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Rethinking Memoization

James Gray

1/24/2006 4:27:00 PM

Daniel Berger and I have been having an off-list discussion about his
memoize.rb library. You can find that library at:


In the course of the discussion, I ended up building a library of my
own, to show Daniel what I was talking about. Daniel thought it
might be worth moving the discussion of my new library here, to get
community feedback.

The primary difference between our two approaches is that Daniel's
library is built to memoize individual objects, while mine is
intended to link all instance method calls for a class of objects to
a single cache.

I wanted this behavior because I felt it would increase cache hits
and make memoizing methods that much more worthwhile. Daniel pointed
out though that a finer grained control can be important, to avoid
exhausting memory with the cache. Luckily, Ruby's syntax makes it
trivial to use my library to alter a unique object as well.

Here's an example of using my library to memoize an instance method,
the intended usage:

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w

# instance_methods.rb
# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2006-01-23.
# Copyright 2006 Gray Productions. All rights reserved.

require "memoizable"

class Fibonacci
extend Memoizable

def fib( num )
return num if num < 2
fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)
memoize :fib

puts "This method is memoized, and will run very fast..."
start = Time.now
puts "fib(100): #{Fibonacci.new.fib(100)}"
puts "Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"

puts "All objects share a cache, so this call, is even faster..."
start = Time.now
puts "fib(100): #{Fibonacci.new.fib(100)}" # simple cache hit
puts "Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"


Also, here is how you would use the library to affect individual

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w

# singleton_objects.rb
# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2006-01-23.
# Copyright 2006 Gray Productions. All rights reserved.

require "memoizable"

class Fibonacci
def fib( num )
return num if num < 2
fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)

slow = Fibonacci.new

puts "This method is not memoized and thus slow..."
start = Time.now
puts "slow.fib(30): #{slow.fib(30)}"
puts " Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"

fast = Fibonacci.new
class << fast # memoize just this object
extend Memoizable
memoize :fib

puts "We can fix that for a unique object..."
start = Time.now
puts "fast.fib(30): #{fast.fib(30)}"
puts " Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"

puts "But the original is still slow..."
start = Time.now
puts "slow.fib(30): #{slow.fib(30)}"
puts " Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"


My library also works for class/module methods and even top-level
methods, though I will spare you those examples.

The other difference between our libraries is that Daniel's supports
using a file for persistent caching, while my library supports using
a custom cache object. That means that it's a little more work to
cache to a file using mine, but you can do other kinds of caching as
well. Here's a file cache example:

#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w

# file_persistance.rb
# Created by James Edward Gray II on 2006-01-23.
# Copyright 2006 Gray Productions. All rights reserved.

require "memoizable"

# A trivial implementation of a custom cache. This cache uses disk
# instead of a Hash in memory. Access is slower than using an in-
memory cache,
# though still much faster than a non-memoized method, but persistant
# program runs.
# *WARNING*: This implementation is not thread-safe!
class FileCache
def initialize( path )
@path = path

def []( key )
if File.exist? @path
File.foreach(@path) do |entry|
return entry.split(" ").last.to_i if entry =~ /\A#{key}: /

def []=( key, value )
File.open(@path, "a") { |cache| cache.puts "#{key}: #{value}" }

class Fibonacci
extend Memoizable

def fib( num )
return num if num < 2
fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)
memoize :fib, FileCache.new("fib_cache.txt")

puts "This method is memoized using a file-based cache. See
start = Time.now
puts "fib(100): #{Fibonacci.new.fib(100)}"
puts "Run time: #{Time.now - start} seconds"

puts "Run again to see the file cache at work."


You can find an example using weak references and the actual library
code in the "Memoization" section of the following article from my blog:


The point of posting all this here is to give people a chance to
express concerns over my implementation. Daniel was avoiding going
down this road because of issues raised by this community. Raise
away. ;)

If there is any interest, and we don't prove the library horribly
broken, I would be happy to package it up.


James Edward Gray II

8 Answers

Eero Saynatkari

1/24/2006 8:22:00 PM


James Gray wrote:
> Daniel Berger and I have been having an off-list discussion about his
> memoize.rb library. You can find that library at:
> http://raa.ruby-lang.org/projec...
> In the course of the discussion, I ended up building a library of my
> own, to show Daniel what I was talking about. Daniel thought it
> might be worth moving the discussion of my new library here, to get
> community feedback.
> < snip feature discussion due to RForum />

Good stuff! The only idea I have just from an end-user
perspective is that you could hook into Module#append_features
to enable using #include instead of #extend at the class
level (this should also allow just using #extend on individual
objects without having to explicitly open the singleton class).

> Thanks.
> James Edward Gray II


Posted via http://www.ruby-....

Mauricio Fernández

1/24/2006 11:31:00 PM


On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 01:27:25AM +0900, James Edward Gray II wrote:
> Daniel Berger and I have been having an off-list discussion about his
> memoize.rb library.
> The primary difference between our two approaches is that Daniel's
> library is built to memoize individual objects, while mine is
> intended to link all instance method calls for a class of objects to
> a single cache.

I also generalized Daniel's memoize.rb to support class-level
memoization some time ago[1]:


Should I also release it? ;)

> class Fibonacci
> extend Memoizable
> def fib( num )
> return num if num < 2
> fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)
> end
> memoize :fib, FileCache.new("fib_cache.txt")
> end

I kept memoize.rb's interface, but I think I prefer this approach; maybe
special-casing for strings could make sense though...

> You can find an example using weak references and the actual library
> code in the "Memoization" section of the following article from my blog:
> http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/2006/01/20/caching-and-m...
> The point of posting all this here is to give people a chance to
> express concerns over my implementation. Daniel was avoiding going
> down this road because of issues raised by this community. Raise
> away. ;)

I'm not sure about the
([Class, Module].include?(self.class) ? self : self.class)
part; that way, you cannot memoize singleton methods from Module/Class
objects. In my implementation, I distinguished between
Module#instance_memoize and Object#memoize (after including Memoize).

original = "_#{name}"
would need a longer prefix IMO.

Finally, not that it really matters, but the WeakCache is fairly
inefficient (one lambda per key); see that other thread (WeakRef hash)
for other implementations.

[1] IIRC persistent caching in Daniel Berger's memoize.rb was inspired by
something I wrote, I did a sort of rewrite of memoize.rb and now see my name
mentioned in your blog; it seems memoize.rb and I are bound by the string of
destiny (*^_^*)

Mauricio Fernandez

James Gray

1/25/2006 4:09:00 AM


On Jan 24, 2006, at 2:21 PM, Eero Saynatkari wrote:

> James Gray wrote:
>> Daniel Berger and I have been having an off-list discussion about his
>> memoize.rb library. You can find that library at:
>> http://raa.ruby-lang.org/projec...
>> In the course of the discussion, I ended up building a library of my
>> own, to show Daniel what I was talking about. Daniel thought it
>> might be worth moving the discussion of my new library here, to get
>> community feedback.
>> < snip feature discussion due to RForum />
> Good stuff! The only idea I have just from an end-user
> perspective is that you could hook into Module#append_features
> to enable using #include instead of #extend at the class
> level (this should also allow just using #extend on individual
> objects without having to explicitly open the singleton class).

That's an interesting idea. It does seem this is what extend() is
for though and it's certainly been used like this in the past (see

I do like the idea of not having to use the singleton class on
individual objects though. Hmm, wait, doesn't that work now...
<checks> Yep, seems to.

What do others think, is extend() okay in the classes?

James Edward Gray II

Robert Klemme

1/25/2006 6:56:00 PM


2006/1/24, James Edward Gray II <james@grayproductions.net>:

Going back to the original question which approach to favour...

> The primary difference between our two approaches is that Daniel's
> library is built to memoize individual objects, while mine is
> intended to link all instance method calls for a class of objects to
> a single cache.
> I wanted this behavior because I felt it would increase cache hits
> and make memoizing methods that much more worthwhile. Daniel pointed
> out though that a finer grained control can be important, to avoid
> exhausting memory with the cache. Luckily, Ruby's syntax makes it
> trivial to use my library to alter a unique object as well.

I may have missed something but from what I understand I see a
complete different problem: if you memoize for all objects of a class
then you have two options: either use only method name and args as key
(which I believe you do because you want better cache hits) *or* store
add something that identifies the instance (object id, the object
itself) which clearly would lead to cache hit ratios like in Daniel's

If you have a single cache for all (first alternative) you risk that
cached results are wrong because they may depend on individiual
object's state which you do not reflect in the cache. If you choose
the second approach you make things more complicated than necessary
(think of GC for example and how the cache gets notified if content is
invalidated etc.).

So, basically I prefer Daniel's simpler approach - especially since
you can achieve the same: just create an instance that contains all
code (either directly or by delegation) that is expected to be slow
(and thus should be memoized) and memoize on that class.

> My library also works for class/module methods and even top-level
> methods, though I will spare you those examples.
> The other difference between our libraries is that Daniel's supports
> using a file for persistent caching, while my library supports using
> a custom cache object. That means that it's a little more work to
> cache to a file using mine, but you can do other kinds of caching as
> well. Here's a file cache example:

I like the idea with a generalized cache. Default is a hash but it
can be replaced by some file handling object that adhers to the same
interface (even multilel caching with a LRU cache in mem and the whole
cache on disk can be done... :-)

Kind regards

Have a look: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fu...

James Gray

1/25/2006 7:24:00 PM


On Jan 25, 2006, at 12:55 PM, Robert Klemme wrote:

> So, basically I prefer Daniel's simpler approach - especially since
> you can achieve the same: just create an instance that contains all
> code (either directly or by delegation) that is expected to be slow
> (and thus should be memoized) and memoize on that class.

Can you show an example or two here? Using the current memoize.rb,
how do we get objects A, B, and C using the same cache? I guess I'm
having trouble getting my head around it.


James Edward Gray II

Robert Klemme

1/26/2006 1:06:00 PM


James Edward Gray II wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2006, at 12:55 PM, Robert Klemme wrote:
>> So, basically I prefer Daniel's simpler approach - especially since
>> you can achieve the same: just create an instance that contains all
>> code (either directly or by delegation) that is expected to be slow
>> (and thus should be memoized) and memoize on that class.
> Can you show an example or two here? Using the current memoize.rb,
> how do we get objects A, B, and C using the same cache? I guess I'm
> having trouble getting my head around it.

class SillySomething
extend Memoizable

def initialize()
@a,@b,@c = A.new, B.new, C.new
# or other initialization

def calculate_foo(quirk, quark, quork)
x = @a.foo(quirk) + @b.doit(quark)
if x > 10
x += @c.doh(quork, @a)
x - 2

memoize :calculate_foo

The idea is to group relevant parts of your object model in a single class
and use an instance of that for memoization.

Maybe I can add an explanation to make it more clear: if you have a class
X with method Y that calculates something results of invoking Y on several
instances of X can only be memoized in the same cache if (i) either they
are not influenced by state of X instances or (ii) memoization somehow
uses this state to control lookup.

If (i) I don't see the point in having several objects that do exactly the
same calculation - methods might even be class methods (i.e. singleton
methods of the *single* class instance X). So there is actually no need
for a cache that covers several instances.

If (ii) you gain nothing by having a centralized cache because you'll have
to keep memoized values from different instances separate; in fact you add
a level of lookup (first object, then method and args - or do it in one
request with a larger key) and separate instance state from the instance.
IMHO that's inefficient, memory leaking and error prone.

Kind regards


James Gray

1/26/2006 2:46:00 PM


On Jan 26, 2006, at 7:08 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:

> class SillySomething
> extend Memoizable
> def initialize()
> @a,@b,@c = A.new, B.new, C.new
> # or other initialization
> end
> def calculate_foo(quirk, quark, quork)
> x = @a.foo(quirk) + @b.doit(quark)
> if x > 10
> x += @c.doh(quork, @a)
> else
> x - 2
> end
> x
> end
> memoize :calculate_foo
> end

This example runs as written with the module discussed in this
thread. It requires multiple changes to work with the current
memoize.rb library.

> If (i) I don't see the point in having several objects that do
> exactly the
> same calculation - methods might even be class methods (i.e. singleton
> methods of the *single* class instance X). So there is actually no
> need
> for a cache that covers several instances.
> If (ii) you gain nothing by having a centralized cache because
> you'll have
> to keep memoized values from different instances separate; in fact
> you add
> a level of lookup (first object, then method and args - or do it in
> one
> request with a larger key) and separate instance state from the
> instance.
> IMHO that's inefficient, memory leaking and error prone.

I understand know. You're just against this feature. Fair enough.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.

James Edward Gray II

Robert Klemme

1/27/2006 8:04:00 AM


James Edward Gray II wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2006, at 7:08 AM, Robert Klemme wrote:
>> class SillySomething
>> extend Memoizable
>> def initialize()
>> @a,@b,@c = A.new, B.new, C.new
>> # or other initialization
>> end
>> def calculate_foo(quirk, quark, quork)
>> x = @a.foo(quirk) + @b.doit(quark)
>> if x > 10
>> x += @c.doh(quork, @a)
>> else
>> x - 2
>> end
>> x
>> end
>> memoize :calculate_foo
>> end
> This example runs as written with the module discussed in this
> thread. It requires multiple changes to work with the current
> memoize.rb library.

It was typed from memory so I may have mixed up something. The point was
the grouping of instances (which could have been demonstrated completely
without memoization).

>> If (i) I don't see the point in having several objects that do
>> exactly the
>> same calculation - methods might even be class methods (i.e.
>> singleton methods of the *single* class instance X). So there is
>> actually no need
>> for a cache that covers several instances.
>> If (ii) you gain nothing by having a centralized cache because
>> you'll have
>> to keep memoized values from different instances separate; in fact
>> you add
>> a level of lookup (first object, then method and args - or do it in
>> one
>> request with a larger key) and separate instance state from the
>> instance.
>> IMHO that's inefficient, memory leaking and error prone.
> I understand know. You're just against this feature. Fair enough.

Hm, that sounds like it was a matter of taste. Actually I tried to
*argue* against this based on reflection about consequences of this
design. IMHO having a cache cover only one instance is a superior
approach with regard to code quality, maintainability and runtime
properties (lookups, GC).

> Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.

You're welcome.

Kind regards
