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Re: My Thought on the "Pickaxe book" (from a Ruby novice

Tom Allison

1/20/2006 7:53:00 PM

On 1/20/2006, "Gary Wright" <at2002@mac.com> wrote:

>On Jan 20, 2006, at 6:29 AM, Tom Allison wrote:
>> I realize that I've biasedly presented these two issues as problems
>> with the ruby language. Well, I can do that because I'm too new to
>> know any better and I have yet to "see the light" on why this is a
>> good thing in contrast to all my experiences so far in life. From
>> my background, SCOPE is a flaw and non-strict pragmas is a
>> condition to be aware of when tracking bugs. But like I said, I'm
>> new.
>There is quite an influx of programmers into the Ruby community and
>to the
>extent there is quite a bit of 'teaching' occuring on this
>mailing list, I think it is great to get feedback like you provided.

Thank you. I'm very pleased I haven't gotten hate mail for my voice.
Very encouraging!!

>Some of what you say is particular to the book vs. Ruby. But it is good
>to know what is confusing people. Once you learn a concept it is
>hard to
>remember how you might have struggled to get there.

No doubt. Try using the book as a reference for teaching another
person(s) and it probably becomes clearer. This is similar to saying
out loud what you have written for a paper. If it sounds good to the
voice, it's probably ok in writing.

>I'm curious if you could expand on the issue of 'scope' that you
>Is it the lexical scoping of a block that surprised you or something

Variable Scope, pages 105 through 107
"any new locals created (in while, until, for) will be available
I've never seen anything like this.
Anything that is declared (or implicitly declared in ruby) within a block
(conditional or loop) is always out-of-scope when you leave that block.

I'm also struggling the lack of what perl calls a strict pragma. It's
isn't has strictly typed as Java, it just prevents you from mistyping

2 Answers

Gary Wright

1/20/2006 10:56:00 PM


On Jan 20, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Tom Allison wrote:
> This:
> Variable Scope, pages 105 through 107
> "any new locals created (in while, until, for) will be available
> afterward"
> I've never seen anything like this.
> Anything that is declared (or implicitly declared in ruby) within a
> block
> (conditional or loop) is always out-of-scope when you leave that
> block.

The terminology used in the Pickaxe can be inconsistent or ambiguous at
times. My copy is littered with my own notes written in the margin as
I said "Huh?" and then later figured out what was actually meant.

Here is my go at explaining it. It is long but I hope clear (and

The while, until, and for loop constructs don't create a new scope so,
from the point of view of local variables, these constructs don't change
the rules in any way. To the extent that other languages do
introduce a new
variable scope via their looping constructs this may be unexpected
but the
resulting behavior, I think, is readily understood once you realize
that no
new scope is introduced by the while, until or for constructs.
don't introduce new scopes either (if/unless/case), nor does a begin/
end block.

Blocks *do* create a new scope and one that is somewhat different
than people
expect. Since Enumerable#each and Kernel#loop are methods that
accept blocks
it *seems* as those these looping constructs have special rules but
it is
really the blocks that introduce the scoping issue not the methods. Any
method that accepts a block would introduce the same scoping issues,
not just
the blocks associated with 'each' and 'loop'.

So what is special about blocks?

a) local variables that are *created* in the block, *live* and
*die* in the block.
They are not visible outside the block.
b) local variables that are visible when the block is defined are
visible within the block
when it executes (the block captures the lexical environment
in which it is defined)
c) block arguments behave like local variables, *not* like method


a = 4
[5].each { |x| puts a,x }
puts a,x

a is visible when the block is defined (i.e. when each is called) so
it is visible
when the block executes

x is *not* visible when the block is defined but as part of the calling
sequence, when each passes 5 to the block, x = 5 is executed. This
the variable x within the block (since it didn't previously exist).
is the behavior described in c) above. Since x was created in the
block it
remains visible *only* in the block. When 'puts a,x' runs outside the
x is undefined.

Now consider:

a = 4
x = 5
[6].each { |x| puts a,x }
puts a,x

The situation with a is unchanged in this example but is different
for x.
Since x is visible when the block is defined, the assignment that is
when the block is called, x = 6, simply changes the value of the
existing variable x.
So, in this case, no new variable is created inside the block.
Outside the block,
x is still visible and reflects any changes made while the block
executed (because
the x in the block is the same as the x outside the block).

I think the thing that is most surprising about this behavior is that
block arguments
behave like local variables and don't 'shadow' an identically named
variable in the
enclosing scope.

Hope this helps. And if it doesn't then feel free to point out the
un-helpful parts.

Gary Wright

Tom Allison

1/22/2006 11:47:00 PM


gwtmp01@mac.com wrote:
> On Jan 20, 2006, at 2:53 PM, Tom Allison wrote:
>> This:
>> Variable Scope, pages 105 through 107
>> "any new locals created (in while, until, for) will be available
>> afterward"
>> I've never seen anything like this.
>> Anything that is declared (or implicitly declared in ruby) within a
>> block
>> (conditional or loop) is always out-of-scope when you leave that block.

> Hope this helps. And if it doesn't then feel free to point out the
> un-helpful parts.

I went over this and the sections in the Pragmatic book and have finally
figured it out. And there are situations where it is convenient to have
this non-traditional method of handling scope in loops.

I think it would be helpful if there was a specific example to help
explain via code what this means and why it's "cool". I'm now half way
to the "cool" camp on this one.

And yes, I misunderstood that '-w' didn't also address a strict pragma.
But I'm still thinking I can get myself into trouble. I haven't yet,
but I'm rather paranoid. Hence my attraction to ruby because of it's
security over Python.