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Review requested: Binding.call_stack(), Binding.of_caller()-style


3/4/2006 9:47:00 AM

Hi, all--

I'd like to submit for evaluation an elaboration I've made on the
famous 'Binding.of_caller()' of Florian Groß. I have tried to follow
the the description of the interface for Binding.call_stack() suggested
in ruby-talk 12097, "RCR: replacing 'caller'", although in standard
Ruby instead of an extension.
The technique of using set_trace_func() to capture a Binding one
stack frame up has been around at least since 2001 [1]. Here I raise
an exception and ride it out to main scope, catching Bindings as the
stack unrolls. File and line info is taken from caller() as usual, and
the input from the two traces is knitted together.

Binding::call_stack() returns a CallStack object--an Array
subclass--containing one StackFrame object per calling frame. Unless
specified otherwise, the last StackFrame will contain information from
the outermost scope, the 'main' quasi-object. A StackFrame, like a
Struct, is a bundle of attributes, as follows:

'object': Name of module|class in which the calling function is
defined. Will be 'main' if call_stack() is invoked at global scope.
'method': Name of method whose calling scope we currently inhabit.
Will be nil at global scope.
'binding': Binding within calling method's scope. This is the really
useful one, carrying on Binding.of_caller()'s performance.
'file': Current file.
'line': Number of line at which current method was called, as
returned by Kernel::caller().

As far as I have understood the logic behind caller(), I have tried to
integrate the Binding retrieval smoothly thereinto. Here are some

# <stacktest.rb>
require 'call_stack'

puts Binding::call_stack.first.to_a # Retrieve StackFrame and convert
to array for output
# </stacktest.rb>



Not interesting. But given this

# <stacktest.rb>
require 'call_stack'

main_local = 'main scope'

class C
def first()
first_local = 'in C.first()'
return second

def second()
second_local = 'in C.second()'
return Binding::call_stack # <---- Nested call
end# C

# Print CallStack array:
C.new.first().each { |frame|
# Dump current frame:
puts "Class: '%s'" % [frame.object]
puts "Method name: '%s'" % [frame.method]
puts "Filename: '%s'" % [frame.file]
puts "Line no.: %d" % [frame.line]
puts "Locals in binding: #{eval 'local_variables()',
}# each
# </stacktest.rb>

we see

Class: 'C'
Method name: 'second'
Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
Line no.: 18
Locals in binding: second_local

Class: 'C'
Method name: 'first'
Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
Line no.: 13
Locals in binding: first_local

Class: 'main'
Method name: ''
Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
Line no.: 22
Locals in binding: main_local

The first frame holds the environment in which call_stack() was itself
called, that is, the method C#second(). The second frame holds *it's*
calling environment, C#first(), and the third frame, global binding.
The eval()'d calls to Kernel::local_variables() suggest how these
captured bindings can be used to mess with other people's stuff.
Three configuration attributes control the classes used internally:

* Binding::CallStack::frame_class : The class held here is instantiated
into containers for the data returned by call_stack(). Default value
is Binding::StackFrame.
* Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception : The exception thrown to
unroll the stack. Because it arrests itself, this is one exception we
*don't* want to be caught, to which end its type is generated from the
system clock when the file is loaded. But you can change it.
* Binding::stack_class : The class instantiated for return by
call_stack(). In this case, it must quack like an Array with two extra
methods--call(), invoked each time a frame is added; and ret(), invoked
just before the object is returned.


class Binding
require 'test/unit/assertions'
class << self
include Test::Unit::Assertions # for Binding::call_stack

# *************** STACKFRAME ***************
class StackFrame
include Test::Unit::Assertions

# TODO: Make read-only:
attr_accessor :object
attr_accessor :method
attr_accessor :binding
attr_accessor :file
attr_accessor :line

# to_a(): Return data as new array.
def to_a()
return [ self.object,
end# to_a()

# to_s(): Return join()ed string.
def to_s()
return to_a().to_s()
end# to_s()

# inspect(): Return as array of values.
def inspect()
return to_a().inspect()
end# inspect()

# to_h(): Return in key/value form. Note: A pair will only exist
if accessor assignment has been used.
def to_h()
h = Hash::new
var = nil # temp
instance_variables().each { |var|
var =~ /^@ (\w+) $/x
assert( $1 )
h[$1] = instance_variable_get(var)
}# each

return h
end# to_h()
end# StackFrame

# *************** CALLSTACK ***************
# Actually an Array, not a Stack proper.
class CallStack < Array
include Test::Unit::Assertions
require 'date'

@version = '0.0.1'
class << self
attr_reader :version

# Class instance vars:
@frame_class = Binding::StackFrame
@tracing_exception = "xCallStack: #{DateTime.now.to_s}".intern()
class << self
attr_accessor :frame_class
attr_accessor :tracing_exception

# Ctor: call_stack() passes its binding hither, in case we need to
read locals therefrom (a utility device). Read-only!
# Note: A null value for call_stack_binding will yield an empty
def initialize( call_stack_binding = nil )
if( call_stack_binding )
@call_stack_binding = call_stack_binding # Store for use in

push StackFrame::new() # Disposable: eliminated in ret().
end# if
# else empty
end# ctor()

# call(): Repeatedly used by call_stack() to add frames to the
array (hence the name).
# [ class, method, binding, file, line ]
def call( trace_event, trace_file, trace_line, trace_method,
trace_bind, trace_object )
assert( eval( "defined? aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) ==
'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in
aCallers = eval( "aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) # temp to
avoid repeat eval() calls

push StackFrame::new()
# The nature of set_trace_func() is to return the class and
method name for the *previous* stack frame.
at(-2).object = trace_object
at(-2).method = trace_method

last.binding = trace_bind
aCallers.first =~ /^ ( [\w\.]+ ) : ( \d+ ) \D*/x
assert( $1 && $2 )
last.file = $1
last.line = $2

return self
end# call()

# ret(): Called after all iterations are finished, just before the
CallStack is passed back to the client.
def ret()
shift() # Remove placeholder first element.
assert( length > 0 )

assert( eval( "defined? nCount", @call_stack_binding ) ==
'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in

# If the final frame isn't at main scope, depending on the
arguments to call_stack(), it's also a placeholder and must be removed:
if( eval( "nCount", @call_stack_binding ) )
# Flesh out final element:
last.object = 'main'
last.method = nil
end# if

return self
end# ret()
end# CallStack

# *************** CALL_STACK ***************
# call_stack(): Retrieve CallStack object (array of StackFrame
def Binding::call_stack( nSkipFrames = 0, nCount = nil )
# Validate vars:
[nSkipFrames, nCount].each { |var|
if( var && (!var.is_a?(Integer) || (var < 0 )) ) then raise(
ArgumentError, "Optional argument to call_stack() should be a
nonnegative Integer." ); end
}# each

# Store temporarily to obviate reinvocation. Needed below, and
also by the current implementation of class CallStack, so I opted to
store it here and pass the CallStack ctor this, call_stack()'s,
binding, to allow for greater flexibility if CallStack is extended.
aCallers = caller()

# If at toplevel or nSkipFrames is greater than the number of
frames available, /or/ the client explicitly requests zero frames, exit
if( (aCallers.length-nSkipFrames <= 0) || (nCount == 0) ) then
return Binding::stack_class::new(); end

# Trim the first entry, the client function, which we don't want to
include; then omit the next nSkipFrames entries.

# If nCount sufficiently large, no reason to use it at all:
if( nCount && ( nSkipFrames+nCount >= aCallers.length) ) then
nCount = nil; end

# Trim end if nCount provided:
if( nCount )
assert( nCount < aCallers.length )
nCount += nSkipFrames+1 # If nCount must be used in its "proper"
function, we have to pad out the number of trace calls to one beyond
the specified, in order to receive object and method info (see
CallStack::call(), above).
aCallers.slice!(nCount .. -1)
end# end

aCallStack = Binding::stack_class::new( binding() ) # Pass current
Binding, giving CallStack access to locals.
callcc { |cc|
# Hope springs eternal(!):
#old_tracefunc = get_trace_func()
proc {
# event, file, line, id, bind, classname
|event, *remaining_args|

if( event == 'return' )
# If frame capture yet enabled:
if( nSkipFrames == 0 )
# capture current:
aCallStack.call( event, *remaining_args )
else # skip to next
nSkipFrames -= 1
end# if


# If at toplevel, end ride:
if( aCallers.length == 0 )
#set_trace_func( get_trace_func() )
set_trace_func( nil )

# -----> Stack unrolling finishes here:
end# if
end# if
}# proc
)# set_trace_func

# Stack unrolling begins here: ----->
throw( Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception )
}# callcc


# Resume execution in client func:
return( aCallStack )
end# call_stack()

# Class instance var:
@stack_class = Binding::CallStack
class << self
attr_accessor :stack_class
end# Binding

# </call_stack.rb>

I would appreciate your input with regard to the following:
* The three class attributes mentioned above (and the version member)
allow noninvasive tweaking, but I'm not sure whether I should be using
class variables or class instance vars for them.
* I noticed that Herr Groß renders his script thread critical(). I
know not enough about thread safety to incorporate this without dumbly
parroting him.
* Use of set_trace_func() breaks compatibility with the debugger, and
I haven't had much luck with irb, either. Under what other
circumstances do Binding.of_caller() and relatives not work well?

Also, my rdoc skills are rudimentary and there's a sort of half-assed
Hungarian notation going on, because I haven't really worked out a
style for myself. (:-P
Finally: I've only been in Ruby for a little over a month, so if it
looks somewhere like I don't know what I'm doing, that's probably the
case. :-)
If I have wasted your time, please don't look back.


Jonathan J-S

Off to bed.

* [1]: I've started thinking of this as the 'red carpet idiom.' Any

8 Answers


3/4/2006 6:56:00 PM


Wow, impressive. I can't comment very much on the implementation, I'm
still trying to wrap my head around what you've done. Would you mind
writing a little bit about how you are using continuations to walk the
stack in the Binding::call_stack method? How does that interact with
set_trace_func and the throw at the bottom of the callcc block? (e.g.
throw( Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception ))

Looks pretty cool to me!

On 3/4/06, Dumaiu <Dymaio@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all--
> I'd like to submit for evaluation an elaboration I've made on the
> famous 'Binding.of_caller()' of Florian Groß. I have tried to follow
> the the description of the interface for Binding.call_stack() suggested
> in ruby-talk 12097, "RCR: replacing 'caller'", although in standard
> Ruby instead of an extension.
> The technique of using set_trace_func() to capture a Binding one
> stack frame up has been around at least since 2001 [1]. Here I raise
> an exception and ride it out to main scope, catching Bindings as the
> stack unrolls. File and line info is taken from caller() as usual, and
> the input from the two traces is knitted together.
> #<call_stack.rb>
> =begin
> Binding::call_stack() returns a CallStack object--an Array
> subclass--containing one StackFrame object per calling frame. Unless
> specified otherwise, the last StackFrame will contain information from
> the outermost scope, the 'main' quasi-object. A StackFrame, like a
> Struct, is a bundle of attributes, as follows:
> 'object': Name of module|class in which the calling function is
> defined. Will be 'main' if call_stack() is invoked at global scope.
> 'method': Name of method whose calling scope we currently inhabit.
> Will be nil at global scope.
> 'binding': Binding within calling method's scope. This is the really
> useful one, carrying on Binding.of_caller()'s performance.
> 'file': Current file.
> 'line': Number of line at which current method was called, as
> returned by Kernel::caller().
> As far as I have understood the logic behind caller(), I have tried to
> integrate the Binding retrieval smoothly thereinto. Here are some
> examples:
> # <stacktest.rb>
> require 'call_stack'
> puts Binding::call_stack.first.to_a # Retrieve StackFrame and convert
> to array for output
> # </stacktest.rb>
> produces:
> main
> nil
> #<Binding:0xb16fa4f00l>
> stacktest.rb
> 4
> Not interesting. But given this
> # <stacktest.rb>
> require 'call_stack'
> main_local = 'main scope'
> class C
> def first()
> first_local = 'in C.first()'
> return second
> end
> def second()
> second_local = 'in C.second()'
> return Binding::call_stack # <---- Nested call
> end
> end# C
> # Print CallStack array:
> C.new.first().each { |frame|
> # Dump current frame:
> puts "Class: '%s'" % [frame.object]
> puts "Method name: '%s'" % [frame.method]
> puts "Filename: '%s'" % [frame.file]
> puts "Line no.: %d" % [frame.line]
> puts "Locals in binding: #{eval 'local_variables()',
> frame.binding}\n\n"
> }# each
> # </stacktest.rb>
> we see
> Class: 'C'
> Method name: 'second'
> Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
> Line no.: 18
> Locals in binding: second_local
> Class: 'C'
> Method name: 'first'
> Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
> Line no.: 13
> Locals in binding: first_local
> Class: 'main'
> Method name: ''
> Filename: 'stacktest.rb'
> Line no.: 22
> Locals in binding: main_local
> The first frame holds the environment in which call_stack() was itself
> called, that is, the method C#second(). The second frame holds *it's*
> calling environment, C#first(), and the third frame, global binding.
> The eval()'d calls to Kernel::local_variables() suggest how these
> captured bindings can be used to mess with other people's stuff.
> Three configuration attributes control the classes used internally:
> * Binding::CallStack::frame_class : The class held here is instantiated
> into containers for the data returned by call_stack(). Default value
> is Binding::StackFrame.
> * Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception : The exception thrown to
> unroll the stack. Because it arrests itself, this is one exception we
> *don't* want to be caught, to which end its type is generated from the
> system clock when the file is loaded. But you can change it.
> * Binding::stack_class : The class instantiated for return by
> call_stack(). In this case, it must quack like an Array with two extra
> methods--call(), invoked each time a frame is added; and ret(), invoked
> just before the object is returned.
> =end
> class Binding
> require 'test/unit/assertions'
> class << self
> include Test::Unit::Assertions # for Binding::call_stack
> end
> # *************** STACKFRAME ***************
> class StackFrame
> include Test::Unit::Assertions
> # TODO: Make read-only:
> attr_accessor :object
> attr_accessor :method
> attr_accessor :binding
> attr_accessor :file
> attr_accessor :line
> # to_a(): Return data as new array.
> def to_a()
> return [ self.object,
> self.method,
> self.binding,
> self.file,
> self.line
> ]
> end# to_a()
> # to_s(): Return join()ed string.
> def to_s()
> return to_a().to_s()
> end# to_s()
> # inspect(): Return as array of values.
> def inspect()
> return to_a().inspect()
> end# inspect()
> # to_h(): Return in key/value form. Note: A pair will only exist
> if accessor assignment has been used.
> def to_h()
> h = Hash::new
> var = nil # temp
> instance_variables().each { |var|
> var =~ /^@ (\w+) $/x
> assert( $1 )
> h[$1] = instance_variable_get(var)
> }# each
> return h
> end# to_h()
> end# StackFrame
> # *************** CALLSTACK ***************
> # Actually an Array, not a Stack proper.
> class CallStack < Array
> include Test::Unit::Assertions
> require 'date'
> @version = '0.0.1'
> class << self
> attr_reader :version
> end
> # Class instance vars:
> @frame_class = Binding::StackFrame
> @tracing_exception = "xCallStack: #{DateTime.now.to_s}".intern()
> class << self
> attr_accessor :frame_class
> attr_accessor :tracing_exception
> end
> # Ctor: call_stack() passes its binding hither, in case we need to
> read locals therefrom (a utility device). Read-only!
> # Note: A null value for call_stack_binding will yield an empty
> object.
> def initialize( call_stack_binding = nil )
> if( call_stack_binding )
> @call_stack_binding = call_stack_binding # Store for use in
> call().
> push StackFrame::new() # Disposable: eliminated in ret().
> end# if
> # else empty
> end# ctor()
> # call(): Repeatedly used by call_stack() to add frames to the
> array (hence the name).
> # [ class, method, binding, file, line ]
> def call( trace_event, trace_file, trace_line, trace_method,
> trace_bind, trace_object )
> assert( eval( "defined? aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) ==
> 'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in
> call_stack().
> aCallers = eval( "aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) # temp to
> avoid repeat eval() calls
> push StackFrame::new()
> # The nature of set_trace_func() is to return the class and
> method name for the *previous* stack frame.
> at(-2).object = trace_object
> at(-2).method = trace_method
> last.binding = trace_bind
> aCallers.first =~ /^ ( [\w\.]+ ) : ( \d+ ) \D*/x
> assert( $1 && $2 )
> last.file = $1
> last.line = $2
> return self
> end# call()
> # ret(): Called after all iterations are finished, just before the
> CallStack is passed back to the client.
> def ret()
> shift() # Remove placeholder first element.
> assert( length > 0 )
> assert( eval( "defined? nCount", @call_stack_binding ) ==
> 'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in
> call_stack().
> # If the final frame isn't at main scope, depending on the
> arguments to call_stack(), it's also a placeholder and must be removed:
> if( eval( "nCount", @call_stack_binding ) )
> pop()
> else
> # Flesh out final element:
> last.object = 'main'
> last.method = nil
> end# if
> return self
> end# ret()
> end# CallStack
> # *************** CALL_STACK ***************
> # call_stack(): Retrieve CallStack object (array of StackFrame
> objects).
> def Binding::call_stack( nSkipFrames = 0, nCount = nil )
> # Validate vars:
> [nSkipFrames, nCount].each { |var|
> if( var && (!var.is_a?(Integer) || (var < 0 )) ) then raise(
> ArgumentError, "Optional argument to call_stack() should be a
> nonnegative Integer." ); end
> }# each
> # Store temporarily to obviate reinvocation. Needed below, and
> also by the current implementation of class CallStack, so I opted to
> store it here and pass the CallStack ctor this, call_stack()'s,
> binding, to allow for greater flexibility if CallStack is extended.
> aCallers = caller()
> # If at toplevel or nSkipFrames is greater than the number of
> frames available, /or/ the client explicitly requests zero frames, exit
> early:
> if( (aCallers.length-nSkipFrames <= 0) || (nCount == 0) ) then
> return Binding::stack_class::new(); end
> # Trim the first entry, the client function, which we don't want to
> include; then omit the next nSkipFrames entries.
> # If nCount sufficiently large, no reason to use it at all:
> if( nCount && ( nSkipFrames+nCount >= aCallers.length) ) then
> nCount = nil; end
> # Trim end if nCount provided:
> if( nCount )
> assert( nCount < aCallers.length )
> nCount += nSkipFrames+1 # If nCount must be used in its "proper"
> function, we have to pad out the number of trace calls to one beyond
> the specified, in order to receive object and method info (see
> CallStack::call(), above).
> aCallers.slice!(nCount .. -1)
> end# end
> aCallStack = Binding::stack_class::new( binding() ) # Pass current
> Binding, giving CallStack access to locals.
> callcc { |cc|
> # Hope springs eternal(!):
> #old_tracefunc = get_trace_func()
> set_trace_func(
> proc {
> # event, file, line, id, bind, classname
> |event, *remaining_args|
> if( event == 'return' )
> # If frame capture yet enabled:
> if( nSkipFrames == 0 )
> # capture current:
> aCallStack.call( event, *remaining_args )
> else # skip to next
> nSkipFrames -= 1
> end# if
> aCallers.shift()
> # If at toplevel, end ride:
> if( aCallers.length == 0 )
> #set_trace_func( get_trace_func() )
> set_trace_func( nil )
> # -----> Stack unrolling finishes here:
> cc.call()
> end# if
> end# if
> }# proc
> )# set_trace_func
> # Stack unrolling begins here: ----->
> throw( Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception )
> }# callcc
> assert(nSkipFrames)
> # Resume execution in client func:
> aCallStack.ret()
> return( aCallStack )
> end# call_stack()
> # Class instance var:
> @stack_class = Binding::CallStack
> class << self
> attr_accessor :stack_class
> end
> end# Binding
> # </call_stack.rb>
> I would appreciate your input with regard to the following:
> * The three class attributes mentioned above (and the version member)
> allow noninvasive tweaking, but I'm not sure whether I should be using
> class variables or class instance vars for them.
> * I noticed that Herr Groß renders his script thread critical(). I
> know not enough about thread safety to incorporate this without dumbly
> parroting him.
> * Use of set_trace_func() breaks compatibility with the debugger, and
> I haven't had much luck with irb, either. Under what other
> circumstances do Binding.of_caller() and relatives not work well?
> Also, my rdoc skills are rudimentary and there's a sort of half-assed
> Hungarian notation going on, because I haven't really worked out a
> style for myself. (:-P
> Finally: I've only been in Ruby for a little over a month, so if it
> looks somewhere like I don't know what I'm doing, that's probably the
> case. :-)
> If I have wasted your time, please don't look back.
> Yours,
> Jonathan J-S
> Off to bed.
> * [1]: I've started thinking of this as the 'red carpet idiom.' Any
> takers?


3/4/2006 10:18:00 PM



Sure, I'll talk some more. It took *me* a while to wrap my head
around Florian Gross's stuff. I just didn't want to look like I was
trying to talk down to anyone.
As we know, Kernel::caller() returns an array of strings, and is
pretty frickin' useless by itself. A lot of people, independent of one
another, have wanted a way to write library methods that can
"magically" access the scope in which they were invoked. Gross wrote a
library to do this, binding_of_caller.rb, which has been floating
around this newsgroup for a while; and if you haven't seen it yet, you
shouldn't have trouble finding it. The only way to generate Binding
objects automatically is set_trace_func(), so you'll see it in every
attempt of this sort. You stick in a trace func that catches the
bindings from the 'return' events. Gross's clever solution was to use
a continuation to mark a location, take a detour to collect Bindings,
and then resume. Scenario: you write a library function requiring
access to its caller's binding. Your function calls his
Binding::of_caller(), puts a block into set_trace_func(), creates a
continuation, and allows itself to return. You have now moved back a
stack frame into your original function. The tracer notes this. Your
function then *also* returns immediately (enforced by
binding_of_caller.rb), and with the second 'return' event you get the
binding you're after. Once the trace func sees this, it uses the
cached continuation to dive back into normal execution.
The necessity of Binding::of_caller() being a tail call bothered
me. Instead of

def library_func()
bind = Binding::of_caller
do_something( bind )

you must split your function into an outer and an inner component:

def library_func() # Header
Binding::of_caller { |bind| library_func_impl(bind) } #
Continuation is only available as a block parameter.
# Nothing allowed here

def library_func_impl(bind) # Body
do_something( bind )

That block is required. Not concealed enough! The only novelty in my
code is the use of an escape continuation, i.e., an exception, which
eliminates the tail-call thing: set_trace_func() sees nothing but a
pile of 'return' events until it reaches the top (bottom? top?) of the
stack, and then--*just* before the uncaught exception crashes the
program--the stored continuation is called. Roughly equivalent to the
previous example is

def library_func()
bind = Binding::call_stack(1,1).first.binding
do_something( bind )

call_stack() calls callcc(). callcc() calls set_trace_func() and
throws an exception. The exception unrolls the stack, triggering the
tracer automatically. The tracer returns flow to call_stack() and
then unsets itself. The real stuff is all in Binding::call_stack(),
the rest just 'limbs and outward flourishes.' I don't know about you,
but I had to work very hard to understand Kernel::callcc(). It's
spaghetti syntax, to be sure.
F.G.'s design is faster and optimal if you only need to regress one
frame. Once I realized I could get the whole stack, it seemed silly to
return an array of just Bindings only, so I made it more like I wished
Kernel::caller() had worked to begin with. The implementation is a
byzantine shot at balancing extensibility and efficiency. In
particular, the capability of passing start- and endpoints as
arguments, the last feature added and the least well tested,
complicated things.

Take care,



3/20/2006 6:33:00 PM


Update. So I learn that using an exception as the unrolling
mechanism will trip any ensure() blocks it passes through: each will
get executed twice, once during and once after, and the client won't
know why. Included is the patch--the entire file without the docs, for
simplicity's sake. A row of asterisks marks the only addition.


# Pop open for a bit:
class Binding
require 'test/unit/assertions'
class << self
include Test::Unit::Assertions # for Binding::call_stack

# *************** STACKFRAME ***************
class StackFrame
include Test::Unit::Assertions

# TODO: Make read-only:
attr_accessor :object
attr_accessor :method
attr_accessor :binding
attr_accessor :file
attr_accessor :line

# to_a(): Return data as new array.
def to_a()
return [ self.object,
end# to_a()

# to_s(): Return join()ed string.
def to_s()
return to_a().to_s()
end# to_s()

# inspect(): Return as array of values.
def inspect()
return to_a().inspect()
end# inspect()

# to_h(): Return in key/value form. Note: A pair will only exist
if accessor assignment has been used.
def to_h()
h = Hash::new
var = nil # temp
instance_variables().each { |var|
var =~ /^@ (\w+) $/x
assert( $1 )
h[$1] = instance_variable_get(var)
}# each

return h
end# to_h()
end# StackFrame

# *************** CALLSTACK ***************
# Actually an Array, not a Stack proper.
class CallStack < Array
include Test::Unit::Assertions
require 'date'

@version = '0.1.1'
class << self
attr_reader :version

# Class instance vars:
@frame_class = Binding::StackFrame
@tracing_exception = "xCallStack: #{DateTime.now.to_s}".intern()
class << self
attr_accessor :frame_class
attr_accessor :tracing_exception

# Ctor: call_stack() passes its binding hither, in case we need to
read locals therefrom (a utility device). Read-only!
# Note: A null value for call_stack_binding will yield an empty
def initialize( call_stack_binding = nil )
if( call_stack_binding )
@call_stack_binding = call_stack_binding # Store for use in

push StackFrame::new() # Disposable: eliminated in ret().
end# if
# else empty
end# ctor()

# call(): Repeatedly used by call_stack() to add frames to the
array (hence the name).
# [ class, method, binding, file, line ]
def call( trace_event, trace_file, trace_line, trace_method,
trace_bind, trace_object )
assert( eval( "defined? aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) ==
'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in
aCallers = eval( "aCallers", @call_stack_binding ) # temp to
avoid repeat eval() calls

push StackFrame::new()
# The nature of set_trace_func() is to return the class and
method name for the *previous* stack frame.
at(-2).object = trace_object
at(-2).method = trace_method

last.binding = trace_bind
aCallers.first =~ /^ ( [\w\.]+ ) : ( \d+ ) \D*/x
assert( $1 && $2 )
last.file = $1
last.line = $2

return self
end# call()

# ret(): Called after all iterations are finished, just before the
CallStack is passed back to the client.
def ret()
shift() # Remove placeholder first element.
assert( length > 0 )

assert( eval( "defined? nCount", @call_stack_binding ) ==
'local-variable' ) # Ensure we have the proper name for locvar in

# If the final frame isn't at main scope, depending on the
arguments to call_stack(), it's also a placeholder and must be removed:
if( eval( "nCount", @call_stack_binding ) )
# Flesh out final element:
last.object = 'main'
last.method = nil
end# if

return self
end# ret()
end# CallStack

# *************** CALL_STACK ***************
# call_stack(): Retrieve CallStack object (array of StackFrame
def Binding::call_stack( nSkipFrames = 0, nCount = nil )
# Validate vars:
[nSkipFrames, nCount].each { |var|
if( var && (!var.is_a?(Integer) || (var < 0 )) ) then raise(
ArgumentError, "Optional argument to call_stack() should be a
nonnegative Integer." ); end
}# each

# Store temporarily to obviate reinvocation. Needed below, and
also by the current implementation of class CallStack, so I opted to
store it here and pass the CallStack ctor this, call_stack()'s,
binding, to allow for greater flexibility if CallStack is extended.
aCallers = caller()

# If at toplevel or nSkipFrames is greater than the number of
frames available, /or/ the client explicitly requests zero frames, exit
if( (aCallers.length-nSkipFrames <= 0) || (nCount == 0) ) then
return Binding::stack_class::new(); end

# Trim the first entry, the client function, which we don't want to
include; then omit the next nSkipFrames entries.
#aCallers.slice!(0, nSkipFrames) FIXME: Don't let this creep back

# If nCount sufficiently large, no reason to use it at all:
if( nCount && ( nSkipFrames+nCount >= aCallers.length) ) then
nCount = nil; end

# Trim end if nCount provided:
if( nCount )
assert( nCount < aCallers.length )
nCount += nSkipFrames+1 # If nCount must be used in its "proper"
function, we have to pad out the number of trace calls to one beyond
the specified, in order to receive object and method info (see
CallStack::call(), above).
aCallers.slice!(nCount .. -1)
end# end

aCallStack = Binding::stack_class::new( binding() ) # Pass current
Binding, giving CallStack access to locals.
callcc { |cc|
# Hope springs eternal(!):
#old_tracefunc = get_trace_func()
proc {
# event, file, line, id, bind, classname
|event, *remaining_args|

# Capturing frames:
if( event == 'return' )

# If frame capture yet enabled:
if( nSkipFrames == 0 )
# capture current:
aCallStack.call( event, *remaining_args )
else # skip to next
nSkipFrames -= 1
end# if


# If at toplevel, end ride:
if( aCallers.length == 0 )
#set_trace_func( get_trace_func() )
set_trace_func( nil )

# -----> Stack unrolling finishes here:
end# if
elsif( event == 'line' )
# *** This breaks free of inadvertent ensure() or rescue()
throw( Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception ) #
end# if
}# proc
)# set_trace_func

# Stack unrolling begins here: ----->
throw( Binding::CallStack::tracing_exception )
}# callcc


# Resume execution in client func:
return( aCallStack )
end# call_stack()

# Class instance var:
@stack_class = Binding::CallStack
class << self
attr_accessor :stack_class
end# Binding

# </call_stack.rb>

If the unrolling goes uninterrupted, set_trace_func() gets only
'return' events. If it reports a 'line' event, we bully our way back
out with another exception. This also takes care of the related
potential injudicious use of rescue(). It does not, however, address
the fact that use of call_stack() will cause else() blocks to *never*
be executed, and this one may really have me stumped. It was my
understanding, my impression, at least, that recovering from an
exception is a traditional and accepted application for a continuation,
and the use of an else() block presupposes that every exception, or
whatever you want to call it, is an error--which is inconsistent with
the language's inclusion of throw() and catch(). In all, this looks
like a good reason for avoiding else() blocks--and I'm not just being
sore (I hope).


Patty Winter

9/24/2011 2:28:00 AM


In article <4e7d3f95.15410562@news.flex.com>,
Pinstripe Sniper <verysorry@nocando.com> wrote:
>Patty Winter <patty1@wintertime.com> wrote:
>>If you're suggestion that the "Big Bang Theory" writers got the
>>idea of having a paintball scene from something that happened
>>on "Community," the first paintball ep of BBT aired six months
>>before "Community" even started.
>Hahah, *FACTS!*... is that all you got? Tsssk, tsssk, get with the
>times Patty - *fabrication* is where the action is. :-)

Yeah, sorry to ruin your day. :-)



9/24/2011 2:29:00 AM


Patty Winter <patty1@wintertime.com> wrote:

>Pinstripe Sniper <verysorry@nocando.com> wrote:
>>So TBBT saw how Comm. rocked with paintball and slipped some in?
>If you're suggestion that the "Big Bang Theory" writers got the
>idea of having a paintball scene from something that happened
>on "Community," the first paintball ep of BBT aired six months
>before "Community" even started.

Hahah, *FACTS!*... is that all you got? Tsssk, tsssk, get with the
times Patty - *fabrication* is where the action is. :-)

(now that you mention it, I have a hazy recollection of paintball war
on TBBT a long time agoat)


A fictional account of how to drastically reform the financial world...
More at http://PinstripeSniper.bl... and if that gets banned, check

Zombie Elvis

9/27/2011 1:53:00 AM


On 24 Sep 2011 01:59:40 GMT, Patty Winter <patty1@wintertime.com>

>In article <4e7d0705.930015@news.flex.com>,
>Pinstripe Sniper <verysorry@nocando.com> wrote:
>>So TBBT saw how Comm. rocked with paintball and slipped some in?
>If you're suggestion that the "Big Bang Theory" writers got the
>idea of having a paintball scene from something that happened
>on "Community," the first paintball ep of BBT aired six months
>before "Community" even started.
True but I think this is the first time we've actually seen the BBT
gang actually playing paintball instead of actually kvetching about it
at their base camp. And Sheldon's "sacrifice" which allowed the guys
to actually win for once did look a lot like Troy's "death" scene in
"For a Few Paintballs More."
I?m thinking about buying a horse. Great for transportation and once you?re done with it, you?ve got about seven days worth of meals.
-- Creed Bratton

Roberto Castillo


Ian J. Ball

9/27/2011 12:29:00 PM


In article <usa287t4euvh71qnmd5s27b4qbfhkrpkld@4ax.com>,
Zombie Elvis <DELETErobertocastillo@ameritech.net> wrote:

> On 24 Sep 2011 01:59:40 GMT, Patty Winter <patty1@wintertime.com>
> wrote:
> >In article <4e7d0705.930015@news.flex.com>,
> >Pinstripe Sniper <verysorry@nocando.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>So TBBT saw how Comm. rocked with paintball and slipped some in?
> >
> >If you're suggestion that the "Big Bang Theory" writers got the
> >idea of having a paintball scene from something that happened
> >on "Community," the first paintball ep of BBT aired six months
> >before "Community" even started.
> True but I think this is the first time we've actually seen the BBT
> gang actually playing paintball instead of actually kvetching about it
> at their base camp. And Sheldon's "sacrifice" which allowed the guys
> to actually win for once did look a lot like Troy's "death" scene in
> "For a Few Paintballs More."

The scene in question is an homage/spoof of the scene in "Platoon".

"Am I a bird? No, I'm a bat. I'm Batman. Or am I? Yes, I am Batman."
- Abed as "Batman" on "Halloween", "Community", 10/29/09


9/27/2011 2:16:00 PM


On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 05:29:13 -0700, "Ian J. Ball"
<ijball-NO_SPAM@mac.invalid> wrote:

>In article <usa287t4euvh71qnmd5s27b4qbfhkrpkld@4ax.com>,
> Zombie Elvis <DELETErobertocastillo@ameritech.net> wrote:
>> On 24 Sep 2011 01:59:40 GMT, Patty Winter <patty1@wintertime.com>
>> wrote:
>> >In article <4e7d0705.930015@news.flex.com>,
>> >Pinstripe Sniper <verysorry@nocando.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>So TBBT saw how Comm. rocked with paintball and slipped some in?
>> >
>> >If you're suggestion that the "Big Bang Theory" writers got the
>> >idea of having a paintball scene from something that happened
>> >on "Community," the first paintball ep of BBT aired six months
>> >before "Community" even started.
>> True but I think this is the first time we've actually seen the BBT
>> gang actually playing paintball instead of actually kvetching about it
>> at their base camp. And Sheldon's "sacrifice" which allowed the guys
>> to actually win for once did look a lot like Troy's "death" scene in
>> "For a Few Paintballs More."
>The scene in question is an homage/spoof of the scene in "Platoon".

And everyone knows "The King of Queens" invented paintball anyway.