Asp Forum
installing mod_ruby
Bruce Van Horn
1/2/2006 8:16:00 PM
I'm trying to install mod_ruby per the instructions at
When I run make I get a bunch of errors. Here is a small sample but
there are at least a hundred more lines like this following:
/usr/local/apache2/include/apr_strings.h:297: error: syntax error
before â??apr_off_tâ??
/usr/local/apache2/include/apr_strings.h:313: error: syntax error
before â??*â?? token
/usr/local/apache2/include/apr_strings.h:349: error: syntax error before â??sizeâ??
mod_ruby.c:151: warning: missing braces around initializer
mod_ruby.c:151: warning: (near initialization for â??ruby_cmds[0].funcâ??)
mod_ruby.c:151: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
mod_ruby.c:153: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
I'm installing to suse 10 on an intel system (32 bit - nothing fancy).
I've had similar problems with fastcgi. What am I doing wrong?
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installing mod_ruby
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