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Ruby source directories

Mark Volkmann

1/28/2006 1:49:00 PM

I know under the lib/ruby directory
the 1.8 directory holds built-in and standard library Ruby source code and
the gems directory holds Ruby source code for libraries install as gems.

What gets placed in site_ruby? Is it libraries not installed as gems?
Why does it contain tk code?

R. Mark Volkmann
Partner, Object Computing, Inc.

4 Answers

Matthew Smillie

1/28/2006 8:08:00 PM


On Jan 28, 2006, at 13:48, Mark Volkmann wrote:

> I know under the lib/ruby directory
> the 1.8 directory holds built-in and standard library Ruby source
> code and
> the gems directory holds Ruby source code for libraries install as
> gems.
> What gets placed in site_ruby? Is it libraries not installed as gems?
> Why does it contain tk code?

site_ruby (named in convention with site_lisp and others) is a
standard location for (you guessed it) libraries.

If it contains tk code, I'd bet that something installed it there.
Neither of my installations (one came with OSX, the other built from
source) contains anything to do with tk.

matthew smillie.


1/28/2006 10:56:00 PM


in the lib/ruby/{version} branch is where all libraries installed
with the ruby distribution are placed.
the lib/ruby/site_ruby branch is for the site to use and maintain.
Library wrappers are usually placed in this branch unless
configuration options are specified to another install location.
gems use their directory.
Tk wrapper gets installed in site_ruby because it is not contained
in the ruby distribution, and this is the default install location.


Dan Christensen

12/14/2010 7:11:00 PM


Despite the best efforts of cowardly apologist PL and his fellow
embargo-Nazis, Cuba continues to maintain the best health care system
in Latin America. No one outside his Miami mafia pals seem to be
buying into his bullshit to the contrary.The hapless PL cannot even
get his CIA colleagues onside! That's gotta hurt!

And once again, the cowardly apologist PL was unable to refute reports
from Amnesty International and the UN that prove his beloved US
embargo is indeed a form of genocide. He presents nothing new. Once
again, he was reduced to mindlessly repeating his already failed lies
and rationalizations! In his complete and utter despair, he even tried
to suggest that Amnesty International actually supports these cruel
and inhumane sanctions of his. Yes, he really is THAT stupid and THAT

Really, Mr. Lobbyist, if this is the best you can do, and your have
nothing new and relevant to add, to not expect a reply from me on
these matters.

As usual, the cowardly apologist PL began his posting by promoting his
cheap imitation, quota-filling website, followed by a slew of
venomous, personal attacks, each also repeatedly debunked here. What a

On Dec 14, 1:01 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> http:/...... [snip]

Poor, desperate lobbyist... OK, let's get this out of the way first.

Like his 3 other websites, all with nearly identical content, this
cheap imitation of my original CubaFAQ website is nothing more than a
shell for cut-and-paste news articles already widely available on the
web. (Just the latest of yet ANOTHER of your instant "websites," eh,
Mr. Lobbyist?) It has no list of FAQ's as the name misleadingly
suggests, and no original content whatsoever. And half the links at
the homepage are to PL's 3 other websites! Coincidence? It has a
Google Page Rank of 0/10, i.e. no traffic or links to speak of. (Some
"top site," eh, Mr. Lobbyist? No wonder you are so desperate to
promote it!) At last count, it seems the desperate PL is posting the
same bullshit postings SIX TIMES OVER every day! You can tell us...
It's that quota thing again, isn't it, Mr. Lobbyist?

On the other hand, my CubaFAQ website -- the real thing -- is full of
original material including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's). Prior
to changing ISP's, it had a Google Page Rank of 5/10. To see why,
after 10 years, it STILL has the ever-desperate lobbyist PL shitting
his pants, visit my website at its new home:
(previously for nearly 10 years at: http://www.netcom.ca/~dchris/Cu...)

As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and to
his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

> > Only in your genocidal wet dreams, Mr. Lobbyist.
> (snip)
> Nope.
> In reality.
> just read the latest news:
> http://saludcuba.blo...
> Like:
> 11-12-2010.
> Raimundo Perdig n Brito
> Periodista Independiente, Agencia Yayabo Press

We know how your "di$$ident" pals like to lie. See, for example:

"Blogger busted by own propaganda video"

"PL and di$$ident pal caught in desperate lie"

"Number of political prisoners in Cuba still murky"

> (www.miscelaneasdecuba.net).-Ciudadano denunci el 6 de diciembre en
> Sancti Sp ritus el p simo servicio del Hospital Provincial. El activista
> de derechos humanos Yoennis Jes s Guerra L pez inform este lunes en
> Sancti Sp ritus sobre diversas situaciones que ponen en peligro a
> pacientes, visitantes y trabajadores del Hospital Provincial Camilo
> Cienfuegos.


Even if this story was true, there is nothing here to support your
outrageous claims. Must be frustrating as hell for you.

> As far as Cuba "statistics" go: we both know they are more doctored than
> the people as Cuban doctors that have left Cuba and international
> experts have confirmed.

You have been trying to make this case for over ten years now, and got
your fat fascist butt kicked every time, sometimes to quite comical
effect, e.g. your own sources personal writing to you to expose your
lies about them!

Again, since you snipped it for all too obvious reasons, not even your
CIA colleagues are buying into your bullshit. It seems they have no
trouble whatsoever with Cuban health stats at their website -- no
qualifications or hesitations, nothing. See:

But I guess you always were a bit of a loose cannon weren't you, Mr.

> On Dan Christensen's "genocide" lie:

Like an old, unrepentant Nazi, it seems you are STILL in denial even
after all these years. When will you learn? It didn't work for the
original Nazis; it isn't working for you, Mr. Lobbyist!

> These are the facts:
> Cuba itself cut own on both purchases of food and medicines even
> though they were fully licensed.
[snipping more of the same old, self-serving lies and

Once again, it seems you have been reduced to mindlessly repeating
your same old, Nazi-style lies and rationalizations that have been
repeatedly exposed and debunked here. When WILL you learn??? See, for
example, the discussion in the recent thread, "Amnesty International
slams US embargo... AGAIN!"

> What Dan claimed on his website (the misquote):
> "Today, for the first time, Amnesty International has explicitly
> denounced the US embargo on Cuba in humanitarian terms, and made clear
> its support for the immediate and unconditional lifting of these cruel
> sanctions"http://members.allstream.net/~dchris/CubaF...
> now moved to:http://www3.sympatico.ca/danchristienses/CubaF... [snip]

The cowardly apologist PL would actually have you believe that Amnesty
International actually supports these cruel and inhumane sanctions of
his!!! Sadly for him and his fellow embargo-Nazis, AI has repeatedly
condemned their beloved genocidal embargo:

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba."

Sure sounds immediate and unconditional to me, Mr. Lobbyist. Once
again, we see what a TRULY desperate liar you are!

Time to be a man for once, Mr. Lobbyist. Time to finally stand up for
what you REALLY believe. And we both know it has absolutely NOTHING to
do with "democracy" and "human rights," don't we?

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap

PS: As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and
to his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to
the international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Footnotes (which the cowardly apologist keeps snipping and refusing to

The facts as documented in reports recently released by Amnesty
International (my emphasis):

March 2009

"Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly five-
decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights of
the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the Cuban
government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials and
access to new technologies.


September 2009

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the USA or
from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other imports to
the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."


"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba...

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

"The UN General Assembly has repeatedly CONDEMNED the US embargo as
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law.
On 29 October 2008 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
reiterating for the 17th time its call on the USA to end its embargo
against Cuba. That resolution was adopted with 185 votes in favour,
three against and two abstentions. The Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights has also reiterated its position regarding “the impact of
such sanctions on the human rights of the Cuban people and, therefore,

[Follow-up: In November 2009, with the exceptions of only the USA,
Israel and a handful of tiny, US island-colonies in the South Pacific,
representatives of EVERY nation on the planet voted at the UN General
Assembly to condemn these cruel and inhumane sanctions.]

[Follow-up: On October 26, 2010 the UN General Assembly voted
overwhelmingly again to condemn the US embargo. Only Israel voted with
the US against the resolution. Israel trades freely with Cuba, so even
this single vote cannot be seen as support for these cruel and
inhumane sanctions. On this the US is truly isolated in the world. The
only abstentions were the tiny US-island colonies in the South
Pacific: Palau (pop. 20,000), Micronesia (pop. 110,000) and the
Marshall Islands (pop. 60,000).]

"[E]xports of food and agricultural products to Cuba remain regulated
by the Department of Commerce and require a licence for export or re-
export. The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The provision of health care has suffered from the LIMITATIONS AND
RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO on the procurement of basic and
specialized medical equipment and chemical components needed for the
production of generic medicines....

"Cuba was UNABLE TO IMPORT nutritional products destined for children
and for consumption at schools, hospitals and day care centres. This
had an adverse effect on the health and nutritional status of the

"Children’s health was also put at risk by a decision from syringe
suppliers to CANCEL an order for 3 million disposable syringes by
UNICEF’s Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization when it became
known that the units were destined for the implementation of the
programme in Cuba.

"The number of children suffering from heart conditions who are
waiting for appropriate treatment at a pediatric hospital has
increased after Cuba was unable to buy from the US-based companies the
necessary medical equipment for their treatment. The companies
allegedly refused to negotiate with Cuba because of the RESTRICTIONS

"LACK OF ACCESS to products manufactured by United States companies
such as St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific and Amplatzer prevents the
provision of proper care to seriously ill patients who need a
pacemaker, St. Jude prosthetic valves or septal occluders, forcing
their treatment with alternative, riskier surgical techniques.

"It has been IMPOSSIBLE TO PURCHASE a positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography (PET/CT) scanner, a state-of-the-art piece of
medical equipment needed for treatment that is made by only three
manufacturers worldwide, all unauthorized to negotiate with Cuba."

The impact of economic sanctions on health and health services is not
limited to difficulties in the supply of medicine. Health and health
services depend on functioning water and sanitation infrastructure, on
electricity and other functioning equipment such as X-ray facilities
or refrigerators to store vaccines. The financial burden and
commercial barriers have led to shortages or intermittent availability
of drugs, medicines, equipment and spare parts. It has also hindered
the renovation of hospitals, clinics and care centres for the elderly.

(PDF format)

September 2010

"[The US embargo's is] negatively affecting Cubans’ access to
medicines and medical technologies and endangering the health of
millions. United Nations agencies and programs operating in Cuba, such
as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA, have reported that the US embargo has
undermined the implementation of programs aimed at improving the
living conditions of Cubans."


From other sources:

"[US Congressional] House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Collin
Peterson and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined members of the National
Farmers Union (NFU) this week to call for passage of the Travel
Restriction and Export Enhancement Act. It would boost U.S.
agriculture by easing restrictions on the sale of homegrown food and
commodities to Cuba....

"The U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that U.S. exports
to Cuba could increase by nearly $500 million a year if provisions in
this legislation were enacted. In addition to the National Farmers
Union, the bill is supported by a broad coalition of national business
and agriculture industry groups."

Source: "Peterson, Klobuchar call for increased U.S. food and
commodity exports to Cuba," Echo Press, September 18, 2010

Note that Article 2c of the UN Genocide Convention states that the
crime of genocide includes, among other things, "deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part."


Again, as Amnesty International has reported, “The restrictions
imposed by the embargo help to deprive Cuba of vital access to
medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food, chemical water
treatment and electricity.” These are deliberate acts, the only
purpose of which can be to bring about the physical destruction of the
Cuban people in whole or in part. These cruel sanctions can,
therefore, even be seen as a form of genocide under international law!
Makes you proud, don't it, America?

Also, according to at least one US expert, in addition to blocking
essential imports, the US embargo is also a major impediment to the
development of agriculture and food production in Cuba:

"William A. Messina Jr., of the University of Florida's Agriculture
Science Institute, said that the communist island 'has such good soil
and it represents a challenge of such magnitude that, with the END OF
THE EMBARGO, the agricultural market impact on the continent would be
larger that of the Free Trade Treaty [North American Free Trade

Source: "Cuba's agriculture shows promise," Miami Herald, Sept. 9,

Contrary to PL's self-serving lies and rationalizations then, no
amount of US exports (or anything else) can possibly let his political
masters off the hook for deliberately depriving Cubans of "vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity” and impeding the
development of food production. Morally and legally, this is genocide.

Dan Christensen

12/14/2010 8:30:00 PM


Previously in this thread, we saw that the cowardly apologist PL was
unable to refute reports from Amnesty International and the UN that
prove his beloved US embargo is indeed a form of genocide. As usual,
he was reduced to mindlessly repeating his already failed lies and
rationalizations! In his complete and utter despair, he even tried to
suggest that Amnesty International actually supports these cruel and
inhumane sanctions of his. Yes, he really is THAT stupid and THAT

Despite the best efforts of cowardly apologist PL and his fellow
embargo-Nazis, Cuba continues to maintain the best health care system
in Latin America. Here, we see that no one outside his anti-Cuban
mafia pals seem to be buying into his bullshit to the contrary. The
hapless PL cannot even get his CIA colleagues onside! That's gotta

Here we see the cowardly apologist PL try to deny his obvious fascist
tendencies. Watch now as he snips and runs away in terror when
confronted by the crimes of his political masters as he has done
countless times here. What a loser!

Really, Mr. Lobbyist, if this is the best you can do, and your have
nothing new and relevant to add, do not expect a reply from me on
these matters.

As usual, the cowardly apologist PL began his posting by promoting his
cheap imitation, quota-filling website, followed by a slew of
venomous, personal attacks, each repeatedly debunked here. What a

On Dec 14, 2:32 pm, PL <pl.nos...@pandora.be> wrote:

[snipping portions of PL's posting already debunked here, or just too
lame to bother with]

> http:/...... [snip]

Poor, desperate lobbyist... OK, let's get this out of the way first.

Like his 3 other websites, all with nearly identical content, this
cheap imitation of my original CubaFAQ website is nothing more than a
shell for cut-and-paste news articles already widely available on the
web. (Just the latest of yet ANOTHER of your instant "websites," eh,
Mr. Lobbyist?) It has no list of FAQ's as the name misleadingly
suggests, and no original content whatsoever. And half the links at
the homepage are to PL's 3 other websites! Coincidence? It has a
Google Page Rank of 0/10, i.e. no traffic or links to speak of. (Some
"top site," eh, Mr. Lobbyist? No wonder you are so desperate to
promote it!) At last count, it seems the desperate PL is posting the
same bullshit postings SIX TIMES OVER every day! You can tell us...
It's that quota thing again, isn't it, Mr. Lobbyist?

On the other hand, my CubaFAQ website -- the real thing -- is full of
original material including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's). Prior
to changing ISP's, it had a Google Page Rank of 5/10. To see why,
after 10 years, it STILL has the ever-desperate lobbyist PL shitting
his pants, visit my website at its new home:
(previously for nearly 10 years at: http://www.netcom.ca/~dchris/Cu...)

As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and to
his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to the
international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

> You are the only one with "Nazi" attitudes [snip]

You are the one, Mr. Lobbyist, who has repeatedly refused (literally
hundreds of times now) to even comment on -- never mind condemn! --
the murder and torture of opponents of the Bush regime in its vast
network of secret prisons around the world. Given this tacit support
for murder and torture, and your well known enthusiasm for genocide
(see footnotes), it is easy to imagine the reign of terror you would
unleash on the Cuban people if you ever had the chance again. Whatever
it takes, right, Nazi boy?

Watch now as the cowardly PL snips this reply, runs away in terror and
refuses once again to even comment on these crimes of his political
masters! What a great champion of "human rights!" (HA, HA, HA!)

> I have exposed the lie of the Cuban statistics over and over again.
> Even Raul Castro agrees that some of Cuba statistics are lies.

He has complained about economic statistics, never about medical data.
As usual, you are simply grasping at straws, Mr. Lobbyist.

> See:
> https://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.venezuela/brows......

"Job statistics." Thanks for confirming I was right.

> https://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.venezuela/msg/f......

Economic stats again. Thanks for confirming I was right, and that you
have no proof whatsoever to support your outrageous claims. No wonder
not even CIA colleagues are buying into your bullshit!

Visit my CUBA: Issues & Answers website at its new home:
(The original CubaFAQ website. Don't be fooled by PL's cheap

PS: As an antidote to each of PL's venomous personal attacks here, and
to his lies and evasions on everything from his lobbying exploits to
the international condemnation of his beloved embargo, see: "PL's same
tired old lies and evasions EXPOSED" at

Footnotes (which the cowardly apologist keeps snipping and refusing to

The facts as documented in reports recently released by Amnesty
International (my emphasis):

March 2009

"Amnesty International urges the US government to lift the nearly five-
decade long economic and trade embargo against Cuba as it is
detrimental to the fulfillment of the economic and social rights of
the Cuban people. It OBSTRUCTS AND CONSTRAINS efforts by the Cuban
government to purchase essential medicines, medical equipment and
supplies, food and agricultural products, construction materials and
access to new technologies.


September 2009

"The US embargo against Cuba is IMMORAL and should be lifted. It’s
preventing millions of Cubans from benefiting from vital medicines and
medical equipment essential for their health."

"Because of the US embargo, Cuba faces SEVERE RESTRICTIONS in
importing medicines, medical equipment or technologies from the USA or
from any US company abroad. The sanctions also limit other imports to
the island and restrict travel and the transfer of money."


"Amnesty International calls on the US Congress to take, WITHOUT
FURTHER DELAY, the necessary steps towards lifting the economic,
financial and trade embargo against Cuba...

"The US government is acting CONTRARY to the Charter of the United
Nations by restricting the direct import of medicine and medical
equipment and supplies, and by imposing those restrictions on
companies operating in third countries."

"The UN General Assembly has repeatedly CONDEMNED the US embargo as
contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law.
On 29 October 2008 the UN General Assembly passed a resolution
reiterating for the 17th time its call on the USA to end its embargo
against Cuba. That resolution was adopted with 185 votes in favour,
three against and two abstentions. The Inter-American Commission on
Human Rights has also reiterated its position regarding “the impact of
such sanctions on the human rights of the Cuban people and, therefore,

[Follow-up: In November 2009, with the exceptions of only the USA,
Israel and a handful of tiny, US island-colonies in the South Pacific,
representatives of EVERY nation on the planet voted at the UN General
Assembly to condemn these cruel and inhumane sanctions.]

[Follow-up: On October 26, 2010 the UN General Assembly voted
overwhelmingly again to condemn the US embargo. Only Israel voted with
the US against the resolution. Israel trades freely with Cuba, so even
this single vote cannot be seen as support for these cruel and
inhumane sanctions. On this the US is truly isolated in the world. The
only abstentions were the tiny US-island colonies in the South
Pacific: Palau (pop. 20,000), Micronesia (pop. 110,000) and the
Marshall Islands (pop. 60,000).]

"[E]xports of food and agricultural products to Cuba remain regulated
by the Department of Commerce and require a licence for export or re-
export. The export of medicines and medical supplies continues to be

“The RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO help to deprive Cuba of vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity.”

"The provision of health care has suffered from the LIMITATIONS AND
RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY THE EMBARGO on the procurement of basic and
specialized medical equipment and chemical components needed for the
production of generic medicines....

"Cuba was UNABLE TO IMPORT nutritional products destined for children
and for consumption at schools, hospitals and day care centres. This
had an adverse effect on the health and nutritional status of the

"Children’s health was also put at risk by a decision from syringe
suppliers to CANCEL an order for 3 million disposable syringes by
UNICEF’s Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization when it became
known that the units were destined for the implementation of the
programme in Cuba.

"The number of children suffering from heart conditions who are
waiting for appropriate treatment at a pediatric hospital has
increased after Cuba was unable to buy from the US-based companies the
necessary medical equipment for their treatment. The companies
allegedly refused to negotiate with Cuba because of the RESTRICTIONS

"LACK OF ACCESS to products manufactured by United States companies
such as St. Jude Medical, Boston Scientific and Amplatzer prevents the
provision of proper care to seriously ill patients who need a
pacemaker, St. Jude prosthetic valves or septal occluders, forcing
their treatment with alternative, riskier surgical techniques.

"It has been IMPOSSIBLE TO PURCHASE a positron emission tomography/
computerized tomography (PET/CT) scanner, a state-of-the-art piece of
medical equipment needed for treatment that is made by only three
manufacturers worldwide, all unauthorized to negotiate with Cuba."

The impact of economic sanctions on health and health services is not
limited to difficulties in the supply of medicine. Health and health
services depend on functioning water and sanitation infrastructure, on
electricity and other functioning equipment such as X-ray facilities
or refrigerators to store vaccines. The financial burden and
commercial barriers have led to shortages or intermittent availability
of drugs, medicines, equipment and spare parts. It has also hindered
the renovation of hospitals, clinics and care centres for the elderly.

(PDF format)

September 2010

"[The US embargo's is] negatively affecting Cubans’ access to
medicines and medical technologies and endangering the health of
millions. United Nations agencies and programs operating in Cuba, such
as UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA, have reported that the US embargo has
undermined the implementation of programs aimed at improving the
living conditions of Cubans."


From other sources:

"[US Congressional] House Committee on Agriculture Chairman Collin
Peterson and U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar joined members of the National
Farmers Union (NFU) this week to call for passage of the Travel
Restriction and Export Enhancement Act. It would boost U.S.
agriculture by easing restrictions on the sale of homegrown food and
commodities to Cuba....

"The U.S. International Trade Commission estimated that U.S. exports
to Cuba could increase by nearly $500 million a year if provisions in
this legislation were enacted. In addition to the National Farmers
Union, the bill is supported by a broad coalition of national business
and agriculture industry groups."

Source: "Peterson, Klobuchar call for increased U.S. food and
commodity exports to Cuba," Echo Press, September 18, 2010

Note that Article 2c of the UN Genocide Convention states that the
crime of genocide includes, among other things, "deliberately
inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about
its physical destruction in whole or in part."


Again, as Amnesty International has reported, “The restrictions
imposed by the embargo help to deprive Cuba of vital access to
medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food, chemical water
treatment and electricity.” These are deliberate acts, the only
purpose of which can be to bring about the physical destruction of the
Cuban people in whole or in part. These cruel sanctions can,
therefore, even be seen as a form of genocide under international law!
Makes you proud, don't it, America?

Also, according to at least one US expert, in addition to blocking
essential imports, the US embargo is also a major impediment to the
development of agriculture and food production in Cuba:

"William A. Messina Jr., of the University of Florida's Agriculture
Science Institute, said that the communist island 'has such good soil
and it represents a challenge of such magnitude that, with the END OF
THE EMBARGO, the agricultural market impact on the continent would be
larger that of the Free Trade Treaty [North American Free Trade

Source: "Cuba's agriculture shows promise," Miami Herald, Sept. 9,

Contrary to PL's self-serving lies and rationalizations then, no
amount of US exports (or anything else) can possibly let his political
masters off the hook for deliberately depriving Cubans of "vital
access to medicines, new scientific and medical technology, food,
chemical water treatment and electricity” and impeding the
development of food production. Morally and legally, this is genocide.