Gregory Brown
1/5/2006 5:22:00 PM
On 1/5/06, Dick Davies <> wrote:
> On 05/01/06, Gregory Brown <> wrote:
> > I use plain old vim and gvim and have both irb and the ruby
> > interpreter bound to keyboard shortcuts.
> >
> > This way, I can write out whole programs and run them, or just pop
> > open an irb session right inside my editor. :)
> >
> > Combine this with 'ri what's under my cursor' and you've got a rockin'
> > development environment
> Nice, have you got any config snippets you wouldn't mind sharing?
I'll paste in my .vimrc and my .irbrc file (the latter was lovingly
lifted from JEG2)
" An example for a vimrc file.
set nobackup
set nocompatible
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
set showcmd " display incomplete commands
set incsearch " do incremental searching
map Q gq
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
set expandtab
set tw=80
set nohlsearch
map <silent> <C-N> :se invhlsearch<CR>
filetype on
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on
syntax on
if !exists( "*EndToken" )
function EndToken()
let current_line = getline( '.' )
let braces_at_end = '{\s*\(|\(,\|\s\|\w\)*|\s*\)\?$'
if match( current_line, braces_at_end ) >= 0
return '}'
return 'end'
noremap <F5> :set invpaste paste?<Enter>
imap <F5> <C-O><F5>
set pastetoggle=<F5>
map <C-R> :!ruby %<CR>
map <C-A> :!rake<CR>
map <C-I> :!ri <cword><CR>
imap <C-L> <ESC>:execute 'normal o' . EndToken()<CR>O
imap <C-B> def test_<C-L><BS><BS><BS><BS><BS><BS>
"{{{ Ruby block delimiter conversion: do end <=> { }
"Copyright (c) 2005 Mauricio Fernandez
"Subject to same licensing terms as Ruby.
" requires matchit and friends
" since it uses the % and = bindings
function! s:String_Strip(str)
let s = substitute(a:str, '\v^\s*', '', '')
return substitute(s, '\v\s*$', '', '')
function! s:RubyBlockBraceToDoEnd(lineno)
" { } => do end
let oldz = getreg("z")
call setreg("z", "")
execute 'normal ^f{%l"zd$'
let suffix = s:String_Strip(getreg("z"))
call setreg("z", oldz)
let orig = getline(".")
let repl = substitute(orig, '\v\s*\{\s*(\|[^|]*\|)?.*', ' do \1', '')
call setline(".", repl)
let nextline = substitute(orig, '\v[^{]*\v\s*\{\s*(\|[^|]*\|)?', '', '')
let nextline = substitute(nextline, '\}[^}]*$', '', '')
let numlines = 0
" uncomment one of the following:
" (1) just insert the body without splitting the lines on ;
"call append(a:lineno, nextline)
"call append(a:lineno+1, 'end' . suffix)
" (2) try to split on ; ...
call append(a:lineno, 'end' . suffix)
" this is what we would want to do:
"let nextline = substitute(nextline, ';', "\n", 'g')
while stridx(nextline, ";") != -1
let eom = stridx(nextline, ";")
let line = s:String_Strip(strpart(nextline, 0, eom))
call append(a:lineno + numlines, line)
let numlines = numlines + 1
let nextline = strpart(nextline, eom+1, strlen(nextline) - eom - 1)
let nextline = s:String_Strip(nextline)
if strlen(nextline) > 0
call append(a:lineno + numlines, nextline)
let numlines = numlines + 1
" this is what it all began with...
"execute 'normal :s/\v\s*\{\s*(\|.*\|)?/ do \1\r/
"execute 'normal g_cw
execute 'normal V' . (1 + numlines) . 'j='
"echo "{ } => do end"
function! s:RubyBlockDoEndToBrace(_firstline, _lastline)
" do end => { }
let linenum = a:_firstline + 1
let orig = getline(".")
while linenum < a:_lastline - 1
let addline = getline(linenum)
if '\v^\s*$' !~ addline
let addline = substitute(addline, '\v^\s*', '', '')
let addline = substitute(addline, '\s*$', '; ', '')
let orig = orig . addline
let linenum = linenum + 1
let l = substitute(getline(a:_lastline-1), '\v^\s*', '', '')
let l = substitute(l, '\s*$', '', '')
let orig = orig . l
let l = substitute(getline(a:_lastline), '\v^\s*end(\.|\s|$)@=', ' }', '')
let l = substitute(l, '\s*$', '', '')
let orig = orig . l
"echo orig
let repl = substitute(orig, '\v\s*do\s*(\|[^|]*\|)?', '{\1 ', '')
"execute 'normal d' . (a:_lastline - a:_firstline) . 'j'
execute ':' . a:_firstline . ',' . a:_lastline . 'd'
call append(a:_firstline - 1, repl)
execute ':' . a:_firstline
"echo "do end => { }"
map <SID>xx <SID>xx
let s:sid = maparg("<SID>xx")
unmap <SID>xx
let s:sid = substitute(s:sid, 'xx', '', '')
function! <SID>RubyBlockSwitchDelimiters() range
set nofoldenable
if a:firstline == a:lastline
let braceidx = match(getline("."), '{')
let doidx = match(getline("."), '\<do\>')
if braceidx != -1 && (doidx == -1 || braceidx < doidx)
call s:RubyBlockBraceToDoEnd(a:firstline)
elseif doidx != -1
execute 'normal /\<do\>' . "\n" . 'V%:call ' .
\ s:sid . 'RubyBlockSwitchDelimiters()' . "\n"
echo "No block found"
call s:RubyBlockDoEndToBrace(a:firstline, a:lastline)
"execute 'normal V2k='
"execute 'normal v5j'
command! -range B <line1>,<line2>call <SID>RubyBlockSwitchDelimiters()
vmap <Leader>B :call <SID>RubyBlockSwitchDelimiters()<cr>
and .irbrc
require 'irb/completion'
ARGV.concat [ "--readline" ]
if $0 == "irb"
IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:XMP][:RETURN] = "\# => %s\n"
IRB.conf[:EVAL_HISTORY] = 1000
IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 100
HISTFILE = "~/.irb.hist"
if defined? Readline::HISTORY
histfile = File::expand_path( HISTFILE )
if File::exists?( histfile )
lines = IO::readlines( histfile ).collect {|line| line.chomp}
puts "Read %d saved history commands from %s." %
[ lines.nitems, histfile ] if $DEBUG || $VERBOSE
Readline::HISTORY.push( *lines )
puts "History file '%s' was empty or non-existant." %
histfile if $DEBUG || $VERBOSE
Kernel::at_exit {
lines = Readline::HISTORY.to_a.reverse.uniq.reverse
lines = lines[ -MAXHISTSIZE, MAXHISTSIZE ] if
lines.nitems > MAXHISTSIZE
$stderr.puts "Saving %d history lines to %s." %
[ lines.length, histfile ] if $VERBOSE || $DEBUG
File::open( histfile,
File::WRONLY|File::CREAT|File::TRUNC ) {|ofh|
lines.each {|line| ofh.puts line }
def ri(*names)
system(%{ri #{ {|name| name.to_s}.join(" ")}})