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[SUMMARY] Space Merchant (#71

James Gray

3/23/2006 1:53:00 PM

The primary focus of this quiz, for me, was to see how well a handful of
developers could quickly throw something together, without much knowledge of
what the other guys were doing. I think it went very well. I forgot several
basic things in my specification (like how Planet and Station needed a name()
accessor), but convention and common sense seemed to get us through with little
trouble. Too cool.

Obviously, I can't show all the code that was written this week. Instead, I
will try to hit on some highlights.

Development in Isolation

Since we were each just building a part of the whole, one of the big questions
became, how do I test my part? I built the Station, which doesn't really
require much from the other pieces. Sector and Galaxy help you move from
Station to Station, but that turns out to be trivial to bypass. I really just
needed to pretend I was docking at Station after Station. To do that, I added
the following code to the end of station.rb:

player = {:credits => 1000}

loop do
if player[:location].nil?
player[:location] = SpaceMerchant::Station.new(nil, "Test")


The idea here is that when you lift off from a Station, you will go back into
the Sector. So if we pass Station some Sector substitute that is easy to watch
for, nil for example, we can just replace that object with a newly constructed
Station whenever we see it. This simulates flying from Sector to Sector,
docking at Stations.

Some pieces depended on the others more heavily though, requiring more complete
solutions for testing. Ross Bamford built Galaxy, which requires at least a
minimal representations of the other celestial objects. Ross solved this by
mocking the other objects with the needed functionality:

if $0 == __FILE__
# The comparable stuff is needed only by the tests,
# not the Galaxy impl itself.
class Named #:nodoc: all
def initialize(sector, name); @name = name.to_s; end
def name; @name; end
alias :to_s :name
def inspect; "#{self.class.name}:#{@name}"; end
def ==(o); name == o.name; end
def <=>(o); name <=> o.to_s; end

class Sector < Named #:nodoc: all
def initialize(name, location = nil)
super(nil, name)
@location, @planets, @stations, @links = location, [], [], []
attr_accessor :location, :planets, :stations, :links
def add_planet(planet); @planets << planet; end
def add_station(station); @stations << station; end
def link(o); @links << o; end
def ==(o)
name == o.name &&
planets == o.planets &&
stations == o.stations &&
links.length == o.links.length
rescue NoMethodError

class Planet < Named #:nodoc: all

class Station < Named #:nodoc: all

# ...

Ross started with the minimal Named functionality that all objects share. I
would have provided this in the quiz, if I was as smart as Ross. From there,
Ross just adds in the functionality Galaxy requires. Note how unused details
(like the sector parameter to new()) are just casually ignored. The goal is to
build only what is needed to test the Galaxy implementation.

The Singleton Shortcut

I know how we all love a good method_missing() trick, so here's my favorite for
this week, again from Ross:

class Galaxy
include Singleton

# ...

class << self
# tired of writing 'Galaxy.instance' in tests...
def method_missing(sym, *args, &blk) #:nodoc:
instance.send(sym, *args, &blk)

# ...

Obviously, there are other solutions to the problem the comment describes, but
this particular trick made for a nice interface, I thought. Observe:

Galaxy.instance.find_planets { |planet| ... }
# ... becomes...
Galaxy.find_planets { |planet| ... }

That might come in handy with other uses of Singleton, I think.

The Big Event

Another detail of this quiz the solvers had to work with was how do handle
events. Here's a handle_event() method for Sector, by Timothy Bennett:

# ...

def handle_event ( player )
player[:visited_sectors] ||= []
player[:visited_sectors] << self unless player[:visited_sectors].find { |sector| sector == self }
choice = gets.chomp
case choice
when /d/i: choose_station
when /l/i: choose_planet
when /p/i: plot_course
when /q/i: throw(:quit)
when /\d+/: warp player, choice
else invalid_choice

# ...

Aside from the elegant menu dispatch at the end of the method, the main point of
interest is the first line. We all had to add our individual elements to the
Player object as needed, which required a little defensive programming. When
the Player first arrives in a Sector, there is no :visited_sectors key (the game
script doesn't create one). This is probably a sign that I should have provided
an initialization hook in the quiz, but optional assignments like the above
still might have been needed for things not known in advance. Luckily the ||=
operator is just perfect for this kind of work.

I won't show all the all of the event methods used above, but here is one of

# ...

def choose_station
player = Player.instance
puts "There are no stations to dock with!" if @stations.empty?
if @stations.size == 1
dock @stations[0], player
@stations.each_with_index do |station, index|
puts "(#{index + 1}) #{station.name}"
puts "Enter the number of the station to dock with: "

station_index = gets.chomp.to_i - 1
if @stations[station_index]
dock @stations[station_index], player
puts "Invalid station."

# ...

I really liked how this method would just intelligently make the choice, if
there was only one, or prompt the user when a decision needed to be made. This
made for a better playing experience for sure.

Manufacturing Fun and Destruction

The final aspect of this quiz was, of course, innovation. I left the
specification very open in the hopes that someone would grab the ball and run...

class UsableItem
attr_reader :rarity, :name, :description

def initialize (name, description = "", rarity = 0.7, &block)
@effect = block if block_given?
@name = name
@description = description
@rarity = rarity

def use (player)
if @effect
@effect.call player
puts "#{name} has no effect."

def to_s

Obviously, that is just a name, description, and rarity attached to a block
(from Timothy Bennett's planet.rb), but just look at this example of the
earth-shattering fun to be had with an object like this:

# ...

omega = SpaceMerchant::UsableItem.new( "Omega",
"Don't push that button. Please.",
0.9 ) do |player|
planet = player[:location]
player[:location] = planet.sector
puts "You hear a terrible rumbling as the Vogon constructor fleet"
puts "descends upon #{planet.name}. You scramble to your"
puts "ship and launch just in time to avoid becoming space dust."

# ...

I love it.

A big thank you to all who played with my pet project. Hopefully you didn't
blow up your planet doing so.

Tomorrow we will continue our focus on essential Ruby programming skills with
Breaking and Entering 101...