Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
1/11/2006 5:50:00 PM
At Sat, 7 Jan 2006 04:33:42 +0900, Christian Neukirchen wrote:
> Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes.
This corresponds to "Do not trust Perl mongers - even if they say your
programming language is superior to Perl." while the right description
were "Do not trust Perl mongers - ESPECIALLY if they say your
programming language is superior to Perl."
Besides that: We have enough holy wars these days. Christians/Muslims,
Jews/Muslims, Debian/<insert commercial distribution here>,
Sustainable Development/Maximization of Profit, Freedom/Security, ...
Where my concept of "holy war" is that all sides involved think they
have the one and only answer to a question.
Josef 'Jupp' Schugt
Wer Nutzen aus Folterungen zieht oder dies befuerwortet, darf als
ausgewiesener Feind der freiheitlich-demokratischen Grundordnung kein
politisches Amt bekleiden. Ein etwaiger Beamtenstatus ist aus dem
gleichen Grunde umgehend zu entziehen.