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Rails and Ruby in Germany -> Rails is Ruby killer application

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

1/15/2006 6:01:00 PM


For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
situation persisted for at least two years.

The change took place when Rails entered the scene and "Agile Web
Development with Rails" was published. Suddenly Ruby books that in
principle were already available for quite some time) popped up like

By definition of the term "killer application" this means that Rails
is a Ruby killer application: An application that nicely demonstrates
some of the many advantages of Ruby and at the same time strongly
increases the number of people who know what it is good for.

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

8 Answers

David Vallner

1/15/2006 6:12:00 PM


On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:01:11 +0100, Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT <jupp@gmx.de>

> Hi!
> For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
> book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
> cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
> situation persisted for at least two years.
> The change took place when Rails entered the scene and "Agile Web
> Development with Rails" was published. Suddenly Ruby books that in
> principle were already available for quite some time) popped up like
> mushrooms.
> By definition of the term "killer application" this means that Rails
> is a Ruby killer application: An application that nicely demonstrates
> some of the many advantages of Ruby and at the same time strongly
> increases the number of people who know what it is good for.
> Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

Well yay, I hope the trend spreads on. Me wanna translated printed Pickaxe
2 ;P

David Vallner

Martin Kaletsch

1/16/2006 9:23:00 AM


Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT wrote:

> For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
> book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
> cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
> situation persisted for at least two years.
> The change took place when Rails entered the scene and "Agile Web
> Development with Rails" was published. Suddenly Ruby books that in
> principle were already available for quite some time) popped up like
> mushrooms.

Wasn't there a ruby book written originaly in German some time before rails?
I read it in a bookstore (in Marburg, small city but ahead of the times in
some points ;-) and that got me hooked on the language. Didn't buy it then,
cause I didn't realy have the time for learning another language even
though the book had cute manga-girls! (I'm hopeless, I know...)

> By definition of the term "killer application" this means that Rails
> is a Ruby killer application: An application that nicely demonstrates
> some of the many advantages of Ruby and at the same time strongly
> increases the number of people who know what it is good for.

Having done nothing more than playing around with rails I am a bit weary of
ruby being recognized as "a part of rails" by many people. We of course
know it's good for much more than just web development!

Martin Kaletsch

Paulus Esterhazy

1/17/2006 3:57:00 PM


Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

1/20/2006 10:03:00 PM




At Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:57:01 +0900, Paulus Esterhazy wrote:
> > For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
> > book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
> > cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
> > situation persisted for at least two years.
> >
> By the way, are there any local ruby (or rails) communities/user
> groups in Germany? Muenchen, Koeln, Berlin?

*Deutsch siehe unten*

If you receive this message via Ruby-de-talk please note that the
thread's origin is Ruby-talk!

I repeatedly suggested a Cologne/Bonn area Ruby User Group but up to
now there simply weren't enough people interested in such a group.

Although fonding a "Verein" is *very* German, I do *not* intend to set
up a so called "Verein" because that involves an organizational
overhead that is incompatible to The Ruby Way (TM). Bonn's Linux User
Group shows that one does not need a Verein to organize regular
meetings. If a Verein infrastructure should ever happen to be required
(say in order to find sponsors who support a European Ruby Convention
taking place at Cologne) I am confident that Cologne's "Computer Club
Pascal" would provide it. They already provide one of Cologne's Linux
User Groups (the "Linux-Workshop") with such an infrastructure.

In short: Who is interested in building a Cologne/Bonn area Ruby User

*English see above*

Sofern Sie diese Nachricht via Ruby-de-talk erhalten, beachten Sie
bitte, dass der Ursprung dieses Threads Ruby-talk ist.

Ich habe wiederholt vorgeschlagen, eine Ruby-Benutzergruppe fuer den
Bereich Koeln/Bonn aufzubauen aber bislang gab es einfach nicht genug
Leute, die sich fuer eine solche Gruppe interessieren.

Obwohl das Gruenden von "Vereinen" sehr deutsch ist, habe ich *nicht*
die Absicht, einen so genannten "Verein" einzureichten, weil der damit
verbundene organisatorische Overhead zu "The Ruby Way (TM)"
inkompatibel ist. Die bonner Linux-Benutzergruppe zeigt, dass man
keinen Verein benoetigt, um regelmaessige Treffen zu organisieren.
Sollte tatsaechlich einmal eine Vereins-Infratruktur benoetigt werden
(sagen wir, um Sponsoren zu finden, die eine in Koeln stattfindende
European Ruby Convention unterstuetzen, bin ich mir ziemlich sicher,
dass der Koelner "Computer Club Pascal" diese Bereitstellen wuerde.
Sie stellen bereits einer der Koelner Linux-Benutzergruppen (dem
"Linux-Workshop") eine solche zur Verfuegung.

Kurz: Wer hat Interesse daran, eine Ruby User Group fuer den Bereich
Koeln/Bonn aufzubauen?

Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
Wer Nutzen aus Folterungen zieht oder dies befuerwortet, darf als
ausgewiesener Feind der freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung kein
politisches Amt bekleiden. Ein etwaiger Beamtenstatus ist aus dem
gleichen Grunde umgehend zu entziehen.

Stephan Kämper

1/24/2006 11:14:00 PM


Paulus Esterhazy wrote:
>> For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
>> book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
>> cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
>> situation persisted for at least two years.
> By the way, are there any local ruby (or rails) communities/user groups
> in Germany? München, Köln, Berlin?

There's Hamburg.rb, well in Hamburg, although that (sadly) went a bit
silent (after I moved to Munich).

But there is the idea of forming a Ruby/Rails group im Munich.

Happy rubying



2/2/2006 9:07:00 AM


I might be intrested. But right now I have big time constraints. I work
in Bavaria and live in Bonn. So only fridays would work for me.


2/2/2006 10:19:00 AM


I am interested. I live and work in Bonn.

If ever there will be meetings, please announce them in the newsgroup.
I dont want to publish my email adress.

regards - Klaus

On Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:03:22 +0900, Josef 'Jupp' SCHUGT <jupp@gmx.de>

>At Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:57:01 +0900, Paulus Esterhazy wrote:
>> > For a quite some time Ruby's lead an orphan's life. Even university
>> > book stores in Bonn (former capital) and Cologne (one of the biggest
>> > cities in Germany) had few if any books on Ruby in stock. This
>> > situation persisted for at least two years.
>> >
>> By the way, are there any local ruby (or rails) communities/user
>> groups in Germany? Muenchen, Koeln, Berlin?
>*Deutsch siehe unten*
>If you receive this message via Ruby-de-talk please note that the
>thread's origin is Ruby-talk!
>I repeatedly suggested a Cologne/Bonn area Ruby User Group but up to
>now there simply weren't enough people interested in such a group.
>Although fonding a "Verein" is *very* German, I do *not* intend to set
>up a so called "Verein" because that involves an organizational
>overhead that is incompatible to The Ruby Way (TM). Bonn's Linux User
>Group shows that one does not need a Verein to organize regular
>meetings. If a Verein infrastructure should ever happen to be required
>(say in order to find sponsors who support a European Ruby Convention
>taking place at Cologne) I am confident that Cologne's "Computer Club
>Pascal" would provide it. They already provide one of Cologne's Linux
>User Groups (the "Linux-Workshop") with such an infrastructure.
>In short: Who is interested in building a Cologne/Bonn area Ruby User
>*English see above*
>Sofern Sie diese Nachricht via Ruby-de-talk erhalten, beachten Sie
>bitte, dass der Ursprung dieses Threads Ruby-talk ist.
>Ich habe wiederholt vorgeschlagen, eine Ruby-Benutzergruppe fuer den
>Bereich Koeln/Bonn aufzubauen aber bislang gab es einfach nicht genug
>Leute, die sich fuer eine solche Gruppe interessieren.
>Obwohl das Gruenden von "Vereinen" sehr deutsch ist, habe ich *nicht*
>die Absicht, einen so genannten "Verein" einzureichten, weil der damit
>verbundene organisatorische Overhead zu "The Ruby Way (TM)"
>inkompatibel ist. Die bonner Linux-Benutzergruppe zeigt, dass man
>keinen Verein benoetigt, um regelmaessige Treffen zu organisieren.
>Sollte tatsaechlich einmal eine Vereins-Infratruktur benoetigt werden
>(sagen wir, um Sponsoren zu finden, die eine in Koeln stattfindende
>European Ruby Convention unterstuetzen, bin ich mir ziemlich sicher,
>dass der Koelner "Computer Club Pascal" diese Bereitstellen wuerde.
>Sie stellen bereits einer der Koelner Linux-Benutzergruppen (dem
>"Linux-Workshop") eine solche zur Verfuegung.
>Kurz: Wer hat Interesse daran, eine Ruby User Group fuer den Bereich
>Koeln/Bonn aufzubauen?
>Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
>Josef 'Jupp' Schugt

Mani Deli

7/11/2007 3:46:00 AM


There should be a Betty Ford clinic for curing Republican hypocrites
caught fucking the wrong person. It would teach a mantra of standard
excuses which should impress the average American bimbo.

"When Fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag
carrying a cross." Sinclair Lewis