Timothy Goddard
1/19/2006 10:18:00 AM
I couldn't wait to do this but won't share yet in case it gets used. It
took me 2 hours, 35 minutes to complete. It accepts a dictionary file
on the command line, accepts phone numbers through the standard input
to allow interactive use and works for the tests described in the
specification and a few of my own.
My only concern is that when attempting to use it with '--dict
/usr/share/dict/words' it went beserk and ate through about half a gig
of real RAM and half a gig of swap before I could kill it! I didn't
realise all the letters of the alphabet and the entire table of
elements were in there!
I've only been using ruby for about 1 1/2 months and have been
programming for work purposes for the same length of time. I expect to
be very thoroughly beaten both in terms of programming effort and