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state pattern?

Michael 'entropie' Trommer

1/7/2006 1:00:00 AM


I found this State-pattern example on [1], and was interested to
find a way to make this more useable for standard classes (not just
servers as in the example)

I'am not so skilled in OO coding and ruby, so iam interested what you all think.
(and is it another implementation of the state pattern or iam on the
wrong path?)

[1] http://www.rubygarden.org/ruby?St...

So long
Michael 'entropie' Trommer; http:/...

ruby -e "0.upto((a='njduspAhnbjm/dpn').size-1){|x| a[x]-=1}; p 'mailto:'+a"
4 Answers

Robert Klemme

1/7/2006 2:02:00 PM


Michael 'entropie' Trommer <mictro@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I found this State-pattern example on [1], and was interested to
> find a way to make this more useable for standard classes (not just
> servers as in the example)
> I'am not so skilled in OO coding and ruby, so iam interested what you
> all think. (and is it another implementation of the state pattern or
> iam on the
> wrong path?)

Hm, I think you probably did not get there completely. For example the
toggle state metchod is typically implemented in the each state class (every
state knows the state that follows him under certain conditions, like a
finite state automata distributed across several classes). Also inheriting
TrueClass and FalseClass is generally not a good idea (instances of
FalseClass's subclass won't be treated as false).

Have a look at this

class StateTest
BaseState = Struct.new :owner
class StateError < Exception; end

class StateOn < BaseState
attr_accessor :target
def connect(target) raise StateError, "already connected" end
def disconnect()
return StateOff.new(owner), true
def description() [self, "We're connected to #{target}"] end

class StateOff < BaseState
def connect(target)
st = StateOn.new(owner)
return st, true

def disconnect() raise StateError, "already disconnected" end
def description() [self, "We're disconnected"] end

def initialize
@state = StateOff.new(self)

def method_missing(m,*a,&b)
@state, result = @state.send(m,*a,&b)

irb(main):036:0> t = StateTest.new
=> #<StateTest:0x101a6cc0 @state=#<struct StateTest::StateOff
owner=#<StateTest:0x101a6cc0 ...>>>
irb(main):037:0> t.description
=> "We're disconnected"
irb(main):038:0> t.connect "foo"
=> true
irb(main):039:0> t.description
=> "We're connected to foo"
irb(main):040:0> t.disconnect
=> true
irb(main):041:0> t.description
=> "We're disconnected"
irb(main):042:0> t.disconnect
(irb):21:in `disconnect': already disconnected (StateTest::StateError)
from (irb):32:in `method_missing'
from (irb):42:in `irb_binding'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/irb/workspace.rb:52:in `irb_binding'
from :0

Of course you could choose different ways to update the owner's state so you
don't have to use two return values for all methods. For example

class StateTest
BaseState = Struct.new :owner
class BaseState
def next_state(new_state)
owner.instance_eval { @state = new_state }

class StateOff < BaseState
def connect(target)
owner.instance_eval { @connection = target }
next_state StateOn.new(owner)

Other optimizations are also possible, for example caching state instance if
there are a lot state changes and they should be fast.

Kind regards


Michael 'entropie' Trommer

1/9/2006 6:36:00 PM


Hello Robert,

* Robert Klemme (bob.news@gmx.net) wrote:
> Michael 'entropie' Trommer <mictro@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I found this State-pattern example on [1], and was interested to
> >find a way to make this more useable for standard classes (not just
> >servers as in the example)
> >
> >I'am not so skilled in OO coding and ruby, so iam interested what you
> >all think. (and is it another implementation of the state pattern or
> >iam on the
> >wrong path?)
> Hm, I think you probably did not get there completely. For example the
> toggle state metchod is typically implemented in the each state class
> (every state knows the state that follows him under certain conditions,
> like a finite state automata distributed across several classes). Also
> inheriting TrueClass and FalseClass is generally not a good idea (instances
> of FalseClass's subclass won't be treated as false).


> [...]
> Other optimizations are also possible, for example caching state
> instance
> if there are a lot state changes and they should be fast.

Thanks much! I will take a deeper look.
This was very helpful.

So long
Michael 'entropie' Trommer; http:/...

ruby -e "0.upto((a='njduspAhnbjm/dpn').size-1){|x| a[x]-=1}; p 'mailto:'+a"

Charles Rapp

1/13/2006 5:43:00 PM


SMC - the State Machine Compiler now generates Ruby code using the GoF
State Pattern for you. An SMC state machine can be easily associated
with your application class - with no change to your class. For more
information see http://smc.sourc....

Be sure to check out the on-line Programmer's Manual. SMC is simply to
use with a low learning curve.

Charles Rapp

Daniel Cadenas

6/8/2009 7:24:00 AM


Michael 'entropie' Trommer wrote:
> Hello,
> I found this State-pattern example on [1], and was interested to
> find a way to make this more useable for standard classes (not just
> servers as in the example)
> I'am not so skilled in OO coding and ruby, so iam interested what you
> all think.
> (and is it another implementation of the state pattern or iam on the
> wrong path?)

I just created this gem that you may find useful
Posted via http://www.ruby-....