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WIN32OLE InternetExplorer SaveAs command

Derek Haskin

1/27/2006 12:39:00 AM

I've been trying to use the WIL32OLE to call the
InternetExplorer.ExecCommand SaveAs command.
I've been able to get it to work in the interface mode
where it displays a dialogue browser to save the file,
but have been unable to get it to work in
non-interface mode where you pass it the file to save

Following is an extract of the code I am using.

require 'win32ole'
ie = WIN32OLE.new('InternetExplorer.Application')
ie.visible = true

myUrl = "http://www.google...

ie.navigate myUrl
sleep 1


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3 Answers

William James

1/27/2006 8:44:00 AM


Derek Haskin wrote:
> I've been trying to use the WIL32OLE to call the
> InternetExplorer.ExecCommand SaveAs command.
> I've been able to get it to work in the interface mode
> where it displays a dialogue browser to save the file,
> but have been unable to get it to work in
> non-interface mode where you pass it the file to save
> to.
> Following is an extract of the code I am using.
> require 'win32ole'
> ie = WIN32OLE.new('InternetExplorer.Application')
> ie.visible = true
> myUrl = "http://www.google...
> ie.navigate myUrl
> sleep 1
> ie.document.execCommand("SaveAs",false,"C:\\derek\\myFile.htm")


Peter Jason

3/23/2008 10:20:00 PM


Bah! But you had no problems with Tamils
when the English were running the place.
What you need is good governance and to hell
with this thing called "democracy". Are all
men created equal? Are the Tamils equal to
the Sinhalese? Let the Betty Battenberg
become Empress of Ceylon and the Tamils will
get a focus for their attention and the good
English military will sort them out. Just
like the Picts (north of Berwick) and the
Celts (just west of the Isle of Man).

The clear solution is to break the
religious/cultural/ignorance/ghetto cycle by:

1/ Educate the children to good western
standards, and make this compulsory. Send
them to boarding schools and use the cane

2/ Introduce compulsory contraception. You
need fewer indoctrinated, gun-toting idle
young men. This worked in China and it can
work in Ceylon. Rajiv Ghandi had a scheme
going in the 1980s where idle layabouts were
snipped, and ignorant women sterilized.

3/ Next time these's a tidal wave (as in Dec
2004), don't rush to help them all. Let
nature be your friend! It will be the Gods'

4/ Gas. It worked for Saddam. Study the
wind patterns in trouble-spots and release
nerve, contraceptive, mustard, lewisite,
chlorine, prussic and methyl isocyanate fumes
at appropriate times.

5/ If all the above fails, you will be
reduced to the time-honoured method of
intermarriage which will fix the problem
within 2 generations. Why don't the Tamils
& Sinhalese marry one another? Good hybrid
vigour will result.

I can't imagine what all the fuss is about.

"Sinna Manni" <sinna_manni@yahoo.com> wrote
in message
> The roots of Sri Lanka problem lies in the
> British colonial rule
> The British colonial regime undermined the
> Sinhalese majority
> Brought South Indian Tamil labourers to
> work in the Tea & rubber plantations
> increasing the total Tamil population.
> Strengthened the Tamil minority by
> employing Tamils in the Civil service and
> the administration. At the time of
> independence Tamils made up about 60% of
> the Sri Lanka Civil service and the
> administration ( Tamil population was only
> 18%).
> The Sri Lanka problem is a Terrorism
> problem, the only solutions is to eliminate
> terrorism.
> Like any other country Sri Lankan
> government has the right to protect it's
> citizens from terrorism.
> See the handy work of the Tamil Terrorists
> http://www.spur.asn.au/LTTE_Atrocities_20070528_Ratmalan...
> http://www.spur.asn.au/LTTE_Atrocities_20060615_Kebithigollewa_Ma...
> http://www.spur.asn.au/chronology_of_suicide_bomb_attacks_by_Tamil_Tigers_in_sri...
> http://www.spur.asn.au/After_signing_the_so-cal...
> "Peter Jason" <pj@jostle.com> wrote in
> message
> news:fs1mf1$1a3d$1@otis.netspace.net.au...
>> The solution to this question is clear.
>> Re-introduce colonialism.
>> Bring back the Raj, and all the simple
>> little darkies could get back to work on
>> the tea plantations!
>> Ceylon would be wallowing in money, and
>> all the little kiddies could be sent to
>> school to learn English, Euclid and good
>> manners.
>> The England Motherland could discipline
>> all the naughty bullies with the Rattan
>> Cane, preferably in public by
>> subscription. All the rest would be too
>> busy in the plantations, or in service, or
>> in school.
>> Remember what happened after Ghandi and
>> Indian independence? All the naughty
>> Hindus and Mulslims had *such* fun
>> killing one another in the millions. This
>> happened only because the English left.
>> O Democracy; what crimes are committed in
>> thy name!


3/24/2008 2:14:00 AM


"Peter Jason" <pj@jostle.com> wrote in message
> Bah! But you had no problems with Tamils when the English were running
> the place. What you need is good governance and to hell with this thing
> called "democracy". Are all men created equal? Are the Tamils equal to
> the Sinhalese? Let the Betty Battenberg become Empress of Ceylon and the
> Tamils will get a focus for their attention and the good English military
> will sort them out. Just like the Picts (north of Berwick) and the Celts
> (just west of the Isle of Man).

You seem to be blinded by the Tamil Tiger propaganda, there isn't any
discriminitory laws against tamils in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan constitution
rcongnises all Sri LAnkans are equal in fron of the law. The Tamil Tigers
are a terrorist group which is not representative of the whole Tamil
The Tamil Tigers are hell bent on creatinga pure Tamil State in Sri Lanka,
with all the mascesrers of Sinhalse and Muslim villeges. With all Ethnic
cleansing of Sinhalses and Musllims in Nrth & East the Tamil Tigers are
tryiyinmg to create pure Tamil state. Tamils always felt superior to the
Sinahalease, when the Tamils asked for fixed 50% representation in the Sri
Lankan parliment prior to indpendence.

What's more interseting is Tamil Tigers are undemocratic dictatorshipno
diferent to the Hitler or Polpot regimes. The Tamil Tigers have killed more
Tamilss than any other force in Sri Lanka.

There were many uprsings against British rule over the years. Whole
colonisal periods

Prior to the Start of the Civil war the Sri Lankan population consisted of
Sinhalease 74% Tamil 17%(more than half the Tamil population lived in the
North & East of the Island) Muslims 9%(1981 census data). For the last 25
years of Civil about 1.5 Million Tamils have moved to Wetern Europe and
North America. The result of this the last Census shows Sinhalese 79%,
Tamils 10%(less tan 30% of Tamils live in the North & East of the Island) &
Muslims 11%. So the population balance has changed and the Tamils are
spreadout thorughtut the Island rather than being polarisaed between the
north & South of Island.

In 1983
Sri Lankan Armed force was 5000 men strong while the Tamil Tiger force was
about 5000 men.

Sri Lankan Armed force was 250,000 men strong while the Tamil Tiger force
was about 18000 men.
Sri LAnka militry is well trained with superior fire power can easily defeat
the Tamila Tigers. Sri Lankan giverement is getting Military assistance from
China, Pakistan & Russia.
Chances of Sri LAnkan focrces defetaing Tamil Tigers are far better than
Americans defeating insurgents in Iraq or Nato tropps defeating Taliban in

Do your research before commenting before commenting on things!





> The clear solution is to break the religious/cultural/ignorance/ghetto
> cycle by:
> 1/ Educate the children to good western standards, and make this
> compulsory. Send them to boarding schools and use the cane liberally.

Sri Lanka has a very good educational system. There is asignificant number
of Sri LAnkan skilled professional migrents isn countries like UK,
Australia, Canada, US & NZ. Sri Lankan litereacy rate is 90%, not far off
from developed western countries, way higher than India & Pakistan.

> 2/ Introduce compulsory contraception. You need fewer indoctrinated,
> gun-toting idle young men. This worked in China and it can work in
> Ceylon. Rajiv Ghandi had a scheme going in the 1980s where idle
> layabouts were snipped, and ignorant women sterilized.
> 3/ Next time these's a tidal wave (as in Dec 2004), don't rush to help
> them all. Let nature be your friend! It will be the Gods' will.
> 4/ Gas. It worked for Saddam. Study the wind patterns in trouble-spots
> and release nerve, contraceptive, mustard, lewisite, chlorine, prussic and
> methyl isocyanate fumes at appropriate times.
> 5/ If all the above fails, you will be reduced to the time-honoured method
> of intermarriage which will fix the problem within 2 generations. Why
> don't the Tamils & Sinhalese marry one another? Good hybrid vigour will
> result.

The fact is Buddist Sinhalese are very libereal and has no problem in
intermarriage with Tamils. The cionservative Tamils with the Hindu Cast
system is hell bent against intermarriage between Tamils and other Ethnis
groups. The Tamil Catholic church discourages Catholic Tamils marrying non
> I can't imagine what all the fuss is about.
> "Sinna Manni" <sinna_manni@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:fs5nc0$2r6s$1@otis.netspace.net.au...
>> The roots of Sri Lanka problem lies in the British colonial rule
>> The British colonial regime undermined the Sinhalese majority
>> Brought South Indian Tamil labourers to work in the Tea & rubber
>> plantations increasing the total Tamil population.
>> Strengthened the Tamil minority by employing Tamils in the Civil service
>> and the administration. At the time of independence Tamils made up about
>> 60% of the Sri Lanka Civil service and the administration ( Tamil
>> population was only 18%).
>> The Sri Lanka problem is a Terrorism problem, the only solutions is to
>> eliminate terrorism.
>> Like any other country Sri Lankan government has the right to protect
>> it's citizens from terrorism.
>> See the handy work of the Tamil Terrorists
>> http://www.spur.asn.au/LTTE_Atrocities_20070528_Ratmalan...
>> http://www.spur.asn.au/LTTE_Atrocities_20060615_Kebithigollewa_Ma...
>> http://www.spur.asn.au/chronology_of_suicide_bomb_attacks_by_Tamil_Tigers_in_sri...
>> http://www.spur.asn.au/After_signing_the_so-cal...
>> "Peter Jason" <pj@jostle.com> wrote in message
>> news:fs1mf1$1a3d$1@otis.netspace.net.au...
>>> The solution to this question is clear.
>>> Re-introduce colonialism.
>>> Bring back the Raj, and all the simple little darkies could get back to
>>> work on the tea plantations!
>>> Ceylon would be wallowing in money, and all the little kiddies could be
>>> sent to school to learn English, Euclid and good manners.
>>> The England Motherland could discipline all the naughty bullies with the
>>> Rattan Cane, preferably in public by subscription. All the rest would
>>> be too busy in the plantations, or in service, or in school.
>>> Remember what happened after Ghandi and Indian independence? All the
>>> naughty Hindus and Mulslims had *such* fun killing one another in the
>>> millions. This happened only because the English left.
>>> O Democracy; what crimes are committed in thy name!