inevitable. But it
>>> is preceded by thought which opens us up to the experience--whatever
>>> it takes, HS will accomplish through us.
>>> --Georgie
>> Thought involves figuring things out.
>> Feeling is more of an experience.
>> Instead of the need to "figure it out" and think about it, and come
>> to conclusions, like Love is all that is Real (which also involves
>> fogriveness and letting grievances go) just remembering and FEELING
>> this (Love, and all that goes with it) seems simplier and more
>> direct. Love (the feeling) aligns one with Holy Spirit, in a simple
>> and direct way.
>> Of course, whatever you feel need or and is best for you.- Hide
>> quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
> Hi Carrie. For me, it was the experience of really feeling that
> oneness and that all encompassing and connecting love that really
> opened my eyes. However, your last sentence is worth generalizing.
> Everything in anyone's life can and is used by the Holy Spirit to lead
> to awareness. No particular thing that we experience in the world, be
> it labeled "logical" thought or "feeling" thought, is special.
> Different things work for different people. That being said, it is the
> experience that convinces.
> But, what is experience? Feelings are just biochemical reactions. They
> really are conditioned on our history of responses that come from our
> incomplete analysis using left brained thoughts, starting pre-birth.
> Have you read any of Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor's work? She is the brain
> scientist (very left brain oriented!) who had a major stroke in the
> left hemisphere. She "experienced" the stroke using her right brain.
> Subsequent to recovery, she has pushed for a more balanced approach in
> how we use our brains and how we understand our earthly experience. My
> question about her experience and current teaching is "Who/what is the
> 'who' that is experiencing even events experienced by the "feeling"
> right brain?"

I've seen her on TV. I think she wrote a book about having a stroke, or
wrote about her experiences with it.
I don't get too into things that involve the physical body/form and what
seems to be happening to them.
I'm more a believer in all is energy- mind.
Like maybe in her case she studied the brain (the form) and focuses on
it, and attracted to herself the stroke, which she found so fascinating.

> Just as a note: I've had two most influential (for me) types of
> experiences with Love. In one, I was awakened in the middle of the
> night while sleeping under the stars in the desert. As I gazed upon
> the star-filled sky, I immediately "moved" into a oneness with the
> universe. I KNEW that it was me. I had a sense that "to the left" was
> my "little" life as a human. There was no perception involved, just a
> sense. But that "human 'soul'" was just a focus point, while my
> reality was totally with the All. It was a profound experience and
> didn't involve "feelings" like the ones I normally experience. It was,
> what I would describe, an "out of time" experience, a true moment of
> Grace.
> The other type of experience with Love has occured while I give
> spiritual counseling sessions, in which I allow HS to speak to another
> through me. (This is not a special ability. We teach anyone who wants
> to know, how to do this.) That experience is one of the most profound
> "feeling" of Love and connectedness. While surroundings are in one's
> periferal awareness, they "fall away" when the connectedness and Love
> are expressing themselves. It is a profound experience, but it is
> different from the "non-feeling" experience I had as one with the
> universe while in the desert.
> I believe that both experiences are "real" in that they are
> expressions of Love. But I have spent a lifetime in an intellectual
> pursuit of such experience. For me, that pursuit was a gift from my
> Higher Self, which led me to these experiences.