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String Matching in an Array

Ryan Edwards-Crewe

7/19/2006 6:58:00 PM

I have an array set up that I want to match the user input to a property
of a sting. However whenever I try to impliment the code the stings
never match and I am returned nil.

The first two ways I tried:
class POlist
def find(lookup)
@purchase_orders.find { |aPOlist| lookup == aPOlist.po_number }
# for i in 0...@purchase_orders.length
# return @purchase_orders[i] if lookup ==
# end
# return nil

and the other one:

found_one = false
print "Please Enter a PO: "
find_po = gets
for i in 0..aPOlist.length
if aPOlist[i] == nil then break
if find_po.to_s == aPOlist[i].po_number
found_one = true
puts aPOlist[i]
if found_one == false

Posted via http://www.ruby-....

8 Answers

Ryan Edwards-Crewe

7/19/2006 7:01:00 PM


Forgot to mention I'm trying to match an 8 digit number, but I pretty
sure it's being stored as a string.

I am taking the values from an Excel worksheet

po_number = worksheet.Range("#{col}#{row}").value

if po_number.length == 8 #the standard Purchase Order length
aPOlist.append(PurchaseOrder.new("#{po_number}", "#{notes}",
"#{company}", "#{unit_config}", "#{due_date}", "#{quantity.to_i}"))

Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Tom Werner

7/19/2006 7:14:00 PM


Ryan Edwards-crewe wrote:
> Forgot to mention I'm trying to match an 8 digit number, but I pretty
> sure it's being stored as a string.
> I am taking the values from an Excel worksheet
> po_number = worksheet.Range("#{col}#{row}").value
> if po_number.length == 8 #the standard Purchase Order length
> aPOlist.append(PurchaseOrder.new("#{po_number}", "#{notes}",
> "#{company}", "#{unit_config}", "#{due_date}", "#{quantity.to_i}"))
> end
Don't forget to chomp the input to get rid of the newline:

irb(main):001:0> val = gets
=> "12345678\n"
irb(main):002:0> val = gets.chomp
=> "12345678"

Also, instead of doing

for i in 0..aPOlist.length

a prettier way is

aPOlist.each_index do |i|

Tom Werner
Helmets to Hardhats
Software Developer

Ryan Edwards-Crewe

7/19/2006 8:05:00 PM


Most excellent thank you, it's working now, it's always something small
But if you don't mind me picking your brain, or anyone's for that
matter. Is there a way I can clear the screen of the console from ruby,
(eg. cls in terminal or windows command prompt), things just get real
messy looking when all it does is scroll.


Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Chris Hulan

7/19/2006 8:25:00 PM


Ryan Edwards-crewe wrote:
> Most excellent thank you, it's working now, it's always something small
> :P
> But if you don't mind me picking your brain, or anyone's for that
> matter. Is there a way I can clear the screen of the console from ruby,
> (eg. cls in terminal or windows command prompt), things just get real
> messy looking when all it does is scroll.
> Thanks.
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-....

use the system command:
`cls` #note the back-quotes

Note that Array (and anything that mixes in Enumerable) has a #find

anPOlist.find {|aPO| aPO.poNumber == aPOnumber}

will return the first match, or nil if not found


Ryan Edwards-Crewe

7/19/2006 8:58:00 PM


Thanks Mark and Chris duely noted.

Posted via http://www.ruby-....


6/21/2009 7:22:00 AM


m-weber wrote
> And it shoots to hell your theory about the "difficulty" of
> using cyanide in that cellar.

Yeah. The holocaust was a hoax.

?If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually
come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State
can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military
consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to
use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of
the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.?



6/22/2009 2:16:00 PM


"ZuLu" <zulu@skyisthelim.it> wrote in message
> Mavisbeacon escribi?:
>> "ZuLu" <zulu@skyisthelim.it> wrote in message
>> news:4a30015d@news.x-privat.org...
>>> Mavisbeacon escribi?:
>>>> "Zulu" <zulu@volcanomail.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:0b84d3a4-3dc2-4d35-9e87-609c80d2d58b@q37g2000vbi.googlegroups.com...
>>>>> On 10 jun, 00:05, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:
>>>>>> "Zulu" <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:f741aace-841b-4940-91f7-d675fbca4f73@y7g2000yqa.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>> On 9 jun, 12:24, parri...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>>>>> On 9 Juni, 07:45, Roy <wila...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Jun 8, 1:42 pm, parri...@yahoo.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 8 Juni, 10:50, "Truthseeker" <kur...@citywest.ca> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Well did it collapse asymmetrical.
>>>>>>>>> Have a look and tell me what you think:
>>>>>>>>> http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/0305911-colla...
>>>>>>>>>> Kurt Knoll.
>>>>>>>>>> <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>> news:9c19e6de-388c-4a57-8587-f8f1623fdc24@d31g2000vbm.googlegroups.com...
>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Juni, 22:58, Zulu <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 jun, 22:48, doc...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zulu <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Social Darwinist revisionist are chronic lying living in lies.
>>>>>>>>>>> Please provide your proof for my "lies".
>>>>>>>>>> Easily done.. I have hundreds of them on file.
>>>>>>>>>> For example,. your laughable claim that the WTC collapse was
>>>>>>>>>> "perfect
>>>>>>>>>> vertical symmetrical".- Hide quoted text -
>>>>>>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>>>>>>> Geez, you guys can't even stay on subject without bringing the TWIN
>>>>>>>> TOWERS into play.
>>>>>>> Well, Zulu threw a little hissy fit and asked for proof of his lies.
>>>>>>> I provided proof of one such lie. There are, of course, many more,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> that is just a particularly easy one to point out.
>>>>>>> <snip>
>>>>>> As I explained, I claimed it because I actually "saw" the towers fall
>>>>>> symetrically on the TV footage available to me.
>>>>>> Now, you didn't provide the definite proofs based on the methodology
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> previously established to convince me of the opposite.
>>>>>> In case I am really wrong, it is not a lie, it is my testimony.
>>>>>> I know well that eyewitnesses can be wrong including myself.
>>>>>> There are so many wrong on the "gas chamber" matter.
>>>>>> ...LOL! And in a FIAT of twisted logic Zulu claims he is right about
>>>>>> "no gas
>>>>>> chambers" based in the fact that he is wrong about everything else
>>>>>> and if he
>>>>>> is wrong then somebody else can be wrong.
>>>>>> LOOK! No matter how much you tory to dress up your bigot OPINION
>>>>>> about no
>>>>>> gas chambers it will not contradict the published and supported
>>>>>> historical
>>>>>> FACT! That is true whether you are right or wrong in your other
>>>>>> supported
>>>>>> and unrelated OPINION about the WTC.
>>>>> My opinion about gas chambers is based on documents easily available
>>>>> and technical reasonment.
>>>> What documents?
>>>> Ones that say "no gas chambers" LOL!
>>>> You must be mad.
>>>> So I suppose you pick out doccuments which you can distort misconstrue
>>>> and misrepresent in order to to support your opinion while ignoring all
>>>> the other evidence?
>>> I know how to read plans, That's part of my job.
>> So where are the plans you base your claim of "100 openings" on?
>> To what "easily available" documents do you refer?
> You are a MORON. I gave the Pressac's references several times before.
> You react like an idiot which doesn't know the minimum of basic knowledge
> to talk about that topic.
> <zulu>

This would be the reference to : A systematic study of the delousing and
homicidal gas chambers of Bunkers 1 and 2 and of Krematorien I, II, III, IV
and V of the former KL Auschwitz Birkenau, and an investigation of the
remaining traces of criminal activity.

your reference: http://www.mazal.org/Pressac/Press...

> In opposite of what the DOGMA wants to make us believe, the underground
> morgues at
> Krema II and III weren't hermetically sealed rooms. They had many
> ventilation holes
> which communicated with open atmosphere as well as a drainage system.
> Considering
> that the zone was very humid, one can imagine how much vermin (rats,
> cockroaches,
> mosquitoes, etc... could penetrate from outside into such rooms.
> << The ventilation system of Leichenkeller 1 in Kr III was ?improved? as
> compared
> with that of Kr II, by having an increased number of fresh air inlets. On
> 18th
> February, 50 perforated galvanized plates, 7 x 18 cm, had been ordered for
> Leichenkeller 1 of Kr II (for the air inlets near the ceiling, spaced at
> intervals of
> 120 cm) and on 19th an unknown number of protection ?grills? of 10 mm
> diameter iron
> rod (for the air extraction ducts, near the floor). These two orders were
> completed
> on 15th March (the absence of these parts in no way affecting the
> operation of the
> gas chamber)[LOL]. Still on 15th March, an March, an order was issued for
> Leichenkeller I of Kr III for 95 perforated zinc plates. 7 x 18 cm, (for
> the upper
> air inlets, here spaced at 60 cm intervals) and for 45 10 mm iron rod
> protection
> ?grills? (for the lower, air extraction ducts and spaced about every 150
> cm). The
> order was completed on 23rd March. Some of the perforated zinc plates
> [Document 54]
> were found after the Liberation in the ?Bauhof? (lying under the iron
> supports for
> the brickwork of the 8-muffle furnace of Krematorium IV).>>
> http://www.mazal.org/Pressac/Press...
> </zulu>

Yes not "holes" but actual VENTILATION DUCTS. In other words people were
gassed there and the gas then extracted and the room filled with breathable
awaiting the next group of victims
" Messing, after having worked on 5th April on the air on extraction system
of the Krematorium III furnace the room, worked from 6th to 11th on
Leichenkeller 1, where he installed the ventilator fan [in fact the
extractor fan]. "
as the above page 234 states [YOUR reference]
but it also shows that the gas had been present
" Scrapings from the surface of some of them [grilles of the ventilation
system ] were subjected to toxicological analysis which revealed THE

[end quote]

you seem to think if people can design a gas chamber with gas tight doors
and ventilation systems to bring fresh air in after gassing people that that
there is a valid claim that the ventilation system are just random holes in
the wall which would prevent gassing from ever happening? Especially when
there is actual evidence of gas being used there? So they had rooms filled
with gas into which they had a system for pumping fresh air after they
filled the room with HCn and this is somehow evidence that the room could
never have been used as a gas chamber? That is idiotic!

>>>> A document which mentions a 'gassing cellar' in an Auschwitz-Birkenau
>>>> crematorium:
>>>> http://www.holocaust-history.org/~dkeren/documents/auschwitz/Vergasungke...
>>> Thanks, that prove that Bischoff was actually building morgues at Krema
>>> II.
>> as in "corpse cellars" so what is a "gassing cellar"
>> [quote]
>> Because of the frost, it has not yet been possible to remove the
>> formwork from the ceiling of the corpse cellar. This is of no
>> consequence, however, as the gassing cellar can be used to this end.
>> [/unquote]
>> and why did they need "extraction" systems to pump air OUT of a gassing
>> cellar?
> A morgue must be ventilated MORON.

So must an underground metro train system but they were not building one of
those either were they?
So must a gas chamber by the way! In fact they did have a morgue/corpse
cellar/crematorium for storing and disposing of bodies
AFTER gassiung them!
Why refer to a "gassing cellar" in addition to the "corpse cellar"?
Vergasungkeller.shtml above?

>>> Where was he supposed to store corpses if not in morgues (Leichenkeller
>>> 1 and 2) as mentioned on the blueprints?
>> Oh so you do cherry pick what you want?
>> Where is your reference to these blueprints by the way?
>> Please explain why they wanted so many incenerators and why they refer to
>> "gassing cellar" in addotion to "corpse cellar" i.e. morgue.
> The Leichenkeller 1 and 2 are mentioned on every blueprint related with
> the underground of Kremas II and III. Try to make your homework before
> debating.

To what blueprints do YOU specifically refer? the ones with "gassing cellar"
in addition to "corpse cellar"

> Concerning the cremation capacity I previously posted a study which
> establishes that the nazis applied a standard cremation ratio of 1 muffle
> installed per 4500-5000 inmates. That ratio is observed at the camps of
> Oranienburg, Dachau, Mauthausen or Buchenwald which are not labeled as
> "extermination camps" nowadays.

WHERE did you post such a study?
Claims of posting evidence does not constitute evidence?

You seem to make a habit of not supplying evidence to back up empty claims:
Subject: Re: "the 'transports of invalids' end up in certain chambers
Message-ID: <4893c$4a1272e9$596480f8$19006@news.upc.ie>
I haven't forgotten at all! They are the ones you are being shown which =
orders for mufflers and numbers of hungarians transposted etc. We do not =

have the name and destination of every person transported by the Nazis=20
however. Nor do we have video evidence of Christ or alexander the Great. =

That does NOT mean they didn't exist! Nor does not having every possible =

piece of evidence mean the Holocaust did NOT happen.
....But the above work like Zulu has problems in citing the original source =
material. ...A report from the Bauleitung in June 1943, after all of the new
ovens =
became operational for at least some period, placed the cremation =
capacity of all 52 ovens at 4756 per day. -Danuta Czech, Auschwitz =
Chronicle (NY:1990),429.=20

Deniers have not totally agreed among themselves on this issue, but Butz =
and Mattogno place the cremation capacity at about 1000 per day, or =
30,000 per month.
- Butz, Hoax, 118; Mattogno, Auschwitz:The End of a Legend 24-25.=20

In August 1942, during the worst period of the typhus epidemic, the =
Auschwitz-Birkenau camp had 21,451 male prisoners. Czech, Auschwitz =
Chronicle, p 208. The information on the female population is missing. =
However, it is known that the female population was about 8200 in =
December 1942.=20
a.. Czech, Auschwitz Chronicle, p. 275.=20
This means, according to denier calculations, that the camp authorities =
were building enough crematorium capacity in the summer of 1942 to =
incinerate the entire population of the camp in a month.[end excerpts]
You also seem to be conflating two DIFFERENT things, concentration camps and
extermination camps.

There are certain camps which were used as death camps to exterminate people
and there are those which were not. That does not mean jews were not killed
in Dachau or Buchenwald for example because they were. It just means that
the Dachau was not designed with their extermination as its purpose.

You seem to be suggesting that if they could not burn victims then they
could not have gassed them! That isn't true! in fact when thyey couldnt
cremate them in ovens at auchwitz they burned them in open pits. You also
seem to think they had the same cremation capacity. they didnt! topf and
sons supplied auchwitz with

The scientifically planned crematoria should have been able to handle the
total project, but they could not. The whole complex had forty-six retorts,
each with the capacity for three to five persons. The burning in a retort
lasted about half an hour. It took an hour a day to clean them out. Thus it
was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four
hours or 4,380,000 a year.
But the well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps,
and especially at Auschwitz in 1944. In August the total cremation reached a
peak one day of 24,000, but still a bottleneck occurred. Camp authorities
needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal, so they again dug six
huge pits beside Crematorium Five and reopened old pits in the wood.

Thus, late in 1944, pit burning became the chief method of corpse disposal.
The pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off. To
keep the pits burning, the stokers poured oil, alcohol, and large quantities
of boiling human fat over the bodies.

>>>> A document requesting cyanide gas detectors for an
>>>> Auschwitz-Birkenau
>>>> crematorium:
>>>> http://www.holocaust-history.org/~dkeren/documents/auschwitz/Gas-Dete...
>>> 10 strips of reactive paper as usually employed on fumigations to check
>>> residual HCN?
>>> Why to request it to Topf while they had probably hundreds in hand to
>>> perform fumigations?
>> So they WERE using gas for fumigations in these cellars? You do realise
>> that the concentrations necessary for fumigations is a hundred times
>> GREATER than that required for killing people and is maintained for days
>> ? So there goes any argument about the rooms not being capable of
>> maintaining concentratons enough for killing people in fifteen minutes!
> Well, you are really a moron who doesn't have a clue of what you are
> talking about.

Ad hominem isnt argument! It is a fallacy!

> The measure of residual gas after each operation has nothing to do with
> the concentration of HCN used on it. The only parameter which could vary
> is the time of ventilation needed to evacuate ALL the gas used to fumigate
> the room.

The measure of cyanide compounds IS an indicator that the gas was used

Now either
1. they filled empty rooms full of gas and then filled them wioth fresh air
2. they filled it with lice infested clothes etc. and then filled it with
gas and then with fresh air
3. they filled it with PEOPLE and then gas and then air and removed the

1 does not seem reasonable so you are left with they used it to gas insects
or to gas people. BOTH are a "gas chamber".

They could in fact have done both. But the point is that the concentration
for insects is much more then that required for people ! So if they used it
for insects you could not claim it could never reach the concentrations
required for people. Also if they used it only for killing lice why did they
have ovens next to the gas chambers?

> The detectors are employed to verify if the residual poisonous gas is
> ZERO - more precisely undetectable with the reacting papers - or not after
> performing the convenient ventilation of the room. That is independent of
> the HCN concentration used on the process.

The level of HCN needed to kill insects if fifty to a hundred times the
concentration of that required to kill people and the level has to be
maintained for LONGER periods! So you can NOT claim it was used for de
lousing and ALSO claim it could not reach the concentrations required to
kill humans!

> Where German engineers so idiot at nazi times?

DO you mean "Were German engineers idiotic during the nazi period?"? I can't
see what that has to do with the issue of gas chambers.

> <zulu on>
> After reviewing the chapter "How can I waste the Zyclon B that I even
> don't have" by
> dummy SS, we are going to study now the chapter
> "I don't know how to ventilate properly my gas chambers" by dummy SS.
> Even Pressac recognized that the ventilation system at Krema II and III
> were designed
> for morgues and was unappropriated to use such rooms as "gas chambers".


The fundamental, complementary, and supplementary proofs described above
establish beyond any shadow of a doubt that in Krematorien II and III. their
Leichenkeller 1: 1. Were no longer ?typical morgues?: 2. Were fitted
with gas-tight doors (Leichenkeller of Krematorium I I also being designated
as a ?Vergasungskeller?): 3. Had dummy showers (14 in Krematorium III
and something over twenty in Krematorium II): 4. Included four devices
for introducing Zyklon-B (with supporting concrete evidence of this in the
case of Krematorium II). that have been perfectly described by former
prisoners who were employed in the DAW metalworking shop because it was they
Letter of 29th January 1943. from SS Captain Bischoff, head of the
Bauleitung (Auschwitz Waffen SS and Police Central Construction Management),
registered by SS Second Lieutenant Pollok (Buildings Section) and addressed
to SS Major-General Kammler in Berlin, concerning the progress of work at
Krematorium II, in which the word ?Vergasungskeller? is used. The inspection
report enclosed with the letter makes it possible. through a process of
elimination, to establish that Bischoff uses Vergasungskeller to designate
?Leichenkeller 1? of Krematorium II .

CONCLUSION Summarizing. a study of the files concerning the
construction of the four Birkenau Krematorien reveals 39 (THIRTY NINE)
?slips? or ?criminal traces? of different sorts, the majority of which
constitute material proof of the intention to make certain rooms IN THE FOUR
KREMATORIEN ?Gasdichte? or gas-tight. The incompatibility between a
gas-tight door and 14 shower heads indirectly proves the use of one of these
rooms as a HOMICIDAL GAS CHAMBER. There can no longer be any contestation or
denial of the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau in view of
such an accumulation of written indiscretions on a subject that was supposed
to remain secret but became an open secret throughout all of what was then
Upper Silesia.

> << Drawing 1173 shows the cross section of Leichenkeller 1 (the future gas
> chamber)
> where it joins the ground floor of the building, and shows in detail the
> paths of the
> ventilation and air extraction ducts. The transformation of this room into
> a
> homicidal gas chamber did not bring about any modification in the
> ventilation system,
> which had been designed for an underground morgue. The idea was that fresh
> air coming
> in [Bel?ftung] near the ceiling would cool and descend to the lower layers
> and be
> taken out near floor level through the air extraction ducts [Entl?ftung].
> If the
> system had been designed in the first place for a gas chamber using
> hydrocyanic
> acid, it would have been reversed with respect to that drawn, with the
> fresh air
> coming in below and the warm, toxic air being extracted from above. This
> cross-section, contrary to what historians have hitherto claimed, cannot
> be used to
> prove the existence of a homicidal gas chamber in Leichenkeller 1 of
> Krematorium II.>>
> http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/pressac/technique-and-operation/pressac...
> http://www.mazal.org/Pressac/Press...
> However that issue didn't seem to represent a major contradiction with the
> thesis of
> his book and he didn't insisted very much on that point.
> Then, in order to have an efficient ventilation after each operation of
> gassing, we
> face a weird issue:
> A- The ventilation system of the supposed gas chamber was in reality
> appropriated for
> a mortuary that needed to be aired out in order to eliminate the bad odor
> produced by
> the decomposition of the corpses. But as Pressac acknowledges again, the
> system was
> not the most appropriated for ventilating a gas chamber:
> << The ventilation system of Leichenkeller 1 had initially been
> designed for a
> morgue, with the fresh air entering near the ceiling and the cold
> unhealthy air being
> drawn out near the floor. Its use as a gas chamber really required the
> reverse
> situation, with the fresh air coming in near the floor and warm air
> saturated with
> hydrocyanic acid being drawn out near the ceiling. >>
> http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/pressac/technique-and-operation/pag...
> In Order to figure out better how was designed the system of ventilation
> of the rooms
> named Leichenkeller 1 (morgue 1) at Krema II and III I drew some schematic
> pictures.
> Until now, I know NOBODY who tried to make such detailed work.
> 1. Section of Leichenkeller as drawn by the civilian firm Huta with
> colored
> indications for "air extraction" and "air entrance".
> http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu345/ZuluBumba/Ventilation%20system/1-Leichenkeller1KremaIIS...
> 2. Schematic representation of the system of ventilation designed for the
> morgue by
> SS. Nobody tried to represent how actually was the air circulation at that
> room.
> http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu345/ZuluBumba/Ventilation%20system/2-VentilationLeinchenk...
> 3. A lateral view of the room that Pressac never tried to show on his
> book. It is
> important to figure out the numerous openings which existed and their
> location in the
> room. To be noticed that during the "gassing operations" the openings
> located near
> the ceiling allowed the HCN gas to go outside the room.
> http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu345/ZuluBumba/Ventilation%20system/3-Leichenkeller1KremaIILater...

Chemical tests have been coinducted showing traces of cyanides i.e. GAS WAS
USED in the gas chambers!

No amount of arguing about haw well the room was ventilated or sealed is
going to get around that!

Your argument is either that the gas was not used or that it was not used to
kill people.
But the first one cant be maintained if you claim gas was used!

> B- This system presented yet another difficulty. The poison gas had to
> exit through
> holes, located just above the floor, which led to a "ventilation conduit"
> (Entl?ftungskanal). With the density of people 9.5 to 14 per square meter
> (batches of
> 2000 to 3000 people into the 209 m2 room according with "eyewitnesses")

WHERE is your source for this "3000 people per room" claim ?

>ones can
> imagine that the mass of fallen corpses was able to to block up totally
> the little
> openings located near the floor.

Again you have not shown that there were such numbers nor that such numbers
would cause the extraction system to fail but in any case so what?
Even if your unsupported and unproven claim was true all it amounts to at
best is "Germans were bad a designing gas chambers" . so what if they were?
That doesnt mean they wouldnt use them does it? they might have also
designed better aircraft but that does not mean they didnt use the ones they
did have did it?

> If the SS had actually the intention to make a gas chamber by using that
> morgue
> (Leichenkeller 1) these two problems could easily have been avoided had
> them merely
> put the extractor fan on the superior ducts (blue) and made the inferior
> holes on the
> superior part of the wall conducts (yellow).

all it amounts to at best is "Germans were bad a designing gas chambers" .
so what if they were?
does not mean they didnt use them!

> The SS obviously didn't make such transformation because it was not
> necessary. The
> morgues never worked as "gas chambers".

So where did the traces of cycnide compounds come form?
Why did they have such designs?
why have "gas tight doors" etc.?

There can no longer be any contestation or denial of the existence of
homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau


6/22/2009 3:05:00 PM


On 19 Juni, 22:31, ZuLu <z...@skyisthelim.it> wrote:
> Mavisbeacon escribió:
> > "ZuLu" <z...@skyisthelim.it> wrote in message
> >news:4a30015d@news.x-privat.org...
> >> Mavisbeacon escribió:
> >>> "Zulu" <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote in message
> >>>news:0b84d3a4-3dc2-4d35-9e87-609c80d2d58b@q37g2000vbi.googlegroups.com....
> >>>> On 10 jun, 00:05, "Mavisbeacon" <Mavisbea...@nospam.forme> wrote:
> >>>>> "Zulu" <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote in message
> >>>>>news:f741aace-841b-4940-91f7-d675fbca4f73@y7g2000yqa.googlegroups.com...
> >>>>> On 9 jun, 12:24, parri...@yahoo.com wrote:
> >>>>>> On 9 Juni, 07:45, Roy <wila...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Jun 8, 1:42 pm, parri...@yahoo.com wrote:
> >>>>>>>> On 8 Juni, 10:50, "Truthseeker" <kur...@citywest.ca> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> Well did it collapse asymmetrical.
> >>>>>>>> Have a look and tell me what you think:
> >>>>>>>>http://www.drjudywood.com/articles/DEW/dewpics/0305911-colla...
> >>>>>>>>> Kurt Knoll.
> >>>>>>>>> <parri...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> >>>>>>>>>news:9c19e6de-388c-4a57-8587-f8f1623fdc24@d31g2000vbm.googlegroups.com...
> >>>>>>>>> On 6 Juni, 22:58, Zulu <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> On 6 jun, 22:48, doc...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor) wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Zulu <z...@volcanomail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Social Darwinist revisionist are chronic lying living in lies.
> >>>>>>>>>> Please provide your proof for my "lies".
> >>>>>>>>> Easily done.. I have hundreds of them on file.
> >>>>>>>>> For example,. your laughable claim that the WTC collapse was
> >>>>>>>>> "perfect
> >>>>>>>>> vertical symmetrical".- Hide quoted text -
> >>>>>>>> - Show quoted text -
> >>>>>>> Geez, you guys can't even stay on subject without bringing the TWIN
> >>>>>>> TOWERS into play.
> >>>>>> Well, Zulu threw a little hissy fit and asked for proof of his lies.
> >>>>>> I provided proof of one such lie. There are, of course, many more, but
> >>>>>> that is just a particularly easy one to point out.
> >>>>>> <snip>
> >>>>> As I explained, I claimed it because I actually "saw" the towers fall
> >>>>> symetrically on the TV footage available to me.
> >>>>> Now, you didn't provide the definite proofs based on the methodology I
> >>>>> previously established to convince me of the opposite.
> >>>>> In case I am really wrong, it is not a lie, it is my testimony.
> >>>>> I know well that eyewitnesses can be wrong including myself.
> >>>>> There are so many wrong on the "gas chamber" matter.
> >>>>> ...LOL! And in a FIAT of twisted logic Zulu claims he is right about
> >>>>> "no gas
> >>>>> chambers" based in the fact that he is wrong about everything else and
> >>>>> if he
> >>>>> is wrong then somebody else can be wrong.
> >>>>> LOOK! No matter how much you tory to dress up your bigot OPINION about
> >>>>> no
> >>>>> gas chambers it will not contradict the published and supported
> >>>>> historical
> >>>>> FACT! That is true whether you are right or wrong in your other
> >>>>> supported
> >>>>> and unrelated OPINION about the WTC.
> >>>> My opinion about gas chambers is based on documents easily available
> >>>> and technical reasonment.
> >>> What documents?
> >>> Ones that say "no gas chambers" LOL!
> >>> You must be mad.
> >>> So I suppose you pick out doccuments which you can distort misconstrue
> >>> and misrepresent in order to to support your opinion while ignoring all
> >>> the other evidence?
> >> I know how to read plans,  That's part of my job.
> > So where are the plans you base your claim of "100 openings" on?
> > To what "easily available" documents do you refer?
> You are a MORON. I gave the Pressac's references several times before.
> You react like an idiot which doesn't know the minimum of basic knowledge to talk
> about that topic.

Ah.. lke someone who claims to be an "negineer" but doesn't realise
that lice prefer warm bodies to cold, dead ones, hence there is no
sense in delousing a morgue more often than a barracks?

Or a man who is so stupid that he is horrified by the "waste" involved
in using a couple of cans of Zykon B, but thinks that expensive gas-
tight doors (with peepholes!) were "standard issue" all over the camp?

> <zulu>
> In opposite of what the DOGMA wants to make us believe, the underground morgues at
> Krema II and III weren't hermetically sealed rooms.

Who has claimed they were?

> They had many ventilation holes which communicated with open atmosphere as
> well as a drainage system. Considering that the zone was very humid, one can
> imagine how much vermin (rats, cockroaches, mosquitoes, etc... could penetrate
> from outside into such rooms.

Rather less than could penetrate a barracks, which has even more
ventilation holes an openings. Barracks are also excellent breeding
grounds for lice. Morgues less so.

What "engineer" would think it made sense to delouse a "morgue" so
often that it still retains HCN traces, but left the barracks alone?!