1/7/2006 4:20:00 AM
Ok, so this might be a stupid question, but I just got the latest ruby
from the cvs repo and I can't find 'configure' in there ? So how am I
suppose to compile ? I am puzzled...
Note that I got the src from cvs using:
$ cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.ruby-lang.org:/src login
$ cvs -z4 -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.ruby-lang.org:/src co ruby
(I am following the instruction given on the ruby home page, when you
click on 'cvs repositories')
Now, how exactly am I suppose to compile now (usually a simple
'./configure; make; make install' works fine...), but 'configure'
doesn't seem to be in the cvs rep. Am I missing something ?
thanks for your help.
ps: now why would I ever want to compile from the cvs repo directly ?
well, I just got 1.8.4 and 80 tests are failing (I am on os x 10.4.3),
so maybe the cvs repo has some patches...