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Generating combinations from multiple sets

Srinivas Jonnalagadda

1/16/2006 5:12:00 AM

Dear all,

I have a requirement as below.

There are 'n' containers of lengths {l_i}, i = 1,..,n. All these
containers are collected into an array. Picking one element at a time
from each container, an array has to be constructed and either yielded
or accumulated.

I have written the following code that seems to work reasonably. Are
there simpler or more efficient ways of doing this?

Thanks in advance,


* * * *

def generate_combinations(cont_ary, &blk)

cont_count = cont_ary.length

return if cont_count < 1

if cont_count == 1
if block_given?
cont_ary[0].each { | el | yield [el] }
return cont_ary[0].collect { | el | [el] }

cur_indices = Array.new(cont_count, 0)
combinations = []

generate_combinations_iterator(cont_ary, 0, cur_indices,
:working_set => Array.new(cont_count),
:accumulator => combinations,

return combinations unless block_given?



def generate_combinations_iterator(cont_ary, cur_cont, cur_indices, opts
= {}, &blk)

cont_ary[cur_cont].each_with_index do | el, i |

opts[:working_set][cur_cont] = el

case cur_cont
when 0
cur_indices[cur_cont] = i
(1...cur_indices.length).each { | j | cur_indices[j] = 0 }
generate_combinations_iterator(cont_ary, cur_cont + 1,
cur_indices, opts, &blk)

when cont_ary.length-1
if block_given?
yield opts[:working_set]
opts[:accumulator] << Array.new(opts[:working_set])

cur_indices[cur_cont] = i
generate_combinations_iterator(cont_ary, cur_cont + 1,
cur_indices, opts, &blk)





irb(main):011:0> load 'combination-generator.rb'
=> true

irb(main):012:0> ary1 = []
=> []

irb(main):013:0> generate_combinations(ary1)
=> nil

irb(main):014:0> ary2 = [[1, 2, 3, 4]]
=> [[1, 2, 3, 4]]

irb(main):015:0> pp generate_combinations(ary2)
[[1], [2], [3], [4]]
=> nil

irb(main):016:0> ary3 = [[1, 2, 3, 4], ['a', 'b', 'c']]
=> [[1, 2, 3, 4], ["a", "b", "c"]]

irb(main):017:0> pp generate_combinations(ary3)
[[1, "a"],
[1, "b"],
[1, "c"],
[2, "a"],
[2, "b"],
[2, "c"],
[3, "a"],
[3, "b"],
[3, "c"],
[4, "a"],
[4, "b"],
[4, "c"]]
=> nil

4 Answers

Robert Klemme

1/16/2006 9:33:00 AM


Srinivas Jonnalagadda wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a requirement as below.
> There are 'n' containers of lengths {l_i}, i = 1,..,n. All these
> containers are collected into an array. Picking one element at a time
> from each container, an array has to be constructed and either yielded
> or accumulated.
> I have written the following code that seems to work reasonably. Are
> there simpler or more efficient ways of doing this?

I have a shorter alternative; it may be more efficient but you'll have to
test that for yourself:

def all_combinations(enum,&bl)
pre = ""
post = ""
middle = []
enum.each_with_index do |en,idx|
item = "e#{idx}"
pre << "enum[" << idx.to_s << "].each {|" << item << "| "
middle << item
post << "}"
eval(pre << "bl[" << middle.join(",") << "]" << post)

irb(main):053:0> all_combinations([[1,2,3],%w{a b c d}]) {|*a| p a}
[1, "a"]
[1, "b"]
[1, "c"]
[1, "d"]
[2, "a"]
[2, "b"]
[2, "c"]
[2, "d"]
[3, "a"]
[3, "b"]
[3, "c"]
[3, "d"]
=> [1, 2, 3]

You can even change this to work with arbitrary Enumerables - this version
depens on "enum" being an Array.

Kind regards


Robert Klemme

1/16/2006 9:35:00 AM


In case the gateway is broken again:

I have a shorter alternative; it may be more efficient but you'll have to
test that for yourself:

def all_combinations(enum,&bl)
pre = ""
post = ""
middle = []
enum.each_with_index do |en,idx|
item = "e#{idx}"
pre << "enum[" << idx.to_s << "].each {|" << item << "| "
middle << item
post << "}"
eval(pre << "bl[" << middle.join(",") << "]" << post)

irb(main):053:0> all_combinations([[1,2,3],%w{a b c d}]) {|*a| p a}
[1, "a"]
[1, "b"]
[1, "c"]
[1, "d"]
[2, "a"]
[2, "b"]
[2, "c"]
[2, "d"]
[3, "a"]
[3, "b"]
[3, "c"]
[3, "d"]
=> [1, 2, 3]

You can even change this to work with arbitrary Enumerables - this version
depens on "enum" being an Array.

Kind regards


Srinivas Jonnalagadda

1/16/2006 12:19:00 PM


Thank you!

Preliminary testing seems to show that it indeed is faster. I think it
is understandable since it is doing inline expansion, rather than

Nice use of code generation.

Best regards,


Robert Klemme wrote:
> In case the gateway is broken again:
> I have a shorter alternative; it may be more efficient but you'll have to
> test that for yourself:
> def all_combinations(enum,&bl)
> pre = ""
> post = ""
> middle = []
> enum.each_with_index do |en,idx|
> item = "e#{idx}"
> pre << "enum[" << idx.to_s << "].each {|" << item << "| "
> middle << item
> post << "}"
> end
> eval(pre << "bl[" << middle.join(",") << "]" << post)
> end
> irb(main):053:0> all_combinations([[1,2,3],%w{a b c d}]) {|*a| p a}
> [1, "a"]
> [1, "b"]
> [1, "c"]
> [1, "d"]
> [2, "a"]
> [2, "b"]
> [2, "c"]
> [2, "d"]
> [3, "a"]
> [3, "b"]
> [3, "c"]
> [3, "d"]
> => [1, 2, 3]
> You can even change this to work with arbitrary Enumerables - this version
> depens on "enum" being an Array.
> Kind regards
> robert

Jim Alder

8/12/2008 5:37:00 PM


"Sal Video" <svideo@access.com> wrote in news:Eqjok.19007$89.5413

> "Jim Alder" <jimalder@ssnet.com> wrote in message
> news:Xns9AF87EA3F72BCjimaldersssnetcom@
>> Tiger Luck <Tiger_Luck@nature_preserve.afr> wrote in news:eCiok.35605
>> $ZE5.20536@nlpi061.nbdc.sbc.com:
>>> While he was on one of his many vacation, ignoring the Presidential
>>> Daily Briefing that warned that Osama was determined to attack America
>>> using commercial aircraft.
>> Really? Are you sure? This is the first I heard about it.
> You need to turn off Rush Limboob and read a paper.

Paper? I could read about poor Tiger Lily's "news flash" in the
Encyclopedia Britannica. Only without the lies.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm
to pass... it's about learning to dance
in the rain."